02/29/2012 12:01 PM 


Full Name: Charles Irving Bartowski

Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Chuck, Bud, Aces, Charles Carmichael, 'The Intersect'

Title(s): Agent

Preferred name: Chuck

Age/Date of Birth: 26/September 29th, 1985 

Sex: Male 

Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Heterosexual 

Race/Ethnicity: Human

Skin Tone: Light brown

Height: 6'2" 

Weight: 140 

Build: Nerdy Athletic 

Eyes: Caramel brown 

Hair: Brown, usually ear length. In the beginning of the series it was curly, but later became more of a buzz cut type.

Clothes Style: Particularly he is seen in his uniform; a white shirt, gray tie, pocket protector, and dark black slacks, with black Chuck Taylors. Later in the series he wore more business suits, often preferring blue or dark gray. 

Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.: n/a 

Religion: Seemlingly pacifist. 

Political Affiliation: n/a 

Education: He had gone to Stanford, but was expelled for cheating twelve credits shy of graduation. 

Languages spoken: With the intersect; any language. Without; English. 

Weapons (if any): He usually prefers to use 5mm or 10mm tranquilizer guns as opposed to a real gun, since he doesn't like killing. Occasionally, he'll use whatever is available - as demonstrated in one episode when he used shattered CD's as shurikans. He is often seen wearing a ballistics vest, and will occasionally carry a gun but not use it.

Occupation(s): Chuck is the head Nerd Herder at the Burbank Buy More, his chief duty to repair and fix any technical problems that arise, and be on call to go to other buildings if needed. He has experience with Apple, Mac, Windows, and nearly any other device that comes into his path. He's mostly known for IT and software repair. His secondary job as a spy is to use the Intersect to detect assets.

Past Occupation(s): N/A 

Special Abilities/Skills: He can fix nearly any technical issue without the help of the intersect. He is fluent in the Star Wars universe as well as languages. With the intersect, he can do anything within his physical limitations, including stopping knives with his bare hands. 

Activities/Organizations: He used to be part of the Debate club in college. He also took Kendo in eighth grade, presumably from being picked on. He also is part of the CIA and NSA. 

Hobbies: Gaming, listening to music, fixing things, beating up Morgan. 

Interests: n/a

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: In season 3 it is revealed that the Intersect is slowly deteriorating his mind and slowly taking over. It started off with nightmares that were incredibly vivid, leading into paranoia, followed by random uncontrollable flashes that didn't stop. He controls this now with what is known as a "governor", a neural device created by his father to stop the flashes.

Citizenship: America 

Place of Birth: Burbank, California, USA. 

Now lives: Echo Park, Los Angeles, California, USA 

Lives with: Originally Ellie and Awesome, but later moved in with Morgan. At the end of the series, he lives with Sarah, his handler. 

Current Relationship Status: His first relationship was with Jill, however she left him when she joined Fulcrum. He also briefly dated another girl in between, but nothing serious. His last relationship was with his handler, Sarah Walker, whom he married later. At the end of the series, however, she lost her memory and left.


-Stephen J. Bartowski; Father, Deceased
-Mary E. Bartowski; Mother, Missing
-Elanore F. Bartowski-Woodcomb; Sister
-Devon Woodcomb; Brother in Law
-Clara Woodcomb; Niece.

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