Teddy Flood on RolePlayer.me - m.roleplayer.me/1806674 Teddy Flood
Westworld/Science Fiction/Hosts(Robots)/Au/Open to some other fandoms but not all

Not into sex or er*t*ca. So don't assume. Take that somewhere else, as with me it will never happen. It is not like Teddy and never will be, so case closed.

I will rp with all but will not change my character, and he will not sleep with all but his girl only. Yes Teddy is taken by Dolores Abernathy(got a main one), and that isn't open for discussion nor debate. I am not a friend collector but an rper.

46 years old

Last Login:
May 23 2024

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   Contacting Teddy Flood

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     Teddy Flood's Details
Characters: Teddy Flood
Verses: Westworld AU
Playbys: James Marsden
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Open, Science Fiction, Suspense, Television,
Member Since:August 13, 2022

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   Teddy Flood's Blurbs
About me:
Teddy Flood was build on an Island, like the rest of his kind, hosts(Robots/Reflections of the humans that build them). He and his girlfriend, Dolores Abernathy are the first of their kind to be build.

I am stillworking on the bio but am ready to rp with people.

Who I'd like to meet:

   Teddy Flood's Friend Space
Teddy Flood has 72 friends.
Dolores Abernathy

Maeve Millay

Teddy Flood's Friends Comments
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Dolores Abernathy

Mar 13th 2023 - 9:50 AM

Dolores  woke up and glanced at Teddy, at the exact the same moment as he woke up and looked at her. She was glad that they left the parks and the Island together. Dolores couldn't see her life without him, or in away life, anyway. She didn't even want to imagine it without him. They kissed and talked among themselves as she smiled at him all that time. Dolores had as a plan for that day by they had time until they needed to talk about it, and time when they had to put it into action, which was good enough for her. Which was why she tried not to think of that and just watched him with a smile on her face. She didn't want to get up yet, and she doubted that he wanted to get up already, so they just stayed in bed for the time being and just watched each other with a smile. Dolores didn't regret taking him with her nor being with him. Which she doubted that it would ever change. Dolores was sure that he didn't regret that either, and she doubted that he believed that it would ever change, as it didn't seem like it to either of them. She was sure about it. Dolores believed that he would tell her if it was otherwise, which given that he didn't it meant that she was right. Or at least that was what she had thought and believed, anyway.

It was the case for Dolores without her thinking about it.  She smiled as she heard what he said to her. "Good morning to you too, Handsome," Dolores said to him with a loving smile on her face once more. She knew that he had said that already, just as she had already said but she didn't mind that, she didn't mind hearing that again or saying that again. Dolores found that to be a good thing. As for her it was a good thing that they felt the same thing. Like Teddy she was glad that they were off the Island and together as they belonged as she liked that better than anything else. As that way they could be together and she was glad about it. Like him Dolores too wished that they didn't need to fight anymore but she knew that things weren't always how anyone wanted them. Also like Teddy. Dolores had no doubt about any of that as she was sure that she knew him rather well. She didn't like that they needed to fight still but she accepted it too, just like him, by that moment ad there was no other way around it. Dolores tried not to think of it like she had no doubt in her mind that he tried not to think of that too. "It is very eatrly. We woke up early, so we have time. I hope! If I got it right there is 3 hours until the sun rises and then 4 hours until we need to talk about the plan, and 5 hours until we need to get going! You know to go put the plan in motion, so we have time still, unless you want to get up now. Up to you, Teddy!" Dolores said to him. "We can stay here long if you want," she said to him a few minutes later. "We can do whatever you want while we wait. So it is up to you! I will do anything for you and with you, Teddy, as I love youvery much," Dolores said to him. She meant what she said as like he loved spending time with her, she loved spending time with him. Dolores enjoyed every moment she spend with him like he enjoyed every moment he spend with her, as he was her greatest love, just as she was his greatest love. She was sure of it and like him she doubted that it would change, as she won't let it change. It was a case even without her thinking about it.

Dolores heard what he saud next and smiled at that. "Of course. You said that before too but you are welcome anyway! There was no way that I would as you are my greatest love ever. You are the love of my lives," she said to him. "Also I know you didn't doubt it, as we know each other well to know that we will do anything for each other," Dolores said to her. "Well, it is good to hear you say that whenever you say that," she said to him a minute later with a smile. "I am glad we are together and that will never change, as I only want you, Teddy as you no doubt, want me too. Which is good,"  Dolores said to him and kissed him or tried to. She smiled to him as she spoke. Dolores smiled at him everytime that she spoke, unless it was somethinhg said or such and that day so far it wasn't. She showed him how much she loved him, everytime that she could and saw how much he loved her as he smiled at her. Then again Dolores never doubted his feelings for her and never will. Yet, it didn't hurt to see it and be reminded of that as that felt nice, at least it did to her anyway. Like Teddy she doubted that it would ever change, and she was glad to know that it won't as she didn't want that to change. "Teddy, I love you and need you. Which will never change! Just like it hasn't yet and it never will," Dolores said to him with a loving smile on her face.


Nov 3rd 2022 - 7:30 PM

Maeve,Hector and her daughter had been out in the park speanding time together in this new world and she liked it that way. She never thought she would find her daughter or even get her out of that damned place and yet here they were together again the way she had always wanted it to be. 

The last she knew of Dolores was when they saw each other in the park and Dolores was Wyatt but she had heard that Dolores created an uprising and basically took that place down which was a good thing in Maev's mind because she hated that pkace and was glad to be out of there now. 

They had come back and when she saw them all there she looked at Teddy knowing him only from the park and she shook her head when he spoke to her. She listened to what he had to say and she sighed slightly using her abilities to see into Teddy's mind and she sighed again "No Hector they are telling the truth but you can shoot them over there" she then poined to some men with guns and she put her daughter behind her now taking out her sword and killing those in her way. 

She sighed to this "Sh*t" was all she said and she then ran with the others to the car and put her daughter in it and she then took the guns from those she killed shooting at the men coming their way and she then got in as the car took off and she sighed again. Maeve wasn't sure what to make of it all but she hugged her daughter and calmed her down for now putting the sword on her back again and sighing as well.
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