The Snow Queen on - The Snow Queen
Ice and Snow is all I know! Snow Queen Verse/Fantasy/Supernatural/Fairy Tale Verses/Open

119 years old
Arctic Village, Alaska
United States

Last Login:
February 09 2024

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Member Since:January 09, 2014

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About me:

I am known as the Snow Queen and feard by most,how I got this way? I have forgotten over the centuries that I have been alive,time means nothing to me now. I live on a mountin of ice and snow and to get there one must cross the frozen lake and snow storms. There are many legends about my orgins and where I came from,but they are just that legends.

I feel no love and no feelings at all as my heart has totally become ice over the centuries and my powers are that of controlling all things snow and ice to the extreme of even being able to cause snow storms. I like who I am and no one will change that though I am not evil nor am I good,I just have no humanity left in me there for I do things my own way and yes I have in the past done dark things but mostly when angry or in danger. When I go out on the ice I can be seen with a sled of ice and Ice Bears pulling it. I do not melt if I walk in the heat as I am not made of ice or snow and I am immortal. I don't remember life before this just that I am queen now of my own icey castle.

I travel the world and see it's wonders and then I always go back home again. I am the destroyer of all life when I am angry and called a monster by most. Come to my castle of ice if you dare and see for yourself if I am what they say or not.

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The Snow Queen's Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 13 comments (View All | Add Comment)
The Immortal

Oct 8th 2020 - 11:01 AM

//Thanks for the add. Im Eben Lewis and id like to invite you to the grand opening of my club, 'The Veil' . Bring a friend.
Robin Hood

Jul 11th 2017 - 8:31 PM

Robin sighed as he watched two young woman run away after he and his team saved their lives. He got on his horse as his team got on their's, as they rode back to camp. They stopped as they heard noises not far as they got off their horses� and led them to the direction the noise came from as they wanted to investigate it. Robin and his team exchanged looks as they continued to make their way over, even if their horses didn't seem too sure about that. Which they understood them and agreed with them but still wanted to find out what was going on.

They were confused as to what was going on. They made their way over calmly and silently as they wondered what would they encounter while they get there. They were scared and worried but they still made their way over just the same. They hoped that it has nothing to do with Marian's sister in law or anything like that, as they surely weren't in the mood for her insanity, there was no doubt there. They never did, even when it had to do with her, and they doubted it would ever change, as it hadn't yet. They hoped that she stopped with her insanity but they seriously doubted that, as it wasn't like her. She was insane and dangerous, as well as annoying who refused to see her errors and instead saw them as perfect plans and such. Her insanity drew Marian's brother away and it drew Marian and her boyfriend Robin nuts, as it still did even nowadays.

They tried not to think of that as they made their way over, as they froze over sudden as they saw her talk to someone they had never met before. "What the hell?" Marian exclaimed as Robin and the other them tried to stop her but with no luck. Unknown to them not long before they heard the noise, it was Marian evil sister in law was the one the snow queen heard make her way over. As at first she wondered who she was and all but once she knew and believed her she offered her a deal and that was when they passed by heard the noise and walked on them making the deal. "What are you up to now?" both Robin and Marian asked together.�
Medical Marvel#2

Oct 24th 2014 - 10:07 PM

Sally nodded as she looked at her smiling as she had completely understood where she was coming from, Yes on the one hand she herself had been a Mortal but on the other hand she did have Witch Blood in her and some of her family members weren't exactly Mortal, She understood feeling dead in side. "I Suppose I can get that" she offered with a Shrug "to some Life is just going day to day" She laughed as she looked at her "there are some things I'd just like to Forget and I'm not just talking about my first Husbands Death So It must be nice to not remember anything about your life" She noticed the look that the Snow queen was giving and smiled politely "Would you like to come in to my shop? It's warm in there and people won't be staring at you"
Medical Marvel#2

Oct 10th 2014 - 9:48 PM

Sally nodded as she watched her. In all honesty she was not afraid of her , more or less she had been Enthralled and couldn't wait to get to know her even more "That must be tough on you" she offered though a part of her was more curious then anything else.

She shook her head as she bit her lip then spoke "Sometimes it's best not to dwell on the Past. I know I used to but with time and the ending of my Families Curse My life has gotten better and the wounds I had have healed" She couldn't fathom what the Snow queen had been through but she knew that what ever it was had been the Reason why she had become the way she had.
Medical Marvel#2

Oct 3rd 2014 - 9:50 PM

Sally nodded as she listened to her "yes" She nodded again "it is important but sometimes when there is a heat wave, a nice cold Winter would be a good thing to have" She shrugged not sure what she meant but also not really caring because she figured it was some sort of Magic. She did care about the people in the Town but only because her new relatives were some of them.

She sighed as she looked at her "That's too bad" she shrugged and added "to me Family is very important, though Honestly I don't remember much of my Parents, I was raised by my Aunts, it was always My Sister and us until I had kids and got married Now its about all of them"

She could tell the citizens weren't used to the cold they now had but it was something more then that, something almost Evil and it made her wonder if all the Rumors about the Evil Queen had been true though she probably should not care.
Medical Marvel#2

Sep 26th 2014 - 10:33 PM

Sally nodded as she looked at her "Truth is Sometimes Winter is a nice refreshing change to Summer, especially when its so Hot" She laughed shaking her head. She never was afraid of other people Because for the most part they were afraid of her. They had known her as a Witch and to most people Witches Were Evil.

Sally had been loyal to her Family and for the most part only her Family, now of Course Gary was added to that, Sure she had a Few friends but they weren't as close to her as her family was, in her Mind Blood Was always Thicker then Water.

She nodded as she looked at her "It is quite interesting and it worries me there is some Dark Magic going on, Someone who is cursing these people and putting their lives in danger" she shrugged and replied "I for one am getting to the bottom of it all"
Medical Marvel#2

Sep 19th 2014 - 10:33 PM

Sally smiled as she looked at her with a shrug "oh Family is very important to me, It always has been and from what I am understanding now Family is Important to my Husband as well, Which is why we intend on having Several kids' she spoke only Half jokingly.

She shrugged as she looked at her once again. Sally didn't really seem to mind, Especially since it had been Rather Hot in the Town with in the Past few days , in fact She knew this was something the World would need "Sometimes the Cold is a good thing" she offered with a smile.

She had bit her lip as she looked over the Woman, She was by no means afraid of her. She seemed nice and in a lot of ways reminded her of herself , No what made her ponder was the town itself and the use of the Dark Magic she had continued to feel.
Medical Marvel#2

Sep 13th 2014 - 12:39 AM

Sally hadn't minded the Magic either, She was used to it. She herself would use the Light Magic, the kind that wouldn't hurt anyone but her sister Gillian as much as she Loved her Had always been the one who used the Dark Magic the kind that would not only put Herself in danger but others as well.

She shook her head as she looked at her "no let me rephrase that, He knows who is family is, He told me once and after he told me it all made sense" she shrugged and added "but then He thought they were in fairy tale land He didn't know they were here until He was sent here or rather hired here"

Sally nodded again as she smiled "that makes sense, I mean we need cooler weather once in awhile But It seems a bit odd to do it now.. Just because its the middle of Summer" She shrugged as she looked at her as curious as could be.
Medical Marvel#2

Sep 5th 2014 - 10:22 PM

Sally nodded as she looked at her. She could tell that the woman was not from the town and that her own �Heart and Soul was filled with Ice , at least that was the assumption Sally had gotten just from the Hand shake. She looked at her as she spoke again "Yes, at least that is what I heard from others it is very cursed" She simply replied

As the town got colder and colder and the Woman stood there talking to her, She had gotten an impression that Yes this was the woman who caused the snow storm to happen. She continued to look at her wondering Why that Might be, Why she was so angry she cursed an entire town with snow that normally wouldn't happen , still she didn't bother to ask.

She shook her �head as she spoke "which Character my Fiancee is related to? I Don't think so, if they do know they won't let on about it." She nodded as she spoke again "I sensed it to I'm just trying to figure out what it is" �She bit her lip as she questioned "Are you the reason why it's snowing right now?" She asked.

Medical Marvel#2

Aug 29th 2014 - 9:16 PM

There had been many strange things about this town that seemed to bother Sally, One it had begun to snow which seemed odd to her seeing as it had been the Middle of Summer, and now as she touched this woman's hand her own felt as though it would soon turn to ice, She had wondered to herself if this woman was the reason for the Snow Storm.

Being a Witch had been something that Sally had tried to hide all her life, Her Sister Gilly had been the one who always wanted to use her talents, As were her Aunts, Her daughters as well, but Sally had always been to afraid, she strived to be Normal and Now had been no different.

She smiled as she fiddled with the engagement ring on her finger "I recently moved her due to finding out that my Fiancee is one of them" She nodded as she continued to speak "I found out his family is from the Enchanted Forest, the only reason he is in this land is because he was kidnapped as a child, long story short We are raising our own Family and decided it was time to move closer to his"

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