01/23/2012 12: PM 

Rebuilding a Chance..

They say that change is imminent eventually, that only a select group of people can see within the depths of their souls and see where they need to be.

 He wiped the sweat from his brow as he tilted his customized Harley motorcycle to one side and stepped off of it, making sure that it stood firmly on its stand. The light winter breeze blew his hair slightly as he looked forward at the building. No, it wasn't the one he called home but for this moment in time, it would have to do. There were too many memories to just let it all fade away from existence. His pops would have wanted it that way, even if his hard headed ass would have never admitted to it.

 At least it's a start...

 The young man thought to himself as he walked the sidewalk away from the parking lot and towards the door. A man met him halfway in a scarlet and black uniform and extended a hand his way in greeting.

"How you doing Chance?"

Chance lifted his arm and took the man's hand in his firmly, shaking it for a brief moment before releasing it.

"I'm doing good Jeff. I see things are still moving along slowly but your holding the fort down."

 The man shook his head up and down slightly before responding, letting his hand rest on his side.

"Yes sir but we have to start somewhere. I'm just glad you called me to come help with this. "

 Chance smiled before a slight frown appeared on his face and he lifted his hand up to tap the man on his shoulder lightly.

 "It's the least I could do after what happened to your brother in New Texas Jeff. Your family has always been very dedicated to what my dad and Carlos stood for. I just hope we can bring it back to where it was one day. At least that way we'll know were trying, ya know?"

 Chance sighed a bit and pulled back his hand from the man's shoulder. Clearing his throat, he continued.

 "Everything starts with a dream though Jeff. Hell, you know that. You were here before and saw the good our parent's did. I just hope we can do the same."

 The man showed Chance another slight nod and stood to the side, opening the door for him to enter. In return, the young walked inside as the door whished closed behind him. Letting out a light sigh, Chance's eyes teared up as he looked around the half finished complex, remembering what had happened just a few months earlier.


Chance pulled back his hand and slapped Clint across the face repeatedly, then reached for the crossbow perched on his upper leg while dropping his father's chin and standing up, execution style. Chance yelled out again, lifting the crossbow and directing its sights at his father.


Clint eyes watered up when he heard the date. How could he not remember that date? It was the day that his first child would have been born had Bobbi not lost it. How did this man know that though....Unless he was telling the truth? Clint shook his head in disbelief and whispered softly through hurried breaths.

"It can't be..."

Chance forced his will, slowing time into almost a standstill as he moved. He could see the dart getting closer to him and then turned his head towards his father, pushing him out of the way with his hand. Chance spoke although his voiced seemed like it was in slow motion.

 "Fooooooooouuuuuuurrrrr ssseeccccoooooonnnnndddddssss....saaaavvveeeee meeeeee daaaaaaaaaaadddd......Pleeeeeeaaaasssseeeee........."

 Everything was in slow motion now and Clint seemed to be stuck in slow motion as well, yet his mind raced along at normal speed. He realized what was happening now; even as the dart hit Chance in his neck and the young man began his slow decent to the pavement. The device that Chance had placed on Clint's chest began to blink quickly, engulfing the archer in a bright white light. 4, 3, 2, 1...and Clint was gone. Lync screamed out, dropping the gun instinctively and reaching to catch Chance at the last possible instant in his arms, yet yelling out and still trying to reach Clint with his other outstretched hand.


 Chance stopped in his tracks, putting way the memories with a blink of his eyes. There were more important matters at hand.

 The only parts of the building finished were the first floor level. A whisper escaped his lips as he looked at a photo on the wall, more of a symbol of the struggle of a past he wasn't there for.

 "Four seconds...all you have to do is find what I left you...when you do dad, I'll have your dream waiting for you here...."

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