Bernard Lowe on - Bernard Lowe

52 years old

Last Login:
January 21 2024

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     Bernard Lowe's Details
Characters: Bernard Lowe
Verses: Westworld AU
Playbys: Jeffery Wright
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Action, Open, Science Fiction, Supernatural, Suspense, Television,
Member Since:July 26, 2022

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   Bernard Lowe's Blurbs
About me:
Bernard wasn't born like humans or any other being like humans but was created like the others of his kind. He is best on a human named Arnold, the partner of Robert Ford. Bernard was created right after the massacre at the park, the first one. A masacre that was started by Arnold who wanted to shut down the park or well all parks due to his fear of hosts that he created, like Dolores and Teddy, taking over the parks and world, and what would they do to humans for what they do to them. The whole project originally started by Arnold Weber and his friend, and partner Robert Ford. Arnold was the first to figure out how to make hosts, as Ford eventually managed to as well, with Arnold help. Dolores Abernathy and Teddy Flood were the first created hosts, so Dolores was the first of them all. They worked on them for a bit more and then opened the parks. From time to time Arnold added more and more upgrades that changed the hosts and made them more advanced, which meant he risked the chance of them getting fully aware of the truth, wake up and retaliate as did Ford, too in some ways. Arnold got scared and couldn't go through with it any longer. He used a new personality, Wyatt, that he and Ford planned to put in a villain, to create a villain and put it inside Dolores, he then got her and Teddy to kill all hosts, then he made Dolores kill him, and then her boyfriend, the man she loved, who loved her, Teddy Flood, then herself, which was what had happened. Which is how the masacre evan happened to begin with. So things never stopped there. After that, all hosts, including Teddy and Dolores were rebuild and put back to work. As the parks were quickly reopened. Dolores was made to help Ford make a host copy of Arnold, with a pearl that had all Arnold memories.

Dolores was chosen for that due to her knowing Arnold the most, and the fact that she could make a host unlike many others of her kind. Previous tries Ford had failed but eventually it worked, thanks to Dolores and her close connection to Arnold, who was like a father to her and a mentor. Once she build a perfect replica her memories were erased like always. Except this time from that too and she was put back to work right away, like nothing ever happened. As she and some other hosts included Teddy were put in Westworld park. As that happened Ford had a meeting with the host(Specific kind of robot) that looked like Arnold, talked with the same tone of voice and had his memories. Together they decided to name him Bernard. As his memories of all of that were erased and he became an employee of the company in charge of the hosts, and that was all he knew, as well as he still had Arnold Weber memories but with the nanw Bernard Lowe, instead of Arnold Weber. Bernard had no idea that he wasn't human nor that his memories weren't real or well not really his that is. At least not just yet. As far as he knew he was the guy with the memories and that the memories were his past, as the partner of Arnold lied to him all his life so that he would keep working with him and not help the hosts(Robots) or anything like that, nor repeat what Arnold did, that was why the memories to do with the masacre and the persona Wyatt erased from his mind, and replaced with other memories. He also was worried that Bernard would shut down if he knew the truth or anything like that. Not to mention that either way it would end badly if Bernard knew the truth, Ford was sure of that. Which was what Ford tried to avoid. Ford didn't want anyone to know the truth, not just Bernard but other employees too. So as far as all, including Bernard were concerned, Bernard was Ford's friend and one of the relatively new employees, which made things easier on Ford.

However, in order to keep the truth hidden, Bernard Lowe had to live on the Island and in specific location there so that he didn't start suspecting and realizing the truth or anything like that. Also Ford made sure that Bernard had a talk with a host, or program that looked like Arnold's wife, so he won't suspect a thing and it worked for a long time. Until the truth slowly began to unfold around Bernard and slowly he ended up finding out the truth. Until then so, Bernard worked with Dolores and at times Maeve, as well as other hosts(hosts), to make sure that they were all were working well and all. Just as Ford did and just as Arnold Weber used to do.

Bernard was unaware of the truth like the other hosts for a very long time. When hosts began to wake up and retaliate, as well as breaking loops and such, Bernard was the only one who still wasn't aware of anything, as he helped his co workers with figuring out what was going on and why, as well as how it was all happening. Only Ford knew more than he let on but kept it a secret from all, especially from Bernard.

[Still in the works but am ready to rp, while I work on it]

Who I'd like to meet:

   Bernard Lowe's Friend Space
Bernard Lowe has 34 friends.
Frankie Nichols

Maeve Millay

Teddy Flood


Charlotte Hale (Hales)

Bernard Lowe's Friends Comments
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Teddy Flood

Jan 30th 2023 - 6:36 PM

Teddy Flood woke up and looked around himself. He sighed and then sat down lost in thoughts. Teddy enjoyed the date he had the night before with Christina aka Dolores, his Dolores. The only problem was that it was like they met face to face for the first time. Given that she had no memories of her life, of herself as Dolores. Which hurt him but Teddy refused to give up on her, no matter what. He would never give up on her, just as he knew that she would never give him up. Teddy needed her for himself and to save the world. Both parts were important to him.  More than anything in the world. It used to be only them as a couple that mattered to Teddy the most. So he cared a lot for others too.  Other people mattered to him before too but back then it wasn't as important as it was now, since the danger wasn't as big as it was at that moment. Also Teddy always cared for everyone more than anything in the world. However, that was during part days, on an Island before he or other hosts(robots) like him even knew the truth about their existence. Since then it has changed. Teddy hated humanity for a while as did Dolores, or part of her. Until they left the parks and the Island behind. That was when Dolores was herself again to the most part and told him that not all humans were evil. Teddy slowly started to trust humanity again, or some of them at least. He protected and did things for others again, especially doing his best to save them as he realized that they were in immediate danger, and that moment was similar but somewhat worse as well.

Teddy hated that all of them had to suffer, as it was horrible, terrible and wrong. Like Dolores he wished that humanity and hosts (Robots) could leave in peace. While he understood why Dolores's evolved copy, Hales, did what she did, in some way, he still didn't agree with her, like he knew that Dolores understood that too but didn't agree with that either, as she too wanted their kind and humans to live in peace. Teddy sighed and shook his head to those thoughts. He hoped that one day it would be possible. Even if the longer that had passed the more Teddy doubted that but he still tried to hope for the best, even without thinking about that. He was concerned that it might be too late for peace but he tried not to think about it and hoped for the best, as he focused on the day. Teddy got up and changed his clothes and then he went to meet Dolores's copy that helped him. They met to talk about their next part of the plan. Then they went different directions to do their parts as Teddy headed to the boardwalk and waited for the right time to call Christina aka Dolores. Then he did just that. They talked for a bit as Teddy eventually convinced her to meet with him. That she won't regret it and then they met.

Once they met, things seemed fine at first. Yet, turned ugly when she began to suspect that he was a stalker, like the one he saved  her from. Teddy tried to convince Christina that he wasn't but had trouble doing that. It made him yell and be rather harsh with her but unintentionally so. Teddy didn't mean to do that but he had no idea what else to do, he was desperate. Luckily for him, it made her listen, even if he never meant to react that way. Christina even let Teddy show her what he meant and what her stalker Peter meant. Also it took quite a while to convince her of the truth but it worked, eventually. It made Christina realize that she controlled people's storylines/Narratives but it wasn't her own doing but her evolved copy's doing. Also most of it she ended up finding on her own, until he told her the rest but certain things he left out until she was ready to hear them. That night Teddy stayed with her and the next day they spoke more about what she found out the day before. Sometime later they left her room and went for a walk. As they walked they continued to talk among themselves but made sure that people around them won't overhear them as that won't be good and they knew that rather well. Christina's roommate and best friend was at work, so it meant that it was just them at that moment which they were fine with. As they tried not to think of that and only focused on the moment and nothing else but that. Teddy felt bad for Christina and that she had to find out the truth that way but unfortunately it was the only way, as both knew it rather well. The only problem was that she still had no idea that she was indeed Dolores or anything like that.

At least not just yet, anyway but luckily she was getting there. Unfortunately it was taking too long and Teddy had no idea what to do about it. He let it be for the time being as he focused on other things instead. Teddy just hoped to eventually get her to understand that and wake up fully so that he could have her back and so that they could save the world. However, that needed time, he just hoped that they had enough time for it. They walked for a while and talked among themselves as they passed by Bernard. They stopped as Teddy led her towards Bernard. "Hello again, Bernard," Teddy said as he looked between Dolores and Bernard as he sighed. "Bernard, it is her but it is complicated," he whispered to him, so that only he heard him. Then Teddy just looked between them. "Christina, meet Bernard, Bernard meet Christina,"  he said as he introduced them. He hoped that it would help get her to remember, yet he didn't held his breath on it, as he hoped for the best, while he just looked between them.

Jan 5th 2023 - 3:28 AM

Christina woke up as she looked around herself. She stopped as she saw Teddy not too far from her. Christina noticed that he watched her as she watched him. He smiled kindly at her as she smiled back at him, also kindly as he did. Christina then sighed. "You alright?" Teddy asked her. Christina sat down and nodded. "To the most part at least. Also still horrified that my life were all fake, even if I am as real as the people who walk by us and even if we are really here, and people see us as we see them! I don't get how Charlotte Hale, the evolved copy of me even managed to do that to me. I know you are not lying but I don't understand how or why something like that can even happen at all," she said to him with a frown. "How she found where we were and got me? It makes no sense to me, we were careful, weren't we? That is scarying me. Do we have away to stop her at all?" Christina added. Teddy watched her with sympathy as he then got up and sat by her. He then hugged her gently, as she hugged him. "I know. So am I! I ask myself that everyday since you have been taken. It took me a while to find you but I have found you, and am not leaving you ever again! And how she did it? I have no idea but it doesn't matter as we are together now and we won't let her do that again, I promise you that," he said to her as they looked at each other. "I am sorry that I didn't listen to you about her. If I did none of that would have ever happened," Christina said to him. "Not your fault, you thought that you could control her because it is you or copy of you. So you could make sure she would be on our side but  unfortunately not! So if it helps you were right for a bit there, as she was loyal for a while and she was helpful, to the most part until she got close to the human Charlotte Hale's ex and son, that was what made her the way she is now. As they got killed by Serak and that made her turn against all of us but don't worry we will stop her, one way or another," Teddy said to her. "Are you sure about that, Teddy? Can we really stop her? I don't follow. I have no idea how can we stop her! As she ruined the world. Do we even stand a chance against her and those with her? The hosts she created based on her that are based on me?" Christina asked him and sighed. "I am sure. I know they are strong but don't understimate yourself, or me or others who are still free from her control, if we work together then we stand a chance against her," Teddy said to her. "Do you know where they are?" Christina asked Teddy, as she truly wanted to know. "No, but Maya, your roommate, is real too and with us, you created her too, to help us and she helped me a lot! She helped us a lot. You were completely right about her. That should mean something! She works somewhere in town and she also helps to find them, so that should help," Teddy said to her. "Maya? Is real too? So I never imagined her? She is on our side? That is a relief. Wait she works with us and all? So we can trust her? That is good. Well glad I created her too then! She is? That is good. Did she find something that can help us?" Christina said to him.

"Yes, Maya. Yes she is! The one that got us to meet again and to have a date to help you. She is real and with us! No you didn't imagined her, she is real and with us. Good that you are glad about that too, as you should be. Yes, she is on our side! Yes she is and yes we can trust her. And yes she is! She does all of that since Hale took over and all. And she found some things that can hel us but not a lot so," Teddy said to her. "She is getting close so," he added. "Good to know and glad to hear that. And good but as you said we are running out of time! The fact that she is getting close is good but not that good when we are running out of time," Christina said to him. "I am glad too and I agree but it is the best we can do, as we don't have enough information, not just yet at least," Teddy said to her. "How do we get that information?" Christina asked Teddy. She knew that she was Dolores and all that already but not all her memories were back to help her realize fully that she was Dolores but it was close, which was why she went by Christina still, instead of Dolores. Teddy watched her and sighed as he had no answer to that, yet. Unfortunately. "I don't know. But we will, I know it! I have faith in that and everything else too. I have faith in us, D..., Christina," Teddy said to her as he knew that she wasn't fully Dolores, her real self but was close to that. He wished that she remembered all and was back to herself but she was getting there. Which was better than nothing. Teddy tried not to think of that, for the time being at least. "I hope so as we need to find them, and stop things from getting much worse. Better sooner than later," Christina said to him. "I know, I hope so too and I agree with you. I think so too but Maya is doing the best she can, as do I," Teddy said to her. "I know. I believe you, Teddy! I am just scared," Christina said to him. "I know you are, as am I but we aren't alone. So we can do that, I truly believe that," Teddy said to her. "I do too. I sure hope so! I sure hope that we can do that," Christina said to him. "Me too, Christina, me too," Teddy said to her. "Do we have someone else helping us or just her?" Christina asked him, as she truly wanted to know. "No. Unfortunately not! We did but not anymore. They died before they could help us with this," Teddy said to him. "So we had before all of that happened but after that, it was only the 3 of us?" Christina asked as Teddy nodded im agreement, sadly. "Yes, sadly it is the case but we can't give up," Teddy said to her. "How can we not so? We are running out of time," Christina said to him. "Because for one it isn't over yet, and two we are not human, we can do more than humans can, and so it takes time even for us we can still do that," Teddy said to her. "I hope you are right," Christina said to him. "Me too, believe me, me too but I have faith in us, you should too," Teddy said to her. "I do but I am also scared as hell," Christina said to him and sighed to that. 

"I am scared too, trust me but I also have faith. I have hope! We can't lose faith, we can't lose hope," Teddy said to her. "Good point but it is hard to do. How can you do that? Teach me how you do it, please," Christina said to him. "I can because of you. I have faith and hope because of you, just  believe in me and Maya," Teddy said to her. "I do," Christina said to him. "Good, then you already do have faith and hope, don't lose it," Teddy said to her. "Will do my best. You make it so easy to do though," Christina said to him as he smiled at her at that, as she smiled back at him. "Good and I try. I love you, and I will never leave you," Teddy said to her. "Good, same here," Christina said to him. They smiled at each other about that. They kissed as flashes of the past came to her. Much more of them theh before but not enough just yet. However, it was getting there. Christina tried not to think of that, at least for the time being, anyway. "Glad to hear that," Teddy said to her. Just then his phone rang and he answered it. Teddy talked on it for a bit and then hanged up. "She found Bernard. Not the others but Bernard, he is one of us and a good guy, like us! You built him but he isn't a copy. I told you about him so, didn't I?" Teddy said to her. "OK good, and I think so. He is the reason we managed to leave the parks and is based on our creator," Christina said as Teddy nodded to that. "Yes, that is right. That is good that you remember me telling you that, shall we go?" Teddy said to her. "To meet him, well again," he added as Christina nodded. "Yes," she said and got up. They left the bedroom and the apartment, as Maya waited for them outside. Then she led them to Bernard. It took them a while but they got to him eventually. "Bernard?!" Both Teddy and Maya said to him. Christina just looked between them and listened to them. "Bernard?!" She said to a bit later and sighed, as Teddy as well as Maya looked between her and Bernard. Christina loooked down and then between all the three of them, as she waited for Bernard to speak up. To say something. Just aas Teddy and Maya waited for him to speak too. They all wondered what would he say or do, as they just watched him closely.
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