Killian Jones ( M&L Emma Jones ) on - Killian Jones ( M&L Emma Jones )
Killian Jones AKA Captain Hook "I'm a pirate. And I always will be". OUAT verse/Crossovers welcome. No Sm*T pages they will be blocked. Married&Loves Emma Jones. "I love you babe, you are my world and our children" Para to Multi Para only. Not gonna be a number.

30 years old
Storybrooke, Maine
United States

Last Login:
June 24 2024

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   Contacting Killian Jones ( M&L Emma Jones )

     Killian Jones ( M&L Emma Jones )'s Details
Status: Married
Here for:Dating, Relationships,
Orientation: Straight
Hometown:Storybrooke, Maine
Body type:Athletic
Children:Proud parent
Education:High school
Occupation:Captain of the Jolly Roger
Member Since:August 25, 2023

( Thanks babe for the layout. Now we have the same. )

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   Killian Jones ( M&L Emma Jones )'s Blurbs
About me:
Killian Jones here. But people know me as Captain Hook because of my fancy hook that I replaced my one hand with thanks to the dark one called the crocodile and taking away my happiness from ripping out my loves heart and crushed it right in front of me. I have gotten my revenge on that crocodile but my past still hunts me to this day. I was abandoned by my father as a child and I killed him from trying to replace my brother with my younger brother name after him. I have been saved by my twin brother Killian from the dark side years ago, yes we are twins and close like really close that we will come after you if you harm one of us. He has been by my side ever since we met and found each other. I will do anything to keep my twin safe from harm as long with my nieces and nephews that are his beautiful children. He even got our youngest niece Faith to take her formula weeks ago so she can come home from the hospital. I have yet to meet her with my beautiful girlfriend Emma. I have the best girlfriend that you can think of having. She is my best friend, my bestie and my whole heart belongs to her. Yes a pirates heart is suppose to belong to their ship but not this pirate, my heart belongs to Emma. The Jolly Roger will e fine without my heart it's just our home we live in and sail in the ocean when we want to. She made me a better person then what I was. My ex didn't treat me well as she always got mad at me and avoiding my adopted son Victor so many times to the point I got tired of it. But my babe pays attention to our children. We have three beautiful children. Victor who is 17 years old and the twins Jessica and Dakota that are a few months old. I might have a baby with my girl Emma when the twins get a bit older. She saved my heart and I love her to pieces. Yes babe, if your reading this I love you so much. And I love giving you all the kisses you want babe. I adopted Victor when he was getting mistreated by his parents and after I lost my other son that just left for no reason. I will do anything to keep him safe and away from harm. I got him his very own puppy that is a husky pup name Maya. I just know that he is going to love it. Jessica is the most calm baby and the first born from the delivery of the twins. She started breathing on her own within a couple of minutes. She just loves to chill on whoever she is around. Dakota is my handful child. He was last to be born but had to to an emergency CPR on him as he had no heartbeat and wasn't breathing on his own. He had to have an EKG and a breathing tube in his nose for oxygen. He was given 48 hours to pull through but he did but he has a heart condition that can kill him any day and have to have medication for it. I have one rule nobody better not harm my love or our children.
Who I'd like to meet:
-----------------------------LIKE TO MEET-------------------------

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Traits: Loyal, cleverness, brave, sense of humor
Quirks: Has dark powers that can make him appear in a red fog and throw people across the surrounding area
Habits: Gambling (In old life), Sailing the ship Alternate Universe: Killian worked under Blackbeard's orders, until Henry arrived. Henry and Killian sailed to the island where Emma was being held prisoner by Lily, and rescued her. But while Killian defended Emma and Henry from Snow and David, David managed to stab him through the back, which killed him.
Legal & Physical
Name: Killian Jones
Nicknames: Captain Hook, Killy, Guyliner
Aliases: Captain Hook (Neverland), Prince Charles (Enchanted forest)
Date Of Birth: January 26, 1811
Place Of Birth: Enchanted Forest
Current Residence: Storybrooke
Ethnicity: Irish
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5.9
Weight: 170 lbs
Birthmarks/Scars: facial scar on cheek
Family & Relationships
Mother: Alice Jones (deceased)
Father: Brennan Jones (deceased)
Sister(S): None
Brother(S): Liam Jones
Other Family: Liam Jones II (half brother)
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Happily Married
Current Relationship(S): Emma Swan
Past Relationship(S): Evil Emma Swan
Education & Employment
High School N/A
College N/A
Major N/A
Degree N/A
Occupation: Captain of the Jolly Rodger
Job Description: Pirate
Employer: N/A
Skills: Sword fighting, sailing the ship
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Connections -----------------------------MUSIC--------------------------------
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Captain Hook Quote goes here. "Killian Jones, but most people have taken to call me by my more colorful moniker... Hook."
Once a respectable member of the King's Navy, Killian eventually turned to piracy after finding out that his king was corrupt, and became pirate captain of the Jolly Roger. After Killian apparently take a woman named Milah, her husband Rumplestiltskin confronted him but was too cowardly to do anything about it. Years later, after Rumplestiltskin become the Dark One, he saw him and his crew at a tavern and confronted him once again. He challenged him to a sword-fight, and used his dark magic to win. Rumplestiltskin planned on ripping out his heart, until he was confronted by Milah, who had become a pirate. Rumplestiltskin found out that him and Milah were in love, and Milah went with me willingly, hoping to escape being the wife of a coward and explore. Milah offered Rumplestiltskin a magic bean in exchange for his and Milah's lives. However, when Rumplestiltskin angrily started questioning her, asking her how she could abandon her own son, Milah bitterly replied that she wanted to escape her miserable life, and that she never loved Rumplestiltskin. Furious, Rumplestiltskin ripped out Milah's heart and crushed it, killing her. He then cut off his hand before vanishing. Replacing his hand with a hook, He and his crew sail to Neverland, vowing revenge against Rumplestiltskin. I worked for Peter Pan, and after a deal gone wrong with the deity Poseidon, I stole Ursula's voice. Eventually, He returned to the Enchanted Forest and allied with Cora Mills just before Cora's daughter Regina unleashed the first Dark Curse. Him, Cora and a part of the Enchanted Forest were protected by a forcefield. Bold Italic Emphasize Underline strike strong After the first Dark Curse is broken, I and Cora sought to find a way to travel to Storybrooke, the place that the Dark Curse sent all of the inhabitants of the Enchanted Forest, as I wanted revenge against Rumplestiltskin and Cora wanted to reunite with her daughter. After Snow White and her daughter Emma returned to the Enchanted Forest, I constantly switched alleigances, helping them collect a magic compass from the top of a Giant's Beanstalk, but then stealing an unconscious Aurora's heart in order to stay in an alliance with Cora. Although Emma and Snow return to Storybrooke, I used a petrified magic bean to create another portal, so that I and Cora traveled to Storybrooke as well. I shot Rumplestiltskin's girlfriend Belle in the shoulder, causing her to fall over the town border and lose her memories, before I was hit by a car belonging to Greg Mendell. I recovered and tracked down Rumplestiltskin - who was looking for his son Baelfire - in Manhattan, and used my poisoned hook in an attempt to kill Rumplestiltskin. I was kidnapped by Baelfire's fiancee Tamara and Greg, and I formed an alliance with them, giving them a powerless Regina for questioning. However, when Tamara and Greg obtained a doomsday device known as the Trigger, I chose to realign my alleigances with Emma, Snow and the others and when Tamara and Greg kidnapped Emma's son Henry, I used a magic bean to sail my ship through a portal to Neverland with Emma, Snow, Rumplestiltskin, Regina and David. Due to spending centuries in Neverland, I acted as a sort of guide for the others as we journeyed to rescue Henry from the clutches of Peter Pan. It is eventually revealed that I was in love with Emma, and although we kissed once, Emma claimed not to love me back. When we returned to Storybrooke, Pan casted a second Dark Curse which spread across Storybrooke and whisked everyone back to the Enchanted Forest, including me. However, Emma and Henry managed to escape the curse, but Regina modified their memories so that they forgot all about everything that had happened in Storybrooke, with magic etc. I managed to go to New York when the third Dark Curse took everyone back to Storybrooke, and convinced Emma to drink a memory potion that restored her memories. Due to her light magic, Emma was believed to be the one destined to defeat Zelena, also known as the Wicked Witch of the West, who wanted Snow and David's unborn baby and second child in order to fuel a time-travel ritual. However, Regina was the one to break the curse and defeat Zelena. Although, after Rumplestiltskin killed Zelena, her life essence opened the time-travel portal, and eventually Emma and I were sucked into it. We managed to escape, returning to modern-day Storybrooke and bringing Marian with us. Emma learned that I gave away my ship for a magic bean to find Emma, prompting her to kiss me.
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I made a deal with Rumplestiltskin, revealing that I knew Belle didn't wield the true Dark One's dagger and claimed that I would keep silent about it if Rumplestiltskin helped me. I and Emma later went on a date, which was nearly ruined by Will Scarlet. I had my hand reattached for the date, although having parted with my hand back when I was a ruthless pirate, it started to affect my behaviour and I got rid of it by helping Rumplestiltskin against the Sorcerer's Apprentice, who Rumplestiltskin sucked into the Sorcerer's Hat. When Emma's powers became out of control, she decided to go to Rumplestiltskin for help. However, Rumplestiltskin used this as a chance to power up the Hat with enough magic, although he failed to mention that the Hat would suck her in as well. I found out what was happening and tried to stop Emma but I didn't get to her. Emma decided not to get rid of her magic with some encouraging words from Elsa, who convinced Emma to accept that her magic was apart of her. I was glad that Emma was safe, although Rumplestiltskin retaliated his taunting by telling me that he had found a spell that will free him from the dagger's control, which required the heart of someone who knew Rumple before he became the Dark One, in which the only person alive was me. He removed my heart but told me that he will use me to find enough magic to fuel the Hat, to which he said that after I had done that, Rumplestiltskin would kill me. I managed to trap all the fairies in Storybrooke. When the Snow Queen unleashed the Spell of Shattered Sight upon Storybrooke, I was not affected due to not having a heart. On Rumple's orders, I went after Henry, but failed to catch him. The Spell was broken when the Snow Queen sacrificed herself after realizing what she had done. After Belle found out about Rumplestiltskin's plans and banished him from Storybrooke, I got my heart returned by Emma, and Belle foud a way to free the fairies from the Hat. I managed to return Ursula's singing voice, which prompted her to abandon Rumplestiltskin, who had returned to Storybrooke with Cruella De Vil, and resurrected Maleficent. When Rumplestiltskin started dying of the darkness manifesting in him, we got the Sorcerer's Apprentice out of the Hat, who exorcised the darkness out of Rumplestiltskin. However, Emma became the new Dark One.
After Emma vanished into the Darkness, I attempted to summon her with the Dark One's dagger, but to no avail. Later, I and Henry freed Zelena, who was masquerading as Marian the whole time, but she took the Apprentice's wand in an attempt to return back to Oz. However, summoning a cyclone weakend her and allowed Regina to take control, and we all went to the Enchanted Forest and located Emma. We were later greeted by King Arthur and went with him and his knights to Camelot. In an attempt to get rid of Emma's darkness, we used Excalibur, but after I received a fatal wound, Emma had no choice but to tether to Excalibur, starting a whole new branch of Dark Ones. Six weeks after we arrived, we all returned to Storybrooke with no recollection of our time in Camelot. When Emma askd if I still loved her, I insisted that I "loved" her. Emma stole the cutlass I once physically taunted Rumplestiltskin with as the final ingredient to wake me up. Zelena found a dreamcatcher with my memories in it, and showed me, I discovered that I had become a Dark One. However, the darkness was taken out of me, resulting in my demise. Emma tried to retrieve my soul from the Underworld, but ultimately failed. However, Zeus returnd me to Storybrooke. I, David, Snow and Zelena were briefly trapped in the Land of Untold Stories, but we all managed to escape.
Before Anyone Else
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   Killian Jones ( M&L Emma Jones )'s Friend Space
Killian Jones ( M&L Emma Jones ) has 30 friends.
Killian Jones (T&L Elizabeth)

Victor Jones (T&L Simon Camden)

Jessica&Dakota Jones Swan

Emma Jones (M&L Killian Jones)

Killian Hook (T&L Snow White)

Killian Jones (M&L Emma Jones)

Dawn Jones (T&L Neal Cassidy)

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