Lana Lang on - Lana Lang
"I know what I need to do with my life now. Life is so precious, so beautiful and to be able to protect that, that's an amazing gift."

19 years old


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May 22 2024

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Finally free of Smallville's expectations, Clark, and the metahumans of her hometown, Lana believed she could finally start to build her own life. In Paris, she met Jason Teague, and started a relationship with him. While taking a brass rubbing of the ancient tomb of Countess Margaret Isobel Thoreaux, Lana passed out and was imprinted with a weird symbol. After discovering that the symbol was similar to the ones in the Kawatche Caves, Lana had to return to Smallville to learn more about the mysterious tattoo on her back. As soon as she arrived in town, she learned of the death of Chloe and went to visit her at the cemetery, meeting Lois Lane in the process. After seeing Clark again, the two talked about her return, but she refused to tell him the real reason why she had returned. After talking with Lex, Lana managed to live in the Talon apartment and soon was joined by Jason who followed her from Paris to be with her. Lana and Jason continued their relationship in Smallville, keeping it a secret because of Jason's job as the high school assistant football coach. However, when Lionel Luthor, in Clark's body, walked in on Lana and Jason making out, Lana later confronted him and Lionel (still in Clark's form) kissed her: she slapped him and stormed off. This caused her relationship with Clark to crumble especially after Jason was fired due to being accused of having a relationship with Lana. Unable to find an answer to her tattoo, Lana researched Isobel and learned that the Countess was her ancestor and that she was burned at the stake as a witch. After she touched Isobel's spell book, Lana was possessed by the Countess. As Isobel, she placed a spell on Lois Lane and Chloe Sullivan, causing them be possessed by her two cohorts. After Clark destroyed the spell book, Lana, Chloe, and Lois returned to normal and Lana then learned that it wasn't Clark who informed the school that Jason was dating a student: it was Lex. "Oh great, possessed by an evil slut.".

After being possessed by her ancestor, Lana started to have dreams where she witnesses the execution of Isobel Thoreaux and also of a woman yelling at Isobel angrily. Lana was shocked to learn that the woman of the dream looked immensely like Jason's mom and then began to suspect the real reasons that Jason had begun to date her. Although her ​​relationship with Jason was stable, her past with Clark still followed her and this caused Jason to begin to doubt her. Lana tried to give her virginity to Jason as a show of loyalty, but he refused. Later on, Lana was furious that Jason accepted Lex's job offer, but Jason tells her he would use this to get to more information about Lex as well as for his and Lana's research on the Countess. However, when Lex told Lana that Jason already knew everything about Isobel before they met, Lana had to reevaluate how well she knew Jason. When Lionel informed Lana that Jason and Lex were in China together searching for one of the Stones of Power, and that Duchess Gertrude (Jason's ancestor) had been obsessed with finding the stones as well, he made arrangements for Lana to go to China on the LuthorCorp jet. Clark offered to go with her and after arriving, went to a temple where the Crystal of Air was located. Lana got captured and was taken to Jason and Lex only to be possessed again by Isobel. After having fought Clark for possession of the stone, Lana reverted to her true self and Jason managed to sneak the Crystal of Air to Smallville without Clark and Lex noticing. Lana then decided to hide the stone from everyone else, including Jason and pretend that a thief stole the stone. By this time, Lana felt quite confused and shocked to learn that Lex had secret feelings for her as he kisses her while being split in two. Also, she started to get closer to Clark again after feeling that he was the only one she could trust. This was discovered by Jason at the prom dance and their relationship comes to an end. As the year ended, Lana's feelings for Clark returned. Lana and Clark discovered an abandoned baby in the cornfield and took him back to the Kent Farm, where they bonded over the foundling, whom Clark named "Evan." After Evan died, they reminisced about their time with him. Then Lana started to feel that she could be with Clark after all. When she was attacked by Genevieve Teague, who figured out that Lana had one of the Stones of Power. Isobel once again possessed Lana, and stabbed and killed Genevieve with the Crystal of Air. After Isobel went dormant within her, Lana was given refuge by Lex. When another meteor shower was predicted to hit Smallville, Lex helped Lana leave Smallville. Before leaving, Lana gave the Crystal of Air to Clark, feeling that only he would know what to do with it. The two confessed their love to each other and went their separate ways. Lana tried to send a message to Chloe, but was stopped by Lex, because he didn't want anyone to know what was happening. Lex got Lana into a helicopter: as they took off, Lana and the pilot dodged the falling meteors. However, one struck the tail of the helicopter and they plummeted to the ground. Though badly injured, Lana managed to survive the crash and pulled clear of the helicopter. She dragged herself to a nearby crater and pulled herself up to its edge, spotting the Black Ship, which began to open.

I shall live by passion and not by law
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Lana witnessed two aliens come out of the Black Ship and attack a cadre of police officers. She overheard them say that they were looking for "Kal-El". After Lex found her close to the site and took her back to the Luthor Mansion to recover, she saw Lionel Luthor in a trance, sketching strange symbols on the floor. Lionel told Lana that the Disciples of Zod must be stopped, and told her that meteor rock could destroy them. Lana went to the Smallville Medical Center, where the Kryptonians were laying siege and about to kill Lois Lane, and told them she knew where Kal-El was. She led them to the Luthor Mansion where they were exposed to the meteor rock in the secret vault, but they were able to escape. Before the aliens could kill Lana, Clark arrived and sent them into the Phantom Zone. Lex helped Lana with respect to Jason Teague and his mother, covering up their deaths with the meteor shower and Lana was relieved to learn this. After Clark lost his powers for saving the ones he loved, he decided that he and Lana could have a real and honest relationship and finally start dating. During this time, Lana finally felt that Clark was totally open with her and the two lost their virginity to each other. However, their happiness did not last long due to the constant threats that Clark had to face. Lana was shattered to learn that Clark had died after being seriously wounded by a man while trying to save Smallville, but when Clark came back safely to the farm, she was so glad that she didn't question how he managed to survive. However, because Clark regained his powers, their relationship was once more filled with secrets and lies, causing the things between the two to begin to change again. Clark and Lana continued dating and then Lana enrolled into Metropolis University at the last minute, and was able to be inducted into the Tri-Psi sorority house. While she stayed there, she was transformed into a vampire metahuman but was saved by Clark. Then Lana moved into Chloe's dorm room, as the Tei-Psi Sorority House was declared off-limits. As Lana became obsessed with what happened during the last meteor shower, she started studying astronomy and meteors to try to discover the truth and came to the conclusion that there were possibly aliens living among them, much to the dismay of Clark. During this time, Lex supported Lana in her conclusions and helped her in her investigations. This caused Clark to obsess about the relationship between Lana and Lex to the point that he almost killed her, while being infected with silver Kryptonite, believing she had cheated on him. Finally, Lex decided to enlist Lana's help in learning about the Black Ship, which he took from Lander's Field. Together, they would try to piece together the strange happenings in Smallville and the meteor showers that struck the town. Although Lana understood Clark´s behavior with the help of Chloe, she noticed that Clark had returned to his old self and began to worry about what Clark was hiding. She felt especially worried given the fact that the two stopped having sex since he died and this caused a major rift in their relationship. By that time, Lex's feelings towards Lana became increasingly apparent, but she remained loyal to Clark. It was clear that she knew that Lex had other intentions with her but especially after he risked his life protecting her while the two were being held hostage by two deranged Smallville deputies who wanted the Black Ship, Lana felt attracted to him because of the sincerity with which he treated her. When Clark felt that he was losing Lana, he finally decided to tell her the truth about everything and showed her the Fortress of Solitude. Finally he proposed marriage to her and Lana accepted his proposal. After Jonathan Kent won the Senate race, Lana received a phone call from Lex and went to the Luthor Mansion to see how he was doing since he lost the election. After Lex saw her engagement ring, he figured that Lana knew about Clark's secrets and tried to force her to tell him, but she managed to get away. While driving away, Lana called Clark to warn him about Lex, but Lex was catching up to her. As she was trying to get away, a school bus collided with her car, killing her. Grief-stricken, Clark begged Jor-El to help him save Lana and was given a crystal to go back in time to prevent Lana's death. However, due to Clark's lies, Lana wanted a break from their relationship but after Jonathan Kent died of a heart attack, she backed off her idea and supported Clark by attending Jonathan's funeral. Lana decided to try to make their relationship work again, and stood next to Clark to help him cope with the death of his father, including recovering Jonathan's watch that had been stolen from Martha. However, her relationship placed on hold due to Clark's secrecy and Lana started feeling closer to Lex, who offered her a shoulder to unload her problems. Sometime later, Lana had an outing with Clark, and their relationship seemed to be on the road to recovery until he was hypnotized by Simone. She was called to Clark's barn where she found him and Simone having an intimate moment and under Simone's control, Clark told Lana that he had found someone else. Hurt and disgusted, Lana went to Metropolis to stay at her Aunt Nell's. After Simone was killed and Clark regained his senses, Chloe told Lana that he had been hypnotized. When she went to discuss it with Clark, he lied to Lana and said that he did not love her anymore. Heartbroken, Lana turned to Lex for comfort and to confide in him. To find comfort from loved ones, Lana turned to two medical students who had created the highly-addictive Limbo drug, which Lana used to communicate with her parents in the afterlife. Desperate to use more of it, Lana spent more than a thousand dollars an injection and even stealing from Lex to pay for another one: but was caught by him. Lana was eventually saved by Clark. After Clark returned to life, Lana decided that she would never do anything like that again and she managed to get help and get off of drugs. Lana then continued to work with Lex in their investigations about the Black Ship as a way to occupy her mind and during these days the attraction between the two became more evident. After an argument with Chloe for saying that something was happening between her and Lex, Lana goes to the Luthor Mansion to talk with Lex and avoid misunderstandings, but was astonished when Lex kisses her and then very confused, she kissed him back. Some time later, Lana started dating Lex without telling Clark, who finds out when he walked in on Lana and Lex kissing. She told Clark later after Lex was attacked by Graham Garrett, because she wanted them to be honest with each other even if they weren't together anymore. Finally, Lex had decided to let Lana in on a project of his that he was working with Milton Fine on. He told her that he created a vaccine that would make anyone immune to any of the world's powerful viruses, and showed Lana pictures of Fine and the Black Ship, which Fine was in one at one second, and the next second he was gone. Thinking that Fine was an alien like the Disciples of Zod, Lana told Lex that the "meteor rocks" were what they were vulnerable to. Once she returned to her dormitory at Metropolis University, she found Clark looking through her photographs of the Black Ship. Clark had Lana tell him where Lex and the lab were, if she didn't want anything bad to happen to Lex. After Lex was rescued by Clark, Lana witnessed the Black Ship abduct Lex, and Fine appeared behind her, telling her that Lex is being prepared. She went to the Daily Planet where she told Chloe what happened, who later relayed the information to Clark. Later on, Lana overheard Clark saying that he might have to kill Lex. Lex later returned with Kryptonian powers, and showed them to Lana. He told her to meet him at the top of LuthorCorp. Clark arrived at the Luthor Mansion, to ask where Lex was, and Lana demanded that Clark explain what was happening to Lex. Clark tried to get off the subject, and Lana, angry that he wasn't trusting her, stormed out after saying she didn't know how she could have ever loved him. When the electrical systems were all failing across the world due to Brainiac unleashing a powerful computer virus, Lana managed to get into the LuthorCorp building, and saw Lex, who was now possessed by General Zod, standing there. She told him that she was going to stand at his side, and the two shared a passionate kiss.

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The Smallville

Lana realized that Lex was possessed by General Zod, who took her captive and brought her to the Luthor Mansion. Zod told her that the reason he needed her was because he wanted to sire an heir with her. When Lana declined, Zod impaled her hand against a wall with a fire poker. Lana managed to get free and went to the Kents for help: she was told by Martha that Lex had to die. Lana decided to take the Kryptonian dagger and kill Lex in order to stop Zod. When she got close enough, Lana tried to stab Zod with the dagger but he took it from her and broke it. As Zod began to choke her, Clark returned: Zod released Lana to deal with Kal-El and was eventually defeated by Clark. Lex denied having any memory of what happened while he was possessed by Zod and with the dormitories of the University closed after the events of Dark Thursday, Lana moved in with Lex at the mansion but was very disturbed with how he had a surveillance camera in her room, watching her. After a slight discussion, Lex removed the cameras from her room but told Lana that the cameras are his way of life. She was even more concerned about her relationship with Lex after being catalogued as "the next Lex girl" and wondered what happens when Lex actually gets what he can't have, so she discussed it with Chloe. Chloe advised Lana to stop living in the past and move on with her life. Ultimately, Lana decided to pursue a relationship with Lex, and the two became intimate. Lex wanted to test Lana's loyalty and enlisted Lionel's help to prove it and told him to encourage Lana to destroy the Kryptonian black box that Zod tried to use to transform Earth into a new Krypton. Lana blackmailed Dr. Groll into getting rid of the device and when it was found out by Lex, he was impressed by Lana´s determination. Lex and Lana both wanted to use the device to prevent any more Kryptonians from taking over the world. Lana continued her relationship with Lex without many conflicts, but after their relationship was strained when they fight over the Kryptonian black box, Lana gave Lex an ultimatum: the box or her. Since the box dissolved after the Zoner Baern absorbed its data, Lex said that he was going to choose her. Lana's doubts about Lex began to increase and then she went to see Chloe for lunch, but had a fainting spell. Lana went to her doctor to get a checkup and discovered that she was pregnant: as well as later admitted it to Chloe. Lana kept her pregnancy in secret from Lex for days until she finally told him after thinking that she had lost Lex forever due to a meteor freak. Later, Lex proposed marriage to Lana, much to her surprise. Lana did not gave an answer to Lex's proposal quickly and finally confessed to Chloe she had reservations about marrying Lex due to her lingering feelings for Clark. After gossip columnist Linda Lake published the exact conversation in an article, Lana went to Chloe to confront her but realized that it was Linda who was responsible. Later, Lana went to Clark to talk to him and asked him to place his trust in her just once and tell her the secret that had been between them for so long. Clark claimed that it didn't matter and revealed that he knew she was pregnant, and that everything had now changed. He then told her that he hoped Lex made her very happy. Lana traveled back to the Luthor Mansion and accepted Lex's proposal. At her engagement party, Clark and Lois, both infected with red kryptonite, broke into the mansion and let everyone know that Lana was carrying Lex's child. After Clark kidnapped Lana and forced her to admit that she still loved him, Lex came there in time to rescue Lana from him. As Clark was about to kill Lex, Lana saw Clark get stabbed by a chisel, but she saw it was only dented. She kept it and hoped that it would bring her closer to Clark's secret. As Lana started to grow closer to Clark's secret, she was shocked to learn that someone was spying on her and indignantly decided to seek refuge in her friends since Lex was out of town. Lana decided to stay at Chloe's apartment and while there attempted to look through Chloe's computer to discover more about Clark but it was password protected. After her stalker found her again, Lana stayed at the Kent Farm in Clark's bedroom where she saw that Clark kept her necklace but that it now looked different. Her suspicions towards Clark were increased when he mysteriously rescued her from her stalker. Lana came to the conclusion that Clark was probably being infected by the meteorite and after a meteor freak was abducted during her bachelorette party, she went to see Chloe to ask her why she went outside last night. Chloe told her about what Tobias Rice, the only suspect in the kidnapping, could do. She also asked Lex if he knew him, and he lied to her, saying that he didn't. Lana went to see Tobias and told him that she knows that Clark is infected as well and offered to pay for his surgery in the hopes of protecting Clark's secret from being revealed. Tobias told her that Clark was normal, confusing Lana even more. However, the day of her wedding, Lana resolved to find out the truth about Clark and locked Chloe in the wine cellar, knowing she would call Clark to rescue her. Lana witnessed Clark's superpowers and heard him and Chloe talking about how he was still in love with Lana. Finally realizing why Clark had been lying to her all these years, Lana decided that she could not go through with the wedding and tried to write Lex a letter to cancel the wedding. However, Lionel discovered that she knew Clark's secret and told her that if she did not marry Lex, he would kill Clark. Trapped, Lana married Lex after all. One week later, she told Lex that she didn't feel well enough to go on their honeymoon, so they canceled the trip. After Lana collapsed in pain and passed out, Lex was forced to tell her that she had suffered complications and miscarried the baby. Lana was heartbroken by this revelation and began to cry bitterly. After she was attacked and knocked unconscious by a mind controlled metahuman, she was rescued by Clark and Chloe. She woke up in Smallville Medical Center, were after performing thorough tests in light of her recent "miscarriage," a doctor informed her that she was never pregnant and accused her of taking synthetic hormones to simulate a pregnancy and trick Lex into marrying her. Having seen sonograms, she protested and was left in a state of shock and bewilderment. After this discovery, Lana began to harbor a deep, dark, secret hatred for Lex and Lionel. When Lex was trapped underground in an explosion she simply hoped he'd die. Demanding answers, Lana blocked Lionel's IV drip delivering pain medicine after he was wounded in the explosion and Lionel revealed that he blackmailed her to protect Clark. Lana then recovered a briefcase the police found in Lex's car and shot the locks off. Inside, she found a disc labeled Project Ares, along with floor plans of the tunnels in which Lex was trapped. After learning that Clark was trapped inside the tunnels too, she was forced to reveal the exit. Lana visited Lionel again and demanded to know what Lionel knew, threatening to tell Martha about him using Clark as a bargaining chip. Lionel revealed to Lana the truth and then the two begin to work together to stop Lex and save Clark. However, Lana was shot at the Daily Planet after seeing Lionel about Project Ares and this began to attract the attention of Chloe who demanded the truth about her marriage to Lex. Lana told her that she married him to protect Clark. Lana maintained the facade of the loving wife and in dialogue loaded with double and secret meanings, Lana told Lex that if someone lied to her like that they would lose her love forever. Even as they hugged, over Lex's shoulder, Lana revealed her deep hatred for Lex. Finally, Lana overheard a meeting with Lex and Senator Burke. She later told Clark about it and was warned by Lex to never betray him again or he wouldn't know what he would do. Lana met Clark at his barn and told him she was leaving Lex, and Smallville, to escape. Clark told her his secret in an attempt to get her to stay, but she only kissed him and left after telling him, "You're still the same Clark Kent to me." At the mansion, Lana confronted Lex about the fake pregnancy, telling him that Clark meant more to her than Lex ever would, and told him their marriage was over. After Lex hit her, she left saying, "That's the last time you'll ever touch me." Lana was next seen running to her car while telling Lionel on her cell phone that she was leaving. Lionel watched in horror as her car exploded, with Lana seemingly inside. Unbeknownst to anyone else, Lana found out that Lex had created a clone (model 503) of her in a 33.1 facility at the Reeves Dam as well as, in order to escape from both Luthors, decided to fake her death and worked out a complicated plan. She provoked the discussion with Lex so this might give her the perfect alibi and made Lionel believe that she really was leaving Smallville to avoid suspicion and to have a potential witness for everything that would happen. She put the Model 503 in her car and then blew it up in front of Lionel, making it appear that Lex had murdered her.

Shortly after her reported death, Lana was seen alive in hiding in Shanghai, China wearing a blonde wig for weeks. No one was aware of her faked death until Lex found her in Shanghai. She left her clone (Model 503) that Lex created in her car so that when it blew up, they found her DNA. While explaining all of this, Lana held Lex at gunpoint but she was unable to kill him despite his actions. He told her she could return to Smallville and that he would take care of everything for her. Lana took Lex up on his offer and returned to Smallville, meeting Clark in his barn. He was shocked to see her alive but also delighted at the same time. He invited Lana to stay with him at the farm, until her name could be cleared. Lana called Lex over to discuss her situation, confirming that she accepted Lex's offer. Lana was later seen with Clark at a public carnival, suggesting that her name has been cleared. While living with Clark, Lana met Clark´s Kryptonian cousin Kara and the Martian Manhunter. Clark found out through Lex that Lana had stolen ten million dollars from him and when he confronted Lana about the money, Lana explained that it was another one of Lex's ways to split them up and that the money was a divorce settlement, which was the truth. She assured Clark that she would never keep secrets from him. Then she went to her own secret hideaway where she had numerous security screens watching over the Luthor Mansion and Lex himself. Lana was increasingly consumed with vengeful feelings towards Lex and Lionel Luthor, which she hid from Clark. It was revealed that she was responsible for having Lionel being held prisoner by a crazy woman in a log cabin and once Lionel got free, he confronted Lana at the Kent Farm and warned her not to continue her descent to the dark side or something bad would happen to her. When Lana told Clark that she doesn't want to hold him back when the world needs him more than her, Clark assured Lana that he is happy with her and she doesn't need to worry and that gave Lana a green light to continue in her affairs. When Chloe found out about Lana's Isis Foundation, designed to help the meteor-infected, Lana asked Chloe to keep the Foundation a secret - especially from Clark. Chloe agreed but sensed that there was something Lana was hiding. Lana said that it was Chloe's imagination and that there was no secret. Despite all this, Lana managed to fool Clark and made him try to get their relationship on track by being more honest with each other. During a romantic afternoon, they were struck by lightning and Lana received some of Clark's powers. Her new abilities amplifying her anger, Lana wanted vengeance and to make Lex pay for his crimes. While trying to cure her, Clark discovered the Isis Foundation and found out that she had been watching Lex for months. Lana went to confront Lex. He remarked that Lana was still in love with him and kissed her. Lana continued her assault on him and was only stopped from killing Lex by Clark himself. He overpowered her and used a live wire to take the powers from her. After that, Lana chose to face the consequences of her actions although Clark blamed her behavior on himself. She informed him that she made her own choices and claimed that she kidnapped Lionel because she was protecting Clark. She was not remorseful, saying that she just needed to know that he would love her no matter what. Chloe also confronted her as well and informed her that she would not let Lana bring Clark down with her. When Lana met Clark's biological mother, Lara, she agreed to keep Lara company while Clark met up with Kara. Lara told Lana that she could see the darkness Lana was battling, but their conversation was cut short when Zor-El stormed in to take Lara. Lana tried to protect her but Zor-EL flung Lana in the air, injuring her. Later Lana told Clark that she doesn't know if she deserves him after all she's done, but Clark assured her that it is okay to make mistakes. After two weeks of being missing after he went to plead with Jor-El to find Kara, Clark seemingly returned home and declared that Kara was gone forever. Lana told him that she was done spying on Lex but Clark then asked to see what she had discovered. As Lana restored her surveillance room in the Isis Foundation, they investigated something Lex was working on called Project Scion. Lana showed Clark a woman who was found suffering from toxic levels of metal poisoning and Clark discovered that Brainiac was alive. After rescuing Chloe and Jimmy, it was revealed that "Clark" was, in fact, the escaped Zoner Bizarro. For the next two weeks, "Clark" and Lana seemingly reconnected. He declared that they could run away together from Smallville and Lana agreed. When the real Clark returned, Lana could not believe that she had been living with an impostor for weeks. Clark was dismayed that Lana had been completely fooled and despite this Lana tried to atone by helping Clark defeat Bizarro. She admitted that Bizarro made her feel more loved and happier than she ever had been. This caused Clark and Lana's relationship to be strained to the brink. After Lionel approached Lana asking for surveillance on Lex, blackmailing her in the process, Lana decided to tell Clark, who was angry that Lana was only telling the truth because she was being threatened. They argued over what one expects of the other and Lana finally decided to stay with Chloe for a few days, but Clark confessed that he wasn't ready to give up on them. After Lex was shot in the head, Lana provided Clark and Chloe information about Project Intercept with the resources she had at the Isis Foundation so that they could find Kara. Then, Lana and Clark returned to live happily together without secrets. When Kara returned with amnesia, Lana and Lionel convinced Clark not to tell her the truth about her origins. However Kara confronted Lana and demanded the truth. When Lana didn't tell her anything, Kara was driven to Lex, believing that Clark and Lana did not have her best interests at heart and moved in with him. Finally when Clark decided to go to the Fortress to ask Jor-El what to do, he disappeared and Lana called Chloe to help find him. They discovered a Kryptonite dart in the barn and confronted Lionel. Lionel threw suspicion onto Lex and Chloe and Lana quickly believed him, saying that she would kill Lex if he hurt Clark. However, Chloe found evidence that Lionel was in fact responsible. Lana told Chloe about secret passages into the mansion and they set out together to rescue Kara from the mansion so she could rescue Clark. With Brainiac's return, Kara tried to teach Clark to fly, so he sent Lana to Isis. There, Brainiac attacked her, leaving her in a catatonic state: allowing Brainiac full control over her body, and only reversible by him. He sent her home to deliver a message to Clark and Kara. Brainiac told them that Lana was in excruciating pain and aware of her surroundings, but was unable to control her own body. Although Kara chose to follow Brainiac's orders, he does not release Lana and she was somewhat mobile but remained relatively unresponsive to outside stimuli. After Brainiac and Kara's departure, Clark took her to an asylum, but no sort of treatment was able to help her. Even after Clark and Kara defeated Brainiac, her condition continued to deteriorate. Lex revealed that he had his best doctors evaluate her, but they too were unsuccessful at treatment. When Clark finally destroyed Brainiac, Lana awoke from her catatonic state, completely recovered. She made Clark a video and left it at the hospital for him to find. Lana told Clark that the world needed him more than she did and that they were not meant to be together. She continued to say they were only fooling themselves. She told Clark that she was leaving and he should not follow her. She let him know that she still loved him, more than he would ever know.

"Do you ever wish that you could go back in time and... everything would be different?"
"If we're in each others' hearts, Clark, I will always be with you. No matter what. I love you."

In actuality, Lex's men, led by Tess Mercer, obeyed Lex's orders to force her to give Clark a "Dear John" DVD, and kidnapped her for, what Lex thought, her own safety. However, Lana had managed to escape, hijacking the van she was in. She then cut her hair short, and went into hiding for an unknown period of time. Afterwards, Lana met Carter Bowfry and offered him money to train her and convinced him to help. He put her through a training regimen designed to resist pain and torture. In addition, he got her to admit that she was still holding onto Clark, and told her to overcome her previous life and become a new person. After his training was complete, Lana told Carter she needed power. Lana admitted she had it before, but was not ready for it emotionally, mentally or physically. Carter warned against it, claiming that too much power wasn't alway a good thing: however, he still gave her a phoenix medallion to help remember the lessons she learned and to remind her to be her own person: to make her own decisions based on what she believed was right. Lana visited Chloe and congratulated her on her engagement to Jimmy as well as expanding the Isis Foundation. She said she wasn't going to see Clark just yet, but had read about his activities in Metropolis as the Red-Blue Blur. She wanted to track down information on Lex's Project Ares, but Chloe advised against it. Lana insisted that she was going to do it, and she'd tell Clark when the time was right. She made Chloe promise not to say anything to Clark about her return, and then departed for Cuba in search of Lex. After seven months of being missing, Lana reappeared in Cuba where she was found by accident by Green Arrow while looking for Lex. Lana was surprised to learn that Oliver was indeed the Green Arrow and then proceeds to ask him how Clark was doing. Oliver suggested that she attend Chloe's wedding to find out for herself and after hesitating for a moment, she finally decided to return to Smallville. She attended Chloe's wedding reception, much to Clark's surprise. As Clark and Lana spoke about the decisions Lana had made about leaving, the Kryptonian beast Doomsday crashed the wedding and kidnapped Chloe. Lana offered to help Clark find Chloe with the resources she had at the Isis Foundation. While there, she was visited by a woman who came from the future, and was informed that Chloe had been taken over by Brainiac. Lana was told that Chloe would have to be killed in order to stop him. After Clark rescued Chloe, Imra realized that Lana hadn't told Clark the reason she left after she woke up from her catatonic state, and what she planned on doing next with her life, but assured her that her secret was safe and that she would be remembered for more than just her relationship with Clark Kent. Lana was told by Imra that she has a destiny all her own. Lana decided to stay in Smallville for some time and moved into Chloe's apartment while she was travelling to Star City. During this time, Lana confronted Tess about a mysterious project and its relation to Lex's whereabouts and after stealing valuable information from her, Tess confronted Lana at the Isis Foundation and a physical fight broke out between the two. Lana won the fight and finally revealed to Tess that a nanochip had been planted into Tess' optic nerve and that she had been Lex's "eyes and ears" for a while. The return of Lana also stirred past emotions between her and Clark. After Clark suggested their need for one another, they rekindled their relationship.

After Lana went missing and Clark began to suspect that she had been kidnapped by Lex, Clark learned about the real reasons why she left seven months ago and why she had come back. Actually Lana wanted to have powers for herself, so she was subjected to Lex´s Project Prometheus. Her skin was fused with a super suit made of nanotechnology and alien DNA, which gave her superpowers. After rescuing Dr. Groll from Tess, Lana ran away and finally called for Clark to meet her at the rooftop of the Daily Planet, where she explained her reasons as she wanted to devote her powers to working side by side with him. Clark finally accepted Lana's proposal and the two shared a kiss. Finally being on equal terms, Lana and Clark began to enjoy their relationship and Lana announced her desire to join Clark in his patrol of Metropolis. However, their happiness did not last long as Lex devised a plan to separate Clark and Lana forever for having destroyed his life. As they investigate an explosion that occurred in LuthorCorp, Lana found that the bomb was enhanced with Kryptonite and was shocked to discover that her suit could absorb the energy of the Kryptonite. After Lex informed them of his plan to blow up the Daily Planet with a Kryptonite bomb along with the rest of the city, Lex told the couple that they had to make a decision about what to do as Lana's suit could deactivate the bomb and absorb the Kryptonite, but this would also make her untouchable to Clark. After a moment's hesitation, Lana made the heartbreaking choice to sacrifice her love for Clark. She then deactivated the bomb, absorbing all the Kryptonite it held in it. Unable to take off the suit, Lana finally decided to leave Smallville again. Knowing that this would be the last time he would see her, Clark moved close to Lana. Despite her objections, he kissed her one last time before weakening himself and falling to the floor in pain. Lana walked toward the staircase with tearful eyes, turned around and assured him that even though they couldn't be together, she would always be in his heart. They confessed their love for each other one last time, before Lana turned around and left the barn—and Clark—apparently forever.

Groups: The Daily Planet ,

     Lana Lang 's Details
Body type:Slim / Slender
Characters: Lana Lang
Verses: Smallville
Playbys: Kristin Kreuk
Length: Multi Para, One Liner, Para, Semi
Member Since:April 11, 2023

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Lana Lang

When Lana was three years old, she saw her parents, Lewis and Laura Lang, struck and killed by a meteor during the 1989 meteor shower that hit Smallville. She became the poster child for the disaster, her cry of anguish captured forever on the cover of Time Magazine. Her aunt, Nell Potter, adopted her and gave her a necklace made out of a piece of the meteor that killed her parents in their memory. She believed that something that had caused so much bad luck could only have good luck left. Ever since then, she lived a mile away from the Kent farm. Lana's best friend in her childhood was Emily Eve Dinsmore, but Emily died trying to save Lana from drowning when they were ten. Lana was a neighbor of the Kents while she lived with her aunt in Smallville. Despite being classmates in high school, Clark had always been shy with her​​. In reality he used to get sick around Lana due to the necklace she wore made out of a piece of the meteor that killed her parents. Lana had the habit of visiting her dead parents in the cemetery of Smallville and during one of these visits, she met Clark Kent and finally had the chance to talk to him. Lana was a cheerleader as a freshman. She dated the quarterback, Whitney Fordman, as well as was admired by everyone, but just a month or two into the school's year, before the football season ended, Lana decided to quit the cheer leading squad and try something else, in search of her own identity. In her quest for identity, Lana found her mother's journal and learned that she was not happy in Smallville. As Clark and Lana's friendship developed, her relationship with Whitney started to crumble. When Whitney was preoccupied, she spent some time with Clark, but when he rushed off to rescue someone else and left her alone, she started to become wary of him and preferred Whitney. However, Lana began to grow closer to Clark due to the details he showed to her. Having forgotten to attend her birthday party, Clark recreated her last happy birthday with a drive-in movie and Lana was really happy for this detail. During this time, Lana also met up with Lex Luthor and became friends because of their connection to Clark. She also began to spent time with Chloe Sullivan, although at first they had difficulty getting along because of being in different social groups. Lana and Chloe became friends when Lana helped Chloe get her job back as editor of the school newspaper, the Smallville Torch. They established that they were both "just friends" with Clark: though they both seemed to know that Clark loved Lana and Chloe loved Clark. Lana started working as a waitress at the Beanery, but was terrible at the job and fired in less than a week, but when her Aunt Nell decided to sell the theater where her parents met, she set herself on a mission. She convinced Lex Luthor to restore it rather than turn it into a parking garage. Lana oversaw the renovation and reopened it as a coffee shop named the Talon . She worked there as the assistant manager.

Lana's relationship with Whitney continued to cool and while under the influence of the Nicodemus flower, she dumped him, but they got back together again after Lana was cured. When Clark informed her what was happening with Whitney and his family, Lana stood by Whitney when his father, George Fordman, got sick and when Whitney lost his scholarship. Lana was about to break up with Whitney but didn't get the chance because his father passed away. Lana attended the funeral by Whitney's side, but she seemed conflicted as to if she wanted to be with Whitney or Clark. Lana's feelings for Clark continued to grow during the year. She tried to help him with his relationship problems with Chloe Sullivan, telling him that the right person could be right in front of his face without him knowing: it was unclear if she was talking about herself rather than Chloe. Lana seemed to get a little upset seeing Clark and Chloe's friendship grow and even seemed to get a little jealous when Clark asked Chloe to the spring formal. Finally Whitney asked Lana to be his date at the spring formal, but then he enlisted in the Marine Corps and had to ship out before the dance started. He asked Lana to take him to the bus station and after an emotional farewell, Lana finally said goodbye to Whitney promising that she would wait for him. At the same time, a tornado hit Smallville and Lana's truck was lifted into the funnel of the storm. She started to cry for help and then Clark rushed into the storm to save her.

After being rescued from the tornado by Clark, Lana began to grow closer to Clark but also became annoyed with Clark's secrecy because he could not provide an explanation as to how he had previously saved her during the storm. He denied even being there, but Lana knew there was no way she could have survived otherwise. Lana started the school year by deciding to break up with Whitney via videotape and was very nearly evicted from the Talon when Lex Luthor's wife, Desirée Atkins, convinced him to buy her out. When he came to his senses, Lex drafted a new partnership agreement. Lana's aunt started dating a man named Dean Winters that she met after the tornado. Lana didn't like him from the beginning and started to spend more time at the Talon because she didn't want to be around Nell and Dean. Clark supported Lana at all times and this made the attraction between them ​​more evident, especially when Clark was under the influence of red Kryptonite, revealed his feelings for her and she responded to him. However, after Clark took Lana to a bar and Lana voiced her discomfort, he abandoned her for Jessie Brooks who was much wilder. This caused Lana to back away from her position as Clark could not give her a reasonable justification for his actions.The relationship between Lana and Clark was complicated thereafter, especially because Chloe still had feelings for Clark and Lana did not feel comfortable fooling Chloe. When Lana learned that Whitney was missing in action, she was shattered for what she did to him, but then Tina Greer showed up and impersonated him. Although hesitant about renewing their relationship

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Lana was surprisingly quick to side with "Whitney" when "he" tore apart the men's restroom at The Talon and framed Clark. When she discovered the truth, she expressed deep regret for having treated Clark so poorly and apologized to him for her mistakes, promising to be a better friend to him in the future. When Aunt Nell decided to move to Metropolis with her fianceé Dean Winters, Lana really didn't want to leave Smallville. Chloe Sullivan invited her to live with her and her dad until she graduated from high school. Lana and Chloe got along very well most of the time, but they did have some issues. Lana accidentally found and read Chloe's letter to Clark and later looked at a couple of files in her computer. Equally earth-shaking was the discovery that her parents nearly divorced a year before she was born. She eventually met Henry Small, the handsome man she found in an old photo with her mother, as well as his wife, Jennifer, and learned that he was her biological father. They started spending so much time together that his wife felt neglected and later threatened to divorce him, so Lana decided that it would be best if they ended their new father-daughter relationship. Later, when Lex's half-brother, Lucas Luthor, showed up in Smallville and took everything he had, no one could take the Talon from Lana, since Lex protected her. Lana had a few extraordinary encounters that year: Byron Moore wrote her love poems, and Ian Randall duplicated himself and tried to date Lana and Chloe at the same time. Cyrus Krupp healed her horse, and her childhood friend Emily Dinsmore seemingly returned from beyond the grave. After she was assaulted and rescued by Clark in the Talon, Lana decided to take karate lessons with Lex. At the end of the school year, Lana and Clark left behind their fears and started a new relationship together behind Chloe´s back. Shortly after, the day of Lex and Helen's wedding, Clark accidentally hurt his parents when he destroyed his spaceship and then decided to run away from home. Lana begged him to stay, but he puts on the red Kryptonite ring and rides off on his father's motorcycle, leaving Lana heartbroken. Lana helped the Kents cope with their recent problems. Chloe came by to give Martha some flowers, after which Lana tried to apologize for keeping Clark and her relationship a secret. Chloe responded that, like Clark, she too was scared to admit it earlier, and questioned Lana about whether her friend is really in love or if it is just some fling. Lana replied that she loved Clark.

After Clark went missing, Lana started a campaign to find him. When Chloe revealed to her that she knew were Clark was, Lana found him in Metropolis, and was disgusted by the way he was living and tried to convince him to return home. However she was not successful and then called Jonathan Kent and informed him what was happening. Clark was angry with her for this and accused her of being a traitor. However, after Clark returned to Smallville, apologizes to her and tells he didn't believe Lana could love the parts of him that he keeps secret. Lana tried to reassure him that she would love him no matter what but Clark refused to believe her and this made ​​Lana offend and their relationship ended again. She later confided in Martha Kent that she hopes if she stays in his orbit long enough, he will open up to her. Lana and Clark continued to be friends and were involved in various investigations together. Lana helped him to prove he was normal when Perry White accused him of having superpowers and later helped Clark solve the mystery of her great-aunt Louise McCallum. When she meets Seth Nelson and began to act rebelliously, Clark saved her from her trance but later she decided to move on with her life, since Clark refused to be honest with her. When Lana was helping Clark hide Lex in the barn, she was attacked by a psychotic Lex and a startled horse trampled her leg and she ended up in the hospital badly injured. Lana spent four weeks at the Smallville Medical Center receiving physical therapy and while recovering, Lana met Adam Knight, and Adam helped her with her rehabilitation. Finally Lana was able to walk only using a cane and returned home, but was angry with Clark for not having visited her when she most needed him. Finally, Clark apologized for not being there, but although she accepted his apology, Lana does not forgive him and tells him that she has met someone new. As she drives away, Clark can hear her crying.

Lana continued to visit Adam in the hospital and the two began spending a great deal of time together. When he was ready to leave the hospital, she offers to renovate the apartment above the Talon and rent it to him as their friendship was beginning to become something more. As Adam displayed some unusual talents that raised Lana's suspicions, she came to suspect his motives to stay in town and realized that Adam was not who he claimed to be. Lana later did some snooping in Adam's apartment and discovered a journal of notes proving that he was spying on her and Clark. She sought help from Lex to get rid of Adam when she realized that he was dangerous. Although Adam disappeared without a trace, he later reappeared and kidnapped Lana and almost killed her, but fortunately Clark saved her. Then Lana and Clark grew close again. Unfortunately, Lana began to question if her relationship with Clark may have some future due to the constantly secretive behavior of Clark and realized that her focus on their relationship is making her miss out on other things in life. Then Lana decided to leave Smallville and go to Paris to study art. Before she left, Lana had to sell the Talon to finance her trip. However, things got complicated when Emily Dinsmore returns to prevent Lana's departure to Paris and kidnapped her. Clark rescued Lana and decided to tell Lana his secret to prevent her departure to Paris, but at the end realized what just happened to Pete after knowing his secret and just gives her a kiss on the cheek and tells her to have a great time in Paris. On the day she left, Clark was too busy to see her off at the airport, but Lex was there to wish her well. Though Clark showed up, he left without saying goodbye to her, leaving a white rose behind. Lana saw him and crosses the street to him, but he disappeared and Lana found the flower he was going to give her. Then, Lana moved from Smallville to fulfill her dreams.

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Lana Lang 's Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 114 comments (View All | Add Comment)
Killian Jones (T&L Elizabeth)

Sep 13th 2023 - 3:41 AM

He waited while she went to the kitchen to make some popcorn for them, then saw her walk back out to him, hearing her say it will be a few minutes. "I know it may seem scary to open your heart again when the guy who was supposed to love you and stay with you hurt you, would you be willing to let me have a chance at doing it better than your ex?" He asked her, he wouldn't ever hurt her or break up with her like her ex had. 
Killian Jones (T&L Elizabeth)

Sep 12th 2023 - 10:45 PM

Whatever they wanted Lana for Killian was sure he'd find out soon enough, he heard her question. "Sure, pop-corn sounds good lass." He said, he looked at her and wanted to tell her how he felt about her since he was falling hard for her. He had never come across such a beautiful girl like her before, and he did believe in love at first sight. "Hey Lana?" He asked.
Killian Jones (T&L Elizabeth)

Sep 12th 2023 - 10:23 PM

Killian nodded and went over to go pick out a movie they could watch together, as he was looking through the movies trying to decide he heard what Lana said and how the wicked witch was after her as well as Rumplestiltskin looking back over to her. "The wicked witch is here in Smallville too?" He asked, he hadn't known she was also after Lana. He finally picked out a movie that looked interesting. "What does she want with you?" 
Killian Jones (T&L Elizabeth)

Sep 11th 2023 - 1:27 PM

Killian smiled some and looked back at her hearing what she said, he laughed some too he never doubted she was smarter than everyone thinks. "I would never doubt that about you, lass." He answered, he nodded when he got asked to come in. "Sure we can talk more and watch a movie, I'll keep you safe." He said to Lana, before walking into her apartment looking around. It was a lovely looking apartment, so nice and cosy. 
Killian Jones (T&L Elizabeth)

Sep 11th 2023 - 12:26 PM

He saw her open the door. "No problem, love." He replied, he could see that she was still a little scared as he hugged her back. He heard her ask why Rumple took her, he didn't know why he had taken her either. He was glad she was safe again now though, he rubbed her back softy to comfort her. "I don't know why he took you, maybe he wanted you to do something for him." He said, he heard what she said. That sounded like the crocodile to want her to help him destroy Smallville and Storybrooke. "That sounds like him, he probably didn't expect a beautiful girl like you to be able to outsmart him." He had to admit Lana was a bright girl.
Killian Jones (T&L Elizabeth)

Sep 9th 2023 - 7:58 AM

Killian heard his phone ringing and got his phone out of his pocket, he smiled when he saw the person calling him was Lana as he answered the call. "Hey lass, glad you're home safe. Of course I can come over and talk to you more." He replied, he didn't know what became of the crocodile but he would get his revenge on him another time. "I'll be right over." He walked out of the mansion, heading over to see Lana at the talon. When he got there he opened the door, going upstairs to her apartment. 
Killian Jones (T&L Elizabeth)

Sep 9th 2023 - 5:36 AM

Killian was worried about Lana and hoped nothing bad had happened to her, he also knew that someone else had been trying to win Lana's heart as well. He didn't want to miss his chance of being with Lana as he looked at Lex. "You think Lana's okay? I didn't mean to get her involved in this, and I think someone is trying to fight me for Lana's heart." He said, all he knew was it was a girl called Dolores and that she seemed to think she can get whoever she wants.
Killian Jones (T&L Elizabeth)

Sep 4th 2023 - 9:46 PM

Killian nodded then started to look for something to help track Lana down too, he heard Lex's question. "He made you want him to abduct the beautiful girl." He replied, he then saw a a younger guy walk into the study and heard what he asked Lex. Rumple couldn't be there, then he had an idea of where he could be. The dark one liked to go to the woods, maybe he had taken Lana there with him. "The woods." He said then, he had no idea where the woods even were as he looked at Lex and the younger male. "Either of you know where the woods are?" He asked.
Killian Jones (T&L Elizabeth)

Sep 4th 2023 - 2:26 PM

Killian saw Lana and Rumple disappear again, he put his sword away and looked back at Lex. "Mr. Gold is Rumplestiltskin, not sure if he's told anyone in Smallville yet. He had you under a spell and got you to help him somehow." He said, he needed to find where he was at now and save Lana in the process. "You must have something around here that you can track down where he took Lana." The mansion looked big enough that there had to be something somewhere, he wasn't going to stop until he made Rumple pay. 
Killian Jones (T&L Elizabeth)

Sep 4th 2023 - 1:59 PM

As Killian was walking towards Lex's study he heard a scream, he knew that scream came from Lana and knew she was in trouble. He ran and knocked open the door of Lex's study seeing both Lex and Rumple there, he looked at Lana. It looked like he had a tight grip on her and was hurting her a little, it occurred to him that Lex was lying earlier to him about not knowing where the dark one was. "Finally I can get my revenge on you, crocodile. I knew I'd find you sooner or later." He said to Rumple. "You kidnapped Lana? Why not just let her go? She doesn't have anything to do with this." He grabbed his sword pointing it at Rumple, ready to slash him with his sword but didn't just yet since she was being held by him. "I said let her go." 
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