๐”พ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•–๐•Ÿ ๐”น๐•–๐•’๐•Ÿ on RolePlayer.me - m.roleplayer.me/RobinHoodJr ๐”พ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•–๐•Ÿ ๐”น๐•–๐•’๐•Ÿ
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23 years old

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May 08 2024

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Full Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Age: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Born: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Gender: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Title(s): Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Species: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Speciality: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Height: 0'0".
Hair | Eyes: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Race/Nationality: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Occupation: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Blood Type: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Fact: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.
Fact: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus.


Maecenas dignissim velit a nibh fringilla placerat. Cras purus nunc, hendrerit vel egestas non, scelerisque ut erat. Aenean id ultrices tellus. Etiam commodo sit amet justo ac porta. Aliquam rhoncus bibendum placerat. Aenean aliquet volutpat ligula sit amet posuere. Nullam feugiat est iaculis mi faucibus, ac iaculis mi fringilla. Sed pellentesque sed massa et viverra.

Maecenas dignissim velit a nibh fringilla placerat. Cras purus nunc, hendrerit vel egestas non, scelerisque ut erat. Aenean id ultrices tellus. Etiam commodo sit amet justo ac porta. Aliquam rhoncus bibendum placerat. Aenean aliquet volutpat ligula sit amet posuere. Nullam feugiat est iaculis mi faucibus, ac iaculis mi fringilla. Sed pellentesque sed massa et viverra.

Mother - Zelena

Zelena grows up in Oz, raised by a drunken woodsman after his wife passes away, who hates Zelena's magic. One day, the woodsman tells Zelena that she is adopted and calls her "wicked" due to her magical abilities, so Zelena leaves and goes to see the Wizard of Oz. The Wizard reveals that she has a sister named Regina who is being mentored in magic by a powerful sorcerer named Rumplestiltskin. The Wizard gives Zelena a pair of silver slippers which allows her to travel to the Enchanted Forest. There, she meets Rumplestiltskin, who discovers that Zelena is the daughter of Cora. Since it is foretold that the daughter of Cora will unleash the first Dark Curse, Rumplestiltskin begins training Zelena, who is confident that she will unleash the Dark Curse. However, Rumplestiltskin tells Zelena that in order to activate the Dark Curse, she needs the heart of the thing she loves most, and he believes that is him. Distraught, she tells him that she could have used the slippers to take Rumplestiltskin to a land without magic without needing to casting the curse, before angrily returning to Oz. Zelena is visited by Glinda, who invites her to join the Sisterhood of Witches as the Witch of the West. Zelena accepts, finally feeling like she belongs, until a cyclone carrying a house arrives, similar to how she came to Oz..

Father - Robin

Robin Hood is a thief and leads the Merry Men. He falls in love with Marian, and decides to leave the life of a thief. Running a tavern, Robin becomes in trouble with the Sheriff of Nottingham, who demands tax payments. That night, Robin is visited by Rumplestiltskin, who promises to make him wealthy in exchange for an elixir in the possession of the Wicked Witch. Robin travels to Oz and manages to steal some of the elixir, but ends up giving it to Will Scarlet. Robin decides to become a thief again, stealing from the rich to give to the poor.

Pesky Siblings

Roland Hood

Son of Robin Hood and Maid Marian. Chosen son of Regina Mills. Raised by Robin and Regina.

Selena Mills

Daughter of Zelena Mills and Hades. Raised in the Underworld by her father.

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Member Since:September 22, 2023

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   ๐”พ๐•ฃ๐•–๐•–๐•Ÿ ๐”น๐•–๐•’๐•Ÿ's Blurbs
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Robin Hood II

Daughter of Zelena Mills and Robin Hood

When Zelena impersonated Marian in order to destroy the relationship between her sister Regina and Robin, the latter of whom being convinced that Marian was dead. In truth, Zelena did kill Marian before taking her place. After Zelena successfully becomes pregnant with Robin's baby, she is unable to be hurt by Regina or anyone else.

Eventually, Emma Swan speeds up Zelena's pregnancy with dark magic so she can proceed with her plan to fill Zelena with the Darkness and destroy her. Zelena gives birth to her infant daughter, before Zelena is taken away by Emma. However, Zelena survives her encounter with the Dark One. Although she tries to have full custody of the baby, Zelena is banished back to Oz by Regina. Determined to see her daughter again, Zelena returns to Storybrooke where she is reunited with her daughter. After a brief entanglement in the Underworld with the heroes, Zelena returns with her daughter, as well as Hades. However, a fight between Hades and Robin ends with the demise of both of them, leaving Zelena without a partner and her daughter without a father. At Robin's funeral, Zelena decides to call her daughter Robin, to honor her late father.

Robin lives at the farmhouse with Zelena, who briefly forms an alliance with the Evil Queen until the latter turns on her. When Zelena thinks she is about to die, she puts Robin in her crib and tells her "Mummy loves you". However, Zelena is saved by Regina, and the Evil Queen leaves. Zelena tries to leave Storybrooke with Robin, but fails. When Fiona confronts Zelena and subtly threatens her and Robin, Zelena's maternal instincts prompt her to try and destroy Fiona. After Fiona is defeated, Zelena can raise Robin in peace.

Robin grows up wanting to practice magic like her mother, but Zelena disapproves, prompting Robin to run away to the New Enchanted Forest and become Mother Gothel's pupil. However, Gothel betrays Robin and plans to sacrifice her to revive Madame Leota, until Zelena arrives and saves her. Robin became master in archery and she gave up her magic to her mother. Later, she and Zelena live on Emerald Acres Farm. Eventually, Robin meets Alice while tracking down a troll, who happens to be Alice's friend. After befriending Alice herself, Robin eventually falls in love with her. Later, when the Coven of the Eight cast the Dark Curse upon the realm, Robin has enough time to reunite with Alice. As the curse hits, they had their first kiss and their kissing was passionate. It was a beautiful scene, like something from a movie, with swelling, romantic music.
Under the curse, Margot leaves Hyperion Heights to go exploring. After returning home from Tibet, Margot saves Tilly from being hit by a car. Upon arriving at Roni's, Margot reunites with her mother and aunt, who are both "awake" from the curse. In Hyperion Heights, Margot meets Tilly and the two hit it off. After Margot discovers that her mother is the latest in the Candy Killer's intended victims, she is put in protective custody until the killer is caught. Margot eventually accepts that Kelly has a past she would rather not discuss, and when Kelly decides to return to San Francisco with Chad, Margot decides to stay in Hyperion Heights, as she wants to get to know Tilly better. Margot and Tilly go on a date, although it ends abruptly when Tilly tries to escape the "voices" in her head. Eventually, Margot is approached by Eloise Gardener, who claims to be a "relation" of Tilly. After managing to obtain some of Margot's blood, Eloise forces Tilly into her coven to enact an apocalyptic spell. Margot tries to free Tilly from Eloise's control but fails, until the curse breaks and everyone's memories are restored. As a result, Alice & Robin recognized each other, ran into each other's arms & kissed, and THEN they went to confront Gothel and Alice defeats her.


Green Bean

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus. Nullam maximus lectus sit amet semper molestie. Nullam sit amet turpis mi. Suspendisse non enim quis neque pharetra ornare vel sit amet eros. Curabitur vitae turpis a sapien varius ullamcorper eget vitae arcu. Vestibulum laoreet, felis a ultricies dapibus, leo ex pellentesque lorem, et dapibus quam felis quis libero. Morbi id elementum lectus.

Nullam eu maximus enim. Phasellus vel justo porttitor, posuere mauris eu, pellentesque nisi. Duis quis tempus magna. Praesent velit ex, volutpat id mi ut, rutrum sodales lorem. Suspendisse mollis arcu lacus, a ornare nisl fermentum et. Donec tempus turpis eget sem efficitur, et placerat massa aliquet. Mauris scelerisque ut velit in pellentesque. Nam ultrices et orci sit amet fringilla. Nullam pulvinar tempus elit vel eleifend. Quisque varius quis tortor et sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas sit amet velit tincidunt tellus vestibulum rutrum. Morbi risus sapien, dictum ac massa eget, ornare pulvinar orci. Sed blandit sapien justo, in elementum felis consequat non.

Donec suscipit maximus egestas. Ut ac dapibus odio, eu porttitor erat. Maecenas maximus venenatis luctus. Donec faucibus mauris vehicula enim interdum, at lobortis leo fringilla. Cras lacus purus, dignissim id dolor at, vulputate consectetur nisi. Aliquam vulputate volutpat hendrerit. Nullam in metus lobortis, egestas elit ac, hendrerit ipsum.

Sed vel sem sed nulla vestibulum dictum non in sapien. Sed mattis massa non arcu facilisis accumsan. Praesent efficitur purus eu interdum vestibulum. Donec placerat quis ligula eu tempor. Integer varius rutrum fringilla. Aenean consequat sapien sed turpis tristique commodo. Nam sit amet elit nec quam eleifend dictum non vel turpis. Curabitur ultricies vehicula arcu. Vestibulum imperdiet leo a sem lacinia, a mollis neque lacinia. Nunc id nulla accumsan purus scelerisque cursus in eget odio. Sed hendrerit maximus mi, blandit ultrices felis pellentesque id. Vestibulum ut nisi turpis. Cras suscipit, enim at suscipit blandit, ipsum leo lacinia neque, eu finibus purus dui a felis. Aliquam finibus nunc at ipsum molestie maximus. Proin tristique risus eu dui aliquam scelerisque.

Vivamus sit amet mi laoreet lectus tempor hendrerit id id lacus. Duis sem eros, gravida a mauris at, suscipit aliquet libero. Integer ut suscipit turpis. Nunc quis neque quis risus dapibus rutrum in aliquam massa. Donec blandit eros nec enim vestibulum, at egestas magna molestie. Praesent vitae posuere erat. Nullam vel elementum tortor. Sed accumsan auctor metus, a bibendum justo fringilla sit amet. Cras semper velit id ex ornare, in rhoncus ante tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec imperdiet felis, et finibus odio. Fusce feugiat libero bibendum enim scelerisque, et aliquam mi faucibus. Nullam maximus lectus sit amet semper molestie. Nullam sit amet turpis mi. Suspendisse non enim quis neque pharetra ornare vel sit amet eros. Curabitur vitae turpis a sapien varius ullamcorper eget vitae arcu. Vestibulum laoreet, felis a ultricies dapibus, leo ex pellentesque lorem, et dapibus quam felis quis libero. Morbi id elementum lectus.

Nullam eu maximus enim. Phasellus vel justo porttitor, posuere mauris eu, pellentesque nisi. Duis quis tempus magna. Praesent velit ex, volutpat id mi ut, rutrum sodales lorem. Suspendisse mollis arcu lacus, a ornare nisl fermentum et. Donec tempus turpis eget sem efficitur, et placerat massa aliquet. Mauris scelerisque ut velit in pellentesque. Nam ultrices et orci sit amet fringilla. Nullam pulvinar tempus elit vel eleifend. Quisque varius quis tortor et sodales. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas sit amet velit tincidunt tellus vestibulum rutrum. Morbi risus sapien, dictum ac massa eget, ornare pulvinar orci. Sed blandit sapien justo, in elementum felis consequat non.

Donec suscipit maximus egestas. Ut ac dapibus odio, eu porttitor erat. Maecenas maximus venenatis luctus. Donec faucibus mauris vehicula enim interdum, at lobortis leo fringilla. Cras lacus purus, dignissim id dolor at, vulputate consectetur nisi. Aliquam vulputate volutpat hendrerit. Nullam in metus lobortis, egestas elit ac, hendrerit ipsum.

Sed vel sem sed nulla vestibulum dictum non in sapien. Sed mattis massa non arcu facilisis accumsan. Praesent efficitur purus eu interdum vestibulum. Donec placerat quis ligula eu tempor. Integer varius rutrum fringilla. Aenean consequat sapien sed turpis tristique commodo. Nam sit amet elit nec quam eleifend dictum non vel turpis. Curabitur ultricies vehicula arcu. Vestibulum imperdiet leo a sem lacinia, a mollis neque lacinia. Nunc id nulla accumsan purus scelerisque cursus in eget odio. Sed hendrerit maximus mi, blandit ultrices felis pellentesque id. Vestibulum ut nisi turpis. Cras suscipit, enim at suscipit blandit, ipsum leo lacinia neque, eu finibus purus dui a felis. Aliquam finibus nunc at ipsum molestie maximus. Proin tristique risus eu dui aliquam scelerisque.

Vivamus sit amet mi laoreet lectus tempor hendrerit id id lacus. Duis sem eros, gravida a mauris at, suscipit aliquet libero. Integer ut suscipit turpis. Nunc quis neque quis risus dapibus rutrum in aliquam massa. Donec blandit eros nec enim vestibulum, at egestas magna molestie. Praesent vitae posuere erat. Nullam vel elementum tortor. Sed accumsan auctor metus, a bibendum justo fringilla sit amet. Cras semper velit id ex ornare, in rhoncus ante tincidunt.

sweet dreams are made of these
who am i to disagree..

relationship status

Run rabbit run

lover: them
status: separated by a curse.
dating: date here
engaged: date here
married: date here

love notes:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus nec neque augue. Phasellus nibh metus, rutrum at luctus et, euismod eu felis. Nulla nec arcu eu libero euismod fermentum. Integer non porttitor nibh, eget aliquam risus. Etiam interdum augue dui, id elementum lectus hendrerit accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum enim dui, egestas at auctor eu, luctus nec turpis. Praesent nec laoreet turpis.

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โ™œ แดธโฑแต—แต—หกแต‰ แดฟแต’แต’แต โ™œ

Sep 23rd 2023 - 1:31 PM

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