Rose The Hat on - Rose The Hat
The special ones always taste the best! Doctor Sleep Movie/Horror/Gore/Supernatural/Open

118 years old
New York, New York
United States

Last Login:
June 23 2024

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Groups: 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬 ■ 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦, 𝚂𝙺 𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚄𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍,

     Rose The Hat's Details
Status: Single
Here for:Friends,
Orientation: Straight
Characters: Rose The Hat
Verses: Doctor Sleep Movie/Novel
Member Since:March 14, 2020

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About me:

Hello there,so you want to know about me? Well now what a interesting idea...ok then I will tell you what I can.

Don't expect this to be a sop story about how my life growing up was or my parents because in truth I don't remember much of all that. I was born with a gift to see into the minds of others and know their every thought and desire and I can also astro project myself anywhere when trying to find those with powers and I sense it when one of them uses their powers as well.

I was offerd a chance to become something more and live in a community and of course I took that offer. Oh the change is quite painful and yes the body must die in a way to go through the changes but if we feed off the life force of children with powers or as we call it Steam then we can live forever but we are not immortal, for if we can not feed we will eventualy wither away and die.

When we feed or are angry our eyes shine bright blue and then when it's done they go back to the usual color. We have killed chidren all over the country really and we never stay in one place for too long...we are the True Knot and we are the chosen ones.

There are only two options with us if you have powers like converted or be food and we do not allow the changes to happen to just anyone, because once you are converted you are connected to us in every way.

Now you know a bit about me and that is all I am willing to say so then join us,fight us and die or if you are a special child then become our food but don't expect sympathy from those like us because we have none.

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Sep 17th 2022 - 9:45 AM

She was underestimating the Joker, not a smart move. “Look Lady, I don’t know ya schtick or what exactly what ya got going on but he always find a way to bring ya down. He’ll watch yas then send ‘is people after yas. I been there, okay?? A lotta people think he’s more than just a man an’ well that’s really up fer debate but he’s trouble. Worse than that, really. Yas ain’t met no one quite like ‘im. He ain’t stupid and that’s the problem !!” Clearly they weren’t gonna take her warnings seriously but Harley didn’t fancy playing rescue. If she wanted to get caught by them, then Rose could face the consequences all on her own.

But she could also keep her own nicknames for her crew, Harley would come up with her own far more flashy and suitable for the companion. “Okay fine, I’ll work on an alternative. Darl doesn’t exactly suit Birdie anyways.” Harley wasn’t intentionally out to push buttons but Crow had lead to an easy conclusion in her mind.

“I mean I’ll take a compliment.” She shrugged, although late twenties were never particularly seen as young. Harley began to wonder if there was a lot more to this Rose than she was letting on, maybe there was a lot more thorns beneath the hat. “Yas handles ya business then I’ll fill yas in on the social etiquette on Gotham’s streets !!” It sounded like a deal as Rose instructed the blonde to meet her at the beach. Although she didn’t think it was a trip that required her bikini.

Harley had opted to wait by the beach so she could learn more about the mysterious pair and get in on the action. She was curious about them, and there was no point in missing out on anything they had to say because anything they did could be important. Hiding behind one of the boulders on the shoreline she spotted a dup in the darkness dragging along another unknown figure. The blonde assumed this to be Flower, Birdie and someone else. Harley had to piece together a lot of what she saw as the darkness hid a lot and she had been trying to keep herself out of sight, but it was in a word horrific. As soon as the horror seemingly passed the blonde composed herself, trying to face them without the knowledge she had.

Opting for a cheery entrance, the blonde ran along the beach before completing a tumble and layout, presenting towards Rose and Crow once she’d finished. “So why dya’s wanna meet here??”

Mar 13th 2022 - 8:10 AM

Harley shrugged, her fashion comment was fair enough. At first, Harley had simply grabbed what she could to form her outfits, but she did stand out and make a statement. Some people thought she did it for attention, but Harley mostly just enjoyed it for herself. The red and black statement had always been her trademark, she’d just made it her own instead of relying on the Joker’s interpretation. “Yeah ya don’t wanna stick around long. There's some people in Gotham who are very territorial and ya currently on his streets. He won’t like that.” It was more of a warning, she’d been at the wrong end of one of the Joker’s ideas before and didn’t want anyone else on the receiving end if she could help it. 

She was a little more hesitant when this Crow Daddy joined in the conversation. Not that she wasn’t curious, the blonde couldn’t help herself in that regard but being called a distraction wasn’t anything new. As Rose introduced herself, Harley nodded. She slid her bat back into its holster before holding out her hand. “Well, I’m Harley, Harley Quinn!! Nice t’meetcha Rose the Hat !! And Crow Daddy ??” Who would ever call themselves that ?? She did not want an answer to that. The blonde was accustomed to danger herself, so despite the tone, Harley didn’t act any differently. A lot of people tried to warn her but she’d make her own decisions and deal with the consequences as they came.

Asking how old she was seemed like an odd question but the blonde answered anyway. “I’m 28.  I’m just sayin’ though if ya need help in this city I know someone who can help.” By someone she meant herself.  The politics of Gotham’s underworld was something Harley had studied and been a part of and if they intended to pass through the city or find something and leave without getting thrown in Arkham - or worse - then Harley wanted to offer her services. “What’s ya plans ‘round here ??”

⸸(Page moved)

Apr 14th 2021 - 12:22 PM

Heaven, said to be the ultimate paradise. Filled with God and his choir of angels. Yes it seemed like the perfect picture, but sadly nothing was as it seemed especially in heaven. Slowly the fabric of the divine harmony was splintering and the cause was always blamed on Lucifer. The most beautiful angel in heaven, the light bringer. Yes he was not perfect and yes he rebelled the truth behind everything falling apart was because of his twin brother Michael. The whispers his brother would do would hit the light bringers ear and caused him to do things that may have been questionable. The garden of Eden however was not as the good book foretold. Oh yes he went into the garden and may have seduced Eve but it wasnt a real snake he tempted her with it was his own flesh and lustful desire. God of course didnt like that he had made the first women ever created sway from her husband that was made for her.



Eons of seeing his father 'ruling' over humanity, Lucifer questioned the almighty. Yes he was that bold to doubt his father, the creator of heaven and earth. The world as time went by was always in disarray and yet their father just sat there and allowed it to happen. This made the once beautiful angel wonder if his father could keep humanity on track or perhaps someone else should step up. The alpha and omega didnt take kindly to being challenged. After a long heavenly war the archangel was cast out and banished to rule hell. Did the punishment fit the crime? Lucifer didnt think so. For centuries the angel ruled over the dead and the damned. Demons loved their ruler but the devil didnt like being here. His angelic body could feel all the dread that coursed through it with pure negative energy. Every now and then he would pop topside and enjoy what it had to over, that was until his dear duty bound brother Amenadiel would come to retrieve his brother to make him do his job as the lord of hell. Every time he would finally relent except this time in the mid 2000s. No he was not going back this time. This anger the elder brother as he did everything in his power to get Lucifer where he belonged and it was a futile effort.



Now a few years later, Lucifer ran a very successful nightclub called LUX. The club was always busy with activity. The devil did love many things. Women, Men, alcohol and of course sex and lots of it. However, he did enjoy music that was always a delight for him. Playing music or singing oh did people like it when he preformed. After his conversation he walked to the bar to talk to a rather angry looking woman. Though it was no ordinary women it was the demoness Mazikeen one of the children Lilith. The demon always looked as if she was inches away from smashing someones face into the bar and she was the bartender. Pouring the devil a drink she tended to the next person. Lifting up the glass he saw the amber liquid dancing in the crystal glass. Turning slightly he lifted the glass to his lips, taking in the alcoholic beverage. It burned slightly but oh that was the best part. Looking around he saw people dancing, making out, drinking and having a good time. Thats all he wanted a lifetime of fun and enjoyment.




The music was pumping within the building as his dancers showed off their perfect bodies to the patrons that attend his bar both female and males he didnt discriminant he loved to see it all. As he got a refill of his drink he saw a woman as her eyes caught his for a moment. Lucifer was a charmer right off the bat it was who he was. Walking over to her he smiled. “ Well yes it is. Im Lucifer Morningstar”


Jan 3rd 2021 - 6:52 PM

Anyone outside of Gotham didn’t want to stay there longer than necessary. Unless you’d specifically chosen to move into Gotham there was nothing there for you except lies, deceit and a costumed crowd of criminals who could easily lead you astray. At one point Harley had been a fully fledged member, falling into the traps of a certain green-haired clown. It didn’t matter though. For now, at least, she was carving her own path away from him although granted he was never too far away. Then nothing was ever too far away in this city. She’d been enjoying herself, having a few drinks with her girl friends before spotting the reaction of a few men as they left the bar. Harley had known herself what a man on the hunt looked like, and she excused herself from her friends to follow. Dealing with many of the males in Gotham required back up and she didn’t know then, who they had spotted. 

Harley kept to the shadows as the men approached a woman the female didn’t recognise which was rare. Most people never stayed out late, alone in a city they didn’t know, and that was the safest idea in Gotham. Her voice sounded sweet, but she couldn’t explain the actions in front of her. Sure, that meant Harley didn’t have to get down and dirty herself but when someone just dropped to the ground like that Harley had to consider whether getting involved, or simply leaving her to it was the best course of action. After all, she didn’t fancy joining him in playing dead, if he was playing at all.It was impressive and it was that feeling which kept her gaze on the action. It seemed she wasn’t alone, so Harley didn’t feel the need to involve herself in that regard but a group of new people piqued her curiosity. There were already enough people on these streets and they didn’t need another gang trying to stake their claim in the city.

“Well if violence was what ya lookin’ fer ya certainly in the right city!! Gotta say though, ya outfits don’t really match the vibe here. I’m Harley, Harley Quinn. Now I could helps yas out with that but I also don’t wanna get zapped, or whatever the hell happened there so please note I’m nice and friendly and only attack people when given reason to do so. So I wouldn’t give me a reason to use ya head a baseball. Okay?? Now what’s the sitch here ‘cause the streets are pretty busy so if ya gotta reason t’ be around I know this place?? Maybe I could help yas move right along as quickly as possible. ”

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