02/11/2012 01:21 PM 

Category: Blogging
Current mood:  adored

They say that change is imminent eventually, that only a select group of people can see within the depths of their souls and see where they need to be. We are those people the government should be afraid of for we are the voice of the people that can not speak for themselves. We are Vendetta.

Vendetta Inc. was formed in 2007 by Carlos Vendetta after the Superhuman Registration Act (SHRA) was passed by the US government. The stance of the organization was to be the voice of the people caught in the crossfire between the different factions that deemed mutants and meta humans "living beings of mass destruction." Carlos knew at the time that once these people were forced to register, that other citizens, whether they were gifted by powers or regular humans, would soon be persecuted by their own government. The signs were already apparent by the government forcing policies on the general populace.

The proverbial ball began to roll after the passing of the act and Vendetta was formed to play the intermediate between the government and the people. It went well for a while, with Vendetta operatives helping the Red Cross and other non for profit organizations to help the people caught in poverty and the damage caused by the Civil War that erupted between the government and heroes that opposed the SHRA. Eventually, Carlos saw the need for the people to have their own protectors. A lot of good was done in the world after his dream came to fruition, especially in provinces such as Genosha and within the US in mutant havens like District X.

Unfortunately, after many behind the scenes wars with likely villains such as Lex Luthor and Strife, Carlos felt the need to gain his own haven for those caught in the crosshairs of the war and New Texas was born. To the dismay of those gathered their however, Carlos realized that his method had been wrong and went on a hiatus to find himself. During this time, Vendetta fell apart as leadership parted ways, all but Clint Barton who remained almost to his death when the Vendetta compound was bombed by still unknown assailants. Many of the old incarnation still believe this was an act of war on humanity itself by the government, simply for the people of Vendetta trying to give the people a safe haven and peace.

Today, the old Vendetta Inc. is gone but the reasons they fought are still living within many of the old guard. It is obvious most in the man that stood side by side with Carlos Vendetta on many occasions, Clint Barton. The dream lives within him and the others that have rallied to stop the war in the world, a war that has turned from one on the battlefield to one waged behind the scenes. A war that is unnecessary as the Civil War was. Still, the voice of the people must be heard. The people must have a home to come to, whether they be mutant, metahuman, or human; to escape prosecution and tyranny by their government and those that would wish to cause them harm.

The dream lives within us. The people will be safe with us. We will be their voice. We are Vendetta.


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Dec 11th 2012 - 1:12 AM

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Come and object in person then love. I can see it now...an open forum outside the DX town hall to debate what really happened before everything went to hell.

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