Vice-President O'Neil on - Vice-President O'Neil

40 years old

Last Login:
June 25 2024

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     Vice-President O'Neil's Details
Characters: Grace O'Neil
Verses: Political, Horror, War, Gore, Psychological, Crime, Civil War
Playbys: Kathleen Robertson
Length: Para, Semi
Genre: Crime, Gore, Heroes/Villains, Horror, Psychological, Suspense,
Member Since:May 24, 2024


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   Vice-President O'Neil's Blurbs
About me:
Grace O'Neil hails from Chicago, Illinois, and initially pursued a career in law before venturing into the realm of politics. Despite an unsuccessful attempt at running for the position of Mayor, she persevered and eventually emerged victorious in 2019. Serving as the Mayor of Chicago for a single term of four years, her leadership caught the attention of President Mitchell amidst the ongoing American Civil War. Recognizing her capabilities, he requested her to assume the role of Secretary of Defense. However, circumstances took an unexpected turn when the Vice President was captured, leading to President Mitchell appointing Grace O'Neil as the new Vice President. On May 24, 2024, she was sworn into office at the fortified White House.

Grace O'Neil is a striking figure with sharp features and intense, steely eyes that convey both authority and determination. Her short, blonde hair is always impeccably styled, and she is often seen in tailored power suits that exude professionalism and confidence. Vice-President O'Neil is known for her cold and calculating demeanor, earning her a reputation as a formidable force in the political arena. She is fiercely loyal to the dictatorial President Mitchell, willing to do whatever it takes to uphold his vision for the country. Grace's primary goal is to maintain power and order in a country torn apart by civil unrest and conflict. She is driven by a desire to protect the nation and its citizens, even if it means making difficult and morally ambiguous decisions. Grace is motivated by a deep sense of duty and a belief that strong leadership is necessary to navigate the turbulent times facing the United States. She is determined to prove herself as a capable and effective leader, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. Grace is highly intelligent, strategic, and decisive. She possesses excellent leadership skills and is adept at navigating complex political landscapes. Her unwavering loyalty to President Mitchell makes her a valuable ally and asset in his administration. Grace's cold and calculating nature can sometimes alienate those around her, leading to strained relationships and mistrust. Her single-minded focus on maintaining power and order can blind her to the human cost of her decisions. Grace's loyalty to President Mitchell borders on blind devotion, leading her to overlook his more questionable actions and policies. This unwavering loyalty can cloud her judgment and compromise her moral compass.
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Vice-President O'Neil's Friends Comments
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Adam Douglas

May 27th 2024 - 10:23 PM

Hello there, thank you for adding me. I was wondering if you'd be interested in roleplaying an elderly Grace O'Neil with me.
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