Maeve Millay on - Maeve Millay
Westeorld/Au/Scifi/ Season 4 Westworld the most/Robots(Hosts)/ Open

Not here for numbers, so no friend collectors. Also not interested in sex and no er*t*ca. So not here for sm*t. No romance either as she is only with one guy, Hector Escaton. She ans her guy are canons from Westworld. Maeve won't cheat no matter what.

46 years old


Last Login:
January 23 2024

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Member Since:January 28, 2023

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About me:
Maeve Millay was created like the rest of her kind. She wasn't born, neither of her kind were born. Maeve like many of her kind lived many lives. As she lived in a loop like her kind did. The first park was where Maeve and others of her kind learned how to dance and lived a completely different lives but after the masacre and after she as well as others were rebuilt she was moved to a different park. A big part of her life she lived on a farm, in a family oriented park, where she had a daughrer. They had a relatively good life. Neither of them knew that they weren't real, as with the others that lived in that park in different areas of it. Maeve and her kind continued to live in loops after they were rebuilt and memories erased, just like before that. Those new life they had were the only ones that they knew due to that, and that included Maeve. The child host was created especially for her by her creator Robert Ford, the partner of the one who started the masacre and one that died and was built as a host/Robot with a different name. He created the kid to be her child. Yet, as far as Maeve was concerned and as far as her child was concerned she was her birth mother and the child was her birth child, even if it wasn't the case at all. Yet, that were the memories they had put into them, and only ones they had as the others were erased.

Still working on it, yet I can already rp.

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Maeve Millay has 37 friends.

Teddy Flood

Bernard Lowe

Frankie Nichols

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May 13th 2023 - 6:17 PM

Christina woke up with a jump, as she almost fell off the bed but was caught before she fell over. As she looked over she saw it was her guy, Teddy Flood. The same one who told Christina all the truth. Even if part of it was rather hard for her to believe, it was still in fact the truth. Given the fact that she didn't remember that nor seen something that confirmed that but she still believed him, as he didn't seem to lie to her and that was enough for her to know that he could be trusted. It was the same guy that she had gotten together with since the moment they first met, or met again to be exact, unknown to Christina at that moment. They loved each other and it was easy to tell. Especially with the way Teddy protected Christina and told her the truth, no matter how horrible the truth was. As she had to know the truth, and needed it. Given the fact that unlike her real self, Dolores, Christina was used and lied to, and controlled by her own evolved copy, no less and it couldn't stay that way. Which Teddy knew rather well, as did her Dolores self. No one thought of that at that but it was still true nonetheless. At the moment they focused on the moment and nothing else but that. As Christina thanked Teddy for saving her from falling off her bed. Then they talked among themselves. "Bad dream?" Teddy asked her as she nodded to him. "Yes, as I said before, everything feels like a bad dream, except for you," Christina said to him. She truly felt that way. Christina felt that way ever since she found out the truth and began to wake up more and more, everyday. Much more than she had ever done before that. She hoped that this feeling would never go away, as she didn't want to stop feeling that way nor stop waking up, that was sure.

They smiled at each other when she said the last part. Then both sat on her bed and hugged. As they ended up kissing and making love. Then they just lay side by side and hugged as they talked among themselves once more. They kissed again a minute or so later. After that, they got off the bed and moved away, as Christina went to the side of the bed and pressed a button on the side of the bed, as it got the bed to go up and fold into the wall/closet, aka back in. Where it usually is unless a button is pressed to lower it back down. Christina stood by Teddy as she watched the bed go into the wall/closet. Then she looked at Teddy, who looked at her, as they smiled at each other. Then they held each other close as they watched each other with a smile. A few minutes later, Christina changed clothes as Teddy looked away, to give her privacy. It took her a bit but eventually she was done and ready. After that, they began to talk among themselves, as they walked out of her bedroom. They headed to the kitchen where Christina's roommate, best friend and copy Maya were at. They joined her there as Christina made breakfast for herself and Teddy. While Maya already had breakfast. As Christina did that they talked among themselves. Since she already knew who Maya was by that point, she didn't need to hide things from her and therefore they could talk freely with her, which made things easier. Christina was worried for a bit after finding out the truth, that Maya was one of the ones working for Hales but she found out that Maya was with them she was relieved. That meant that Christina didn't need to worry about talking next to Maya, nor did she need to worry about Maya overhearingĀ  her and talk about the situation and reporting to Hales or anything like that, which was a relief. To Her at least. Christina hoped that Maya was on their side, so knowing that she was on their side made things so much easier. She tried not to think of that, as they talked among themselves about the situation.

They tried to figure out how to fully wake up Christina and get her to be her Dolores self once more. They also talked about ways to stop Christina's(Dolores's) evolved copy from controlling humanity and the world. They knew that it would be hard. They knew that to accomplish both those tasks would be hard. Yet, they also knew that it wasn't impossible. They knew that they could do both those tasks. However, they hoped to be able to accomplish both tasks sooner than later. They had no idea how they would accomplish both those tasks but they still had no doubt that they could do both. Christina was already almost fully awake but she wasn't there yet. Which was odd as she should have already woken up after she found out all of that but she didn't. Christina did wake up more than she did before but still not fully, which was odd as that wasn't what they expected at all. The three of them wondered why she couldn't fully wake up. Christina did admit that she knew that she was Dolores, as she remembered that and saw images of it in her mind, as well as she felt that it was her but she had trouble fully waking up. They wondered what blocked her from fully waking up. They had no doubt that something had causedit but not what. They knew that it was something in her mind that did that, but they had no idea what it was or how to get rid of that block, without hurting her in the process. They were concerned about that but they refused to give up, no matter what. They refused to give up on any of it. Whether it was easy to do or not, as they weren't quitters, and never would be. That much they had no doubt about. They tried to figure out their next move, to help Christina regain her memories, to wake up and be her Dolores self, once and for all. They knew one thing for sure, though, that Christina didn't want to go back to work, and they(Teddy and Maya) didn't want her to go either. Maya and Teddy also had no intention of forcing her to go either. None of them wanted to let her help an enemy of theirs and humanity's, that was for sure. Yet, they had no idea what to do instead. They talked about it all for a while. They decided that Teddy would stay by and with Christina and show her more stuff that their enemy and evolved copy, Hales was doing and hopefully that would help. As they decided that Teddy would spend some romantic time with her, other than show her more of what Hales was doing. They also decided that Teddy and Dolores would find the rebels, outliers and with them they show Christina more of the truth, in hopes of waking her up. They would even use two or 3 of their kinds that were still around and with the rebels, outliers to help with waking Christina uo to be Dolores again. Meanwhile, Maya would go to work and act like all is normal. Not to raise suspicion or such.

If and when Maya would be asked about Christina, either by Hales or someone else she will act like she has no idea where Christina was. She would also pretend that Christina had disappeared, if it was needed. However, if it seemed like neither of those would work before she spoke then she would pretend that Christina was sick or something like that. They all agreed about that. Then they talked for a while longer and then Maya finished her breakfast and did the dishes, aka washed the plate and cup she used, then dried those. After that, she put those away. Then they talked for a bit longer and then. Maya left and it was just Christina with Teddy, alone in the apartment. They finished their breakfast as from time to time they talked among themselves. Then once they finished their breakfast, Teddy washed the dishes, dried them and put them away. After that, they talked for a bit more and stopped. As soon as they were ready they left the apartment and headed out of the apartment and then out of the apartment building. Once they were outside they began to talk among themselves, as they stood side by side and held hands as they passed by people they changed the subject so that those loyal to Hales or she herself would hear him and suspect them or such. They also did that not to worry innocent people or confuse them or such. Well those who had no idea about the situation anyway. Which were most people if not all. Others could be either with her, with the evolved copy or innocent too, they had no idea so they were as careful as possible due to all those reasons.

They continued to walk, as they headed to the direction of the boardwalk but changed direction rather fast after that. Then they walked for a while. They stopped as they saw a group not too far away. Christina and Teddy exchanged looks and then they looked over. "That's them. The rebels," Teddy said over sudden. "You sure?" Christina asked as she glanced at him. Teddy nodded. "Yes. The three with them are our kind, and we know them, they are on our side," he said to her. They exchanged looks again and then they started to walk forward again. Teddy led Christina towards the rebels, very carefully. Just as they got close the group saw them as some were about to shoot them but 3 of the group members spoke to the others and a young woman, part of the group as they convinced her and the group not to shoot unless there was a reason to. Then the 3 walked over towards Teddy and Christina. "Teddy? Dolores? What are you doing here? How did you find us? What is going on? And why are you red haired, Dolores? Well red brown but still," one of the 3 spoke. It was one of the guys. Christina looked at them all not sure what to say, so she let Teddy speak. "Yes, it is us but it is rather complicated.We were looking for you actually! We had no idea where to look. So we picked randomly! We were here, well in Manhattan for a while. As for Dolores, let just say, the short version is that we left to be together and a look a like copy took over the fight against Rehoboam but I take it she didn't make it so! Then we were found and got separated. I found Dolores in the end but she lost her memories and became Christina, the name was originally so that we could be left alone but things got bad and that happened! I managed to help her remember a bit, I do believe, yet not fully. So she knows the truth about her evolved Copy, Hales, who took over and that she used her to help herself with it, so Dolores is no longer under her control but she is still Christina, can you help us?" Teddy said to them as he looked between them and Christina. Christina meanwhile looked between them all and waited for a reply, as both her and Teddy waited for a reply as they wondered what it would be.

"I am sorry for what she made me do but I am free from her control. Also she might suspect that I am no longer under her control! Either way we need help. I want to remember everything but not sure how! I see images in my head and such but I do have trouble remembering everything, I only remember a few things that don't help if anything at all,"she said to them as Teddy looked at her and then back at them. "Any ideas of how to help Christina be Dolores again? By the way it is good to see you guys are still around but back to that later. Can you help us? Can you help Dolores?" Teddy said to them as he looked between them all. Christina and Teddy exchanged looks and then they looked at the others as they waited for a reply, as they wondered what would it be.
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