The Cat's Meow on - The Cat's Meow
✔Verified First Original Official Selina Kyle "You make it so easy, don't you? Always waiting for some Batman to save you. I am Catwoman. Hear me roar". No mirrors, No sm*t, eratica, drama, furry, wrestling, celebrities, Marvel, animated, Cannon or multiple accounts

66 years old
Gotham City,
United States

Last Login:
July 03 2024

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   Contacting The Cat's Meow

    The Cat's Meow's Interests
GeneralArriving on the scene at the same time as Batman, Catwoman engaged the Dark Knight in combat. Eventually pulling away, she forcibly dragged the Ice Princess to the building's roof. However, Penguin had engineered their hostage to fall off the building and frame Batman pushed her. After Batman was shot off the rooftop by police, Catwoman approached him and pinned him down. Continuing to flirt with him, she taunted Batman over his failure to save her and the Ice Princess, suggesting that he should retire. When Catwoman attempted to stab him in the same place previously, Batman broke from her grip and revealed he'd prepared. The surprised Catwoman only watched as he fled the scene using a hidden glider. Convening with Penguin on a nearby rooftop, Catwoman watch the chaos in Gotham Square as they drank champagne. Having been misled on his intentions for the Ice Princess, she expressed her dislike of his murder, rejecting his further advancements. Enraged and now deciding to rid of this now unwanted ally, Penguin tied Catwoman's neck to his Helicopter Umbrella and sent her flying into the skies. Eventually freeing herself, Catwoman dropped into a greenhouse directly across from her apartment window, once again displaying incredible luck and using up another of her nine lives. After this, she presumably planned revenge on him next. During the Penguin's rally, Selina was among the crowds who attended the event, watching from a distance. During it, the speakers began playing recorded comments insulting Gotham's citizens, causing them to turn on Cobblepot. Whilst crowds began to boo him, Selina left abruptly, knowing he carried his gun umbrella and would likely react violently. Convening with Penguin on a nearby rooftop, Catwoman watch the chaos in Gotham Square as they drank champagne. Having been misled on his intentions for the Ice Princess, she expressed her dislike of his murder, rejecting his further advancements. Enraged and now deciding to rid of this now unwanted ally, Penguin tied Catwoman's neck to his Helicopter Umbrella and sent her flying into the skies. Eventually freeing herself, Catwoman dropped into a greenhouse directly across from her apartment window, once again displaying incredible luck and using up another of her nine lives. After this, she presumably planned revenge on him next.
MusicDuring the Penguin's rally, Selina was among the crowds who attended the event, watching from a distance. During it, the speakers began playing recorded comments insulting Gotham's citizens, causing them to turn on Cobblepot. Whilst crowds began to boo him, Selina left abruptly, knowing he carried his gun umbrella and would likely react violently. Whilst Bruce left to save the children from the Red Triangle Gang as Batman, Selina changed into her damaged costume and followed Penguin and Shreck to the former's lair at the Old Zoo. Whilst the latter attempted to escape, Catwoman made her move, throttling him with her whip and dragging him across the enclosure. Eventually, Batman intervened and attempted to convince her to hand Shreck over to the GCPD. However, she objected on the basis that he'd still use his wealth to find a way to keep himself from conviction, so no jury would keep Shreck locked away for long. Batman eventually unmasked himself and tried to implore Selina to abandon her vendetta. Though she expressed a desire to share a life with him, Selina refused Bruce's offer, still determined to end it there. While the pair debated, Shreck drew a pistol and shot Bruce. Defiantly challenging him, Selina, still believing she had nine lives, approached him and "survived" four shots. Eventually cornering him at Penguin's generator with the gun empty, she equipped the taser she'd taken from the terrifying clown and "kissed" him with it, holding a cable from the transformer over their heads. This caused the machine to overload and an explosive chain reaction. Though Shreck died, Selina survived the explosion, leaving only her former boss' charred corpse behind. In the aftermath of the incident, Selina fixed her costume and began prowling Gotham's streets again. Bruce also began searching the city for her, hoping to find an indication she'd survived. During one of his searches, Catwoman's shadow was noticed in an alleyway. Fleeing before Bruce arrived, Selina left Miss Kitty behind for him to find as an apparent farewell gift. One account suggested she'd placed a microphone in her collar to spy on him. Sometime later, Catwoman observed the Batsignal being lit from the Gotham rooftops, calling Batman on another mission.
MoviesSelina Kyle worked as a secretary for the powerful and ruthless Max Shreck, owner of a business empire and the department store Shreck's. Despite being a secretary, Selina fancied herself as more as an executive assistant, since she helped out in more ways than a mere secretary. On Christmas Eve, Shreck forgot his speech and Selina tried to take it to him, but the city came under attack by the Red Triangle Circus Gang and she herself was taken hostage by one of the clowns. Batman intervened and saved her by knocking the clown out. Selina instantly became fascinated with Batman, who took his leave. She took her defeated clown captor's taser home as a self-defense weapon. At her flat, things were no better. Selina listened to unpleasant messages on her answering machine: the first from her parents, who express disappointment at Selina not going home for Christmas; the second from her boyfriend, who had decided to go on a Christmas holiday on his own on advice from his psychologist; and the third from herself, reminding her that she has to go back to work and prepare documents for Shreck's meeting with Bruce Wayne, something she herself had anticipated she would forget. As she went through the files, Selina inadvertently discovered that Shreck's proposed Power Plant would suck power from Gotham City and store it, effectively bringing Gotham under control of the Shreck family. Shreck himself appeared and confronted her about this information, and though Selina swore that she would not let it slip, Shreck pushed her out of the window to silence her. Selina fell through several red awnings on the side of the building, suffering only a mild concussion when she finally hit the street. She was mysteriously awakened by alley cats and returned home in a daze. When her answering machine gave an advert on a perfume sold by Shreck, Selina appeared to suffer a psychotic break: ransacking her apartment, destroying her possessions, and sewing a homemade cat costume in preparation for her revenge on Shreck. Calling herself Catwoman, Selina became a vigilante in her own right; on her first night, she brutally beat a mugger for trying to rape a helpless woman, but then chastised the woman for being unable to defend herself.
TelevisionThe next day, Selina appeared in Shreck's office while he was speaking with Bruce Wayne, covered in bandages and sporting a more confident and assertive attitude, somewhat impressing Shreck. Selina feigned amnesia and an instant attraction developed between herself and Bruce. A few days later, during an attack on the city by the Red Triangle Gang, Catwoman blew up the bottom floor of Shreck's store, bringing her into conflict with Batman. In the ensuing fight, Catwoman stabbed Batman in the abdomen (not severely), while Batman napalmed Catwoman's arm and knocked her into the back of a truck hauling sand, narrowly escaping death a second time. In response, Catwoman joined forces with the Penguin to destroy Batman, and the two came up with a plan to frame him for kidnapping the Ice Princess and killing him by turning his Batmobile into a bomb. Meanwhile, whilst in the city, Selina came across Bruce and the two talked for a while before Bruce invited her for an early dinner at his house. Over dinner, Selina and Bruce spoke about Bruce's personal life, and Bruce revealed that he had trouble with his previous girlfriend Vicki Vale over his apparent difficulty with duality. Once Bruce makes it clear that he and Vicki were finished, Selina leapt on him and the two started kissing passionately. Their attempts to become more intimate resulted in almost exposing the other's injury and they abruptly stop. Just then, they saw a news bulletin about the Ice Princess's kidnapping with Batman the apparent culprit. As Bruce excused himself in order to suit up, Selina left and gets into her costume to carry out their plan. Catwoman and Batman arrived at the same time and briefly fought before Catwoman forcibly dragged the Ice Princess to the building's roof. To her shock, the Penguin had engineered the Ice Princess to fall off the building while making it look as if Batman pushed her. When Batman was shot by the police and injured from a fall, Catwoman approached him and pinned him down, straddling his chest. She flirted with him for a bit, before they noticed they were laying under some mistletoe and she gave him a long seductive lick from his chin to his nose, as a cat-styled kiss. After she briefly mocked him by saying how every girl Batman tries to save ends up dead, referring to herself and the Ice Princess, and that maybe he should retire, she slowly started to get off him before suddenly grabbing him and trying to stab him again, but he kicked her aside and leaves.
BooksLater on, she rejected an advance from the Penguin, who responded by tying her neck to a helicopter umbrella. Though she managed to free herself, she luckily only took a short fall into a greenhouse directly across from her apartment window. Saved by landing on a bed of roses, her costume had been torn to shreds. With her alliance with the Penguin shattered, Selina devised a plan to kill Shreck herself at his annual Maxquerade Ball with a concealed gun. She encountered Bruce at the ball and they danced for a while before she revealed her intentions to him. In the process, they discovered each other's identities, but before they could leave to talk outside, the Penguin attacked and revealed his plan to kidnap the firstborn sons of Gotham, taking Shreck himself hostage. Catwoman found Shreck trying to escape from the Penguin's lair and confronted him, ready to finish him off. Batman intervened and requested that they hand him over to the police, but Catwoman objected on the basis that no jury will ever convict Shreck. Batman unmasked himself as a sign of peace and implored Selina to abandon her vendetta and live with him in Wayne Manor, but Selina refused, determined to end things there and then. Shreck drew a gun and shot at Selina four times but ran out of bullets. Only shot in the shoulder and sides of her legs, she contented to approach Shreck. With "two lives" remaining, she held out her stun gun in front of her open mouth, before placing it under Shreck's chin as she gave him a deadly kiss of death. During which she pulled a power cable with her other arm, causing a massive explosion in the generator. In the aftermath, her body is nowhere to be found, but it is later revealed that she survived (with her suit repaired) as she is shown looking up at the Bat Signal in the movie's closing scene. Selina presumably left Gotham after this, and left her cat, Miss Kitty, with Bruce as a farewell gift.
Heroes Full Name: Selina Kyle Alias: Catwoman The Cat Kitty Ms. Kyle Alignment: Neutral Affiliation: Batman / Bruce Wayne (Ex-boyfriend) Miss Kitty (former pet) Mrs. Kyle (Mother) The Penguin (Former Ally) Max Shreck (Former Boss) Unnamed Ex-Boyfriend Origin: Batman Returns Occupation: Secretary (formerly) Burglar Vigilante Powers/Skills: Gymnastic skills Martial arts Retractable claws Bullwhip mastery Fate resistance and survivability via nine lives (formerly) Hobby: Sabotaging Shreck's businesses. Feeding Miss Kitty. Goals: Kill Maximillian Shreck (succeeded). Get revenge on those who harassed and belittled her (briefly succeeded). Ransack her apartment in destroying every household belonging that she gets her hands on. Avenge her supposed death (both succeeded). Assist the Penguin (formerly). Be with Bruce Wayne (failed in Earth-97 and Earth-89; succeeded in Crisis on Infinite Earths). Help Batman defeat Two-Face (succeeded). Crimes: Murder Assault Theft Destruction of property Vandalism Conspiracy Incrimination Breaking and entering Burglary Vigilantism Type of Villain: Vengeful Femme Fatale Nine Lives: Catwoman appears to have nine lives like a cat, narrowly escaping death eight times in the course of the film: When Max Shreck pushes her out the window (before she becomes Catwoman). When Batman knocks her off a building and into the back of a truck full of sand. When the Penguin tried to hang her on his umbrella-copter and took short fall into a greenhouse. When Max Shreck shoots her left shoulder. Shreck shot at her and grazed her right thigh. Shreck shot at her and grazed her left thigh. Shreck shoots at her for a fourth time and misses completely. When she appears to kiss Shreck with a taser, ominously holding it out in front of her lips before pulling a wire causing the generator near them to explode, killing Shreck.
Groups: Of Magnolias & Hibiscus.,

     The Cat's Meow's Details
Status: Single
Here for:Dating, Friends,
Orientation: Straight
Body type:Slim / Slender
Children:I do not want kids
Education:Some college
Occupation:Secretary, Burglar and Vigilante
Income:$250,000 and Higher
Characters: Selina Kyle
Verses: Batman Returns
Playbys: Michelle Pfeiffer
Length: One Liner, Para, Semi
Genre: Action, Crime, Fantasy, Heroes/Villains, Movie, Romance,
Member Since:February 18, 2022

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   The Cat's Meow's Blurbs
About me:
Catwoman was the alias of Selina Kyle, a lonely and frustrated secretary of the cooperate mogul Max Shreck, who was pushed over the edge after her boss tried to kill her to cover up his corrupt business plans. She then fashioned herself a new fearsome alter-ego, becoming a bandit and vigilante operating in Gotham City, in a nefarious scheme to get revenge on her boss. During these events, she came into contact with the crime fighting vigilante Batman, with whom she developed a love/hate relationship. Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman, is the deuteragonist of the 1992 superhero film Batman Returns. Selina was a lonely, frustrated woman pushed over the edge into obsession and crime after her boss, tycoon Maximillian Shreck, tried to kill her to keep her from revealing his plot to build a power plant that would steal Gotham's electricity.

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Who I'd like to meet:
Prior to her life of crime, Selina Kyle worked as a secretary for the powerful and ruthless Max Shreck, the owner of a business empire and the department store Shreck's. Despite being her role, Selina fancied herself as more as an executive assistant since she helped out in more ways than the others seemed to appreciate, something which Shreck himself also seemed to acknowledge. Residing in a lush apartment, she lived with a black cat named Miss Kitty and fed many of the local strays. She also seemed to have a strained relationship with her mother and in a relationship with an unnamed man. As she left, Selina found herself in the midst of an attack by the Red Triangle Gang. After Batman arrived on the scene, she herself was taken hostage by one of the clowns. When the Dark Knight took notice, he rescued Selina by grappling onto the wall behind them and pulling a chunk of wall into the clown, knocking him out. Selina instantly became fascinated with Batman, who took his leave to help bring the situation under control. After he left, Selina took her defeated clown captor's taser, planning to use it as a self-defense weapon in the future. Returning to her apartment, Selina began to prepare herself, Miss Kitty and the local cats dinner, during which she listened to unpleasant messages on her answering machine; the first was from her mother, who expressed disappointment that she was not going home for Christmas, whilst the second was from her boyfriend, who decided to spend holiday on his own on apparent advice from his psychologist. The third was from herself as a reminder to prepare documents for Shreck’s meeting with Bruce Wayne. Having completely forgotten, Selina returned to Shreck's to prepare it. As she went through the files, Selina inadvertently discovered the plans for Shreck's proposed power plant. Reading further, she discovered that it would drain power from Gotham City rather than create it, allowing the Shreck family to store it and effectively bring the city under their control. Shreck, having also returned to the office, found Selina reading the information, leading her to confront him on the proposals. As Shreck revealed his motives, she tried to convince him she would not let it slip. However, Shreck, after briefly teasing her to his intentions, pushed Selina out of the window in order to silence her. Falling through several of the building's awnings, Selina miraculously survived what would have been the otherwise fatal fall, though was knocked unconscious with only a mild concussion. As she lay in the alleyway, the cats she'd fed began to swarm and lick her, apparently reviving her. Though dazed, Selina returned home and began listening to messages on her answering machine again. After listening to an advertisement from Shreck's, she finally snapped and suffered a mental breakdown, during which she ransacked the apartment and destroyed her possessions as dozens of cats began to enter from all sides of the apartment through the windows. Believing herself to be a new person, Selina used her sewing equipment to create a homemade cat costume. With this, she took on the identity "Catwoman" and began planning her revenge on Shreck. Several nights later, Catwoman happened on a mugger who attacked and attempted to rape a helpless woman. Making her presence known to them, she brutally beat a mugger, carving his face with her claws. As the would-be victim attempted to thank her, Selina refused and chastised the woman for being unable to defend herself, leaving the scene before authorities arrived. The next day, Selina returned to Shreck's covered in bandages but sporting a more assertive attitude. Interrupting Max's meeting with Bruce Wayne, she shocked him with her miraculous survival, though feigned amnesia to put him at ease. Selina also talked with Bruce, instantly developing a mutual attraction with him. As Shreck regained his composure, she followed his orders to show Wayne out, during which they conversed about her role at Shreck's. During an attack on the city by the Red Triangle Gang, Selina decided to seize the opportunity as cover while she ransacked Shreck's. After breaking in as Catwoman, she began ransacking the store with a newly acquired bullwhip, using it to behead the store's mannequins. When confronted by the store's guards, Selina scared them away and rigged the shop's ground floor to explode. As she fled before detonation, Catwoman discovered both Batman and the Penguin waiting outside. When Shreck's exploded, she used the opportunity to flee to the rooftops. Finding that Batman had given chase, Catwoman confronted him, landing several blows. After he landed a blow, she pretended to surrender before relaunching her attack, knocking him off the rooftop and ensnaring him with her whip. Using the opportunity to taunt him, Catwoman failed to notice Batman grab a blue corrosive chemical capsule from his utility belt and throw it, catching her arm. Losing her footing, she was rescued by him and pulled to a ledge. Surprised Batman had rescued her, Catwoman became fascinated with him and began to flirt. However, she took to opportunity find weaknesses in his armor, eventually finding one above his utility belt and stabbing him in the abdomen. In response, Batman knocked her off the rooftop, causing her to fall into a truck transporting sand. Having lost "her second life", Catwoman decided to take vengeance upon the Dark Knight as well The following day, Catwoman tracked the Penguin to his campaign building. Having deduced he was responsible for the attacks, she waited for him in the second floor, where she proposed an alliance between them to take her revenge on Batman. Learning of Penguin's plans to kill Batman by rigging the Batmobile, Catwoman dismissed the plans, reasoning that Gotham would martyr him after death. Instead, she suggested they damaged his reputation and framed as a criminal. Brushing off Penguin's sexual advances, she playfully threatened to eat his canary, though let it go when Penguin threatened Miss Kitty with a hidden blade from his umbrella. Their alliance secured, the two devised a new plan to frame him for kidnapping the Ice Princess and attacking civilians via remote controlling the Batmobile. On the day of the relighting the tree ceremony, Selina encountered Bruce at Gotham Plaza. Walking and talking together, she accepted an invitation for an early dinner at Wayne Manor. Over dinner, Selina and Bruce discussed his personal life, including his previous girlfriend Vicki Vale. After he revealed his difficulty with duality, Selina began to recognize a kindred spirit in him, leading her to kiss him passionately. Eventually drawn away due to their attempts to cover up injuries, they noticed a news report informing them of the Ice Princess's kidnapping at Batman's apparent hands. Moments after Bruce excused himself in order to suit up, Selina also decided to leave to carry out their plan. Leaving instructions with Bruce's butler Alfred to give an excuse for her abrupt departure, she changed into her costume during her drive into Gotham.

   The Cat's Meow's Friend Space
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The Cat's Meow's Friends Comments
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Jun 22nd 2024 - 1:43 AM

//Hello friend!
I just wanted to say thank you for the request,awfully kind of you! =^-^=
I will not be rping at length on this profile but I hope you welcome some fun times and bantering ahead.
Thank you again and have a wonderful day/night ,depending on your time zone ^^

Jun 21st 2024 - 10:59 PM

//Hello! :) Thank you so much for the request. I just wanted to give you a quick description of what I can do as Baby. Yes I rp as Baby the Impala :) and I can rp her in four different ways depending on what you prefer. 1) Simply a car, descriptions less feelsy.2) A little more feeling, where Baby seems to have some kind of spirit inside her. 3) She is virtually alive, talks and feels but only trusts Sam and Dean and a few others to reveal herself. 4) Baby has a human form she can use if a situation calls for it, given to her by some sort of angel spell. I am still toying with the details of this option but it is there if you are interested.You can decide which, I am perfectly okay with any of them. I hope to rp with you soon.
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