12/27/2011 01: PM 

Flashback Part 1
Category: Blogging
Current mood:  adored

Clint had no idea who had sent him the free plane ticket to return home to Iowa. Lord knows, he had hardly any memories of it. He had only been eight when he left Waverly and ended up in a state orphanage, and what kind of good childhood memories can you get from an orphanage? After that, Barney and Clint had been all over the country when they ran away and joined the carney. Iowa became just another place where the rednecks hung out. Now that he was suddenly a father again, Clint felt an almost irresistible compulsion to go home. He also felt vaguely like a dumbass for even considering it.

A big part of human memory is triggered by smell. The smell of alcohol always reminded him of his father, the smell of lilacs reminded him of his mother, and the smell of smoke reminded him of how a drunk man should never get behind the wheel of a car and drive. Sawdust and cotton candy made him remember his carney days; pine trees brought back memories of the months he spent living in the wilderness after Bobbi's death, trying to shake off the grief the way he had shaken off his responsibilities. Only thing was, he still couldn't get away from the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

Something was stirring his head, and he thought that it was the weather. Clint grabbed his backpack in his hand and made his way to the door of the plane; then stepped down the stairs to the pavement. It was going to be cold as a motherfucker. There's varying degrees of cold. In New York, cold was to the bone with a foul smell, but he still missed it in the winter. In California, the temperature rarely dropped below 75 degrees but the natives still bitched. Then there is Iowa cold. Going from the warmness of the plane cabin to outside was like putting his face into a cooler that had been setting in ice for the last few hours.

Clint tucked his backpack along his shoulder and made his way to airport entrance. His Harley Davidson motorcycle sit just where the travel agent said it would be. Finally, he had a chance to get away from everything and sort his thoughts. It may have been Waverly, Iowa but it was home; and home was what he needed right now the most. The thought still swirled around in his head however with the curiosity of who his benefactor was. It had to be someone that knew him on a deeper level. Something to figure out later though. For now, he wasn't going to complain.

He walked over to the bike, lifting his leg over the seat and placed his hands on the handle grips. A quick turn of a key later and he heard the engines roar to life. Music to his ears if there ever was any. He smiled, speaking lightly while he kicked the stand up and pulled off.

"Now this is home...hell yeah..."

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