'Lil Bastard!' on RolePlayer.me - m.roleplayer.me/MiLo 'Lil Bastard!'

119 years old

Last Login:
April 27 2024

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    'Lil Bastard!''s Interests

Donec ultricies pulvinar viverra. Integer est dolor, tincidunt nec fringilla non, fringilla a urna. Quisque malesuada malesuada eros, elementum egestas metus efficitur sit amet. Proin tempus quam fringilla condimentum vulputate. Aliquam in orci ut tellus lacinia mollis. Etiam lobortis euismod sem. Quisque aliquet, purus vitae bibendum gravida, tortor augue feugiat metus, eu lacinia justo tellus quis nisl. Ut aliquam euismod mauris eu mollis. Vivamus sit amet quam porta, aliquet urna sed, aliquam dolor. Nam imperdiet ante in lorem varius, ut interdum turpis sodales. Cras elementum ex orci, sit amet varius nisl rhoncus at. Morbi aliquet nulla tempor, dapibus nibh a, semper dolor. Etiam tristique augue mi, nec luctus urna commodo sed. Duis vitae sem rhoncus quam dapibus pellentesque eget quis nibh. Sed varius hendrerit vulputate.


Donec ultricies pulvinar viverra. Integer est dolor, tincidunt nec fringilla non, fringilla a urna. Quisque malesuada malesuada eros, elementum egestas metus efficitur sit amet. Proin tempus quam fringilla condimentum vulputate. Aliquam in orci ut tellus lacinia mollis. Etiam lobortis euismod sem. Quisque aliquet, purus vitae bibendum gravida, tortor augue feugiat metus, eu lacinia justo tellus quis nisl. Ut aliquam euismod mauris eu mollis. Vivamus sit amet quam porta, aliquet urna sed, aliquam dolor. Nam imperdiet ante in lorem varius, ut interdum turpis sodales. Cras elementum ex orci, sit amet varius nisl rhoncus at. Morbi aliquet nulla tempor, dapibus nibh a, semper dolor. Etiam tristique augue mi, nec luctus urna commodo sed. Duis vitae sem rhoncus quam dapibus pellentesque eget quis nibh. Sed varius hendrerit vulputate.

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'Lil Bastard'
Traits: Outspoken, honest,loyal,
Quirks: Mischevious( likes to have a good laugh)
Habits: Well why don't you just find out forself?

“I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world; but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am”
― John Newton

What more is there to say then that? Do you really want a full and boring run down on the history of me? I didn't think so. I wouldn't want one about you either. I'd rather just find out who you are for myself that way I can relish in your perfections and flaws. I can grow to know the real you...without someone else dictating to me, what they think you are like or if your worthy of others time and attention.

I am a work in progress, constantly growing, learning and adapting to the enviroment around me.

“Still round the corner there may wait A new road or a secret gate And though I oft have passed them by A day will come at last when I Shall take the hidden paths that run West of the Moon, East of the Sun. ” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
Hold this space- Something special is going in here!

DearDiary...Journal(Man that sounds lame!)

I'm pretty sure only girls have Diaries really, but I was told it was a journal. That young men have journals, but I'm not so sure. I think she is just pulling my leg.  I think she figures it's a way to write my feelings out, and that it might help keep me out of trouble. I love ....... and the way the ringlet like curls of her hair bob as if they're dancing every time she moves her head!
They look happy and it makes me smile. It’s like sunshine on an overcast day! The sun glimmers out from behind the gloomy clouds... And somehow everything feels better.

I don't know what I'd of done if it wasn't for ..... I don't even know if I can explain it, but I guess I'll try. I promised my family I would and the one thing I really really hate is people who break promises.
I get that sometimes its kinda hard not to, but it's not something I like at all. I sometimes wonder how other people feel when they break promises. Do they feel their heart sinking in their chest only to be gnawed on by their stomach as I do? Do they feel like they're drowning in self-loathing like they're a failure? You’re not good enough. Like you’re the worst person in the world because you let someone down?  Maybe I'm just weird. Maybe I'm just that way because of my past. But nothing means more to me, then someone who believes in me.
And sometimes when everything just sucks! And it feels like nothing is in your control. It feels like no one cares or understands you. And you can literally feel like your drowning in self-doubt...That is when everyone needs a friend

I guess I'm really meant to be writing about myself in this thing. Is that what people do? I hope not because I don't think I'd be able too! It's like when people say to you, ' Tell me about yourself '... What is with that? I am who I am... I guess it’s why I like Mr John Newtons quote.-

 “I am not what I ought to be, I am not what I want to be, I am not what I hope to be in another world, but still I am not what I once used to be, and by the grace of God I am what I am” 

I think it sums me up pretty well, or at least how I think anyway. I mean, no one is ever going to be everything; everyone else wants them to be. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! And sometimes I think that peoples flaws; they can make them even more special!
Uncle Merry and Uncle Pippin, for instance, they always seem to be getting in trouble with someone or other in the Shire. But I think they're amazing! They make so many more people smile then they realise! And they don't waste a single moment dwelling on things they cannot change. I LOVE THAT! I wish more than anything that was me! That I could just do what I wanted and feel free doing it. But I can't. I worry too much about being alone. I HATE BEING ALONE! If anything, it would be my biggest fear and the thing that fills me with dread more than anything in the whole wide world.

I've been alone before you see. I've been in a situation where I didn't have a home to go back to, or a bed to sleep in. There was no one looking out for me, and I had no food to fill my belly. I missed a lot of school because of it. I missed a lot of everything! But the scariest part... it wasn't having to find somewhere to sleep where I'd be safe at night. It wasn't even feeling real sick where I felt so hungry. It was how people would look at me, or should I say how they would try to avoid looking at me.

That glazed look they'd get on their faces where they were trying to avoid eye contact without making it obvious and it's like you could tell they were trying to still act causal like, but their movements would become stiffer until they got passed you and then it was like their whole bodies would relax! 
Yeah, there are a lot of bad actors out there! 

It used to make me think that I was just bad. That I was born from the devil or something - or just plain unworthy of anything. And I guess that is what being alone means to me. To be alone, you must be unworthy of anyone's attention or love. And so when you get the attention, well to me anyway, it meant more than gold! You stop feeling invisible and you want more than anything in the world to show them, to prove to them that you are worthy of their attention. You want to prove to them that you're not really the devil's spawn! Or just plain bad news and a lost cause. 
You want them to see you. To really see you! And you want them to love you. You want to mean something to them. Something that can't be replaced in a heartbeat.

Anyway, I've just realised that I'm coming to the end of the first page in this journal book thing. So I think my friends would be proud of me. Maybe I will show them what I wrote sometime...And maybe I won't. It's kind of scary showing someone else the thoughts that go through your mind, especially your fears or doubts. So I don't know, but times a dawdling away and I promised Serenity that I'd help her and Pollyanna buy more plums down at the markets. I wouldn't have had to if bloody Tosto Baggins hadn't been kissing some girl and our Violet hadn't caught him.  Violets like my big sister in a way, we sort of grew up around each other and when I was real little I used to have a crush on her!
But that's another story for another time. Right now the hunt for plums is calling!

Peace out journal (you're not so bad... My friends were right)

Milo Boffin.



*Don't assume you know me, or what I think. You don't unless I tell you!

*Write as much / or as less  as you want. I will match you.

*I only take LI-partners that I conect with in friendship and ideals, and with saying that, you'll know if i want to partner you...I have no problem expressing myself, or what I want.

*I don't live in RP. If I'm not here obviously I'm busy in rl, please be patcient.

*I'm not a spelling or grammer dictator, I wont tell you how to write, or that your doing it wrong, so don't try doing it to me.

* I detest liars. Sure the truth might hurt, but never as much as a lie, remember that.

*I'm also not here to play stupid mind games. The games don't fool anyone, so if that is all your here for, its simple..don't add me. 

*I'm pretty laid back in RL. (it might not seem it reading this, but I am.) So feel free to chill out and relax around me, its the best way to get to know me .


Donec ultricies pulvinar viverra. Integer est dolor, tincidunt nec fringilla non, fringilla a urna. Quisque malesuada malesuada eros, elementum egestas metus efficitur sit amet. Proin tempus quam fringilla condimentum vulputate. Aliquam in orci ut tellus lacinia mollis. Etiam lobortis euismod sem. Quisque aliquet, purus vitae bibendum gravida, tortor augue feugiat metus, eu lacinia justo tellus quis nisl. Ut aliquam euismod mauris eu mollis. Vivamus sit amet quam porta, aliquet urna sed, aliquam dolor. Nam imperdiet ante in lorem varius, ut interdum turpis sodales. Cras elementum ex orci, sit amet varius nisl rhoncus at. Morbi aliquet nulla tempor, dapibus nibh a, semper dolor. Etiam tristique augue mi, nec luctus urna commodo sed. Duis vitae sem rhoncus quam dapibus pellentesque eget quis nibh. Sed varius hendrerit vulputate.

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Groups: Fellowship of the Silmarillion,

     'Lil Bastard!''s Details
Member Since:August 10, 2020

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I was a naughty boy  (view more)

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   'Lil Bastard!''s Blurbs
About me:
Who I'd like to meet:
Image Dimensions //Background// The background image is 1920px width by 1080px height and scales depending on your monitor size. When replacing it, stick to the dimensions above and try to put in an image where the main scene is flush to the left of the screen as seen in the example of Sansa. //Topper// Topper/Pic = width:50px; height:50px; //Left Side// Stats = width:300px; height:425px; The411/Pic (House Stark Sigil) = width:85px; height:85px; Class img1 (Stark characters) = width:300px; height:200px; BAE/Pic (Baelish) = width:100px; height:150px; //Right Side// Pers/Pic = width:225px; height:225px; Banner/Pic = width:500px; height:350px; Class img1 (Sansa bottom pic) = width:500px; height:250px; -----------------------------INTERESTS----------------------------
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Full Name: Milo Boffin
Nicknames: Milo/ little bastard
Aliases: Forgotton
Date Of Birth: Fourth Age
Place Of Birth: Michel Delving.
Current Residence: Shire
Race: Hobbit
Ethnicity: Hobbit
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: blue
Height: Input Info
Weight: Input Info
Birthmarks/Scars: Many physically and mentally
Mother: Ma died in childbirth, Pa doesn't like to talk about it. Sort of adopted to Rosie Gamgee
Father: Folco Boffin
Sister(S): Robin.She went to live in Gondor.
Brother(S): -
Other Family: Pippin, Serenity, Polly, (lots more)
Sexual Orientation: STRAIGHT (sorry)
Relationship Status: single
Current Relationship(s): never had a girlfriend
Past Relationship(s): -
High School The school of hard knocks
College the school of hard knocks continued
Major surviving
Degree life!
Languages Spoken: bit of most
Occupation: surviving
Job Description: working for a living
Employer: whomever will give me a meal

Want to find out more? Just ask.

Verses LOTR/ Middle Earth/ The hobbit/ Fantasy/ Adventure/ Crossovers welcome
Writing Style Multiple paragraphs to novella Dues Starters (0) | Comments (0) | Messages (0)
The one and only...Milo Boffin

"You're such a good boy Milo!" Mummy would always say. "I love you Son. " My Daddy would tell me.

How it made my heart swell with pride!

Warm summer days where the bees busily buzzed from flower to flower, while I played under the kitchen window with the sweet smell of still warm apples and pie waffling out to me!  The cloudless skies and golden sunsets sitting on the front steps eating freshly cooked bread and jam with my Sister!  Bathtimes, trying to learn how to swim in the big wooden barrel of a tub, so one day I could swim all by myself in the pond down the road; I'd always soak the tiled floor, and even when they scolded me, they still smiled! A warm soft bed and bedtime story to make me laugh excitedly as I drifted off to sleep; dreaming of Elves and Kings and far off places! I had the best Mummy and Daddy in the world. I had a family.

I was happy. I never really knew what it meant to be alone or to be scared. 
Maybe it was my fault? I didn't always play with my sister. I wanted to do boy stuff instead! But sometimes she was mean to me. She would pinch me, and poke her tongue out! She would point her finger and scold me pretending to be the Mummy, and I'd tell her 'Go away...!'
Mummy always said it was because she wanted my attention, and to be a good boy. To play with my Sister more...
Daddy would just smile.

I wanted to be brave. I wanted Mummy and Daddy to be proud of me. I wanted to be like the heroes in the stories they told me. I even started riding Farmer Maggots pig because heroes ride horses and I wanted more than anything to be able to ride the pony I was given on my Birthday when I was big enough...

But it was naughty! It was as naughty as when I tried to make Mummy and Daddy breakfast in bed and tried mixing the eggs on the kitchen floor. It was as naughty as when I found some mushrooms in Farmer Maggots field and picked them, to take home to Mummy. It was as naughty as when I tried to split wood for the fire with Daddy small axe and it was as naughty as telling my Sister to go away.

I didn't' mean to do anything bad by it. I just wanted to be me, Milo, and play!
I didn't realise love is only for good boys.

I didn't realise Mummy's and Daddy's are not forever. I didn't realise that they are like the twinkling early morning dew as it settles upon freshly weaved spider webs. So perfect, intricately woven sparkling gems that hold the suns smile within their embrace... You think they will stay like that forever! 
But all it takes is one moment to look away, One moment of dozing slumber and when you wake, they are gone! The sun has taken them far away!

I had only wanted to go for a walk. To be like Frodo and Sam! I had only wanted to go down the lane. I knew Mummy and my Sister had been following me. But I had pretended I didn't know. 
I was a naughty boy. 
I hadn't meant to fall asleep under the tree!

I don't know where Daddy went. 
When I woke he was gone! Mummy said some things weren't meant to be. That she was sorry, but she could not be my Mummy any more. My sister was going to live with an Aunt and Uncle far away.  But I didn't want to leave. I wanted to be brave. 
I wanted love to be real! I had hoped so hard it was a bad dream. 
I had hoped so hard it wasn't real! That I'd go to sleep and wake up to find everything normal again.

But when it didn't happen I realised that some people...Some people are not that lucky. 

And that people don't love the same.  Some people work hard to grow a tree from an acorn...
And some people's love but it's only as deep as Farmer Maggot buried his potatoes to sow in the ground! 
They grew with nurture for a season; green leaves and white flowers rising up to bask in the sun. But when the wind begins to blow cold, when it was time for him to pull them from the ground by the stem to be harvested, the ground where that love once grew turned bare and the plant, he would toss it aside, useless... I think it is a seasonal love, like Farmer Maggots potatoes.
Beautiful while it lasts, but cold and empty when it passes.

I didn't want that love! I didn't need it! It didn't matter that I was a naughty boy, I'd never be thrown away again!
It was what I told myself every day.
I wanted the acorn, I wanted to grow into the tree!
I was better off alone because if you can't see the beauty in a rainy day then you don't deserve to bask within the suns warmth either, and you definitely don't deserve to take shelter beneath the branches of a tree!

I was an acorn, not a potato!
I was a naughty boy. I was a rainy day.
But they forgot one thing...
It is something I whisper to myself each day...

Acorns eventually grow into trees...
Rainy days don't last forever, and neither do naughty little boys...
And if you'd rather walk away, then sit through that rainy day...
Then you don't deserve to see the rainbow that they will become!

There are no heroes. In life, the monsters win.
"It takes a village to raise a child"

‘It takes a whole village to raise a child’ resonates loud and clear to me.
If it wasnt for these people, I don't know where I'd be today, or if I'd even still be around!

They took me in, showed me that they cared when I woke up one morning to find myself alone. The family I thought I'd be a part of forever, they'd moved on.. Maybe it was my fault. Maybe it wasn't. All I know is, if and when i ever have kids of my own... I will be better!

And make sure you check out my special ones below!

Family doesn't have to be blood!

   'Lil Bastard!''s Friend Space
'Lil Bastard!' has 54 friends.
Serenity Fairfoot. {Hiatus}

✿ Lily Took ❀

Violet Took. {Hiatus}

🌿нerв нoввιт📚(Hiatus)

Isabella ~Vampire Queen~ TFA

ɢrαɴddαυɢнтer oғ тнe rιver

oɴe oғ тнe vαlαr (Hiatus)

𝕋𝕨𝕠 𝕠𝕗 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖 *Hiatus

Faramir Took I (Hiatus)

Dúr Qwir


Dee Black~Luxen Representative~EOA

Illasera ~The Lady Firehair~ {FOS}

Ariella~Princess of Silverymoon~FOS



'Lil Bastard!''s Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 57 comments (View All | Add Comment)
🌿нerв нoввιт📚(Hiatus)

Apr 17th 2022 - 5:24 PM

Your Twin here, made them with Love for you,
to use as your Default, whenever you are feeling like it.
Enjoy them!
If you need Gifs for your Tosto, let me know, I made about 50.


🌿нerв нoввιт📚(Hiatus)

Apr 17th 2022 - 5:23 PM

ɢrαɴddαυɢнтer oғ тнe rιver

Dec 24th 2021 - 12:32 AM

🌿нerв нoввιт📚(Hiatus)

Dec 24th 2021 - 12:03 AM


I miss and love you so much Twinnie!
🌿αrαɴel -o ɢoɴdor

Dec 23rd 2021 - 10:16 PM

➳тαɴ мorιqυeɴde☆ (Hiatus)

Dec 23rd 2021 - 9:37 AM

🌿нerв нoввιт📚(Hiatus)

Nov 6th 2021 - 12:45 PM

We're Twins, and so we love each other more than other People…

I love you Milo, with all my Heart and all my Soul.
I am so proud calling you my Twin.


Violet Took. {Hiatus}

Oct 2nd 2021 - 4:51 AM

Because she hadn't seen her friend in a while Violet goes over to his smail, knocks on his bedroom window, opens it and climbs in like they used to as kids. Standing in his room she grinned.

"Did you miss me?"

With her hand on her hip and blowing him a kiss just for fun.

🌿нerв нoввιт📚(Hiatus)

Sep 14th 2021 - 7:47 AM

so you know Twinnie!


🌿нerв нoввιт📚(Hiatus)

Mar 2nd 2021 - 6:56 AM

I love you Twinnie!


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