Dejah Thoris on - Dejah Thoris
A Princess of Mars

Intergalactic Socialite

The most beautiful woman in the universe

24 years old


Last Login:
June 21 2024

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Groups: 𝔓.𝔊.𝔏, Nova Corps Files, Tales of Mars, Houses of X, Krakoa, The Life Foundation ,

     Dejah Thoris's Details
Characters: Dejah Thoris, A Princess of Mars
Verses: John Carter: Warlord of Mars, Space Crossovers, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, DC Comics, Romance
Length: Multi Para, Para
Genre: Comic, Crossover, Romance, Science Fiction,
Member Since:October 13, 2022

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Tales of Barsoom

Marvin the Martian

Iron Man

Space Coffee!

M is for Mutant

Kalu the Hutt

James Bond 007{Secret Agent}





Dejah Thoris's Friends Comments
Displaying 8 of 8 comments (View All | Add Comment)

May 28th 2024 - 9:54 PM

Thanks for adding me. Appreciate it. 
M is for Mutant

Dec 1st 2023 - 12:46 PM

Has she... Returned...?
M is for Mutant

Oct 18th 2023 - 2:51 PM

𝓓𝓻. 𝓘𝓻𝓸𝓷𝓼

Apr 24th 2023 - 2:06 PM

John Henry Irons

My name is John Henry Irons. Most of you know me as Steel and some of you know me as John Henry or Doctor Irons. If you're wondering what era or version of John Henry I play it's pretty much drawing off of everything given DC tends to reboot more often than not and continuity always seems to be a mess.

If you're looking to pair, I only pair with chemistry and even then I prefer to focus more on more than just the aspects of John's life than love. He tends to be a complex character so I'll enjoy writing him the way I chose. John Henry Irons is based on the folk hero John Henry who since then has become a target of lots of research showing he did in fact exist though the story may or may not be what was told.

What I will not do is accept the origin that the original John Henry was a superhero back in those days when he supposedly competed with a machine. It does nothing but take away from a real hero to cash in on that legacy. John Henry Irons being related to him however makes no impact on the history of John Henry so that I'm fine with.

Natasha Irons is John's Niece and he has a father daughter relationship with her so I don't mind if one decides to call me dad. I can play off of a few different Steel's but mainly I draw off of his title comic book so if that's okay with you then lets start writing.

I'm pretty flexible with my writing and can go from two paragraphs to ten max but that's my limit and I don't do ten often as it can lead to burn out and a break from writing. I hope to hear from you soon!


Da Pumpkin

Oct 31st 2022 - 4:37 PM

Marvin the Martian

Oct 31st 2022 - 3:19 PM


Oct 30th 2022 - 11:40 PM

Trick or Treat!
Yep. This is a reverse uno moment. Happy Halloween from Aquamom & Andy. I promise the little ghosts and pumpkins are safe to eat. Can't make that same promise with the hats. Kidding! Just stopping in to say Happy Halloween. And that you're greatly appreciated and seen, even if I don't interact with you much.  2022 is slowly coming to an end and I do hope it is treating you well for the most part. May the end of it be kind to you as well. It has been a pleasure having you on my list. Seeing the work you put out. Or the aesthetics you make. The interactions we have or the ones I catch on stream. Thank you for being you and being on my list. May we interact more and may you not get annoyed when the 1st comes around and I'm throwing up Christmas themed posts on the stream. Because yes I'm that annoying person. And if you're trick or treating / going out tomorrow please remember to be safe and be cautious. So much bad is happening in the world. So stay safe and have lots of fun. Even if you're just staying at home. Also! Always remember my inbox and discord are always open. So if you ever need an ear, never hesitate to reach out. My inbox is always a safe zone. I'll never turn anyone away. Or if you want someone to read a piece / give feedback / share it on the stream never hesitate to send it my way. With such a large list things get lost in the mix. So always feel free to shoot me a message.
- xo. Mera
Papa Smurf

Oct 26th 2022 - 5:35 PM


The barren red landscape that was Barsoom, was very unforgiving. The sun burned high above the orange-blue atmosphere. Water was limited, most of the oceans had dried up centuries prior. Upon this scorched world, only a few places offered some sort of refuge. The great cities or kingdoms of Barsoom.

Towers of pearl white and gold stood out against the crimson earth. A shinning beacon. An oasis, offering protection and prosperity to their inhabitants. For if the sun did not kill you. Other evils and dangerous creatures would. 

Several miles from one of the great cities, known as Helium. A lone figure garbed in a brown sheets. Draped in the cloth from their head to toes. No exposed skin, save for an opening where there eyes were. Where under the shadows we see a skin color of copper and red. Their pupils had a streak of gold within them. On their backs, they held a giant woven basket. Slowly then strode towards the a small canyon of red rock. 

Once when under the shade provided from the canyon’s girth. The figure remove garb on their head. Revealing a young boy. Couldn’t be more than 12 or 13 years of age. The copper skinned young man transversed a rocky pathway leading him to a cave. He brushed the sweat off his forehead. As he let out a deep breath. A sigh of relief that his task was done for the day. 

The moment the boy had entered the cavern. The sound of metal being welded or worked upon could be heard. Flickering lights could be seen from the darkness. As well as a man’s voice calling out to him.

“Good timing, Faros! We’re you able to acquire everything the list that I gave you?” Asked the man. His had a regal flair behind it. Perhaps well educated or of royal descent. Possibly both.

Faros shook his head. As he walked towards sounds of metal working. “Forgive me, Guilliman. I could not find all of it. Said Faros. Placing his basket onto the ground. The child walked up to see a fair haired and skinned giant welding some object. The sparks fired up to his face. He didn’t seem bothered by them. 

Guilliman didn’t stop his with his work. “It’s alright, Farlos. What were you able to get for me?” He asked. 

“Just some more of this “Ceramite” stuff.” Faros said. Walking back to the basket. Pushing it onto the floor. Black and gray rocks fell out. “Thankfully, they aren’t heavy. You sure this is stronger than red steel?”

“Yes. Very strong. It wouldn’t be discovered until three thousand years from now. The material within those rocks can be easily molded. Found on almost every planet and meteorite. And with the right chemical reactions. Much stronger than red steel or many metals in general.” Said Guilliman. Who stopped his metal working and lifted up with bare fingers the object he had been working on. He lifted up a gray piece of metal. Displaying it to faros. “Ceramite.” He raised a brow and walked across the room. In the corner a giant blue and golden armor sat dormant. He moved passed it towards a giant circular ring. 

Guilliman placed the newly formed ceramite plate onto the ring. He was repairing whatever it was. It seemed he had been here for some time. 

“Is this the time gate that you spoke of?” Faros asked. 

Guilliman nodded his head. “Yes. But I do not know what it is truly called. Even with the books on your culture.” He gestured at a bunch of Barsoom Ian books on the table. “I have little to no idea what it is or how it works. I just know it’s made of similar metals that are common in my time. Of Therns’s technology. From what I understand this portal can take someone through time. As it’s what brought me here. But it seems I am missing some components.” He finished. Pointing at two golden medallions. One apparently for the past. One for the present. The last for the future is missing. 

The golden metals are apparently “Auramite”, a very rare and extremely durable metal. Which holds special properties. Was first discovered on Barsoom some time in the 25th millennium. Sadly, Guilliman could not wait that long. 

Faros looked up at the ring and back the giant of the man. “In the future. Barsoom is very much alive?” He wondered. 

Guilliman nodded his head. “Yes. But I can’t say anything more. I do not wish to jeopardize any fu…” before he could finish the cave shook. Rocks and derby fell from ceiling. Guilliman quickly huddled and protected faros from the falling rocks. They mere pebbles to him. But could be easily be the death for the child. 

The planet jittered and shook. After the quake ceased. Guilliman moved away from Faros. Wiping off the derby and dirt from himself. “The quakes are becoming frequent and violent.” Guilliman claimed.  He looked down at the boy. Seeing he was okay. He would remove the derby from the ring.

Guilliman knew why the world shook. And if he didn’t leave soon. He might be the bringer of doom to this world. For something lays dormant in the Barsoom’s core and now it stirs when it could feel it’s enemies offspring upon it. The void dragon wants revenge. 

Guilliman turned to face faros. “Where can I get more of the golden metal? Or sun stone as you called it?” He asked. 

Faros shrugged. “The palace of Helium is made up of it. But it will be impossible to break that apart. The only other person who may have the metal is the princess of Helium. Princess Dejah Thoris.” He replied. 

Guilliman sighed and shook his head. He didn’t want to bring any unwanted attention upon him. Jeopardizing his future. But if this was the fastest way for him to get him. He will take it. He would have steal from the royal kingdom of helium. 
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