01/07/2012 01: PM 

Happy endings...sorta.

"I thought that pain was something completely familiar to me, like a counterpart to my soul. Lost in the levels of itself, comfortable in the well known and remembered swirls of it. I've lived with pain for so long that I never thought it could affect me again.

She told me to go. Find out where my head was and come back at least with my head high or my heart finally free. That was a tough one for me. I mean really, how could I give up someone that I had literally given my entire heart to? That in itself is a contradiction when it comes to someone like me. I'm a flirt, a but I'm a lost cause when it comes to love. Some women are always walking through life looking for that prince, I on the other hand have always looked for that one I could call my princess. Unlike some however, I found mine and lost her. Jessica knew that, no matter how much I sweet talked her and flashed her that Clint Barton smile. She hadn't been in SHIELD just for her amazing good looks. No, she was a hell of good read of people, especially men with psychological episodes. She was right though. If I was going to put anything together for the future, I had to at least attempt let go of some of my past. I owed that much myself to see where I stood with Bobbi...just one last time. 

Jessica told me that she would be there regardless, as a friend if things went well, or as much more if it went bad. How could a man refuse a woman that was that understanding? On the other hand, if I didn't go, she'd probably go all Spiderwoman and kick my ass. 

Which led Clint Barton to this moment. He sit on the edge of a hotel bed, night sand next to him and more booze than he needed. He was wrestling with himself. 

Call her. You need closure at least. Why make it worse? 

As always, in a man's head at least, there was the other voice that chimed in. 

Don't call her. There's no reason to set her off and make things worse. Give her time. 

Then again... Call her. 

And again.. 

Don't call her. 

Finally, he came to unconvincing conclusion and simply mumbled out. 


Clint had to go. He had promised Jessica he would. Still, a little drink wouldn't hurt first and he eyed the liquor bottle near him before finally grabbing a bottle water next to it. It wouldn't have helped matters to show up drunk that was where Clint really wanted to be right now. No, Niesa had always taught him that it was an easy out and he usually stumbled into more trouble that way that he helped solve. Still, it was a temptation he didn't need.  

Instead, he slowly reached over to the phone, pressing a few numbers on the key pad. It immediately went to voice mail after he lifted it to his ear. He attempted to leave a message but wasn't sure what to say. He just lowered the phone and stared at it, trying to put into words the frustration, anger, and betrayal that he'd felt for the past year. It was a mute cause of course and he knew it. Clint hung up the phone and grabbed his keys. Over the phone wasn't the best way to handle this anyways. No, face to face. 

It wasn't long before he was on the road, his hair blowing through the bitter cold night air as he made his way on his Harley Davidson motorcycle. His ear buds blared from him iPod in his head, playing a type of music he didn't listen to very much these days. Country. The song was Josh Gracin's "Let You Go." The lyrics echoed through his head. 

I said I'm over you and that we're through....so you should just move on..Cause I don't need and I don't want you and I don't love you anymore.' 

The words touched his heart and his eyes began to tear up. A rare sign of weakness for the archer. He fought the tears back though until the wind finally gave him the help he needed. Then the end of the song came and he broke down completely, slowing the motorcycle to a stop on the side of the road, his right hand lifting to cover his eyes. 

' Well I still love you and I'll always need you. I know I'll miss you now that you're gone and now I know I'm not the best you'll ever know...cause I loved you enough to let you go' 

He lowered his head, even as the song came to an end, speaking in light but cracked voice. 

"How do I tell a woman that showed me how to love again that I don't love her anymore....especially when it's a lie. I do love her. I just can't do this anymore. God damn it...how am I supposed to do this?"

Part 2 

When he arrived, Clint found her in the WCA lab. She looked up as he entered and he flashed her a half hearted smile, just as her face brightened and she stood up. His facial expression changed to more of a frown when he saw her smile. In return, Bobbi's did as well. Many years together had taught the other what such expressions meant, even when most would not have noticed. After an awkward moment of silence, Bobbi spoke. 

'Clint? What's wrong and don't tell me nothing.' 

"We need to talk Bobbi." 

The moment the words left his lips, he could already see her barriers going up. She responded in a way he expected. 'That's it then isn't it? ' Clint responded in a light but remorseful voice.


'And you being the morally correct person you are Clint had to come and tell me in person.' 

'You know you could have just sent me an email Clint but no..not you. You always were a gentleman." 

"I'm not feeling much like one..." 

Bobbi turned as she let her hand drift to her waist, yet her eyes told him how she was feeling. Bobbi cut him off again. 

"It's never easy Clint. How many times have we been down this road. How many fucking times?!?" 

Her voice broke up some and she turned around again. 

"You said it Clint...now go...just leave me alone." 

Clint shook his head no and walked over beside her, closing down the screen to the laptop with his hand. 

"No Bobbi...not this time. You're not going to do this to me again. I'm not always the one that screws up..not this time." 

Bobbi lifted her arms and crossed them across her chest but still would not turn to look at him. Clint took a deep breath and moved back from her laptop, then continued. 

"Stop pretending to be someone you're not Bobbi...the woman I..."

Bobbi snapped back quick, cutting Clint off again. 

'Is this where you tell me you love me Clint? That I am the only one for you and your soul mate? Your full of sh...' 

This time, Clint cut her off. 

"No. All I ever wanted was the woman I fell for..the one that came to me when I needed something to make me believe again. Damn it Bobbi! You proposed to me!" 

Clint stopped talking, his eyes tearing up again as he choked back his words. Bobbi in turn took the opportunity to talk again. 

'Clint...we both know I wanted a divorce before I was kidnapped and drug off to that God-forbidden hellhole of a Skrullworld. When you were there when I got back...' 

Her voice cracked this time as she spoke. 

'..and you were there to hold me....to tell me everything was going to be alright...I thought maybe...just maybe. Here was my Hawkeye..my knight in purple armor. I thought what the hell...maybe we were worth a second chance. I was wrong. You were wrong. We both changed and now it's time to move on...your right.' 

"It's ok Sport. I'm a big girl and I understand. I know you love me and I will always love you. We just don't work well together outside of a bedroom right now." 

Clint smirked this time, rubbing his thumbs against the top of her hands.

"Ditto Moxie....." 

Nothing else was said as their eyes met and their lips greeted each others in a soft kiss. Closure was what Clint wanted but what he found was something he lost that he valued the most in her, a woman that understood him the way he understood her. His best friend....closure. 

//Relationships come and go in life but the love for a true friend will always remain.//

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