Robin Hood on - Robin Hood
“ Regina Mills: He helped a lot of people, which he was proud of. And he loved his friends and family. Robin of Locksley: And you. Regina Mills: And me. Robin of Locksley: Well, that sounds like it was a good life, even if it was too short.

25 years old
Storybrooke, Maine
United States

Last Login:
June 09 2024

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   Contacting Robin Hood

     Robin Hood's Details
Status: Single
Here for:Dating, Relationships,
Body type:Body builder
Characters: Robin Hood
Verses: Once Upon A Time, crossovers, Disney, OUAT
Playbys: Tom Ellis
Length: Multi Para, Para
Genre: Action, Casual, Crossover, Drama, Fantasy, Heroes/Villains,
Member Since:October 30, 2023

"Guess Meadow is not coming back to me". Robin said walking away. depressed

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About me:
Robin Hood is a thief and leads the Merry Men. He falls in love with Marian, and decides to leave the life of a thief. Running a tavern, Robin becomes in trouble with the Sheriff of Nottingham, who demands tax payments. That night, Robin is visited by Rumplestiltskin, who promises to make him wealthy in exchange for an elixir in the possession of the Wicked Witch. Robin travels to Oz and manages to steal some of the elixir, but ends up giving it to Will Scarlet. Robin decides to become a thief again, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Season 2 After stealing a magic wand from Rumplestiltskin, he is caught and Rumplestiltskin locks him up and tortures him as punishment. When Rumplestiltskin is gone, his maid Belle frees Robin, who gets away. Rumplestiltskin finds out and becomes furious, forcing Belle to come with him as he hunts down Robin Hood and plans on killing him. He tracks down the thief and is about to kill him with the enchanted bow that he had taken from Robin Hood. However, after Belle's strong pleas and when he sees that Robin Hood stole the wand to cure a dangerously ill and pregnant Marian, he shows mercy and fires a warning shot, allowing Robin Hood and the others to escape. Season 3 When Baelfire returns to the Enchanted Forest, he goes to Rumplestiltskin's castle to find that Robin Hood and his Merry Men have made themselves at home in it. Robin Hood befriends Baelfire and Mulan, and when Baelfire discovers that he needs to go to Neverland to save his family, he begrudingly lets Baelfire use Robin Hood's son Roland to lure Peter Pan's shadow so that it can take Baelfire to Neverland. Mulan eventually joins Robin Hood as the first woman of the Merry Men. It is revealed that Robin Hood is also the prophecised 'true love' of Regina Mills, which was discovered when Tinker Bell used pixie dust so that Regina could find her true love, the man with the lion tattoo. Regina, however, doesn't pursue her true love and therefore is unaware that it is Robin Hood. During the second Dark Curse, Robin Hood and his Merry Men save Regina and Snow White from a flying monkey. After they discover that someone has taken residence in Regina's castle, Robin Hood persuades everyone to take shelter in Sherwood Forest as it is safe there. When Regina uses the underground tunnels to sneak into her castle and turn off the Wicked Witch's protection spell, Robin Hood joins her without her permission. When Regina reveals that she plans on putting herself to sleep with a Sleeping Curse, Robin Hood tries to convince her not to. Regina only changes her mind when she discovers a new foe to destroy, the Wicked Witch. When David starts feeling overly anxious, he tells him of a magical plant known as Night-root which allows the consumer to overcome their fear. When the third Dark Curse is unleashed, Robin Hood and his Merry Men are transported to Storybrooke this time, but they lose their memories of the last year in the Enchanted Forest. Regina eventually discovers that Robin Hood is the man with the lion tattoo. She eventually trusts him enough to give him her heart before she goes to battle Zelena. However, Zelena sends Rumplestiltskin - who is under her control - to go and collect Regina's heart. After threatening to kill Roland, Robin eventually gives in and hands over the heart, which Rumplestiltskin gives to Zelena. However, Regina isn't angry and is glad that Roland wasn't killed. Later, Regina goes to the camp and without warning kisses Robin Hood passionately, and he kisses her back. Regina eventually defeats Zelena and gets her heart back, then she and Robin continue their relationship. Season 4 Robin becomes conflicted upon discovering that his wife Marian is still alive, since he is already in a relationship with Regina. When Marian falls under the Snow Queen's spell and becomes frozen but not dead due to Regina removing her heart, Robin eventually succumbs to his feelings for Regina and kisses her. Although they feel that it isn't right because he is married, they cannot deny their feelings for each other. After Regina tells Robin about her plans to find the Author of the storybook, he agrees to help her and goes to the library with Will Scarlet to look for something that may help. After the Snow Queen's demise, Marian still has remnants of the spell cast on her that threaten her life, so she is forced to leave Storybrooke in order to survive. Robin Hood and Roland go with Marian, despite the fact that they cannot return to Storybrooke once they leave the border. However, months later, Regina, Emma and Lily, arrive at Robin's apartment while Marian is at the store. They tell Robin that Marian is actually Zelena in disguise, and that she went back in time and killed her. Robin is in disbelief until Zelena confirms this. They all eventually return to Storybrooke, where Zelena is imprisoned. Season 5 After Zelena escapes her cell in the asylum, she kidnaps Robin in an attempt to ransom him for the Apprentice's wand. She obtains the wand, and summons the cyclone, but it weakens her and the heroes - including Robin Hood - take control of the cyclone and use it to travel to the Enchanted Forest in order to find Emma, who has become the new Dark One. Six weeks later Robin, Regina and the others return to Storybrooke with no recollection of their time in Camelot. He is briefly abducted by a Fury, before Regina saves him. Zelena eventually gives birth to their daughter. When Hook dies, Robin joins the heroes in venturing to the Underworld, only to return empty-handed as they are unable to revive him. Ultimately, Robin sacrifices his life to protect Regina from the wrath of Hades, who destroys Robin with the Olympian crystal. However, Robin goes to Mount Olympus afterwards. Season 7 Robin comes to Regina in a dream, where she fears she will be joining him soon because a version of her son wants her dead. However, Robin comforts her and hands Regina something. When she wakes up, she finds Robin had given her a red feather arrow. Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Will Scarlet, Robin Hood and the Merry Men decide to rob Maleficent's castle one night, where they steal the evil sorceress' gold and riches. However, Will steals a magical looking-glass, and although Maleficent demands it back, Will uses the looking-glass to transport himself and Anastasia to Wonderland.
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   Robin Hood's Friend Space
Robin Hood has 13 friends.
Killian Jones (M&L Emma Jones)

Meadow Harris (S&L)

Robin Hood's Friends Comments
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Off the 𝘏𝘰𝘰𝘬

Mar 14th 2024 - 2:29 AM

Ooc; Okay I have a better picture now. This second chance for Robin, would a sort of way for him to reclaim that honor plus he would be making the attempt to get his daughter back from Zelena/Hades, but are you also trying to get her away from Regina as well?

Whatever the fact, if Robin knows about Killian, it wouldn’t really be their first initial meeting during/after robbing his pub. I would assume that the break in would be their first real encounter, aside from his hilarious conversation with Robin about baby sonograms and what have you. I suppose a changed pirate could have sympathy for the rogue and assist him in getting back his daughter.

Why would Robin be working for Gold and Regina? Just out of curiosity, how does it happen? Do they have his heart? I could see that being the ticket to controlling him. And of course once they realize the pirate is helping the archer, they’d turn their attention to Killian. Hurting what he loves most, going after Emma.

Lillian as in Lily, Maleficent’s daughter? But I can see him needing the extra assistance from someone he trusts to set him straight and put him on the right path.
Off the 𝘏𝘰𝘰𝘬

Feb 27th 2024 - 11:40 PM

Ooc; Absolutely.

I can see keeping up with the story of Robin being tricked by Zelena into thinking it was Marian. Only for him to return to Storybrooke with Zelena, hand her over to be imprisoned. Daughter born and with Hades leaving Underbrooke to save Zelena and the two wanting to take the baby for themselves, killing Robin in the process – but with Hades out of the underworld, Robin has the opportunity to move on. When he does so, it’s like you said, Zeus gives him another chance and sends him back. But send him back to Storybrooke or send him back to the Enchanted Forest where the two meet? If Storybrooke, Robin surely would have known Killian in passing, but never had gotten the chance to interact with one another.

I honestly could see Robin being given the second chance by Zeus, but unfortunately, he has some sort of “amnesia” like his own curse, where he would have to find himself in order to regain his memories. To get his daughter back. But because of this personal like curse, he returns as the thief he once was. Having to go through the whole process of redemption and recovering the honor he once had. The break in of his bar would suffice as way for them to encounter for the first time.

Robin would end up working with Regina and Gold to plot against Emma – is this to rid her from Storybrooke entirely? Because of course Killian could step in to protect her. Say Robin and Killian had known the other existed, but their first real meet was after the break in – Killian could try to persuade the thief that this was not like him. Going into the whole thing of “you can redeem yourself” “once a villain not always a villain” scenario.
Off the 𝘏𝘰𝘰𝘬

Nov 25th 2023 - 9:11 PM

ooc; I completely understand. Whenever you have some free time, I would love to discuss. For now, enjoy the holidays, Mate. x)
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