Lt. Mac B. Taylor [NY-PD/CSI] on - Lt. Mac B. Taylor [NY-PD/CSI]
Since 2004 Lt. Mac Taylor became 'The Chief of the Department/Bureau - NY-PD.' & Head Commanding Chief/Lt.o

59 years old
New York, New York
United States

Last Login:
July 02 2024

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   Contacting Lt. Mac B. Taylor [NY-PD/CSI]

    Lt. Mac B. Taylor [NY-PD/CSI]'s Interests
Generalimage image image image image The New York City Police Department (NYPD or NYCPD), officially the City of New York Police Department, was established in 1845 and is the largest municipal police force in the United States,[5] having primary responsibilities in law enforcement and investigation within the five boroughs of New York City. The NYPD is one of the oldest police departments established in the United States, tracing its roots back to the seventeenth century. The NYPD has a broad array of specialized services, including the Emergency Service Unit, K9, harbor patrol, air support, bomb disposal, counter-terrorism, criminal intelligence, anti-gang, anti-organized crime, narcotics, public transportation and public housing; the New York City Transit Police and New York City Housing Authority Police Department were fully integrated into the NYPD in 1995. According to the department, its mission is to "enforce the laws, preserve the peace, reduce fear, and provide for a safe environment." The department's regulations are compiled in title 38 of the New York City Rules. In June 2004, there were about 40,000 sworn officers plus several thousand civilian employees; in June 2005, the number of officers dropped to 35,000. As of December 2011, that figure increased slightly to over 36,600, helped by the graduation of a class of 1,500 from the New York City Police Academy. The NYPD's current authorized uniformed strength is 34,450.[6] There are also approximately 4,500 Auxiliary Police Officers, 5,000 School Safety Agents, 2,300 Traffic Enforcement Agents, and 370 Traffic Enforcement Supervisors currently employed by the department. The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association of the City of New York (NYC PBA), the largest municipal police union in the United States, represents over 50,000 active and retired NYC police officers. The NYPD Intelligence Division & Counter-Terrorism Bureau has officers stationed in 11 cities internationally.[7][8] In the 1990s the department developed a CompStat system of management which has also since been established in other cities. Members of the NYPD are frequently referred to by politicians, some media and their own police cars by the nickname New York's Finest. The NYPD is headquartered at 1 Police Plaza, located on Park Row in Lower Manhattan across the street from City Hall. NYPD has extensive crime scene investigation and laboratory resources, as well as units which assist with computer crime investigations. The NYPD runs a "Real Time Crime Center", essentially a large search engine and data warehouse operated by detectives to assist officers in the field with their investigations.[10] A Domain Awareness System, a joint project of Microsoft and NYPD, links 6,000 closed-circuit television cameras, license plate readers, and other surveillance devices into an integrated system. As the high-profile principal law-enforcement agency in the largest city in the United States - also a main media center - fictionalized versions of the NYPD and its officers have frequently been portrayed in media including novels, radio, television, motion pictures and video games. ------------------------------ Office of the Chief of Department: Since 2004 Lt. Mac Taylor became 'The Chief of the Department/Bureau.' Bureaus The Department is divided into ten bureaus, six of which are enforcement bureaus. Each enforcement bureau is sub-divided into sections, divisions, and units, and into patrol boroughs, precincts, and detective squads. Each Bureau is commanded by a Bureau Chief (such as the Chief of Patrol and the Chief of Housing). There are also a number of specialized units (such as the Operations Unit and Compstat) that are not part of any of the Bureaus and report to the Chief of the Department. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) is structured into numerous bureaus and units. As a whole, the NYPD is headed by the Police Commissioner, a civilian administrator appointed by the Mayor, with the senior sworn uniformed officer of the service titled "Chief of Department". The Police Commissioner appoints a number of Deputy and Assistant Commissioners. The Department is divided into ten bureaus, six of which are enforcement bureaus. Each enforcement bureau is further sub-divided into sections, divisions, and units, and into patrol boroughs, precincts, and detective squads. Each Bureau is commanded by a Bureau Chief (such as the Chief of Patrol and the Chief of Housing). There are also a number of specialized units (such as the Operations Unit and CompStat) that are not part of any of the Bureaus and report to the Chief of the Department. Specialized Units Include: Emergency Service Unit Aviation Unit Harbor Unit and Scuba Team Mounted Unit Auxiliary Police The Organized Crime Control Bureau (O.C.C.B.) Transit Bureau Housing Bureau Transportation Bureau Specialized Units Highway Patrol Traffic Enforcement District Detective Bureau Specialized Units Special Victims Division Major Case Squad Crime Scene Unit Commanding Officer of Crime Scene Unit - Lt. Mac Taylor The Crime Scene Unit (CSU) is a unit within the Forensic Investigations Division of the New York City Police Department Detective Bureau. The Unit is responsible for forensic investigations of all homicides and sexual assaults, as well as other crimes as deemed necessary by an investigating supervisor. Members of the Crime Scene Unit assist the precinct detectives in the processing of a crime scene as well as determining the proper routing of evidence between the NYC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, the NYPD Police Lab and the NYPD Property Clerk. The Crime Scene Unit is composed of NYPD detectives (or occasionally police officers that are awaiting their promotion to detective), not civilian technicians like crime scene units in other parts of the U.S. Generally these detectives come from an Evidence Collection Team which is operated at the borough level. The Crime Scene Unit covers all of the boroughs of New York City, but is staffed with less than 1% of the total number of detectives in the NYPD. The Crime Scene Unit has many tools to process a crime scene, including the materials needed to develop fingerprints, cast footwear and tire impressions, follow the trajectory of bullets fired through windows and the chemicals necessary to observe blood under special lighting conditions that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye. The unit is also trained to process a crime scene in a hazardous environment, for example following a nuclear, biological or chemical attack image image "As police officers in this big, complicated city, we see so much bad, so many souls filled with violence and hatred, and it's our job to look for them, chase after them and confront them. Over time, they can become all we see. As with all evil, some good will always come from it. It can bring us together with some of the most dedicated, honorable, kindhearted people we could ever hope to meet. It can fill hearts with a love so strong that it will endure forever and create unbreakable friendships that will last even in the face of life's most difficult challenges. Sometimes the good comes when we most need it and least expect it. If we are lucky enough to notice it, set our eyes upon it and appreciate it, it can almost make us forget all of the bad. "Today is life, the only life you're sure of. Make the most of today." Words of wisdom, a slice of goodness, passed on by an innocent soul whose life was cut short by an erred bullet. These are words that will always stay with me, words that about to change the course of my life, forever�" � Mac Taylor image image 000 His badge number is "8433" image image image
Musicimage image image image One of Mac's most difficult situations on the job involves the discovery of Aiden Burn's questionable behavior (episode 202, "Grand Murder At Central Station"). Aiden had been sorely tempted to tamper with evidence in order to implicate a rape suspect whose victim decided to press charges against him after he raped her a second time (the victim declined to press charges after the first assault). Though Aiden eventually does not follow through, she had broken the seal on the evidence, and Mac, insistent on preserving the integrity of the lab, felt that his only option was to fire her. Nevertheless, he promises Aiden that he will bring the rapist to justice, a promise that he makes good on (with Aiden's help in a sad irony) in episode 223, "Heroes." A serial killer, Clay Dobson, whom Mac helped put away five years previously, comes back to haunt him after the man is released, thanks to Mac's arrest of the detective (Dean Truby) who took his confession. Mac's single-minded intensity in his renewed pursuit of this killer makes him short-tempered with his concerned coworkers. After the CSIs discover one of Dobson's victims is still alive, Mac charges after him, alone, cornering him on a roof of a tall building. Dobson comes crashing to earth moments later, fatally impacting on the hood of a police cruiser, only feet away from Flack and some uniformed officers arriving as backup. His hands are cuffed, and Mac gazes down from the roof in horror (episode 321, "Past Imperfect"). Flashbacks in the following episode reveal that Dobson intentionally fell from the roof, telling Mac that if he went down, he would take the detective with him. The chief of detectives, Brigham Sinclair, in a bid to remove Mac from his position at the lab (for political reasons, as Mac believes), initiates an Internal Affairs investigation, even though the district attorney did not find enough evidence to charge Mac (episode 322, "Cold Reveal"). During the hearing, the prosecutor appears to be determined to destroy Mac's career, despite attempts by his colleagues to aid him in their testimony. Former Detective Truby calls Taylor from jail, desiring to meet him in person. During the visit, Truby, guilty over Dobson's release, offers Mac a trump card to play against Deputy Inspector Gerrard and Sinclair: When Dobson had originally been arrested several years previously, Gerrard, then a lieutenant, failed to remove Dobson's belt. Dobson used the belt in a suicide attempt in his cell. Gerrard and Sinclair, the precinct captain, covered up the suicide attempt as well as Gerrard's lapse in procedure. Mac confronts the two and threatens to take his evidence to the media, thereby ruining both their political aspirations. Sinclair decides to have Mac cleared of all charges and the Internal Affairs investigation discontinued, and Mac remains quiet about his knowledge
Moviesimage image image
Televisionimage image Liberated validation replenishes underneath an mild stack tower, supplemented written documentation permitted particular investigations to proceed a final case-closed notarized signature mark. Manhunt Manhattan Investigation continued on for a good thorough around-the-clock investigation process. For about a measured one year length it took, a year too long in throwing a notorious murderous, pompous serial killer behind four iron bar isolated celled walls. Notarization is stamped in huskied validated black ink, most people require a document notarized for legal reasons, in official organizations such as Police Departments for an example recommend at least one for the more demanding and important cases that can now be closed for good after justice is sought out. Lt. Mac despised Darius who is the serial killer responsible for countless murders, he initiated his serial killing career in Miami Florida. However after succeeding in a prison-break, Darius carried a travel up the East Coast until he stepped foot on New York soil, then he resumed to his vigorous sprees. The animal, not literal though Darius is as human as one man can be, but it's his distinct decision choices that brought him to the label of animal-monsterous outlook: he's on a one flight out south back in Miami for being put on the dealth charge. Observed outside to the west of CSI-NY PD department's window, lurked out of the tenth floor one could peer a glimpse of George Washington figure statued on a corner. With his stone right arm upraised, sits his iron horse at the lower corner of Union Square. Should the General raise his left hand as he has raised his right, it would be point to a quarter of the city that forms a haven for the oppressed and suppressed of foreign lands. In the cause of national or personal freedom they have found refuge here, and the patriot who made it for them sits his steed, overlooking their district, while he listens through his left ear to vaudeville that caricatures the posterity of his prot�g�s. Washington practiced no tolerance for defending his (this) land, something Lt. Mac had in common with the man, just as equal actually, no more so he is zero tolerant in being serious about protecting his family first, the land his wife Stella and he raise their family on - Darius is shipped off down South to face the death sentance for his malicious murders scattered all over the city. image New York remains what it has always been: a city of ebb and flow, a city of constant shifts of population and economics, a city of virtually no rest. It is harsh, dirty, and dangerous, it is whimsical and fanciful, it is beautiful and soaring, it is not one or another of these things but all of them, all at once, and to fail to accept this paradox is to deny the reality of city existence. As the lieutenant in charge of the CSI unit in New York police station it is his job to assure the city remains manageable as far as cutting down the never ending crime - as a ex-marine it was his job to defend this country, as a father and husband it is his part to make his job happen, it's apart of the package of being devoted to his wife and kids outside of work. You see Lt. Mac endulged heading off the clock, once a case has been cracked it is one less criminal off the streets, another notion of knowing he or she wont target Stella, and/or one of their kids and grandkids. You appreciate the peace inside your home, continuing on homelife with those who are important, relishing in the development of our kids lives growing into adulthood and being honored to be apart of it. Being apart of your partner, not work partner: a wife, his wife who is more than his wife, a best friend, someone you vowed your entire self to no matter what, love - after showing her just how much we resume back to work the next morning in keeping the streets clean so we can return home again at the end of everyday to be able to know we can, we got someone(s) (kids included) worth coming home to. Instant incoming cell phone tone rang, Lt. Mac arched his left dark brow, he retrieved his cell flipped it open swiftly while raising it up to his ear so he can listen to the voice message while exiting out of his muscular black Escalade SUV. It begins in another long late hours in a later afternoon shift, Lt. Mac Taylor arrived on the dot, at the department. Two hours and a half prior, two john-doe bodies were discovered and called in, lying on the floor of a local departmental store located in the heart of the Bronx. Lt. Taylor proceeded normal walking action, through the entire Precinct doing his rounds. Electronic's lab office drifted a c*ck open, Adam a lab csi bellowed "WHADDDDUP!" out like a kid high off of sugar cane. Often the kid has too much of a sense of humor, but he applied his duties well enough, Lt. Mac shook his head as he semi smirked arching his left thick manly brow. Adam cleared his throat grasping an attempt at a professional poise, while he found it difficult to swallow on his held in chuckles, it didn't help with the other lab assistants laughing comically under their own breath. He assumed with the look Mac shot at him, he's waiting for test results, thus he explained a brief scientific aspect of what he'd detected so far. "Clear out the ambience sound. See if there is anything we can use, and call me when you've got something." Mac instructed as he pointed over at the screen behind Adam. Getting ready to divert swift turn around to the glass door's exit for the hall, " with --your fingers, not your ass." abruptly in a cock-eyed yield, at facing Adam sideways, he unpredictably mused as he briefly smirks whilst finishing his exit. Mac arched his left dark brow, he retrieved his cell flipped it open swiftly while raising it up to his ear, "Stella I'm headed over to the converge room, meet you there." mustards a broader smirk as revolved his manly hand about to the front as he briefly studies his cell and reshuts it, simultaneously walking through the wisked opened doors. image The Department. In the 'terrain' amount of endless routined duties, among the expectations intergraded in the countless responsibilities as 'the boss', is dealing with the serious social discussion conducted between the Court department. Lt. Mac Taylor retains zero-tolerance for corrupt ignorance and to be straight to the damn blunt point, he is intolerable to the 'bad guy'. Whether it is going to land an opening case, of a crime caused from the average citizen, the usual crime seen on a constant day-to-day basis or someone at fault under the influence. For example corruption throughout the Federal Dep, a dirty cop, lawyers with hidden agendas behind their motives. Does not matter who the hell the suspect (s) is or are, if guilty, Lt. Mac will not rest until he tracks them down and it is done with an iron fist. Headed out the New York PD, Lt. Taylor phoned a firm notice to the DA he is on his way. The District Attorney (DA), in many jurisdictions in the Unitied States, is the elected or appointed official who represents the government in the prosecution of criminal offenses. The DA is the highest officeholder in the legal department of the jurisdiction -- generally the county in the U.S. -- and supervises a staff of assistant (ADA) or deputy district attorneys. Depending on the system in place, district attorneys may be appointed by the chief executive of the region or elected by the voters of the jurisdiction. An Executive Assistant District Attorney (EADA), Chief Assistant District Attorney (CADA), or First Assistant District Attorney is a title given the senior-most manager in a prosecutor's office under the district attorney. The people who hold these titles are generally considered the second-in-command for the office, and usually report directly to the head prosecutor. The exact roles and job assignments for each title vary with each individual office, but generally include management of the daily activities and supervision of specialized divisions within the office. Often, the EADA may oversee or prosecute some of the larger crimes within the jurisdiction. Often the EADA supervises press-releases and oversees the work of the office staff, Lt. Mac Taylor comprehends the issues the DA will inhale if there is nothing for them to give to the people who are demanding answers to the current, and yet even more larger criminal(s) status. The New York County District Attorney, the office is responsible for the prosecution of violations of New York state laws, this is for Manhattan region and the areas barricading around it. Federal law violations are prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Lt. Taylor deals with the each of them when ever a huge case arises such as the notorious Suspect X killer. The death penalty was reinstated in 1995, Lt. Taylor has no problem throwing Ronald Smith's ass in to the seat. Digging out his cell, out of his muscular heavy worn, black business over coat, Lt. Taylor dials his wife Det. Stella cell. Sporting a pair of tinted shades over his light ocean blue hues, shielded against the bright sun. image The NYP-D. Department: Liberated validation indeed replenished beneath a mild folder tower, weighing a stack on the oval robust left corner of his colossal desk. Supplemented written documentation permitted particular investigations to proceed a final case-closed notarized signature mark. Manhunt Manhattan Investigation issued the motivated trigger the notorious Suspect X killer. Precised zero-tolerant investigation continued on for a good thorough around-the-clock remained opened until the notorious murderous bastard is caught and thrown behind lethal bars. Leading his destination means to a dead end on death row. Captial punishment is the place, often a section of a prison, it'll become Suspect X's house awaiting execution and if Mr. Ronald continues on refusal of a confession he'll be right behind him a lot sooner. Selected circumstances does Lt.Taylor agree upon captial punishment, yet, with latest disgusting cold blooded murders done on countless innocent victims, then it becomes a different issue. New York remains what it has always been: a city of ebb and flow, a city of constant shifts of population and economics, a city of virtually no rest. As the lieutenant in charge, it his part of his job, part of his deterimined driven team and the entire department's job to assure the city is maintained, manageable as far as cutting down the never ending crime. The large expedition of an departured discreet, robust stainless steel black muscular mechanical Lincoln Navigator full-sized K SUV, proceeded a circumspect smooth yielding left exit on to East Avenue. Mac indeed relishes how fortunate of a husband, a father, a man, a boss he is to be surrounded around incredible people. Starting the list with his ambitious children whom grown in to strong minded and intelligent adults, no father has ever been any prouder, than he has of his. Then of course without admiring another who also holds the bull core of his masculine heart, his partner in both life and on the force, his beautiful wife Stella. Retrieved the cell he'd call his wife Stella on her's, her number is embedded as the first digit on his phone to call automatically - he shifted an amused smirk at the response tone of his wife's sexy voice. "Stella, good afternoon to you too detective." Mac muses unreservantly, he belted the navigator's ignition. He pulled in to the PD parking lot he is returning back to the office. "I'm headed back up to see my beautiful wife. Just got back from the DA office, " reaching within the short minutes in the building and up to the sixth floor where he stepped foot in his wife's office. Raising the cell phone from his ear whilst broading his smirk, shutting his cell closed. "Our daughter I hear put on a show?" Mac brought up proudly in a hint he heard upon his walk through the various halls in leading up to this floor. image
Booksimage In CSI: NY Mac Taylor is the intolerable head investigator of the New York Police Departent's CSI crew. Mac's father served as a private in the United States Marines, in Yahrzeit its revealed Mac's father, Private First Class McKenna Boyd Taylor, Sr. served in liberating the concentration camp Buchenwald. A survivor recounted how the elder Taylor restored his dignity and even offered the man his candy bar. Originally from Chicago, he moved to New York after his honorable discharge from the United States Marine Corps, where he had achieved the rank of Major [indicated by the gold oak leaves on his collar points] often discovered on an abrupt left ot a conjoined corner if and or when at a give time either his great partner as both on their job but more important and foremost his life-partner his beautiful wife Det. Stella Bonasera or colleage's of their's on the force who'll walk in and out of his office see. However at a Charge of this post Mac was shown having the rank of Sergeant, he now considers New York home and once a colleague, even from time to time Det. Stella his wife and their grown children whom he is dead on proud of the individuals became to be that they are working for and living in the finest city in the finest country in the world. Mac's proven that he'll protect three things at any cost: Family above all, the honor of his country (through his military service), the safety of his city (through his work as a CSI), and the integrity of his lab - ok so it's four things, his list doesn't end there.Oh yeah Lt. Mac is classified as a true no tolerance status on subject matters of his entire team here in CSI, he'll step up to their defense without a second's thought. Earlier in life Mac's father died of small-cell lung cancer, spent the last eight months of his life in bed on a feeding tube. As a result, Mac has come to believe strongly in a person's right to a dignified death. However, when his father begged him to pull the plug, Mac couldn't do it... image Badge number is "8433" steel printed large numbers appear more'so engraved on the front of his badge clipped to a brief right angle attached to his lower-mid region of his burly leather belt. Mac believes in following the evidence, not trusting to intuition. He looks at a crime scene and often the world with Veneziano's theory of quantum physics in mind: Everything is connected. In Mac's mind, if he and his team can just figure out the connections, then they can solve the crime. Lt. Mac continues walking through the CSI department, departing further and further from his head office until he found his intended stop at the end of his trail at the rear exit of the department building to head for his personal chrome mustang, Lt. Mac is headed out to the hospital where his son is stationed in the IC unit. Principal Cody Taylor, the second son of Stella and Mac, a young man whom Mac couldn't be any more damn prouder of, he loved his son without question. He believes his son Cody is indeed a hero, and that he is who ever dares on breathing a ounce of debate Mac'll never hesitate on knocking them off their high horses. You see whilst his son's a hero for an entire nation of young children to be taught and from the best! too Lt. Mac his grown man of a son is his hero, he brought in a old ragged baseball preserved from the afternoon he took his son who was ten at the time to his first Yankees game - ever since he caught it out in the bleechers it was Cody's good luck ball. Ten minutes passed quick and sharp whilst Lt. Mac approached his son's room, he abruptly knocked indicating he is here with an alert before proceeding in to see his boy awake, it caused a natural relieved hefty smirk proudly yield against his manly-father folds as he pivots in shutting the door quietly behind while making his path right to his son's bedside to the left while the nurse cleaned up his face. "Glad your back son," he initiated with confidence in his son's pull through, yet a sigh of relief as a father would. Mac believed in the possiblities, help from another (lord william - or supernatural help) and he also believes strongly in the human strength his son Cody had a lot of it-a lot of ambition and strength, he always has. image Professionals are indeed in amazement in the unexpected and expected occurrences the human vessels are forced through and still maintain success in the outcome.Yet manage through the strong-hold thirst that us humans do contain inside, it's called the strength in proceeding in the will fight to overcome, survival long after the disasterous circumstances that have been faced. Trauma and confusion is a common reaction interacting after the fact if exactly that, a traumatic incident then awaken as the body and mind fought, this it did with Lt. Mac Taylor's strong-minded and willed son Cody who has lived hell and relieved doesnt even sum up how greatful he is as a father to be standing over beside his son who is here and alived with them all again. Enhanced masculine father spoken proud smirk, broadened abruptly against Mac's man folds as he claimed a half inch forward in his step to be closer near his son's hospital beside - to the left of the nurse's whereabouts on the opposite side, " Thank you--" he implied with relief, reaching inside his black law official hefty jacket for the baseball that was mentioned in the prior comment and it scribbled underneath semi faded dust from the Yankee Stadium it was kicked around in, to one hell of a strong, determined and greatest son. It is pertained to Cody when he was about nine years old-when the boys hated going to the dentist Mac always reminded them to act as if their at the ball game. "Thank you for being as tough-willed as you've always been, as I've always believed you were son." adding a meaningful conclusion in his previous response whilst exchanging the ball in his grown son's hand, and shaking his other. Human strength potential is a topic many people have pondered throughout history, the ancient Greeks founded the first Olympic games on the question of human physical potential. No one truly knows what human beings are capable, Lt. Mac disagrees well on his part he sure does know it's the young man resting in his hospital bed who also happens to be his son- the greater part is? His boy isn't going to be alone either. "Nina?" Mac acknowledged his son automatically, adverting his hues over at Nurse Gates, whilst setting his large hand over his son's shoulder indicating he noted his son is worried of the woman he mentioned who was brought in the same time he was, another victim of the gunman. Lt. Mac wants answers, he wants the man who shot up his son behind bars at the least for a punishment. "Nina McDodd is she a teacher? Is she in the hospital seeking treatment?" questioning the nurse for follow up answers, hopefully in getting some answers cleared up for his son also. image
Heroes image image image image
Groups: End of Days., H.M.K.K. Academy,

     Lt. Mac B. Taylor [NY-PD/CSI]'s Details
Here for:Friends,
Body type:Slim / Slender
Member Since:August 12, 2011

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   Lt. Mac B. Taylor [NY-PD/CSI]'s Blurbs
About me:
image image image image In CSI: NY, Mac Taylor is the Head Investigator of the New York Police Department. Mac's father served as a private in the United States Army. We learn in Yahrzeit that Mac's Father, Private First Class McKenna Boyd Taylor, Sr. served in liberating the concentration camp Buchenwald. A survivor recounted how the elder Taylor restored his dignity and even offered the man his candy bar. Originally from Chicago, he moved to New York after his honorable discharge from the United States Marine Corps, where he had achieved the rank of Major (indicated by the gold oak leaves on his collar points in Episode 602 "Blacklist"). However, in episode 2.24, Charge of this Post, Mac was shown having the rank of Sergeant. He now considers New York home and once told a colleague that they were working for the finest city in the finest country in the world. Throughout the series, Mac has shown that he will protect three things at any cost: The honor of his country (through his military service), the safety of his city (through his work at CSI), and the integrity of his lab (through his decision to fire Aiden Burn in Season 2, knocking Hawkes off a case that he deliberately withheld information from and suspending Adam Ross after disobeying a direct order). Mac believes in following the evidence, not trusting to intuition. He looks at a crime scene (and often the world) with Veneziano�s theory of quantum physics in mind: Everything is connected. In Mac's mind, if he and his team can just figure out the connections, then they can solve the crime. Early life Mac's father died of small-cell lung cancer and spent the last eight months of his life in bed on a feeding tube. As a result, Mac has come to believe strongly in a person�s right to a dignified death. However, when his father begged him to pull the plug, Mac couldn�t do it (episode 309, "And Here's to You, Mrs. Azrael"). Mac was married to Claire Conrad. They had no children, though Claire had a child (Reed Garrett) from a previous relationship, who she had since put up for adoption. Mac once described Claire as 5'6, athletic, with light brown hair and big blue eyes (episode 308, "Consequences"). Claire was killed in the 9/11 attacks and her death troubles him to this day, causing chronic insomnia. After her death, Mac got rid of everything that reminded him of her, except pictures and a beach ball she had blown up, saying, "Her breath is still in there" (episode 101, "Blink"). Her remains were never recovered from the debris of the World Trade Center image image image In the line of duty Mac Taylor keeps a pile of unsolved cases on the corner of his desk. Rapist/murderer DJ Pratt's file remained there for some time, until the CSIs closed it with the posthumous assistance of former colleague Aiden Burn (episodes 202, "Grand Murder At Central Station;" 223, "Heroes"). Mac says the pile used to be bigger, which helps validate his feelings about being a CSI. He usually sacrifices his off-days when cracking a cold case or an urgent case (episode 316 "Heart of Glass". Flack commented in episode 523 ("Greater Good") that Mac "must've been the kid who did all the extra credit questions and made us all look bad" after seeing him at work on an off day. In the episode "Blink" Stella expressed her concern about Mac after finding out that he skipped his off hours and dived right into the new murder case. When Miami CSI Lieutenant Horatio Caine comes to New York in pursuit of a murder suspect, Mac and his team help him discover the real killer and apprehend him (CSI: Miami episode 223, "MIA/NYC Nonstop"). Mac later flies down to Miami to assist Caine in recapturing escaped murderer Henry Darius, who eventually heads back to New York. Together, the CSI detectives successfully apprehend Darius and extradite him to Florida (CSI: Miami episode 407, "Felony Flight", CSI: NY episode 207, "Manhattan Manhunt"). image They never spoke of what happened again. Flack tells Mac it was self-defense, but Mac points out they were too young to know the difference. Mac compares DNA evidence from a cigarette butt of Jimmy's he took when they spoke to the puzzle pieces and the bloody t-shirt and doesn't find a match, thus proving that Andy must be the brother involved. This confuses Mac, since Andy wasn't present when it happened. Stella looks through the evidence again and discovers something odd. The unused Chicago puzzle pieces had blue place markers on them, and the NYC pieces had green markers. When she left a piece of the NYC puzzle at a man named Drew Bedford's work, she went back for it, but she actually had picked up a piece of the Chicago puzzle, which she wouldn't have had yet. Drew (Andrew) is revealed to be Andy, and he has been attempting to woo Stella in an attempt to get closer to Mac. Taylor and Flack race back to the city so they can assist in his capture. During a sweep of his office though, Andy hits Mac over the head and drags him off down a secret tunnel. The CSI team rushes back to the lab where they find that an MP3 player that had been rigged to control a murder scene/subway train earlier, in an attempt to kill them, has a song left on it. The song is called "Train to Nowhere", and is track 6 on an album. This points to the abandoned City Hall #6 line station. They realize that Andy leaving obvious clues to his whereabouts must be a trap, but with Mac's life on the line they have to try something. Flack says he was expecting this and brought along some insurance. image Military service Mac-_Taylor-csi-ny-34952942-500-352 Mac once said that he had wanted to serve his country more than anything else in the world. Even as a child, he dressed up in fatigues and pretended to be a soldier rather than a superhero. He served as a lieutenant in the 1st Battalion 8th Marines (known today as "The Beirut Battalion") in Beirut, and was injured in the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing, from which he still bears a scar over his heart. A young Marine died in his arms from shrapnel wounds in the attack (episodes 224, "Charge of this Post;" 301, "People With Money"). The memory of it hit him hard, especially in the episode Charge of this Post, after barely managing to save the life of his friend and colleague Don Flack after a bombing. The 1/8 also served in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. According to episode 224, "Charge of this Post," Mac was discharged in March 1992, so he probably also served in these operations in some capacity, but so far there hasn't been a mention of them. Thanks to his Marine training, he is skilled in unarmed defense (episode 223, "Heroes") and seems to have an intimate knowledge of a wide range of weaponry, from bows (episode 214, "Stuck on You") through East Asian weaponry (episode 204, "Corporate Warriors") to the more everyday guns and knives. To Mac, the type of weapon used is as revealing as anything else at the scene of the crime. Mac holds members of the armed forces in high esteem and to an even higher standard. He considers a uniform a "badge of honor", and his disgust with the killer in "Officer Blue" (episode 109) is all the deeper because of the murderer's military background; that a former member of the armed services would use his military training to take lives rather than protect lives obviously wounds him. As Detective Don Flack once said, "Once a Marine, always a Marine" (episode 223, "Heroes"). In the same episode, a murder victim turns out to be a Marine recently returned from Iraq, who was trying to deliver his dead comrade's watch to the man's fiancee; Mac takes it upon himself to complete the young corporal's mission, and succeeds. 00000 0000 In one episode, Mac and Flack are caught in a bomb blast in a building while trying to evacuate it (episode 224, "Charge of this Post"). Though he himself is wounded in the neck, Mac is able to stabilize a critically injured Flack long enough for help to arrive, thanks to his previous traumatic experience in the Beirut barracks bombing. Mac and his team discover the NYC bomber to be a schizophrenic would-be Marine out to prove the vulnerability of the city to terrorist attack. By appealing to the man's sense of military duty, Mac is able to get him to surrender. The detective privately acknowledges to Stella that, while the bomber's methods may have been flawed, Mac could not argue against the principle of protecting his city and country. After the resolution of the crisis, Mac and the other CSIs stay by Flack's hospital bedside in shifts until he recovers. Mac and Flack are also instrumental in ending a hostage situation involving a deaf young man holding his baby daughter and his murdered girlfriend's mother at gunpoint in their car. While Mac talks to the young man, Flack sneaks up on the other side of the car and slips the baby out of the vehicle through the driver's side window. As soon as the child is secure, Mac is able to safely disarm the young man without anyone getting injured. The baby is then returned to the custody of her grateful grandparents (episode 312, "Silent Night"). 000
Who I'd like to meet: image The Department. The NYPD Crime Lab indeed functions in one colossal building, attached unit cohabiting beside other various areas of the NYPD Precinct. Each coinciding alongside the different batch of law and forensic scientist officals in a collaberating skilled partnership. Limited leaders, Lieutenants of other state Department Bureaus, and/or heads of other out of state Crime Lab's, can address a statement of being as honored and proud as Lt. Mac Taylor is to be leading an incredible group within this entire department. The cell rendered a second-in-command reverberates a swift leak whilst Lt. Mac bid it shut between the enjoin of his stub thumb's tip, and droops it inside the inner pocket of the thick black business over-coat. Unresistant Mac maintained his light strong blue hues fixated on aiming ahead amongst Stella, satisfied sketching the slick visual claim of her voluminous figure slid out of her office chair. Mac released simple exhaling hot breath escaping out of his nostrils whilst inhaling tasteful invitation of her intoxicating natural female scent. Contending down to run his robust brave manly hands, along her impressive curves as though his hands were trained and remembers without having to look. Responded immediately, surprising Stella in her irresistable enticing initiated deep kiss, Mac maneuvers her in a spontaneous pleased abrupt thrusted, yet smooth leading closer. Stella's succulent folds sweet in nectar taste, sexy to break out the inner enticed core, he tasted tentatively with his tongue, teasing a collide simultaneously to her's. Releasing Stella, Mac broadened his perma trademark satisfied smirk, and nodded indicating he caught Stella explaining that yes their daughter Maxi did indeed let her Mac Taylor hang out. 000 image image Confirming impressed arched c*ck of his robust thick left manly brow, he didn't resist a proud chuckle and shook his head. "Well there you have it, right? Our daughter got the job done," again he laughed. Rubbing the stubby edges of his manly fingers alongside his strong jawline whilst heading a few walks ahead pulling out a spare chair beside his wife Stella's desk. "Att. Harvey Specter is making a habit in mainly attacking the Forensic Investigations Division of this Department, because of two reasons. One he is bored, and his superiors need to find him more work to invest in. Two the public is demanding answers over Suspect X." he paused, stealing a minute in admiring his sexy wife from across he winked at her. "Your husband taught Att. Specter to keep his mouth shut and be patient, we're getting the job done in taking down Suspect X." he muses, wrinkling a brow, " I'll take you out dinner tonight." restanding up out of the chair, he had it in mind in treating his wife out to dinner. Hinting expression in his eager blue hues, and wiggling of his manly brows, indicating he's ready to take out now. The NYP-D Department: Intelligence indeed houses inside Lt. Mac Taylor's daughter, Det. Maxie Taylor. Strong-minded individualistic merit conjoined with the countless of other qualities she has inherited, from both her as equally strong-minded and dedicated mother Det. Stella Bonasera-Taylor and himself. Det. Maxie also harbors a good head and a good heart. Which is always a formidable combination, meaning an awesome strength, but, yet, when adding a literate tongue or pen, then there is something undestructable and represents admiration. Lt. Mac retained ahead of the line to appoint out his beloved daughter Maxi is all that applies. Although ambition and determined-driven expected out of career's entailed blunt responsibilities such as the details apart of being a chief Medical Examiner, seeing the horrors up close builds that set of brass ball demeanor because we want to get the son of a bitch(es) in justice for the murder conflicted upon the innocent. The various officers working alongside us, the miscellaneous trained detectives, the many CSI's, and the lieutenants breathing and existing on working around-the-clock witnessing a sh*t load of these hideous crimes often get caught off guard when the homicide is of an innocent child. Lieutenant Mac is, however, at the subject or casual involvement with each single one of their children he is a father first and foremost. Especially when ever one of them is in trouble, physical, mental, and/or emotional pain or conflict, it is more important for allowing them to feel as though it is alright to come to him no matter what the circumstances are or the situation is. image image Human emotions such as those increase the already, motivated adrenaline to heighten a focused knot in a law enforcement duties to eliminate the relentless threats out there, who are creating these murderous crime or the ones leading up to that point. Maxi self-composing herself steadfast, nonetheless, Mac's straightforward sympathizing father hung out. Simultaneously he stands up as his beloved daughter Maxi does, handing him the files in her hand. " You'll be updated the closer we get to catching the bastard. Thank you Maxi," Mac clues his daughter in on providing her further investigation status on Suspect X, as his words were full and grateful for Maxi delivering the files to him. Waving her with an abrupt 'see ya soon' gesture of his freed masculine hand whilst maintaining a handle at the files in his other. Lt. Mac redirected his shifting ocean blue hues about over to his wife Det. Stella, " Answers to means in ending this worthless s-o-b, " he bluntly detailed Suspect X as worthless, that's being lightly put in his broad opinion of the suspect. Walking forward to the front of his beautiful wife and partner's desk, he stationed the files on it. Providing space for Det. Stella in reaching for one of the copies. Suspect X reminded Lt. Mac of tracking spree killer Henry Darius. Another prior serial killer who arrived to New York to settle some old scores. image Suspect X evidently appeared to be picking up where Darius left off, an escaped psychopathic spree killer. What makes serial killers tick? Where does this urge come from, and why is so powerful? If we all experienced this urge, would we be able to resist? Is it genetic, hormonal, biological, or cultural conditioning? Do serial killers have any control over their desires? We all experience rage and inappropriate sexual instincts, yet we have some sort of internal cage that keeps our inner monsters locked up. Call it morality or social programming; these internal blockades have long since been trampled down in the psychopathic killer. Not only have they let loose the monster within, they are virtual slaves to its beastly appetites. What sets them apart? Serial killers have tested out a number of excuses for their behavior. Henry Lee Lucas blamed his upbringing; others like Jeffrey Dahmer say that they were born with a 'part' of them missing. Ted Bundy claimed p0rnography made him do it. Herbert Mullin, Santa Cruz killer of thirteen, blamed the voices in his head that told him it was time to sing the die song. The ruthless Carl Panzram swore that prison turned him into a monster, while Bobby Joe Long said a motorcycle accident made him hypersexual and eventually a serial lust killer. image The most psychopathic, like John Wayne Gacy, turned the blame around and boasted that the victims deserved to die. Lt. Mac Taylor is not ruling-out possible Mafia at hand either, war criminals [the mob mainly] has a habit of like Al Capone did. Al Capone used hired soldiers in his organization playing a cat-and-mouse game amongst mafia disagreements or debates, the NYPD is one of the first to take down a large portion of that organization. In an instant Lt. Taylor's cell Blinks! Flashing an alarming red light, he grabs it, flips it open and the GPS detected the fleeing where'abouts of Suspect X. Promptly, Mac drowns his cell vast in his left ass, robust pants pocket as he vastly shifted his serious confirmed ocean blue hues on Det. Stella, " Looks like he is making an attempt to run. He's headed down to the train station, " he gestured a nodge of his head indicating, they're heading out themselves to get there before Suspect X does. Opening Stella's door open, in a swift reverse pull leaving room for each to pivot out as they hurried intolerably down a flight of stairs and exited out the buildings doors. image Ipswich Massachusetts Department and New York Department: In the events of the September 11 terrorism attack, hadn't affected New York alone, the terror devestated an entire nation. Indeed a catastrophic, tragic event that none will forget, hundreds amongst thousand first responders submerged to assist from all district departments in the entire nation to help. Help the countless victims lost, to the numerous survivors and during the aftermath it took an entire 'Nation' to connect their determined brains together, in tracking out the sick son of a bitch suspect (s), or a better term for labeling the ones responsible terrorist (s). From Boston to Los Angeles, to Washington D.C. to Miami Florida, and back up to New York we were more than capable of declaring our justice against evil men from harming more innocent people. There is an interesting crossover between fact and fiction here, Lt. Mac Taylor who detoured outside his jurisdiction and joining forces with the Ipswich Department in legit resources of criminal evidence linking to a recent discover of one of the airplanes found between two buildings in New York, also connected to an incident suspected of possible terrorism had hit similarities circulating around the base of the attack both Boston and the surrounding smaller towns such as Ipswich endured. In September 11's horror, Lt. Mac Taylor is someone who himself witnessed the crucial lost of fellow officers, beloved ones in the collapse of the Towers. Terrorism is a raw area the CSI New York Department and Lt. Mac Taylor has been experienced in and delted with. Harboring zero-tolerance for is an individual (s) finding it a thrill to bestow hellish and cruel acts amongst, anyone, this especially circulates around the issue of 'terrorism'. The systematic use of terror, often violent, especially as means of coercion. In the international communities, however, terrorism has no legally binding, criminal law definition. Common definitions of terrorism refer only to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror); are perpetrated for a religious, political or , ideological goal; and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (civilians). Few definitions now include acts of unlawful violence and war. The use of similar tactics by criminal organizations for protection rackets or to enforce a code of silence is usually not labeled terrorism, though these same actions may be labeled terrorism when done by a politically motivated group. Ipswich Massachusetts authorities on Wed. charged three men with interfering with the investigation of the Boston Marathon bombing, suggesting there were hidden fireworks and a backpack belonging to one of the suspected bombers as a manhunt was under route. image The three, two students from Kazakhstan and a U.S citizen, were described as college friends of suriving bombing Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, age nineteen. The three were not charged with direct involvement in the April 15th marathon bombings, however, after the blasts, the trio moved immediately upon covering up for their friend when the FBI released images of the suspected bombers, made a public plea for help locating them and conducted an exact twenty-four hour manhunt. The manhunt leaving much of Boston and the local surrounding town on lockdown, according to court papers. Local authorities charged the two Kazakhs, Azamat Tazhayakov and Dias Kadyrbayev, both nineteen, with consipiring to obstruct justice in disposing of a backpack containing fireworks found in Tsarnnaev's dorm room. The third suspect male, Robel Phillipos, also nineteen, is charged with making false statements to the investigators, each of the suspects are incarcerated in the Massachusetts Correctional Prison. During New York's September crisis it was too, the Ipswich Department was among one of those who were brave in assisting, in honor, Lt. Mac Taylor contributed at the appointed time to the Lt. in charge if his help is asked for, to not hesitate to call. image Thus, is what brings Mac here to this prison to assist in an area he is familar with, Lt. Taylor does not take over random departments, no he has respect for those in charge of their own districts.Instant incoming caller buzzed Lt. Mac's cell, he arched his left dark manly brow whilst he dug out his phone. Flipped it open swiftly while raising it up to his ear so he can listen to the voice message while exiting out of his muscular black Escalade SUV. It begins in another long late hours in a later afternoon shift, Lt. Mac Taylor arrived on the dot, in New York. In Ipswich he was there long enough to collect criminal evidence to three suspects and to the one locked up in New York. Two hours and a half prior, two john-doe bodies were discovered and called in, lying on the floor of a local departmental store located in the heart of the Bronx...... Ipswich Massachusetts Department and New York Department: Public intimidating term 'terrorism' is politically and emotionally charged, and this greatly compounds the difficulty of providing a precised definition. The concept of terrorism may be controversial as it is often used throughout varied state authorities and-or individuals with access to state support to delegitimize polotical or other opponents. Also to potentially legitimize the state's own use of armed force against high profiled criminal suspects such as incarcerated Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Azamat Tazhayakov, and Dias Kadyrbayev that are contained within the secure walls of the Massachusetts State Correctional Prison. It appeared the three young college foreign students from Kazakhstan, aim was to act out as an abiding characteristic indiscriminate use of violence against noncombatants for the exact purpose of gaining publicity for a group, cause, or individual. The symbolism of terrorism can leverage human fear to help achieve these goals, well perhaps, however Lt. Mac Taylor and the two department teams paired up are focused on assuring the public can go on with their daily lives without the fear. And in the meantime reassure these three individuals do gain what is deserved in the aftermath awake of their immoral crime. What exact area is this labeled 'act or terrorism' shall this malevolent omission (crime) become listed under? Is it an act of civil disorder, a form of collective violence interfering with the peace, security, and normal functioning of the afflicted communities? Political terrorism, violent criminal behaviour designed primarily to generate fear in the community, or substantial segment of it, for political purposes? Non-Political terrorism, terrorism that is not aimed political purposes but which exhibits "conscious design to create and maintain a high degree of fear for coercive purposes, but the end is individual or collective gain rather than the achievement of a political objective"? Quasi-terrorism, the activites incidental to the commission of crimes of violence that are similar in form and method to genuine terrorism but which nevertheless lack its essential ingredient. It is not the main purpose of the quasi-terrorists to induce terror in the immediate victim as in the gase of genuine terrorism, but the quasi-terrorist uses the modalities and techniques of the genuine terrorist and produces similar consequences and reaction. For example, the fleeing felon who takes hostages is a quasi-terrorist, whose methods are similar to those of the genuine terrorist but whose purposes are quite different? image Limited political terrorism, - genuine political terrorism is characterized by a revolutionary approach; limited political terrorism refers to "acts of terrorism which are committed for ideological or political motives but which are not part of a concerted campagn to capture control of the state? Or is it an Official or state terrorism, "referring to nations whose rule is based upon fear and oppresion that reach similar to terrorism or such proportions." It also might be referred to as Structrual Terrorism defined broadly as terrorist acts carried out by governments in pursuit of political objectives, often as part of their foreign policy? Either or the miscellaneous various law officials and/or all applied enforcement determined driven teams whom are pared from the two departments to work together as one on this broad lengthened investigation shall be determined. Lt. Mac Taylor enclosed an official file whilst he pivots to step down, off the local town of Ipswich's, public operation (Police) podium. Maintains a high respect towards the men and women amongst the Ipswich Police Department as he does to all dedicated departments scattered throughout the nation. Individuals who'll stop at nothing and work around the clock, to capture criminals such as the latest foreign suspects are brought in off the streets and locked up for good. Lt. Mac Taylor stauled during his prepared vast exit, to abide his attention addressed the young vibrant, intelligent, and indeed honorable Police Officer Hermoine Danvers. Pulling out a pair of tinted shades in preventing the scouraging mid-afternoon sun, he shielded over his light blue hues whilst accepting and offering a respectful hand shake of her hand. " An honor to meet you Officer Hermonie. I've heard and read a great deal of courageous stories about you." shaking her hand Lt. Mac spoken her brave work, he took upon to acknowledge whilst he praised her. CSI New York Department Office: Elaborated written condemnation, an up-dated summarizations pertaining to the criminal status of the prior cases in which now have been concluded. Putting an official conclusion to their closure, Lt. Mac liberated with his authorized signature on the rim of each document with a final validation. Replenishing each underneath and on top of several other miscellaneous folders whilst relocated back on that stack towered 'mild' high on the semi oval left corner of his desk. The supplemented usual indicated of a few other written documentations he permitted amongst particulat investigations to proceed on their possible final 'case-closed' notarized signature mark. For example 'Manhunt Manhattan' investigation consumed an entire three to six weeks worth of around-the-clock process upon a hefty cat-and-mouse hunt. One year later after catching the son of a bitch, Lt. Mac Taylor is satisfied to actually say, it's about that hour he can slam the case in a drawer with a thick black 'case-closed' stamp marked on the center of the folder it is housed in. Thorough observant scenic route outside to the adjacent left off to the west outside of the CSI-NYP Department's sixth floor window at about a right addressed angle behind Lt. Taylor's officemax chair. image image The George Washington statued on the corner of East Avenue, with his marble-stoned right arm pitched upwards whilst he sits on his iron horse. Smooth semi recline forward Lt. Mac retrieved, for his youngst son Boyd's graduation invitation stationed on his desk. The graduation invitation had appeared opened, indeed it is, as it should because as a unconditional proud father Mac would be sure to do so. 'Take action. Every story you've ever connected with, every leader you've ever admired, every puny little think that you've ever accomplished is the result of taking and achieving great action.' Definite profound grateful and proud father he is to be, taught this amongst a dozen occasions he given advises to his adored kids whom have become successful adults. No other father on this planet could be any prouder than he. Recollecting several years ago - well further back in years when his son Boyd was about ten to his mid teen stages. The two pal around the 'Big Apple' and headed off to root on the Yankees at the Yankee Stadium, then grab a couple the greasiest burgers there is at a local Grill and rinse them down with a cold draft beer glasses filled with rootbeer. McKenna Boyd Taylor III aka Boyd indeed he'll make an excellent CSI, yielding his officemax chair as the wheels in simultaneous obedient motion reversed whilst he rises up out of it to grab his robust jacket with the graduation invitation in his hand and took an exist out the office door, to get ready to attend to his son's graduation and meet his wife Stella quarter mile down the hall so the two can join each other on the next flight out. CSI New York Department Office: Elaborated written condemnation, an up-dated summarizations pertaining to the criminal status of the prior cases in which now have been concluded. Putting an official conclusion to their closure, Lt. Mac liberated with his authorized signature on the rim of each document with a final validation. Replenishing each underneath and on top of several other miscellaneous folders whilst relocated back on that stack towered 'mild' high on the semi oval left corner of his desk. The supplemented usual indicated of a few other written documentations he permitted amongst particulat investigations to proceed on their possible final 'case-closed' notarized signature mark. For example 'Manhunt Manhattan' investigation consumed an entire three to six weeks worth of around-the-clock process upon a hefty cat-and-mouse hunt. One year later after catching the son of a bitch, Lt. Mac Taylor is satisfied to actually say, it's about that hour he can slam the case in a drawer with a thick black 'case-closed' stamp marked on the center of the folder it is housed in. image Thorough observant scenic route outside to the adjacent left off to the west outside of the CSI-NYP Department's sixth floor window at about a right addressed angle behind Lt. Taylor's officemax chair. The George Washington statued on the corner of East Avenue, with his marble-stoned right arm pitched upwards whilst he sits on his iron horse. Smooth semi recline forward Lt. Mac retrieved, for his youngst son Boyd's graduation invitation stationed on his desk. The graduation invitation had appeared opened, indeed it is, as it should because as a unconditional proud father Mac would be sure to do so. 'Take action. Every story you've ever connected with, every leader you've ever admired, every puny little think that you've ever accomplished is the result of taking and achieving great action.' Definite profound grateful and proud father he is to be, taught this amongst a dozen occasions he given advises to his adored kids whom have become successful adults. No other father on this planet could be any prouder than he. Recollecting several years ago - well further back in years when his son Boyd was about ten to his mid teen stages. The two pal around the 'Big Apple' and headed off to root on the Yankees at the Yankee Stadium, then grab a couple the greasiest burgers there is at a local Grill and rinse them down with a cold draft beer glasses filled with rootbeer. McKenna Boyd Taylor III aka Boyd indeed he'll make an excellent CSI, yielding his officemax chair as the wheels in simultaneous obedient motion reversed whilst he rises up out of it to grab his robust jacket with the graduation invitation in his hand and took an exist out the office door, not to mention upon pleasurable graduation news amongst the proud Taylor's, is his honourable Rodeo bullfighter grandson Robby Taylor. Indeed an honest unconditionally proud grandfather, Mac called in ahead of time appointment to make a prompt visit to congratulate his grandson Robby, plus introduce him where the original 'Taylor triple deker' cheese burger was taught from as the spontaneous laughable thought came to mind as he continued walking through the NY-PD corridors for the elevator in which'll elevate him to the main level and out the building to his awaiting vehicle. CSI New York Department: "Near Death" Lt. Mac Taylor & Open Rp. Part I: Shift At the Department: CSI New York Department Office: Elaborated written condemnation, an up-dated summarizations pertaining to the criminal status of the prior cases in which now have been concluded. Putting an official conclusion to their closure, Lt. Mac liberated with his authorized signature on the rim of each document with a final validation. Replenishing each underneath and on top of several other miscellaneous folders whilst relocated back on that stack towered 'mild' high on the semi oval left corner of his desk. The supplemented usual indicated of a few other written documentations he permitted amongst particulat investigations to proceed on their possible final 'case-closed' notarized signature mark. For example 'Manhunt Manhattan' investigation consumed an entire three to six weeks worth of around-the-clock process upon a hefty cat-and-mouse hunt. One year later after catching the son of a bitch, Lt. Mac Taylor is satisfied to actually say, it's about that hour he can slam the case in a drawer with a thick black 'case-closed' stamp marked on the center of the folder it is housed in. Thorough observant scenic route outside to the adjacent left off to the west outside of the CSI-NYP Department's sixth floor window at about a right addressed angle behind Lt. Taylor's officemax chair. The George Washington statued on the corner of East Avenue, with his marble-stoned right arm pitched upwards whilst he sits on his iron horse. Smooth semi recline forward Lt. Mac retrieved, for his youngst son Boyd's graduation invitation stationed on his desk. The graduation invitation had appeared opened, indeed it is, as it should because as a unconditional proud father Mac would be sure to do so. 'Take action. Every story you've ever connected with, every leader you've ever admired, every puny little think that you've ever accomplished is the result of taking and achieving great action.' Definite profound grateful and proud father he is to be, taught this amongst a dozen occasions he given advises to his adored kids whom have become successful adults. No other father on this planet could be any prouder than he. Recollecting several years ago - well further back in years when his son Boyd was about ten to his mid teen stages. Part II: Going off Duty, The two pal around the 'Big Apple' and headed off to root on the Yankees at the Yankee Stadium, then grab a couple the greasiest burgers there is at a local Grill and rinse them down with a cold draft beer glasses filled with rootbeer. McKenna Boyd Taylor III aka Boyd indeed he'll make an excellent CSI, yielding his officemax chair as the wheels in simultaneous obedient motion reversed whilst he rises up out of it to grab his robust jacket with the graduation invitation in his hand and took an exist out the office door, not to mention upon pleasurable graduation news amongst the proud Taylor's, is his honourable Rodeo bullfighter grandson Robby Taylor. Indeed an honest unconditionally proud grandfather, Mac called in ahead of time appointment to make a prompt visit to congratulate his grandson Robby, plus introduce him where the original 'Taylor triple deker' cheese burger was taught from as the spontaneous laughable thought came to mind as he continued walking through the NY-PD corridors for the elevator in which'll elevate him to the main level and out the building to his awaiting vehicle. image New York remains what it has always been: a city of ebb and flow, a city of constant shifts of population and economics, a city of virtually no rest. It is harsh, dirty, and dangerous, it is whimsical and fanciful, it is beautiful and soaring, it is not one or another of these things but all of them, all at once, and to fail to accept this paradox is to deny the reality of city existence. As the lieutenant in charge of the CSI unit in New York police station it is his job to assure the city remains manageable as far as cutting down the never ending crime - as a ex-marine it was his job to defend this country, as a father and husband it is his part to make his job happen, it's apart of the package of being devoted to his wife and kids outside of work. You see Lt. Mac endulged heading off the clock, once a case has been cracked it is one less criminal off the streets, another notion of knowing he or she wont target Stella, and/or one of their kids and grandkids. You appreciate the peace inside your home, continuing on homelife with those who are important, relishing in the development of our kids lives growing into adulthood and being honored to be apart of it. Part II: Man Down... Being apart of your partner, not work partner: a wife, his wife who is more than his wife, a best friend, someone you vowed your entire self to no matter what, love - after showing her just how much we resume back to work the next morning in keeping the streets clean so we can return home again at the end of everyday to be able to know we can, we got someone(s) (kids included) worth coming home to. Instant incoming cell phone tone rang, Lt. Mac arched his left dark brow, he retrieved his cell flipped it open swiftly while raising it up to his ear so he can listen to the voice message while exiting out of his muscular black Escalade SUV. The team arrests Hank Shelton, a sick old man who took part in a series of bank robberies because he needed the money to be able to live with his family until he died. Lt. Mac is called in, before heading out to the Airport, he offers to head to the nearby pharmacy to pick up a prescription for the man, but he arrives in the middle of a robbery. Darius Cole fires at Mac, but Mac is able to take him down. A woman walks into the pharmacy, and Mac orders her to call 9-1-1. "Call 911, a man's been shot." he turned his back to aid the injured suspect, and the woman pulls out a gun and shoots him before killing the pharmacist. It began in a department store, where two bodies are lying on the floor motionless, the two were shot and one of them is Lt. Mac Taylor. In matter of immediate minutes, he is rushed directly to the nearest hospital. Transportation he visions a blur visual of someone in his unconsciousness-state, the figure tells him he is dying. Assuring him it is going to be ok, leaving the New York PD team in distraught, but they'll have to remain focus on searching for the killer as the doctors work to save Mac's life in the hospital.... image

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