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119 years old

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April 10 2024

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When I'm crucified taunted and denied I'll stand strong with my back against the wall

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Selective adds only ~ Multi to Novella ~ Tolkien and Once Upon A Time Crossover ~ Real live before Roleplay


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One Last Time

Half had grown still as the eagles chased the last of the orc armies back into the depths of the mealworm holes, any remaining forces on foot retreated to the ruins of Dale to help push the filth from the fallen city. Azog had been run through, Bolg had fallen to his 'death', and the line of Durin was dangling -- barely clutching on to dear life. Grief for the fallen began to coat the area like a blanket of depression - but the attention of those mourning would soon be demanded. To the south, a thick cloud of black smoke, riddled with steady red lightening and the loud ominous crack of its thunder began to work its way toward them. This was no ordinary storm. These clouds reached from the skies down to the ground, rushing its way toward them like a typhoon, flooding the lands, splashing up against the mountains and sinking into it's valleys.

Once engulfed into its thick, dangerous-looking mass, all would feel suffocated. Their bodies would feel the tugging and tossing as the curse took them, fogging their minds and claiming the people of middle earth as it's prisoners. Out with the old memories, in with the new, magically appropriated to make sense in the new realm where they would be relocated; safe from Sauron's eventual rule, but also unable to stop him. The enactors of the curse were the first to go, but unlike the others, they embraced the smoke and welcomed the rough ride into a new land where they would have a say in how things were done and how the people related with one another, unlike their home realm.

In Storybrooke, all things had just been bright, sunny, but chilly. Winter had begun, no snow had fallen as of yet, but it would come - eventually. Thanks to the weather it didn't take long before all the towns people noticed the sudden cover of black clouds. Gasps and cries of 'another curse' filled the streets as a panic ensued and everyone ran to find their loved ones. Little did they notice that the cloud had not come for them, but clashed like a wave against the barrier that surrounded the town, creating magical, electrical -like pulses to light up their skies. Their barrier rejected the curse - because there was no space for what it carried. Instead, the smoke cascaded into the area due north of the town line, massing into a giant dome-like cloud for a few moments. Then, it slipped away, leaving in its place, a town with a population just under three hundred. Upon inspection of the north, just over the town line, a sign was posted, just as historic looking as Storybroooke's:



The sweet escape is always laced with a familiar taste of poison


     α—π”―π”žπ” π”₯π”«π”¦π”ž's Details
Characters: Uriana Snyder, Ungoliant
Verses: Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, One Last Time
Playbys: Angelina Jolie
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Genre: Crossover, Fantasy, Heroes/Villains, Medieval, Psychological, Supernatural,
Member Since:January 08, 2024

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   α—π”―π”žπ” π”₯π”«π”¦π”ž's Blurbs
About me:
.vicarious{Second Hide Blurbs Code}
Who I'd like to meet:

You Call Me A Bitch Like It's A Bad Thing
Once Upon A Time

{Coming soon.}

Legal Information
NAME: Uriana
NICKNAMES: The Unknown
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Middletown, Maine

Relationship Information
PARENTS: Unknown
CHILDREN: Shelia {Daughter}

Today my name is Pain I stood beyond the world Whispering secret syllables in the eyeless dark Dancing wildly round and round on the rotting ground Surrounded by the dead dusts of Hell This is how I delete myself And this is how I corrupt everyone else

There And Back Again

Who, what, or where Ungoliant came from is not clear; the Eldar and perhaps not even the Valar are certain. It is said by some that she came from the Darkness itself that lies about Arda and was once an ally of Melkor when he looked down upon the world with envy. Later, she changed her allegiance from him to herself, desiring only to be a mistress of her own insatiable craving to devour all light, to feed her everlasting emptiness.

When Melkor was defeated and imprisoned by the Lords of the West after the fall of the Lamps, Ungoliant escaped the attacks of the Valar and the hunters of OromΓ« and fled to the southern part of Aman. There, in a ravine south of the mountain Hyamentir, she established her dark abode and took the physical form of a monstrous spider, and here sucked up all the light she could find. After every feeding, she spun forth dark nets of gloom that strangled any light from entering her lair of darkness. Yet she hungered for more of it for, although she hated light, she craved it as well.

Eventually, Melkor sought her out in order to exact his revenge against the Valar and the Elves. He came to her, and told her of his plans. Though she was tempted greatly by Melkor's plan for her to drink the light of the Two Trees of Valinor, she feared the power of the Valar and was hesitant to accompany him. To mollify her, Melkor offered to sate her hunger with whatever she wished if she would aid him in his vengeance. She agreed, and they came shortly thereafter to Ezellohar, where she drained the Trees of their sap, poisoned them, and drank the Wells of Varda dry. The Unlight produced by Ungoliant stymied the pursuit of OromΓ« and Tulkas, and Melkor escaped to Middle-earth with her. However, her consumption of power of the Trees and the Wells caused her to swell to a size and shape so vast and hideous that even Melkor began to grow afraid.

When they arrived in Lammoth in Middle-earth, Melkor, now Morgoth, hoped to escape to the ruins of Angband where the remnants of his forces awaited him. Suspecting that he intended to leave his promise to her unfulfilled, Ungoliant demanded the gems that Morgoth had stolen from Formenos before they could reach Angband. She devoured them, and grew to an even more monstrous size. She then demanded that Morgoth surrender to her the Silmarils. However, Morgoth refused, and she attacked him in response. Weaving her dark webs, she attempted to enmesh him in net and take the Silmarils by force. Morgoth gave out a terrible cry of pain as she attacked, which was heard by the Balrogs hibernating under the ruins of Angband. They awoke and immediately rushed to the aid of their Lord, tearing apart Ungoliant's webbing with their fiery whips and forcing her to break off her attack. She fled, and the Balrogs prepared to pursue and destroy her, but they were checked by Morgoth, who ordered them to return with him to Angband.

Ungoliant's attack upon Morgoth left an echoing scream ever after on the land that gave the area the name Lammoth, and it is said to this day that when one screams in that place, the voice of the Dark Lord echoes back from the surrounding hills.

Driven off by the Balrogs, Ungoliant fled to Nan Dungortheb, where she bred with the Great Spiders that dwelt there, increasing the terror and power of her kind. The creatures that later infested the area were her surviving offspring and descendants, including her infamous daughter, Shelob, who dwelt from the Second and Third Ages onwards on the borders of Mordor, as her last surviving child. It is said that Ungoliant ultimately perished at her own hands when, in her growing and eternal hunger, she finally devoured herself.

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