Prince Christopher on - Prince Christopher
Cinderella 1997/Fantasy/Once Upon A Time/Open

38 years old

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December 04 2023

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Member Since:July 06, 2023

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About me:
Prince Christopher wanders throughout the market disguised as a peasant, enjoying his brief freedom from his royal responsibilities. When he sees a young woman nearly get run over by a royal carriage, he rushes over to help her. As they talk, they discover that they are both unsatisfied with their confining lives. He is drawn to her honesty and integrity while she is charmed by his sincere, direct nature. Unfortunately, their conversation is cut off when her stepmother scolds her for talking to a stranger and for not keeping up with them. Prince Christopher reluctantly leaves but tells her that he hopes to see her again.

Back at the palace, Prince Christopher tries to explain his sense of isolation to his loyal servant, Lionel, who frantically rebukes him for his clandestine venture into the village despite his insistence that he was perfectly safe. He then enters his parents' rooms where his mother, Queen Constantina, informs him that they're planning another little ball so that he can find a suitable bride among all the eligible women in the kingdom, much to his distaste. He wishes to be in love when he gets married, not select a woman like an apple at the market. His father, King Maximilian, understands, but Queen Constantina is adamant that it's time he finds a bride, and there's no reason he can't do so at the ball. Exasperated that she hasn't heard a word he said, he leaves the room.

A day or so later, the ball preparations are underway and Prince Christopher is not happy about it. He confronts Queen Constantina and demands that the ball is canceled, but she says that it's too late; it's hard to stop one once it gets rolling. Lionel, who is helping to decorate the ballroom, uses his diplomatic skills to strike a compromise between the royal family. Prince Christopher will go to the ball, but if he can't find a bride there he will be allowed to find his true love in his own time in his own way without any interference from King Maximilian and Queen Constantina. The latter reluctantly agrees, making him so happy he kisses her, hugs King Maximilian, and gives Lionel a grateful pat.

Later at the ball, Prince Christopher is bored beyond measure. Lionel dutifully delivers eligible maidens for him to dance with, but though he is trying to be as polite as he can he is clearly unmoved by any of them. Eventually, Calliope and Minerva get their chance at him. Minerva first attempts to amaze him with her poetry, then forcefully tries to make him appreciate it. He frantically signals to Lionel to take her away, who in turn signals the guards. Even so, she does her best to cling to him before she is dragged away. Calliope is up next, and she laughs so hysterically at everything he says she snorts uncontrollably. She, too, is quickly taken away by Lionel, and like Minerva, she does her best to cling to him before she is dragged away. Unnerved by these experiences, he speeds up the rate of exchanging partners, meeting each new girl only has a few seconds dancing with him. He even absent-mindedly dances with Lionel before glancing up and catching sight of a beautiful young woman on the staircase.

Transfixed, the ballroom comes to a standstill as he gazes at her. As she glides down the steps, he walks to her as if he's dreaming. She curtsies deeply to him, but he gently lifts her chin up. Eyes only for one another, they begin to dance, gradually filling the ballroom with dancing once more. As they do so, Prince Christopher recognizes her from somewhere, but can't quite recall where. They whirl right out into the palace gardens where they can enjoy one another's company alone among the flowers and fountains. They eventually decide to go back inside where they are soon joined by an intrigued King Maximilian and Queen Constantina. The former holds Prince Christopher back as he visibly worries that the latter will somehow scare the young woman away. His fears are proven to be justified when she suddenly takes flight and runs outside. Prince Christopher immediately follows her into the gardens and apologizes for any embarrassment King Maximilian and Queen Constantina have caused.

They whether their mutual attraction could be love. Prince Christopher confesses that he feels he can truly be himself around her, not what people expect him to be. Just as they share their first kiss, however, the palace clock strikes midnight and the woman runs as fast as she can out of the palace. Prince Christopher tries to chase her, even knocking her stepmother down in his haste, but he is slowed by the crowd too and is unable to catch her, left standing with only her glass slipper as a clue to her identity.

Prince Christopher refuses to eat or rest until he finds the girl who has charmed him so, even if it means having every single eligible one in the kingdom try on the glass slipper until he finds the one whom it fits. Eventually, his quest takes him to the Stepmother's house. She, Calliope, and Minerva try on the glass slipper, but he is absolutely certain neither of them is his runaway love. They very conspicuously try to block the kitchen doors, but he forces them to give Lionel the key. They are unlocked to reveal nothing but an ordinary kitchen. Disheartened, Prince Christopher prepares to leave but is stopped by the Stepmother, who absolutely begs him to take Calliope or Minerva as his bride as Lionel struggles to reclaim the glass slipper from Calliope. Losing patience, Prince Christopher orders the chaos to stop and marches out the door where he spots the young woman almost getting trampled by the royal coach once again. Recognizing her from their first meeting in the market, he places the glass slipper on her foot and it fits perfectly. Elated that they have found each other again, they share a kiss.

Waving to everyone they see, Prince Christopher and Cinderella ride in a coach throughout the streets on their way to the palace, where they wed at the top of the ballroom stairs under the approving eye of King Maximilian, Queen Constantina, Lionel, and their joyful subjects.

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