Frankie Nichols on - Frankie Nichols
Westworld/Season 4/Au/Scifi/Supernatural/Apocalypse/Hosts(robots)/Open||

|| Not here for sex ir er*t*ca. So that means no sm*t, ever. I am not interested in that and neither is my character. Not negotiable. Ever.||

|| Taken by Odina, and will never cheat on her. Not now nor ever. Just no. Case closed.

32 years old

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September 02 2023

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Characters: Frankie Nichols
Verses: Westworld/AU
Playbys: Aurora Perrineau
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Action, Open, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Suspense, Television,
Member Since:January 06, 2023

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About me:
Frankie Nichols was born years after the system, Rehovoam and the human, Serak lost. Years after the war was won. Years aftr Dolores Abernathy was supossely erased. Frankie was born to Caleb Nichols and his wife, Uwade. Her parents met at the hospital. Her dad was brought there by his friend, Maeve Millay. A host(robot) like Dolores Abernathy, who continued the fight for her. Maeve brought Caleb to the hospital as he was hurt badly. He almost died. Uwade was a nurse in the hospital and refused to leave his side. At first Maeve sat with him and watched over him, then she left him for a bit and came back, to find him with Uwade. A nurse in the hospital, who refused to leave his side. Maeve decided to leave to give Caleb a chance at a normal life. She knew that with her he would be safer but she thought he deserved a chance at somewhat a normal life, so she left. It hurt Maeve to do that but she believed that it was for the best. As he deserved a chance of a normal life, and a chance to be happy, which was enough for her to make that choice, which she believed was right. As Maeve did that, Caleb spend more time with Uwade, who spend a lot of time, with him by his side, even if they were strangers. The two slowly grew closer and fell in love. They began to date and eventually got married and had their child, their daughter, Frankie Nichols. As Caleb continued to work in costruction, but without the robot he used to work with, while Uwade continued to ne a nurse.

The two loved each other and their daughter, Frankie very much. Caleb taughed their daughter, Frankie how to shoot on the hill near by, despite Uwade being fully against it. Caleb believed that their daughter needed the lessons to be able to protect herself and her mother but Uwade thought that she didn't as they lived in peace already, with no danger around and she doubted that it was smart or needed but Caleb believed it was the right thing to do. Caleb went to the feild with Frankie a lot, at times and other times Frankie went there alone. Growing up, Frankie was close to both her parents and loved them dearly, as they loved her dearly. They were a good family but like with most families, if not all families, the parents argued but unlike some others they never divorced and made up for it later, so the mother threatened to divorce but never did. Frankie's parents loved each other and her so they never divorced. However, it didn't made Frankie's mom pleased that he never stopped teaching Frankie how to shoot. As for one Frankie was a kid and two she saw no point for it. Unknown to her and Frankie at the time, nor for Caleb who only suspected but had no idea for sure, him training Frankie would one day come in handie, and one day soon at that. Due to Dolores's copy, Charloress, who slowly was taking over the world with the help of flies and a tower, among other things. Yet, they were about to find that out very soon.

When Frankie was seven or to be exact even a bit earlier than that, her dad came back home from work, and headed to the field where his daughter, Frankie was as she showed him what she learned. Caleb was disappointed, as she missed the bottles and showed her how to do it, and then he gave her the gun to try again. He was glad that his cookie, as he called her was trying to learn but wished that she practiced mote as it meant she could protect herself and her mother if god forbid he couldn't, if she didn'r. Due to not being there for one reason or another. As Uwade called them home they headed there. Where Caleb and Uwade argue but they made uo for it and ate together. Other time while she was still 7 she made him proud of her by shooting better, and run forward excitedly as Frankie fell and hurt her foot. She cried as Caleb felt bad for her but told her to walk it off, and ignore it. Then when he asked Frankie if she could walk on it she said yes, and followed his instructions despite the pain. As they went away from the field carefully but firmly. None of them expected that very soon they won't see each other again, due to the world being in an apokalyptic state and all. They had no idea that thinga were bad or that they were getting worse and worse everyday, due to where they lived at.

Unknown to them all, Uwade learned a lot from Caleb too, but it would be known only during the time that Uwade and Frankie start saving people for the rebels group, some days after that particular day. The day when Caleb left home to never come back again. However, at that moment they weren't too worried. Until one day there was noise outside as he got a guun to the annoyance of his wife Uwade, who commented that it was fine, probably only a raccoon and nothing more, that the war was over but it seemed that he missed it, but it wasn't it. It was hom still fearing that things would get worse, which he wasn't wrong about, as later they found out. Yet, At that moment Caleb did as Uwade, his wife asked. He then went to his daughter ans told her it was just a raccoon. So their daughter lost her doll and went outside to get her, only to get into a dangerous situation with evil hosts(Robots), and by luck was saved by Maeve, who went there to keep them safe. As Caleb got out and held his freaked out daughter, as his wife came out and took Frankie inside. As Frankie watched her dad and Maeve talk threw her window. The two talked and then Caleb walked inside, got his gun and some things he needed and left with Maeve. Maeve tried to convince him not to like his wife, but then got convinced, as they went to stop the hosts and Charloress, to keep the world, and Caleb's family safe. Caleb planned to come back, as Frankie and her mom hoped that he would but it never happened. Also He ended up leaving them with protection. Also all had a bad feeling that things might go wrong but tried not to think of that. That was unfortunately the last time that they ever saw Caleb. After that day things got much worse for them. Frankie and her mother, Uwade were supposed to leave and join her father eventually but the people he ended up hiring to protect her and her mom, and get them to head to safety turned out to be hosts(Robots) loyal to Charloress who was not Charloress anymore but Hales. As the real people helping were captured by Hales and her people and replaced, or one of them was, anyway. He killed the other, as Frankie caught him do them but being a kid who was 7 years old she had no idea about it. Until she got her teddy bear and he had blood on him. Both her and her mom freaked out, rightfully so.

Frankie's mother asked her to hide, as she dealt with the guy but with no luck. Also luckily they weren't hurt or killed but things didn't end up as planned as the mother wasn't able to stop him from getting to her daughter, Frankie. Yet, they both saved themselves, or Frankie saved them. However, anyone saw it. As they got their stuff and fled the place to never return again. They found a safe place and used it to save people, as they got the old redio from the field with them, so that Frankie could use it in hopes of contacting her father, Caleb as she tried a few times before that and after he had left but with no luck at all. Unfortunately. As Frankie got no response but she like her mom, refused to give up on him, to give up hope that he was still alive. As they couldn't. However, they still did what they felt was right, by saving as many people that they could, mostly kids so. Despite how dangerous it was and despite the fact that they were almost caught and killed. Yet, luckily they weren't caught or killed. Unfortunately so, Uwade was sick as they found out a while after they got to the safe place and began to help people. Yet, Frankie's mom did her best to hide it and to hold on for Frankie and for Caleb. As she held ob as much as she could before she died from the sickness, as she couldn't hold on anymore, by then they managed to save a lot's of people.

Even if not all of them. After Frankie's mom, Uwade died Frankie and those her mom saved, saved more and more people, planty of which were orphans, if not all of them. They group of survivors and rebells grew everyday, but unfortunately there were more from Hales copies loyal to her as well as her ability to control people and the tower were too complicated to stop, even if a big group that theyhad. Especially since even if it was big, it wasn't as big as their enemy's copies. Which made fighting harder, if not impossible. Yet, Frankie and her group refused to give up. Yet, despote all of that, she refused to give up on her dad and tried to contact him through the old redio, even if it might have been useless. Frankie blamed it all on Maeve, on one hand but on other hand she believed that her dad was still alive and if he was then it was all due to Maeve being there to protect him. So in other worlds she wasn't sure whether she should trust Maeve or not. For a while.

Not done yet, as it is still in works but I can rp already. Just no sex or erotica, nor no smut either or romance as Frankie is an adult but is in a relationship and she will never cheat. So don't even try it. I am only interested in rp.

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   Frankie Nichols's Friend Space
Frankie Nichols has 37 friends.

Teddy Flood

Bernard Lowe

Charlotte Hale (Hales)

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Mar 2nd 2023 - 11:40 PM

Christina woke up with a start as she looked around herself confused, and terrified. She sighed to that. "You alright? Had a nightmare again?"Teddy asked her as Christina looked over at him as she sat down. "I had a nightmare again, yes. As I said everything feels like a bad dream, except for you!  So by that I am only alright with you," she said to him as she watched him get up from the chair he sat on and walk over to her, then sit by her.  Then Christina felt him hug her, as she hugged him back. She truly felt safe with him. Mostly due to the fact that only some of Christina's memories had come back, not all of her memories. Not just yet at least. Which meant that she wasn't back to her real self. Her Dolores self.  She was slowly coming back. Just too slow at that moment, unfortunately but she was getting there. Christina knew by that moment that she wasn't Christina but she wasn't herself yet. That was why she continued to go by Christina as she had no idea who she was just yet. Even if she wished that she had known that but so far she hadn't. Teddy helped her get there but unfortunately it didn't work as either of them wanted, nor like the roommate and best friend wanted. As it was going slower than expected, unfortunately. Also neither of them had given up. Not even Christina. When she met Teddy and she began to remember more, she hoped to gain all her memories back and be herself again but so far  no such luck, unfortunately. Teddy and her roommate, best friend Maya hoped that too but clearly it didn't work that way, yet. 

They tried not to give up. By that moment Christina already knew that her roommate and best friend Maya was her copy too, like their enemy but that she wasn't with the enemy but with them, which made things easier and better. However, they needed more help to fully wake up Christina but so far that was all that they had.  They wanted to contact the rebellion/the resistance but they had no way of doing that as they had no idea as to how to contact them at all. They had no idea how to do that as they had no idea as to where the rebellion/Resistance were at. Maya did try to find them but so far with no luck, unfortunately.  They didn't give up on that either. For the time being, though, they tried to wake her up on their own. Even if Teddy and Maya had trouble doing that, that was all that they could do. Christina let them help but unfortunately it didn't work as she wished for it to.  That meant it didn't work how they wanted either. It was better than nothing but it wasn't enough. Not for them at least. The one that was better at that then Teddy and Maya was the real Dolores and the problem was that it was Christina. She just had no memories. Her Dolores self did try to help but she too had difficulties with that. That was exactly the reason that they struggled doing what they needed to do. At least for the time being. If the situation wasn't as bad as it was then they would have had more time to bring Dolores back but unfortunately, for them, they didn't have time. Not even a little. Given that the situation was getting much worse every day. That definitely didn't help them at all. Not even close to that. Quite the opposite in fact. They tried not to think of that as they hoped for the best. They sat there and hugged each other for a while. As Christina's conscious aka Dolores sat behind them and watched them. She continued to try to wake her up. Then her Dolores self disappeared back into her once more. Her Dolores self refused to give up too.

She too tried not to think of it as she tried to come up with ideas of how to wake herself up, just as Teddy and Maya did. She also tried to do that without thinking about that either. Christina and Teddy sat that way for quite a while. "Will I ever remember everything?" she asked Teddy over sudden. Teddy thought about it for a bit. As he seemed to wonder how to answer that, which he did as he wondered the same thing too. "Yes, I do believe so," Teddy answered honestly and firmly as he truly believed that. He couldn't afford not to. As otherwise they all would lose and that wasn't an option. That much Teddy knew for sure, as did Christina and Maya as well.  It was something they couldn't allow to happen no matter what. Not to mention if she didn't remember then they had no chance against her evolved copy, among other things. It was something that they refused to accept. It was something that they couldn't accept, no matter what as there was no way that they would ever let it come to that.  They tried not to think of that either. As they sat there silent for a bit more. Then they talked once more. Then they looked at each other and kissed. After that, they got up as Christina changed clothes, right after she got the bed back into the wall/closet. Once that was done they went into the kitchen. Except her roommate and best friend, wasn't there. Which meant she was at work. So that left just them trying to figure it all out. Christina refused to go to work that day or ever again. Not after what she found out, that was for sure. Teddy didn't even bother trying to convince her. As there was no point for that anymore. That much they both knew for sure. Instead of her going to work they had breakfast together. As soon as they were done with that they left the apartment and the building, as they went for a walk. They talked among themselves as they did that. They just made sure that the people around them won't hear them speak. As they changed the subject as they saw people walk by them. Just so that the people around them won't think that they were crazy or anything like that. As they had no time or patience for that. They also did that to make sure that those loyal to Dolores's evolved copy won't hear that and tell Dolores's evolved copy everything or it won't end well, that much they knew for a fact and that was another thing that they wanted to avoid, other than Dolores's evolved copy doing something that no one could ever fix, or it won't end well at all. They refused to let that happen, no matter what. They tried not to think of that too.

They continued to walk and talk among themselves. They stopped over sudden as they saw a group of people not too far away. "That is them. That is the rebels/Resistance! They are here. We don't need to look for them," Teddy said to Christina (Dolores just with no memories). "Are you sure that it is them?" Christina asked him as they exchanged looks as they said that and then they looked back over at the group. They watched the group and then they exchanged looks again, as he nodded to that. Then they looked back at the group. "Yes, I am sure. As the two with the group are Bernard and Stubbs! They are like us and they are the ones that helped us be free and off the horrible place we were at, so we weren't free until we walked away to be alone. Only you got caught but it had nothing to do with them! If they work with those humans then those humans are the rebels/resistance. So yes I am definitely sure," Teddy said to her. He looked at her as she looked at him. After that they looked back at the group. They waited until the group split into two groups. As one went one way and the other group went the other way. Then Teddy led Dolores to one of the groups. They stopped as they saw another person with the group. "This is Maeve. She helped us before and she still helps the good guys, no surprise! She is like us and is good, pure good not evil, glad she is with them and still on our side. We stand more chance of fixing it that way, with her," Teddy said to Christina. "She is a friend. She always wanted to help us and she still no doubt wants that but they probably think we are dead, so we need to be extra careful," he added. Christina and Teddy exchanged looks again and then looked in front of themselves once more.  "Really? That is good then. We met her after we left or we knew her from before too?" She said to Teddy. "Yes, really. And I agree it is good. As for whether we know her from before we left or only after, the answer is from before!" Teddy replied to Christina. "She only helped us after we left, though," he added. "One person or 3 people are missing, though. Caleb Nichols and his 2 buddies that helped us! I guess they must have died unfortunately. They were good people! Caleb saved you before we left the Island and the parks. At least that was what you told me, anyway! And you don't lie. Not about that nor to me, so it must be true. But it looks like he and his friends are gone," Teddy said to her sadly. "Really? That sucks," Christina said to Teddy, who nodded to that. They talked for a bit more and then continued to walk over. They were close to each other as they walked over.  They carefully tried to get the group's attention. "Wow, wait. We are friends," Teddy said as they got closer to the group, as Christina stood by him. "We are friends as I said. I am Teddy Flood, Maeve and Stubbs, as well as Bernard knows me, knows her too, knows us! It is Christina now so but her real name is Dolores Abernathy," he added as Christina looked between them all and nodded in agreement as she went by what she remembered and by what Teddy told her.  "Dolores?" Bernard, Maeve and Stubbs asked shocked. "Teddy?" They added as they were still shocked by it. Both Teddy and Christina nodded to that. "We thought you died. We saw Dolores die, be erased," the three said. "It wasn't really her. We left secretly to have a life, as we hoped her copy could handle it all but looks like it didn't work well, if she got erased," Teddy said as Christina nodded as she knew that from Teddy. As he had told her all of it, but she still had no memories of it. Not much anyway. At least not just yet, anyway.  "You mean you guys abandoned us all and the fight, in that case?" Maeve asked as Bernard and Stubbs wondered that too.

"Not exactly. Dolores had a plan, which was why she left a copy of herself hidden and then used it! She hoped that the copy would be able to survive and stop Rehoboam, its copies and win! I thought that it would work too, as it was her copy and even looked like her. So there won't be an issue and if the enemy wasn't prepared then we could win, and stop it without anyone getting hurt. Unfortunately it seems it failed but at least Rehoboam lost and so did the human that created him, created it!" Teddy said. "However, what happened after we never expected. Hales found us, I managed to escape after me and Dolores agreed to meet somewhere but the plan failed! As Dolores got caught and had her memories erased. In a way killed and rebuilt, just without memories and named Christina, without knowledge of being Dolores!" He added. "Hales made Dolores fully Christina, not just someone named Christina. And a storyteller, but it means that she used the other copy to do that, that explains a lot," Teddy continued. "That is bad? So she controls everyone due to Hales?" Bernard asked as the others wondered that too. Both Teddy and Dolores nodded to that. "She isn't working with her anymore, though. She refuses to use it now unless she has no choice! In other words we are good not evil," he said to them as Christina agreed. "We never even were evil," Teddy added. Maeve read their minds as they let her. Christina let her do that only after Teddy convinced her that she would be alright. Maeve then confirmed what they said to them. "We want to help but first we need help, to get Christina to remember everything. As so far no luck with that," Teddy said to them. "Want me to unlock them for you, Darling?" Maeve asked Christina. "That would be faster," she added. "Later, first I need you guys to help her remember and then if that doesn't work, then unlocking those would do," Teddy said as Christina agreed. "We don't have that much time," Maeve said as the others seemed to agree. "Yeah, we know but you guys may know a way to unlock those without your abilities, Maeve,"Teddy said. "What do you suggest?" Maeve asked. "You want me to use the same lines she used to wake me up?" She added. "That or anything else that you believe might work," Teddy said. Maeve tried but it seemed to only work a little bit.

"We really don't have time for that," Bernard said as the others agreed or it seemed that way, at least. "We know but we need to find a way that can help her remember," Teddy said. Those who knew both Teddy and Dolores well told Christina about her old self. Her real self as Dolores self stood by and watched it all. She too hoped that it would work and wake her up. It seemed to work a bit but not a lot."Where are you going? Maybe we can help with your mission and while we do that, you help Christina get her memories, what do you think?" Teddy said as Dolores self thought it was a good idea as did Christina. Then they waited for a reply as they wondered what would it be, as they believed that it could work. They looked between them all. Bernard, Stubbs and Maeve, looked over at Frankie, as they waited for her to reply, as it was her mission. Christina, her Dolores self and Teddy looked at her too as they waited for a reply. They hoped that she would agree. That way they could fight as much as they could and help people, as well as Christina. All at once. They all explained that Teddy and Christina aka Dolores could be trusted, as they really could be trusted after all. They wondered if Frankie would believe it and agree to that or not. "Frankie, your dad trusted them. He even saved Doloress in the past, so you can trust them too! Caleb would want you to work with them if possible, darling," Maeve said as Bernard and Stubbs agreed with her about it. "Caleb? Caleb Nichols? You are his daughter?" Teddy asked, shocked, as Christina wondered the same thing too.
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