𝒁𝒆𝒖𝒔 ⚑️ on RolePlayer.me - m.roleplayer.me/KingOfTheGods 𝒁𝒆𝒖𝒔 ⚑️
King of the Gods || OUAT || Greek Mythology

119 years old
Mount Olympus,

Last Login:
May 08 2024

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     π’π’†π’–𝒔 ⚑️'s Details
Characters: Zeus
Verses: Once Upon A Time, Greek Mythology
Playbys: Viggo Mortensen
Member Since:April 10, 2019

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Zeus is the child of Cronus and Rhea, the youngest of his siblings to be born, though sometimes reckoned the eldest as the others required disgorging from Cronus's stomach. In most traditions, he is married to Hera, by whom he is usually said to have fathered Ares, Hebe, and Hephaestus. At the oracle of Dodona, his consort was said to be Dione, by whom the Iliad states that he fathered Aphrodite. Zeus was also infamous for his erotic escapades. These resulted in many divine and heroic offspring, including Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Persephone, Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Minos, and the Muses.

He was respected as an allfather who was chief of the gods and assigned roles to the others: "Even the gods who are not his natural children address him as Father, and all the gods rise in his presence." He was equated with many foreign weather gods, permitting Pausanias to observe "That Zeus is king in heaven is a saying common to all men". Zeus' symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak. In addition to his Indo-European inheritance, the classical "cloud-gatherer" (Greek: ΝΡφΡληγΡρέτα, NephelΔ“gereta) also derives certain iconographic traits from the cultures of the ancient Near East, such as the scepter. Zeus is frequently depicted by Greek artists in one of three poses: standing, striding forward with a thunderbolt leveled in his raised right hand, or seated in majesty.

Basic Information
Full Name (Self explanatory)
Pronunciation (Self explanatory)
Nickname/Alias (Does your character have a pet name, fake identity, or any other thing they like to go by? Put it here.)
Meaning ([Ex: Emily means "admiring" and William means "protector"] If you aren't sure your character's name has a meaning look it up, I'm sure you'll find something. If it's a fantasy name you made yourself, give it a meaning.)
Origin (How did you come up with your character's name?)
Title (Do have a title along with their name? [Ex: Sir, Captain, Ms.])
Pet Name (What do other people call your character? [kid, squirt, babe, ect] May be insulting, endearing, or a combination of both. May have more than one, if other characters call them different things.
ID Number (A number that may also be used to identify your character, such as tournaments and prison settings)
Signature (What is their handwriting like?)
Gender (Self explanatory)
Gender Role (Does your character generally act more feminine or masculine?)
Orientation (Ex: Straight, Bisexual, Homosexual)
Real Age (How old your character is in years)
Age Appearance (How old does your character look? This is mostly for immortal creatures such as deities, but can be used with anybody. [if someone looks older or younger than their age)
Birthday (Self explanatory)
Deathday (May not have one yet)
Birthplace (Where was your character born?)
Astrological Sign (Western)
Zodiac Sign (Eastern)
Species (Human, animal, or a fantasy race)
Ethnicity (Self Explanatory)
Blood Type (Self explanatory)
Preferred Hand (Right handed, left handed, or ambidextrous?)
Facial Type (Ex: Oval, heart, square, round, )
Eye Color (Self explanatory)
Hair Color (Self Explanatory)
Hairstyle (Self explanatory)
Skin Tone (Self Explanatory)
Complexion (Self explanatory)
Makeup (If any)
Body Type (Endomorph, Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or somewhere in between?)
Build (Long legs, chubby cheeks, or muscular arms?)
Height (In inches)
Weight (In pounds)
Cup Size (Self explanatory)
Facial Hair (If applicable)
Shoe Size (Self Explanatory)
Birthmarks/scars (Self explanatory)
Distinguishing Features (Something unique that stands out)
Health (How healthy is your character?)
Energy (How much energy does your character have on a daily basis?)
Memory (How well does your character remember things, and what do they remember?)
Senses (Are any of your character's senses better or worse than others?)
Allergies (Self Explanatory. May be optional.)
Handicaps ([Ex: A limp, deafness, missing an eye] May be optional.)
Medication (What meds do your character take, if any?)
Phobias (Things that simply terrify your character. May be trivial or debilitating. Try to have at least one.)
Addictions (Drugs, alcohol, gambling, or bad teen romance)
Mental Disorders ([Ex: Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Paranoia.] May be optional.)

Love Interest

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