09/18/2013 11: PM 

Rules of an Archer
Category: Blogging
Current mood:  adored


About Me: I love to Role Play. Simple and plain. I role play on several sites but prefer the interaction on social sites. Overall, I guess I've been using Hawkeye for around nine years. I know the character in and out, his up and downs, loves and losts. I know what he can do in a fight and what he can't. Comic history? I have that too in abundance.

The World of Role-play According to Clint Barton:

COMMUNICATION: My biggest request is communication. Before we play a major idea out, we plot. I don't mind the random chats or role-plays but if it is something that will directly affect the role-play history of Hawkeye continuity here? We must discuss it. Just send me a message and we'll talk.

GODMODING: DO NOT put me into no choice situations. Shoot them, punch them, beat the hell out of them, insult them, but always give them a choice. If you break this rule, I will not play with you anymore. Ever. Clint Barton is Marvel Comics copyrighted character but when I write him here, I have the right to decide if he dies or lives. Not some dumbass "fight and kill" role-player with a woody on for violence. Comic writers do not kill off their characters without plotting together, I expect the same from the people I role-play with. With that said, I'm not above taking blows and love to spar.

GATECRASHING: I seriously dislike gatecrashers. What I mean by this is, don't just butt in on my RP, or if I'm RPing with someone without... COMMUNICATING first to make sure all parties involved are OK with it. If you GATECRASH... well see GODMODING... Ask before you assume anything.

IC/OOC: I'm fine with OOC chat to explain something, personally I use ()'s to talk OOC. Also, just because I may know you OOC, or speak to you OOC, it does not mean I know you IC. Chances are unless we have role played an encounter where we know each other, or meet for the first time, I will think you are just some strange weirdo.

SCHEDULES: I work a real life job and go to school. I love my RP as much as the next dude but I will not blow off other things IRL. If I am at work I will always be OOC and using the ()'s to talk to people when I can log from there unless it is bulletins. I may still put the () in there at times if I feel I am misunderstood by the people I am talking to. I will usually make some strange IC excuse of why or what I am doing.

DETAILS/STORY/FACTS: Get the story, who, what, when, why, how, background, and research done if you are going to make a large Earth-shattering plot. Don't go in half cocked and not have the facts to back it up. Create a setting for the RP. Take notes if you must to remember people, places, and names. It will just enhance and enrich the RP. Don't sweat the normal day to day RP.

COMMENTS: I do not role-play with any character that deletes their comments. My replies to a storyline are my creation and not something that I want deleted. I want the stories I have helped write to be read and enjoyed by others. No exceptions. Also, please do not send me random starters without messaging me first.

FUN: This is FUN, damn it! If I get annoyed frustrated or bothered, it's probably because I am not having fun anymore. That usually happens on one of the aforementioned guidelines for my character if he is not respected. I'm one of the the most easy going, nice, funny, joker, sarcastic, stupid, intense, detailed-oriented players in the world, I am told. I like to think that's true. If its not fun for all parties involved, it's not fun for anyone, and that's the whole point of this.

Cyber: Yes..I do but only with those I am comfortable with. I'm not that 3am booty call when your horny and your boyfriend isn't around. Besides, I don't see why role-players have 20 kids when all they had to do was use a condom IC. No baby daddy stuff for me at random.

Misc.: I have a deep respect for everyone around me and expect the same in return towards me. I will tolerate NO drama OOC, IC is fine. I act stupid sometimes. I try to be a comedian as Hawkeye would be. If I offend anyone, please let me know in messages and I'll go from there if I agree with you. Now..I'm just curious how many people will sign this without me asking.

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Nov 9th 2014 - 7:19 PM

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Haha! I'm a pretty likable guy once you get to like me. ^_~



Nov 9th 2014 - 7:14 PM

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I know I'm going to like you :>

❧ Vivacious Red ❧


Feb 24th 2014 - 7:19 PM

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-runs through his rules snatching his cookies, bow, and arrows-

Follow rules? Not me!! Catch me if you can, Archer! 

-smirks at him-

 photo smirk_zps21353f8b.gif

 photo http-__signaturesmylivesignaturecom_54492_86_91BF2BAFFF61CC7C519EC26AB4767CB6_zpsa1c1efbf.png

[As the writer behind Vivacious Red of course your rules will be respected, babe! ;)]

Director Erris (SWORD)


Dec 28th 2013 - 2:35 PM

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Director Erris (SWORD)


Oct 27th 2013 - 12:06 AM

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Night Shade pulls out her pen and signs the contract with a flourish. A contract is a promise, an oath, and she didn't break her promises.




Sep 2nd 2013 - 1:26 AM

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Well then, your very fine to me then. =)

🦋 Rυѕѕiαn Doll


Jan 29th 2012 - 6:30 PM

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I agree with everything your rules say.

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