Remy Marcęux on - Remy Marcęux

35 years old
United States

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February 07 2024

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Member Since:February 18, 2014

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About me:

Who I'd like to meet:

Legal & Physical NICKNAMES: Rem-Rem
ALIASES: Hardly Necessary
DATE OF BIRTH: December 20th, 1763
PLACE OF BIRTH: Boston, Massachusetts
CURRENT RESIDENCE: I travel, from here to there.
ETHNICITY - SPECIES: French American - Fairie
HAIR COLOR: Chestnut Brown
EYE COLOR: Light Hazel
HEIGHT: Six Foot Three Inches
WEIGHT: One Hundred Seventy two pounds
BIRTHMARKS/SCARS: There's plenty of those.


Traits Can be Kind, compassionate, fool-hearted, interesting, yet ruthless and very conniving at times.
Quirks Plenty of unusual quirks.

Remy is a kind individual, willing to throw his life on the line to even the most unusual people. He does have a strong distrust towards demon but more often than not, you will always catch Remy in a good mood.

Family & Relationships

MOTHER: Fiona Marceux
FATHER: Sebastian Marceux
SISTER(S): None applicable
BROTHER(S): None applicable
Other Family: Gracia, in a sense and the rest of his court. Deceased Son
STATUS: My heart is taken
CURRENT: Lady Enigma
FORMER: Alyshia Marceux

Education & Employment

High School Boston Latin School
College Harvard University (circa 1832)
Major Economics and Finance
Degree Bachelors of Science in Business Administration
OCCUPATION: Self Employed Tavern Owner/Fairie Assailant
JOB DESCRIPTION: I own Wilkes Country Tavern, an ever expanding business. I'm sure that the first is self explained. Though being an assailant, I take care of any being that threatens the Fae.
EMPLOYER: Gracia Vergara
SKILLSET: Highly Sophisticated/Control over the element of the air, other demon abilities such as inhuman speed, endurance, and strength

Fae History

A background to the Queen and Court. Read it if you feel it's necessary.

Fadasmundo was one of the five major worlds of Almonia that was founded by the Archaios Fairie, whom sat on the counsel of five that fabricated the Almonian Stone. Customary to most of the founders of Almonian world's, the Archaios Fairie handed the power of Fadasmundo to a trustworthy Fairie 'Who's name will come later' who would quickly prove that the Archaios Fairie made the right decision in making him the ruler. Fadasmundo flourished for years in peace under the guidance of this king with other world's in Almonia. That was the beginning but things were expected to come in years to come. As they always did. It was unpredictable that the son to the first king of Fadasmundo would've found and married a descendant of the Archaios Fairie; though it happened. Any child born to these two would be held with such honor but also with more responsibility than one could anticipate.

A harbinger had come to the First King of Fadasmundo before his untimely death to pass along a message. Explaining that Fadasmundo would be in sure trouble as soon as the third generation took the throne. So before the second generation Kings throning came around, he was told that he should hold the throne for as long as possible; just a manner of prolonging the inevitable. Therefore the young girl brought into the world by the new King and Queen of Fadasmundo already faced the chance of leafing a long life without seeing the throne. Gracia was a something they were always proud of. She was gifted, skilled, intelligent, respectful and a variety of other good qualities. The life she led was an exceptional one, her parents were great rulers and Fadasmundo had a powerful Kingdom that easily could stand to any foe. One of the most powerful countries in all of Almonia at this time.

It was peaceful and Gracia expected to receive the rite to the throne of Fadasmundo when she was in her twenties; which was the question her parents prepared for for decades. They explained to her what the harbinger explained to her grandfather and albeit a little frustrated at the thought accepted the fact that she may never become queen. That didn't stop her from being dedicating her life to overcoming that and proving the harbinger wrong. Gracia then went traveling, denying any protection that her parents offered. She wanted to explore Almonia so that she would be more knowledgeable about the world. Gracia knew that she could also use this time training as well. She vowed to not return home until she felt confident her parents would give her the throne.

Despite the protesting of her parents, Gracia traveled. For a centuries time, spending a fair amount of time in every world. Learning about each and every culture that Almonia had to offer at this time. From the spiritual world of the Elvyn race to the mystical lands of Maxeterra and through the treacherous valleys of the dark world Sangvale, Gracia survived in every world. She made very powerful allies in this time frame such as one of the remaining Thrakos, Drachir and surprisingly the Archsage C�bran whom both taught her a lot on their own. She didn't anticipate she would learn more about her own lineage in this journey but she found she was descended from someone equal in age and importance to the Archsage. This gave her more thirst for the throne and more importantly the ability to challenge her potential more. She was going to become the Queen of Fadasmundo, it was only fair to her. She had no brother or sister, and her parents wouldn't live forever. Fadasmundo would be in a perfect rule under Gracia.

After about a decade longer that was spent in Sangvale - in which Gracia had actually found herself in a variety of sticky situations that would make her many new enemies - she returned back to Fadasmundo and just in time too. Her father had fallen ill and her mother went missing. It was unconventionally timed seeing as they had just received the Almonian Stone for fifty six years and Gracia knew this wasn't the way she wanted to receive the throne. This was a set up, to bring Fadasmundo to the ground and she was sure of that. Gracia was much more intelligent at this point and she would solve this problem without any lives being lost. Thankfully all the time away had taught her many things about not only useful mystical ailments but her own powers. After discovering her father had been poisoned, she used her newfound knowledge to nurse her father back to health. After she was certain that he was capable of taking the throne again, she went on the hunt for her mother.

Within a few months, Gracia found her mother but was confused otherwise by whom was behind it. Bandits? That should've made sense but what was the purpose of taking her mother? Gracia pondered that after successfully destroying the captors and returning back home safely with her mother. Gracia was hailed and praised for her bravery amidst the most trouble that Fadasmundo had faced in the history of the country. That should've made her confident but something told her there was a much deeper meaning behind the events that took place. The Bandits were sent by something much bigger and they must've got what they needed from her mother because they made it easy for Gracia to trail them. Trouble was on the horizon and Gracia wasn't sure how to approach it.

Gracia proved herself worthy of the throne but she wasn't ready to accept it yet. There was too much else to worry about. She promised her parents that when their time was up with the stone she would take the stone and they could finally relax. A half century later, the stone was on to the next country and the time for Gracia to take the throne had come. She had longed for this day for nearly two hundred years and now that it had come, she was nervous. Not to become to queen but the threats on the horizon. Her parents left the kingdom and went into a low maintenance retirement in a small village within Fadasmundo.

Gracia built an even more powerful army than the one her father had and without a king was one of the best rulers in all of Almonia. She ruled with an iron fist and Fadasmundo was once again at peace for a few centuries but the fear of a threat to come never left. Gracia had no children, no king, and nothing to care for besides the safety and well being of her people. Fadasmundo was a flourishing country and it had began to get widespread popularity ever since Gracia had taken the throne. Trouble was brewing and Gracia knew it. Paranoia sank in and she began to recruit more soldiers, there were always Fairie soldiers on patrol, day in and day out. Gracia would be damaged if her country fell. Little did she know that day was far closer than anticipated.

What did the fairies do to piss anyone off? They didn't intervene but their world was magnificent and very alluring to other creatures who didn't have near as much land as they did. Everything Gracia worried about was about to take place, she was going to learn why everything had happened the way it did in the past. The Bandits had been given many secrets from the former queen through numerous manners of torture, such as weaknesses, and other things of the like. This would cause their downfall. An army - of Bandits and many other insanely creepy and powerful creature - three times the size of the Fadasmundo army led by a Serpentine Creature seized Fadasmundo. Within five years despite all of Gracias best efforts had decimated the population of Fadasmundo down to below one hundred. The country was unrecognizable at this point and the Serpentine met with Gracia; explained to her that she only did this for the land and that her death wasn't important into her. A portal was opened to Earth and all of the remaining Fairies were pushed into it. Kicked from their own world to earth.

Gracia had to watch as everything her family had built.. She had built just crumbled to the ground around her. Now she was in Earth, a world she wasn't all that familiar with, with a small fleet that with every last ounce of their hope was depending on Gracia to keep them safe. The Queen was absolutely devastated and this flipped a switch inside of her. She was frustrated about the entire situation but even more pissed that the harbinger was right. She was going to kill the bitch responsible and reclaim her land but how was one to do that after the devastating defeat they just faced. Fadasmundo was no more, Almonia was not desirable to return to right now. What the hell did earth have to offer these Fairies though? More trouble. As if Gracia hadn't just faced enough trouble.

They hadn't even got a chance to become accustomed to this new foreign world - that was run entirely by humans with the supernatural hiding in the shadows - before they were being targeted again. This time it was demons, which was surprising to Gracia. The demons in Almonia were good allies with the foe, though individually they were much more powerful. The fairies seemed they could actually be more closely related to these demons than the fairies on earth. This wasn't something the demons took too kindly too. These foreigners stepping into their world unannounced. So they did the only thing acceptable in their book and that was trying to eliminate this species before it became a threat. By the thirteenth century, Gracia had an even smaller group of Fairie beside her and they were hiding out, moving country to country to avoid the demons until they found a solution. It wasn't easy to build a defense by just reproducing, Gracia had to seek an alternative route.

That alternative route wouldn't come until a couple centuries later after Gracia had truly become accustomed to earth. She was a much different person from the thirteenth century up until the seventeenth century. She wreaked havoc and caused chaos of her own before she finally met the banshee. The banshee was the first one who gave her the indication that a solution was closer than she anticipated and once she found the spiritual connection, she realized what she had to do. The fairies have always had spiritual connections with the dead but it was much more powerful on earth. Once she made the link, she was able to use her abilities that were passed down from the Archaios Fairie to make the spirits of the dead, living, breathing, powerful fairies. This new knowledge was all she needed. With her first successful Fairie brought back from the dead, young Sebastian Marceux, she started to build her new court. By the eighteenth century, they had shifted to what would become to America. Their numbers had grown by the thousands and Gracia was making herself known. She was slowly but surely starting a rivalry between the demons and the fae. A rivalry that would last for centuries to come. It wouldn't be until later on in life that Gracia was ready to go back to Almonia and take Fadasmundo back for herself. Everything she did on earth, it all has a purpose, and that purpose was to take back what was rightfully hers.


In the Beginning...

From the very day that my mother learned that she was going to give birth to a child shrouded in secrecy, it was clear that I was going to be an unusual child destined to lead an even more unusual life. My mother was Fiona Marceux, an ordinary early American settler that lived in the area known as Boston, Massachusetts. Her parents were farmers, and they never anticipated that their little girls life would change because of a seemingly normal Frenchman. This man was Sebastian Marceux and he was a Fairie, albeit hidden to every human he associated himself with, even Fiona. Now this is where things get strange. My father wasn't one of the traditional Fae that humanity had heard of through many tales throughout the ages. The Fairies he belonged to were much different, much darker.

Sebastian was a human once, until his untimely death came in the middle of the seventeenth century. His soul, or spirit, was then approached by a female Fairie that would become a very prevalent presence throughout my entire life; she was known to the Fae as Queen Gracia Vergara. This Fairie Queen was not of Earth, she was exiled from her own world of Almonian with a limited number of Fae with her. That number declined even more after the Demons of Earth decided that these Fairies posed a threat because of their close resemblance as Gracias Fae were more related to the these Demons than the Fairies here. This caused a serious problem, her Fae couldn't reproduce at a healthy rate for her to gain any form of power or foothold and this lasted centuries. The solution? Young Sebastian Marceux, the first human soul to return as a full fledged Fairie. Due to Gracias ancestry she had a connection with the dead, a connection which was only made more powerful on Earth; with the assistance of the Bean Sidhe or otherwise known as the Banshee, Gracia was en route to making her mark here on Earth. It only took a century and Gracia had established a court here on Earth with a couple thousand Fairie. My father had become Gracias right hand man, her Fairie assailant.

It may seem like I got off track but all of this is necessary to know why my father never should have got my mother pregnant in the first place. It wasn't allowed but seeing as the existence of these new Fae didn't have many rules, there was no way for Sebastian to know he couldn't impregnate a human woman. My mother became the poster child for this though, she faced many complications throughout her pregnancy with me. Sebastian never told Gracia about the fact that he had committed this wrong act. He supported my mother through her complex pregnancy up until the last day she would live as a human. It was December 20th in seventeen sixty-three, the day when I decided I would make my presence known to the world. She died shortly after going into labor with me and no one could've predicted what would happen next. Fionas soul was transported to a section of Hell where she met with the Demon Prince Astaroth. Astaroth made a proposition to my mother. He knew of my Fairie blood and to mix that with the blood of a demon; he'd have one of his most powerful soldiers. So he insisted that he would bring her back to life, no longer as a human, but rather a demon so that she could successfully give birth. The stipulation? When I turned ten years old, they were going to take me back to Hell and begin training me. There were no other options besides death, so she accepted. Fiona Marceux as the world once knew her was no more. She was a demon now and her life would become a tragedy.

She subsequently was transported back to Earth where she successfully gave birth to me. The demons weren't trustworthy, as expected and they tried to nab me as soon as I escaped the womb. Sebastian wasn't far off with a couple of Fairies as back up. Although I was safely retrieved, my mother was not. She was taken by the surviving demons back to hell where her new life would begin without me. My father mourned my mother for a few years and then I was presented to Gracia at the age of ten; the first Fairie-Demon hybrid to be brought into the court. I was raised with a close eye on me at all times. This is because the demons were going to do their damndest to make sure I came to them in time. This sparked the biggest feud between Gracias court and Astaroths demons that would span centuries. I began my training shortly after I directly caused one of the largest battles between the Demon and the Fae by using my unkempt Manipulation of gas.

I caused a toxic gas to spread throughout a village near Boston, thus attracting the attention of both species. I was so young thus I didn't fight but Gracia ordered that I begin more practical training. Whatever Sebastian was doing wasn't satisfying enough for her. So a life shrouded in mystery was one I continued to lead, trained by Gracia and learning the truth of what I was. It was never easy to accept the life I was given, especially considering the number of lives. These events took place at the same time as the Revolutionary war and the height of the feud between the two species had been reached.


My heart beats for them.

Name: Lady Enigma
Status: Married
Since:January 2015

My feelings for you will never dwindle, I love you as much as I did the first day I laid my eyes upon your beautiful ivory skin. You make my heart well with the most emotion I've ever felt. My soul aches when you're not with me. You're the first thought of my day, the drive that gets me through it and the last thing I think of every night.
Enigma, thank you for being you, thank you for being with me. I am beyond honored. I love you my darling and I always will.


New Endeavors

> By the time I was twenty one, my life had gotten tragic. Starting with witnessing the death of my father by my mothers own hand. Maybe I should step back, but my mother had become Astaroths loyal servant. A tool he tried to use to make me join forces with him. I could never hate my mother but watching her kill my father was tough. I still wake up every morning with the disastrous scene in my head but I tried to live a normal life. I settled down with a woman I'd met and with Gracias blessing, we conceived a child. That life didn't last long though, I'd apparently made a few enemies within Boston, ones who knew the full truth about me. My house was burned down, with me and my family inside. I received the warning too late and just like everyone else in my life, I met death as well. It wasn't for long though, Gracia was there in no time and I was brought back to life as a full fledged Fairie. The Demon blood was no longer present in my body and for this, I was awarded the same position my father held in the court. As one of the most powerful Fae in the court, I'd now be her Royale Assailant and I couldn't argue with that. It'd help me forget all the tragedy my life had to offer.

In the next two centuries, so much had changed. I had seen things, I'd done things that I would rather not remember and my life was not one that was particularly favorable to many. Despite that, I finally started to break my bonds with Gracia. I'd made many allies in the past, despite my large number of enemies. Klaus Rothstein was one of those, a business man whose former involvement with crime led to him being brought to this world as a Fairie. With the assistance of this man, I finally tried to do something normal. I opened a Tavern, similar to the ones that were widespread through the early age of America. That Tavern was something I could be proud of but I would never leave the life of the Fae, despite how hard I tried. Gracia says that she's preparing us to retrieve her land and then we're free, so I assume I can lead a somewhat normal life after that's done but who knows when that'll happen. I guess I'll find out in time.


Verse Fantasy
Writing Length: Multipara-Novella
POV: First, Third
No One Liner-Para Writers


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Remy Marcęux


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Krissy {AU}

》ℍ𝕒𝕛𝕚 𝕊𝕒𝕙𝕚𝕟

вrαveнeαrt, cℓαra



Roxanne Pooket

💋Colourful Megalomaniac

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May 10th 2020 - 3:35 AM

Enigma’s origin was just as mysterious as her name. No one knew the real truth except her own heart. She had occasional visions of the past and most likely those were memories but it felt like another reality. The images of the war that broke out in ancient Egypt, the fire, people dyingher family died that night and so did she. It’s what everyone believed but no one knew what really happened. The truth was revealing itself slowly over the years. At times she believed that perhaps she did die back then and this was just a soul that re-incarnated into another body, centuries later.

When a good family adopted her, the Destlers, they gave her a true definition of family that she always craved. They gave her all their love and warmthtreating her as their own child back in the 19th century. But Enigma was always so independent, a warrior in modern day, who fought crime, captured monsters and brought them to justice. Her mission involved fighting evil and protecting the innocent with the help of her unique set of powers; the powers that could sometimes be destructive if she was to lose control. However, as she matured, she definitely learned not to let the darkness consume her, especially during stressful situations.

Meeting Remy in the modern day of 21st century was probably the best thing that could have happened to Enigma. They have transitioned from best friends to lovers over the years until eventually tying the knot. Marriage has given her the status she needed in order to become Queen to the Egyptian Kingdom that belonged to her by birthright. Of course there was quite a bit of time-traveling involved in between all of this madness but somehow her spouse had rolled with it. His own life wasn’t simple so they were indeed a match made in heaven and right now they were in literal heaven because this island was a dream.

Enigma took her sweet time bathing with rose petals floating atop the water as her fingertips toyed with their velvet texture. A smile playing on her lips as she bit the bottom one softly, thinking of what this beautiful night had in store for them. It was just the beginning of their honeymoon but she already wished for it to never end. Another moment had passed with her daydreaming, before she finally lifted her smoldering frame and stepped out of the tub. Grabbing a towel, she dabbed it along her delicate flesh to absorb the water and then slipped into a diamond white nightgown made of silk. There was a matching robe to it as she donned it as well before tying the belt in the front of her waist. There was no hair dryer, so she took a brush and ran it through the wet strands while using her own heat to dry them.

It was almost time and Enigma was aware of how punctual her husband usually was. In fact, she thought he arrived early when she heard some footsteps in the next room. When she exited the bathing area only to find an unexpected guest there, Enigma’s lips had parted with a gasp and doe brown eyes went wide. She’s never met Remy’s mother but it must have been her since she spoke of a son. Calling Enigma a beast was going too far, although considering her supernatural DNA, perhaps it was rather close. “I…uh…” Before she could collect her thoughts enough to spill a word in her defense, Fiona’s minions had already knocked the young woman unconscious. In that moment, everything went pitch black, including their plans and dreams.
She saw the fire, blazing through the kingdom where her family died. She was only an infant but she heard their desperate cries and how they fought to survive. The baby wasn’t scared of fire when it kissed her flesh, consuming the crib entirely. She didn’t burn; instead it was like she was floating in the flames until her little body dissolved. She vanished…traveled through time and space until she found a new place in the world. This newly vivid dream, or a memory, was interrupted by the painful scraping of monstrous claws against the bars of the cage where she was kept.

Slowly, the sleeping beauty has regained conscience. Whatever wounds they inflicted from their brutal handling of the princess, have magically healedanother hidden power that Enigma possessed and which these monsters were probably not aware of. Her head was still hurting when she scrambled herself from the floor in order to face her captor. Rage stirring in her veins but she tried to keep it in check and attempt a civil conversation first. “Who are you…and what do you want with me?” She asked the older woman through clenched teeth. Enigma was worried about Remy and what he could possibly think when he finds his bride missing. If she wasn’t feeling so drained, perhaps she could have gotten herself out of this cage but trying to use her abilities right now could only backfire.

Apr 16th 2015 - 4:06 AM

Feb 14th 2015 - 4:51 AM

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