
05/27/2011 04: PM 

Powers & Abilities

[These, of course, will only fully manifest once she grows old enough. Powers listing was created by her mother (Karen) and father (Hank) with the aid of the Marvel and DC Wiki Databases.]


Size Reduction: Destiny possesses the power to reduce herself all the way down to ant-size or smaller, by means of the subatomic particles known as the Pym Particles passed down to her from her father. The Particles interact with the electrical impulses of his brain, creating an organism-wide "reducing field." Thus activated, the field reduces her entire body at a uniform rate to the smaller size she desires. Strangely, because the excess mass is extended extra-dimensionally, she retains her full human-size strength no matter how small she is.

NOTE: Her father sometimes used the Pym Particles to shrink to sub-microscopic stature. When 99.99 + % of his mass was extra-dimensionally shunted, he was sent into a "subatomic universe" or "microverse," one of countless alternate universes accessible to Earth only by the mass-shunting process. It is believed she can do the same.

Size Addition: Destiny's DNA is infused with Pym Particles which interact with her brain to enable her to grow to gigantic height. The growth process requires the rapid acquisition of bodily mass, presumably from an extradimensional source. This extradimensional mass fortifies all of her cellular tissue, including her bones and muscles, enabling her to support her increased weight, and giving her additional superhuman strength. The strain can possibly cause health problems if pushed beyond safe limitations, and renders her subject to various limitations on her size and the duration of her transformations. She is currently capable of growing hundreds of feet tall exceeding the heights of even the tallest buildings in New York. 

Shrink Vision: Destiny possesses what he father calls "Shrink Vision", a unique combination of her parents' powers, which allows her to shrink people and objects by emitting a beam of Pym Particles from her eyes. This only works if the person or object is directly in the path of the beam, and can be enlarged or reduced to the size she desires. The person will stay shrink or grown for 5 minutes. However, doing this prevents her from shrinking or growing herself for at least 5 minutes also to replenish her body's stores of Pym Particles.

Microscopic Vision: She has inherited her mother's ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the atomic level.

Telescopic Vision: Destiny can perceive objects at great distances. The range of her telescopic vision is unknown, but she can see objects from several hundred miles away. This ability operates independently of normal vision and can be activated or deactivated by an act of will. 

Bio-Electric Blasts: Destiny is capable of firing powerful, bioelectric energy blasts from her hands much like her father, or making her entire body glow with it to stun, harm, or ward off opponents. The levels of bio-electric energy she can produce surpass her father's power. The more she uses it, the more energy is expended and the more time is required to replenish it. Unless she her powers have been supercharged by a burst of solar energy.

Flight: Her ability to absorb solar energy fuels her ability to fly at any height at or below her normal height. She can move herself and lift extremely large objects into the air. Her top speed is unknown but is known to be at least the speed of sound. Her control is highly precise; she can perform aerobatic feats such as hovering, flying backwards, and even lifting great weights while flying. In addition, her altered physiology passed down to her from her father, has granted her synthetic "wasp" wings that appear only when she shrinks below 3 feet tall. They're not so much needed for flight, but instead act more as solar panels to give her the energy for very long flights and to compensate for her lack of body mass (which, of course, absorbs solar energy). Therefore, she can maintain flight longer at a smaller size than she can at normal size.


Scientific Genius-Level Intellect: Destiny has inherited her father's high level of IQ and capacity to learn.

Kryptonian Physiology: Being half-Kryptonian, Destiny's cellular structure is more dense, resilient and biologically more effective than Earth human tissue. However, being half-human, she is not invulnerable like her mother, and can be pierced by sharp weaponry if sufficient force is used, harmed by very powerful blows, or injured by heavy artillery fire. The damage from these things however, would be less than it would on a normal human being due to her half-Kryptonian physiology and thanks to her powers, she is immune to both extreme heat and high-voltage electricity.

Solar-Energy Absorption: Like her mother, Destiny's body also actively stores energy within her bio-cellular matrix as an energy pattern that is linked to her body's electromagnetic field. In turn, this aids in rapid production of Pym Particles in her system. This solar energy also powers most of Destiny's capabilities, such as flight and her bio-electric energies. Like Superman, she can sun-dip and supercharge her powers.

Superhuman Strength: Her physical strength appears to be half that of her mother's, enabling her to lift 50 tons max and maintains the same strength at smaller sizes. She can lift over 100 tons at her maximum height.

Superhuman Stamina: Her body stores and processes solar energy at a rapid rate and for a variety of effects. Her storage capacity is unknown, although being half-human, she requires sleep and rest on a normal basis.

Superhuman Speed: Her enhanced metabolic rate, muscular speed, and nervous system, grant her incredible speed. Her bio-electric and solar energy paths that course along her neurophysical structure, along with her half-Kryptonian structure allow her to react at many times normal human speed. Her reflexes are quick enough to allow her to dodge most projectile weapons.


Magic: She is vulnerable to magic and magic systems. Her half-Kryptonian biology is open to certain radiations, particularly magical energies whose chaotic electromagnetic or extra-dimensional signatures disrupt her body's stability - especially being half-human. Destiny's vulnerability to magic varies on the special effects of the magic. She can be injured and worn down by magical entities.

Psionics: Destiny is as vulnerable to psionic attacks as a normal human being. She is subject to mental domination attacks against her. Those whose mental powers are superior to her own have been able to render her unconscious or disrupt her natural thought processes.

Green Kryptonite: Since the destruction of Krypton, its remains (rendered radioactive by the explosion) have been spreading throughout the universe as Kryptonite, a crystalline substance whose specific radiation is lethal to Kryptonians. No other colors seem to affect her.

Red Solar Radiation: Her powers can be suppressed or weakened by red solar radiation.

Anti-Pym-Particle Weaponry: Anything affecting Pym Particles in a negative manner, such as the toxin Monica Rappuchini created to use against Eric O'Grady, can effect Destiny like it can her father. The results are dependent on what it is. 

Other: Unlike her mother, she is not invulnerable and being half-human is capable of becoming sick, poisoned, or injured in a variety of ways. She is more durable than a human, but has no special healing abilities. She also needs to breathe and eat, though she can go without both for longer than any human. In deep space, she can survive for 5 hours before needing air.

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