Brandon Breyer/Brightburn on - Brandon Breyer/Brightburn
I was brought to this earth to rule it! Brightburn movie verse/Horror/Gore/Dc/Evil Justice League/Marvel/Heroes Tv Show/Supernatural/Sci-Fi/Open

22 years old
Brightburn, Kansas
United States

Last Login:
June 12 2024

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Groups: Wonderland, Kiss Kiss Bang Stab,

     Brandon Breyer/Brightburn's Details
Status: Single
Here for:Friends,
Body type:Slim / Slender
Occupation:Super Villain
Member Since:November 19, 2020

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   Brandon Breyer/Brightburn's Blurbs
About me:

I was sent to earth by way of a ship and found by a nice couple who wished for a child and found me as a baby in the woods...blah blah. Now I know what you are most likely thinking that you have heard this story before and I must have grown up in a nice family on a farm some place to be the hero of earth. Truth,justice and the American way and all that but seriously? Who the hell says all that crap? No my story is much darker and no I am not that guy even though I did grow up on a farm.

You see I never knew what I was or who for that matter because my parents kept that from me,I just thought they adopted me and that I was a regular kid,but at the age of 12 all that changed when my ship called to me and made me sleep walk. My father noticed a change in me and my mother cought me sleep walking,but I never knew the truth.

There was a girl in my class who was nice to me and we got along for a time,but never met outside of school. One day when I was helping my dad on the farm I was trying to start the lawnmoawer and when it didn't work I got pissed off and litterly threw it half way across the field and when I found it with the blades showing I put my hand in there as if in a trance and when I pulled my hand out the blade had stopped, but I was unharmed, which of course confused the hell out of me.

I never told my parents about it though and life kept going on as if nothing was wrong,but then one night my ship called to me again and I spoke in my native language and it told me 'Take the earth' and when I got to the ship I opened up where it was hidden in the barn and fell in and my mother found me, but when I got scrached by the ship it cut me which was confusing and that is when my mother told me everything and I was so pissed off I ran away from her saying that I hate her.

The next morning I said sorry about what I said and that I thought it was cool and that made them happy and we had waffles for brakefast and then I went to school. On that day we were doing a trust exercise in gym glass and instead of catching me the boys let me fall and the girl I thought liked me called me a freak laughing with the others so when she put her hand out to help me up out of anger I crushed it so badly that she needed a cast.

I was brought to the pricipal and the girl's mother wanted me arrested but my mother defended me and we left there and she told me that she sees me as her miracle which made me happy.

My parents and I went camping and when they were sleeping I used my super speed to go to the girl I liked room and I said I was sorry for her hand and that I liked her while leaving flowers and when she said her mother would keep me away I smiled and said I will handle it.

That night I took my blanket that was in the ship with me and created a cape and a mask from it and then I went to the diner where the girl's mother was and I used my speed to mess with her and after that she ran into the freezer and I used my Heat Vision to brake the door in half and I took her leaving only the symble of my family on the windows and no it's not a stupid S like the man you might be comparing me to right now,it's a line with two triangles going through it. Oh and before I forget,no that man doesn't exist in my world nor do any others for that matter...there is only me and the destruction I cause.

Any way the next morning the talk of the town was the missing woman and only I knew where she was. I was sent to talk to my aunt who is also the guidence conciler and she asked me questions saying that she had to report my answers to the police so I begged her not to but she didn't listen,so of course I killed her but first her husband who wanted to tell my parents about me coming to see my aunt in the middle of the night.

I over turned his car leaving my family crest or whatever it is in his blood by the crash site and then I took care of her too. My parents were never the wiser but my father started to suspect eventually and he dared to turn my mother against me.

He took me out to the woods pretending like it was a camping trip and then he shot me,but of course all that did was piss me off and I used my Heat Vision against him...right through his eyes and through the back of his head.

When my mother called I was dissapointed to hear what she had to say,so I came home to make her understand while I destroyed some of the house but when the cops came I killed them all and went after my mother again.

Ifound her in the barn and she sweet talked me into thinking she loves me but then she had the odacity to try and kill me with a part of my ship. There for I flew her up to the sky and watched her fall and then to explian it all I saw a plane coming my way and I made it crash on my home making it seem like I was the only survivor of the family.

I started my reign of terror after that and was dubbed as Brightburn because of the town I grew up in. I moved from family to family until I am free to do as I please because unlike then I was only 12 but now I am 18 years old and I love to see you humans suffer,run away in fear and yes even die.

Well now you know my story I am Brightburn and I am your worst nightmare come to life so come and get to know me if you dare but be careful not to piss me off or that will just get you killed...I am the bad guy,the super villian if you will and I love it.

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Brandon Breyer/Brightburn's Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 14 comments (View All | Add Comment)

Nov 14th 2023 - 6:16 PM

Poison Ivy raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Well, it seems you have the unique sense of humor," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "I must say, your enthusiasm for bloodshed is quite refreshing. Humans just want to kill my plants, they think they can just come and destroy them as if they were ... Nothing ... But I always tell them there 'Calm my darlings, one day they will all pay the same payback'."

The former botanist turned eco-terrorist took a step closer, her gaze fixed on him. "Have you ever considered channeling your abilities towards something that preserves life rather than taking it? Who knows, you might find a new purpose that brings you fulfillment."

With a turn, she walked back towards her lush green area of a building, leaving Brightburn to ponder her words.


Oct 23rd 2023 - 10:26 AM

“You certainly possess a unique perspective," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of intrigue. "While I understand the appeal of power, I find my purpose lies in aligning myself with nature's forces, not in opposing them. The heroes you mention.. they may be misguided at times, but they also fight for the preservation of life and the balance of this world."

Poison Ivy gracefully moved amongst the vines, her connection to nature evident in every movement. She studied Brightburn intently, trying to discern the depths of his intentions. "Tell me, Brightburn, what is it that fuels this desire to watch others suffer? Is it the thrill of control or something deeper within you? Perhaps there are unresolved wounds that have shaped your path?..”

As she spoke, her verdant eyes bore into his, searching for any sign of vulnerability. Despite her affinity for plants, Poison Ivy understood the complexities of the human psyche. She had witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of pain and trauma on both people and the environment…

Oct 18th 2023 - 5:10 PM

Poison Ivy's gaze remained fixed on Brightburn, she could detect the truth in his voice, but caution still lingered within her. She had encountered many individuals claiming curiosity before, only to reveal ulterior motives…

”I see," she responded, her voice tinged with a mixture of skepticism and intrigue. "But you must understand that my powers and intentions are not to be taken lightly. I am a guardian of the natural world, and I will protect it at all costs."

She took a step closer, her lithe figure enveloped in an aura of plant life. The vines that had once held Brightburn now coiled around her, intertwining with her every movement.

”Tell me, Brightburn," she continued, her voice steady. "What is it about my powers, my connection to nature, that piques your curiosity? What exactly is it are you looking for, or do you wish to exploit it?"

Oct 10th 2023 - 6:28 PM

Ivy took a step closer, her vines loosening their grip on him ever so slightly. She commanded the vines to release him, stepping back to create a safe distance between them.. The atmosphere remained tense, but a spark of curiosity hung in the air.

"I appreciate your assurance that you mean no harm," Ivy responded, her voice calm but assertive. "But forgive me if I remain this way. Many have claimed such intentions before.. only to reveal their true motives later."

She paused for a moment, studying his masked face. There was a flicker of curiosity in her eyes, mingled with a hint of suspicion. "Tell me.. Brightburn, why have you sought me out? What is it that you want?”


Oct 6th 2023 - 4:48 PM

The voice sent chills down Ivy's spine, but she stood her ground, refusing to let fear consume her.

With a flick of her wrist, vines erupted from the ground, wrapping themselves around the figure, restraining him. Ivy emerged from the shadows, her green eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and curiosity. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice steady, betraying none of the unease she felt...

She had encountered many who sought to exploit her powers, but she had always managed to overcome them. This time, however, there was something different about Brightburn. His aura exuded a dangerous energy that both intrigued and repulsed her.


Sep 19th 2023 - 6:22 PM

It was a gloomy night in the city of Gotham, where the ever-watchful eyes of Poison Ivy surveyed her flourishing botanical haven nestled in a concealed corner. As she tended to her verdant companions, her heightened senses detected a disturbance, an unfamiliar presence that disrupted the tranquility of her domain.

Unbeknownst to Ivy, lurking in the shadows was a figure unlike any she had encountered before - Brightburn, a being of extraordinary abilities, yet harboring a dark and sinister nature. Drawn to Ivy's connection with nature, he sought to challenge her dominance, craving a sense of power that transcended his own capabilities..


Sep 10th 2023 - 11:22 PM


Jul 18th 2022 - 7:45 AM


He didn’t have to care, but he did have to be aware of the situation he was landing himself him. She didn’t know the extent of his capabilities, but she did know Gotham, and underestimating the city kept her alive. She wasn’t from here initially but after the Joker tossed her out the blonde had to keep her wits about her. “Care or not ya planted yaself right in the middle of it an’ what happens is about how you play it. To most of ‘em ya a threat to be eliminated. Gotham don’t like new game pieces. You don’t gotta team up with anyone if you wanna try and make your way but they will find a way t’ destroy yas. People have a way of breaking down here and ending up in Arkham Asylum.”

His comment about humans took her aback, she was threatened by the comments but he was making it very clear that human was something the male was not. “Word gets ‘round fast here, hard to miss something that flies through the sky though, something that’s not the Bat anyways. But if you’re after the big guy, ya gotta hop over the bridge to Metropolis. He shows up there a lot, people say he lives there but the thing is people don’t know who it is out that suit. Wearing that much lycra every day can not be comfortable.” Wait, that wasn’t important. This guy wanted to attack Superman, how crazy was he ?? Harley was drawn to that level of chaos, almost admirably. As he laid out his plans, she nodded, despite her distinct lack of super abilities.

“You know if you fail that’s a one-way trip to the Phantom Zone. But I might tag along for fun !! I kinda need a vacay from this city. But I wouldn’t wait around here if that’s your plan.”


Jan 10th 2022 - 5:50 PM

Brightburn was a name that had been circulating lately. A new kid on the block in Gotham city was typically bad news as rarely took off but rumors had it the male was dangerous. He’d been flying the skies but unlike the Batman, or even Superman, it wasn’t a symbol for justice or peace. The Joker had wanted his share of the new fun, almost jealous of the male’s notorious rise to fame in Gotham’s underworld and he’d sent his goons to come after him. Harley had been keeping an eye on them but dropping this guy into the hands of the Joker seemed dangerous, and Harley doubted he was someone who wanted to be controlled. 

Then the chaos unfolded, as bodies dropped to the floor. Harley took a step back into the shadows, hoping she wouldn’t be caught up in it. It was almost fascinating but she didn’t want to come out of this a victim. She watched him draw his call sign as sirens started to whirr in the distance. They were probably busy with something else but they’d find these bodies soon enough. 

Sh*t. He spotted her, no matter how quickly she darted behind the wall Harley knew the male had spotted her. Heart beating loudly in her chest she had already established that she wasn’t going to win if she fought him. So that left option two. The blonde raised her hands. “Look Gotham City didn’t exactly need another bad guy roaming the streets but ya took one extra and’ went fer the skies as well. Good on yas, better than most of us have done. Those dudes, they work for the big guy. And no I don’t mean Bats I mean the other one, the Joker. He’s trying to recruit you so you can help him takeover the city before either throwing ya under the bus or finding other ways to take him out. I know that ‘cause he used t’ do it t’ me ‘cept I couldn’t handle myself as well back name. I’m Harley, Harley Quinn. Nice t’meetcha!!”

Oct 12th 2021 - 11:43 PM

Jordan wondered what the kid was going to tell the nurse about how he broke his arm. He knows that both of them will probably be called into the office to answer questions. Not something that Jordan was looking forward to. He figured he would just say the kid fell off the bleachers or something and he didn't know anything. If that excuse would work, even if it didn't that would be the story he would stick to. He was brought back to the here and now, his attention going back to Brandon. 

"Being half-human, we think it might have slowed them from emerging. We're not sure, they just kind of started to manifest slowly. Started with the superhuman strength and rabid healing, then I got the super hearing and ice breath. I can do without the pain that comes with each one of them. I just have to wait and see which power decides to come out next. " He said as he shrugged his shoulders. "My powers are showing up differently than how my parents did. Theirs were easier to control, I guess being an alien helped with that." Jordan was careful not to say which parent of his was the alien with powers. If people knew it was dad, then they would put two and two together and realize that Clark Kent was Superman. 

"It's really hard to have extreme pain when a new power comes to the surface. I am dealing with it as best as I can. I mean it's not like it's pain that feels like I'm dying or anything. Like with the hearing, I got migraines from hell. The ice breath, I was sneezing frozen snot which hurt worse because it was freezing my lungs. Had to have the virus that I got burned out of me, which I never want to feel again." He didn't want to give too much away. "I try not to let it bother me too much. Though the first time my heat vision went off, it hurt my eyes. I couldn't see for a little bit until my healing kicked in. Now I can use it and not get red puffy burning eyes, which is awesome."

Jordan listened to him talk about how great it was to fly. He could only hope that he gets that power soon. "I just hope I get the flight power soon. It would be cool to be able to fly somewhere quickly." He knew saying to wait until after school would get the response that he got, but he had to play it safe. "With my dad being the assistant coach, I can't too well ditch classes. I don't feel like getting into trouble and grounded."  He wasn't surprised or scared when Brandon said he wasn't human, his father wasn't human so he really couldn't judge. "So no hints in your spaceship as to where you're from?" He asked as he remembered that his dad had the stone thingy that he used in the Fortress of Solitude. "Yeah see ya after school. We can meet back here if you want." 

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