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     ᶜᵃˢᵃⁿᵒᵛⁱᵃⁿ ᵀʳᵃᶜᵏᵉʳ's Details
Characters: Demetri Volturi
Verses: Twilight - Vampires - Supernatural Themes - Anita Blake - Mythos - Omegaverse
Playbys: C.B
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Member Since:July 18, 2020

I am around and oh there's my darling niece.


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   ᶜᵃˢᵃⁿᵒᵛⁱᵃⁿ ᵀʳᵃᶜᵏᵉʳ's Blurbs
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Demetri Volturi

basic info

Name: Demetri Volturi (Demetrius Akrites in human life)
Pronunciation: Duh-me-tree Vol-tur-ee.
Nickname/alias: Casanova.
Meaning: The meaning of the name Demetri is derived from "of Demeter."
Origin: Greece.
Title: Tracker.
Pet names: Give me one.
Signature: Fancy curves.
Gender: Male.
Currently: Immortal
Residence: Volterra
Siblings: Benjamin (via Amun; vampire)
Mother:-deceased, Kebi (via Amun; vampire)
Father: deceased (Amun; vampire Sire)


Not very talkative, he is reasonable, polite, even formal. He is very elegant and charming. It appears that he and Felix share a close friendship, as they constantly are seen together. Demetri is also very loyal to the Volturi and enjoys working under them. This, however, is due to the influence of Chelsea's power. Demetri also seems to be quite a calm character as for his not being upset when Renesmee turns out not to be an immortal child and he simply leaves.

It is stated that Demetri is the "Casanova of Life" indicating that he is popular with females.

"He finds people―that's his talent, why they keep him."

Demetri was born in Greece and transformed by the Egyptian coven's leader Amun. They were very close at the time and worked together to develop his tracking power.

When the Volturi heard of Demetri and his powerful gift, he was offered a place in the guard. He easily obliged due to Chelsea's power over emotional bonds. The Volturi already had a tracker, but once they found out that Demetri's power proved stronger, they had him replaced.

Ever since then, he had been the Volturi's sole tracker; whenever anyone tried to elude the Volturi's grasp, usually out of fear of fatal punishment, Demetri was in charge of tracking them down. As a tracker, he was significantly more talented than James and Alistair, and known as the best tracker in the world: his power allowed him to follow anyone anywhere as long as he had physically encountered the individual or anyone who had encountered him.

Demetri makes his first appearance in New Moon, coming to bring Edward (and kill him if he had exposed himself to the humans of Volterra) Bella, and Alice to the Volturi leaders with Felix and Jane. During their confrontation with the Volturi leaders, Demetri is left on the sidelines to observe their conversation.

After Aro dismisses them, Demetri escorts them to the waiting room where they must wait till midnight before they can leave the city. While passing through the hallway, Heidi comes through with a group of tourists about to be devoured by the Volturi and Demetri is eager to dine.

After they returned to Forks, Edward discusses Demetri's gift with his family, saying that if Bella can block Aro and Jane's powers, then she will also be able to block Demetri's. He suggests to hide her if the Volturi send him, but only Jasper and Emmett agree to the plan. Since the rest are against the idea, this plan was abandoned.

In the movie of New Moon, Alice tries to help Edward fight Felix, but Demetri grabs her neck, restraining her until Aro demands to read her mind.

While making no official physical appearance in Eclipse, he is assumed to be with the guard sent to Forks to dispose of Victoria's army.

In the movie adaptation, Demetri is sent to Seattle to "deal" with the newborn army with Jane, Alec and Felix. He is only seen in two scenes. One is in Seattle, where he and his group observe Victoria's vampire army, and, if necessary, dispose of them. Demetri and Felix openly state their worries over the newborn army, but Jane is hesitant to act. In the end, they decide to let them do what they were created for, then dispose them all. In the second scene, he shows up in the battlefield near the end of the movie, to question the Cullens after they destroyed the vampire army and to observe the execution of Bree.

When Irina reports to the Volturi for the Cullens' creation of an immortal child in Breaking Dawn, they prepare to make a move to execute them.

Demetri becomes an immense threat towards the Cullens and their allies' survival, because he could trace all of them, except Bella, if they managed to escape during the confrontation with the Volturi over Renesmee Cullen. Because of this, he becomes the main target for Edward should a fight become inevitable. The situation ends peacefully, however, and everyone retreats in peace, except Irina, who was executed for providing a false report.

Demetri makes a post-credits scene in Breaking Dawn - Part 1 where he and Felix dispose of Bianca.

In the Breaking Dawn - Part 2, Demetri is with Felix in the throne room. In a flashback about immortal children, Demetri and Felix dispose Sasha as punishment for creating an immortal child. While making their way to Forks, Demetri and Felix chase a friend of Carlisle's, Toshiro, whom Aro interrogates and then orders them to kill him after acquiring the needed knowledge.

During the confrontation, he goes forth to stop Alice and Jasper from passing when they attempt to go to Aro. With Aro's order, Demetri allows her to go forth, but Jasper gets restrained. In Alice's battle-vision, when Benjamin ripped the ground open, Demetri shoves Edward down into it, but Edward grabs the side rock and then jumps out of it and beheads Demetri. In the end, the battle doesn't happen, and Demetri lives.

The Volturi

"The Volturi aren't supposed to be the villains, the way they seem to you. They are the foundation of our peace and civilization."

The Volturi are the largest and most powerful coven of vampires. They enforce the laws of the vampire world.

The equivalent of royalty in the vampire world, the Volturi consists of 5 core members: Aro, Caius, Marcus, Sulpicia, and Athenodora. Marcus's wife (and Aro's sister) Didyme. Aside from these head members, it also consists of a collection of powerfully imposing vampires, known as the "Volturi guard", being Chelsea, Jane and Alec, Demetri and Felix and many others. The Volturi act as the unofficial royalty in the world of vampires, and are an incredibly influential coven. They are also considered 'nighttime patrons of the arts' as, because of their inability to sleep, they study the arts at night. The Volturi act as guardians, keeping the secret society of vampires hidden from the human world as needed. They often send their agents to travel from Volterra to prevent overzealous covens from exposing vampires through mass eradication of every vampire (and any humans) present. The coven has existed for over 3000 years, and is the largest coven in existence, followed by the Olympic, the Denali, and the Mexican covens.


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While Demetri does not display any combat skills in the books, Bella assumes he is capable of fighting "otherwise he wouldn't have made it (that) far." Aro also summons him to his side when he meets with Renesmee.

Demetri shows some rather strong battle skills in the movies: he manages to knock Toshiro into a wall to stop him from escaping, and later pushes Edward down Benjamin's sinkhole after fighting him intensely. It is notable that in the films Demetri holds the distinction of having defeated both Alice and Edward, two vampires whose respective gifts allow them to anticipate their opponent's moves. In the second film Demetri restrained Alice without a struggle, despite her ability to foresee the future, while he managed to pin Edward down with the same ease in the final film, regardless of Edward's telepathic gift. This can be attributed to years of training, experience and exceptional speed that allows Demetri to act before his opponents can react.

"He's a tracker—a tracker a thousand times more gifted than James was. His ability is loosely related to what I do, or what Aro does. He catches the… flavor? I don't know how to describe it… the tenor… of someone's mind and then he follows that. It works over immense distances." ―Edward on Demetri's gift.

Demetri's gift is tracking; he catches the "tenor" or "flavor" of a person's thoughts or from anyone he met in the past, and uses it to follow his targets until he finds them. No matter where his targets escape to, he can find them anywhere. It is believed that he would not be able to track Bella, since she is protected from mental abilities. However, it is still said in New Moon that his powers are far more powerful than James's, because he can track people from all across the world, while James needed to be relatively close to the victim.

He is considered to be the greatest tracker in the world. That is why Aro recruited him, because he does not surround himself with second-bests. The Volturi had a tracker before him, but when they heard of his superior tracking power, they replaced the tracker immediately, after dissolving Demetri's bonds with Amun.


In the books, Demetri is described as having an olive complexion with a chalky pallor, and black hair that reaches his shoulders. He is described as lean and stands 6'3 ft tall. His eyes are burgundy in color due to his diet on human blood, which will darken the longer he abstains from it.

Bella also describes Demetri in Breaking Dawn as being hard and lean as the blade of a sword remembering what he looked like the last time she met him in New Moon.

In the film adaption of New Moon and Eclipse, he has short, frosted brown/blonde hair that is partially spiked and extremely pale skin. However, in both the Breaking Dawn movies, all of his hair goes up. Demetri is actually tall by usual standards, being 6'3, but appears thinner and small next to Felix, one of the tallest vampires.

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Vampire Woman


Hopeful D E G E N E R A T E

ᶜᵃˢᵃⁿᵒᵛⁱᵃⁿ ᵀʳᵃᶜᵏᵉʳ's Friends Comments
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Apr 22nd 2024 - 3:39 PM

Renata spent most of her immortal life defending and protecting Aro and his choices; deep down, she didn't even know if she agreed with some of his choices and who he happeneed to be. She just knew that she had ended up being brought into the Volturi as her coven, and she didn't know if she would ever change where she fit into this whole scenario as a vampire or as a person. She knew that she could leave the coven, but where would she end up then? Where would she go? She didn't know, and that was why she had chosen to stay and endure her tasks as protecting Aro. 

Demetri wasd one of the only Volturi members that she could stand; knowing that he was a tracker, somewhat made her excited and intrigued her. She wished that she could end up doing the same thing, but she had taken a vow to protect Aro at all costs, and she didn't think that they would let her do such a thing despite her wanting to branch out and broaden her horizons; something that she had brought up time to time, something that she had asked Aro and Caius about, but she had been denied the right to do given that she had signed up to do what she had been given when she had joined the coven in the beginning. 

She knew being apart of the Guard was a gift, just the same as being a tracker was. However, soemtimes, Renata wished to have some adventure in her life. She wished to not do the same thing every single day, and she wished to do something more interesting then guarding Aro and being his personal guard at any given moment. She knew that she was asking too much; she knew that she was teetering on the edge of being annoying and asking for things that she couldn't receive. However, she sometimes wished that her life involved more than what she had been given when she joined the coven.

That was why she ended up going on a tracking adventure with Demetri. 

She knew that she would get backlash from Aro and the people who had started the Volturi, but in that moment, she didn't care; she wanted to do something fun and exciting. She wanted to do something that wasn't the same that she always did. "So, who are we tracking today? I know the Volturi have been watching the Cullen's closely to make sure that the hybrid child doesn't do anything out of nature. Perhaps, we could do something regarding that and check on the Cullen's. I'm sure tracking them would call for something fun and interesting." She said, her hues looking at Demetri for a moment before shrugging her shoulders. 


Feb 14th 2024 - 5:58 PM

Gσѕѕαмєя fιєи∂

Dec 19th 2023 - 2:55 PM


Nov 4th 2023 - 8:43 PM

Oh, of course.
But Jacob definitely thinks the same way as does any of from the La Push wolf packs. lol
So it should be a fun interaction!

Oct 24th 2023 - 12:00 AM

No worries! I know my reply back to you is rather slow as well.
So I apologize too!
Well then, guess that makes it easier to interact then if he's not always in Volterra with the rest of the Volturi.
That would be something if Jacob came across Demetri whilst he out on the prowl.

Also I will add you on discord, though as of late I have been procrastinating on there with my replies LOL
So if you get an add from someone with the username xsnowday - That would be me.

Oct 8th 2023 - 11:07 PM

Hello there.
I would like to thank you in either accepting my friend request or sending me a friend request. I genuinely appreciate it.

In any event, I must introduce myself. The name is Jacob Black and it's great to meet you. My storyline a bit AU since I don't ship with Renesmee. Now, I know that AU storylines aren't everyone's cup of tea but hopefully that's okay. But whether we decide to start building a storyline together or we end up just chatting, I'm cool with either one or both. I'm not picky. I mean, hey, can never have a shortage of cool people to talk to.

Anyway, if it is easier for you, I would love to exchange discords.

I'm sure we can become great friends. I can't wait to hear back from you. Thank you.

-- jacob black --
Vampire Woman

Dec 26th 2022 - 7:02 AM


Just a little something to make you smile.
Have a beautiful holiday season!
‵ 𐊖 ᴵ ᴿ ᴱ ᴺ ′

Dec 5th 2020 - 9:24 AM

Hey there,
Uhm...pretty self explanitory, I'm Bella (Yep, another one). Nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to getting to know you and to the many possible storylines we could come up with together. If you'd rather not waste your time with another Bella feel free to delete me so we don't waste either of our time on a discussion that we're not likely to have. Feel free to add my Discord if you would like to discuss there; ` Siren ′#0036 I'm always mobile. ♥ Until then, take care. (: P.S. please forgive my generic comment. ; ^ ; I just wanted to get talking asap, so I didn't just seem like a "pretty face"
p.s if you’ve received this comment already I apologize, rp.me doesn’t always show me every comment I’ve sent. 🥺
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