𝐓𝐄𝐓𝐇-π€πƒπ€πŒ on RolePlayer.me - m.roleplayer.me/teth-adam 𝐓𝐄𝐓𝐇-π€πƒπ€πŒ

119 years old
Luxor, Luxor

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June 13 2024

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     π“𝐄𝐓𝐇-π€πƒπ€πŒ's Details
Characters: Teth-Adam, Khem-Adam, Black Adam
Verses: DC, Marvel, Comics
Length: Multi Para, Para, Semi
Member Since:April 08, 2019

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   π“𝐄𝐓𝐇-π€πƒπ€πŒ's Blurbs
About me:

Ancient Egypt
Circa 1200 BC, Shazam became a high priest to the pharaoh Ramses II of Egypt. As the wizard grew older, he sought a champion worthy to inherit his powers. The young prince Teth-Adam of Kahndaq (Ramses' son) impressed the wizard with his fairness and decency. But before Shazam could bestow his powers, his daughter Blaze made a deal with the god Set. When Teth-Adam spoke the name "Shazam," instead of gaining the wizard's powers, he was blessed with the power of six Egyptian gods: Shu, Heru, Amon, Zehuti, Aton and Mehen. Although Adam speaks the name "Shazam," he does not draw power from the wizard. Teth-Adam served Egypt for many years as a successful hero, but this duty often drew him away from his wife, Shiruta, and his sons Gon and Hurut in Kahndaq.

Over a millennia later, Adam's home was destroyed and his family killed by the evil priest Ahk-Ton using the Orb of Ra. A disparaged Adam continued to serve in Rameses' court, and allied himself with Prince Khufu (later Hawkman). At this time, he met three travelers from the future: Hawkgirl, Mr. Terrific, and Captain Marvel. Adam felt relieved that his legacy would continue through Marvel, and thought highly of his future counterpart. With the help of these visitors and the wizard Nabu, Adam was able to capture Ahk-ton, whom he killed as retribution for murdering Adam's family.

Adam returned to Kahndaq and forcefully overthrew the government present there, appointing himself ruler. The wizard Shazam became aware of these events and, thinking Adam had been corrupted by Blaze, unleashed a powerful spell. He trapped Adam's soul and powers within a powerful scarab and rendered Adam's de-powered body, now several hundred years old, into a withered corpse. Shazam then buried both the body and the scarab in the tomb of Ramses II, where he had planned for it to remain for all eternity. In death, the former hero was referred to as "Khem-Adam" ("Black Adam"). Disillusioned by what he perceived as Adam's betrayal, Shazam went several millennia before appointing a second champion to fight evil in his name.

Modern Era
Years later Rameses II's tomb was excavated by the Batsons under the orders of the Sivana Federation. A colleague of the Batsons, Adam's descendant Theo, murdered the Batsons after finding the scarab. Suspecting something was odd, his sister, Sarah, had Mary Batson adopted by the Bromfields to keep her away from Theo.

After seeing Billy Batson as Captain Marvel, Theo spoke the name "Shazam" and became possessed by the soul of Black Adam. With Black Adam reborn, the two battled, and the hero destroyed the mystical scarab which was the power source of the villain. Black Adam was rendered mute by Shazam. He spent four years in prison, only being freed and his powers returned temporarily by Shazam in order to help in the War of the Gods, before Shazam stripped him of his powers and voice again in the end of the conflict. The muteness spell was undone by the evil Blaze, who used Adam in her purposes against his father Shazam. Black Adam rebelled against Blaze in the last minute, and was banished to deep space by Ibis.

Black Adam joined the JSA after claiming he had rid himself of Theo Adam's evil influence. Captain Marvel joined the JSA as well, wanting to keep an eye on him. Later, Johnny Sorrow removed a malignant brain tumor in Adam's head, and Black Adam joined the Injustice Society. He soon betrayed them so the JSA could defeat them.

Black Adam left the JSA after Kobra was allowed to live. He formed his own team of vigilante superhumans, executed Kobra, and once again overthrew Kahndaq's government. The JSA intervened. After a battle, Black Adam was allowed to retain control of Kahndaq as long as he stayed within its borders. He and the Feitherans began to rebuild the war-torn country. Black Adam joined the Secret Society of Super-Villains to protect Kahndaq, or so he claimed. During the Spectre's attack on magical beings, Atom-Smasher was killed, but Adam was able to revive him with magical lightning.

Adam was part of the group that set a trap for Uncle Sam and the rest of the Freedom Fighters. However, Adam himself was betrayed by the other villains as Alex Luthor sought 'a Marvel' to use as part of his plot.

Adam was given Adrianna Tomaz as a gift from Intergang. She was meant to be used as a slave to his pleasure, in return for allowing Intergang to use Kahndaq as a base for their criminal activities. However, Black Adam executed her captors. Her wisdom helped him to focus on using his powers for the benefit of the people of Kahndaq. He granted her the power of the Goddess, Isis, and the two were married. When Adrianna's younger brother, Amon, was found a prisoner of Intergang, Adam granted him a portion of his own power and he became the hero, Osiris. Adam finally felt as if he had a true family. Isis had a tremendous influence on him, and she managed to dampen Adam's otherwise violent temper. As an act of good will, Black Adam and his family went to the United States and participated in several events including a holiday parade and a charity dinner at the Sivana estate.

Not long after, Adam's brother-in-law, Osiris, befriended a shy talking crocodile which he named Sobek. He brought Sobek back to Kahndaq with him and he became a part of the colloquially named Black Marvel Family. Sobek's presence eventually proved to be the undoing of the Black Marvel Family, however.

Black Adam soon discovered that Sobek was, in fact, the Fourth Horseman known as Famine (Yurrd the Unknown). Sobek caused a massive blight that swept across Kahndaq ultimately killing Isis. He also turned against Osiris, savagely biting him in half and consuming the remains. Black Adam came upon Isis' body as she lay dying. Her final words were a plea of vengeance against those who brought this tragedy upon Kahndaq.

Adam next attacked Sobek, killing him by hyper-extending his jaws. He then tracked the First of the Horsemen, Death (Azeuz) to the nation of Bialya and engaged in a massive battle with him. Black Adam's thirst for vengeance wasn't sated with merely defeating the Horsemen, however. He lashed out against the entire country, killing every man, woman and child in Bialya, even sterilizing the earth. This genocide empowered Death, who believed he would now be able to defeat Black Adam in battle. He was soon proven incorrect.

World War III
The world at large watched in horror as Black Adam continued blazing a trail of devastation across the globe. His next target was mainland China, whom he suspected was responsible for financially backing the Oolong Island experiments that resulted in the creation of the Four Horsemen. China's super-hero team the Great Ten attempted to stop Black Adam, but they proved ineffective. The Chinese government issued a proclamation that no other country was to interfere in China's affairs, even on their own behalf. Such an action would be interpreted as an act of war, and China would retaliate with nuclear weapons.

An assemblage of heroes led by the Justice Society of America set up a beachhead on China's borders. Many of them wanted to ignore China's warning and fight Black Adam, but they maintained their vigilance for fear of aggravating a new war.

When Black Adam defeated the Great Ten, the Chinese government asked the Western world for aid. Dozens of super-heroes including the JSA, the Doom Patrol and the Teen Titans mounted an attack against Black Adam, but his fury was so intense that nothing seemed to stop him. One of the casualties was the former Teen Titan, Terra, whom Black Adam slew by punching his fist through her chest. The Teen Titan, Young Frankenstein, also fell to his fury.

Captain Marvel petitioned the Gods of ancient Egypt to take away Black Adam's powers, but they refused. In fact, they even advocated Adam's actions. Marvel then sought the aid of the mystical community and worked with Zatanna in a desperate attempt to defeat Black Adam once and for all.

Captain Marvel and Adam fought one another, and Marvel spoke the magic word "Shazam", summoning the mystic lightning that grants them their powers. He channeled the lightning into Black Adam, forcing him to transform back into the mortal Teth-Adam. Through Zatanna's spell, Captain Marvel managed to change the magic word so that Teth-Adam would be unable to turn back into Black Adam.

As the war came to a close, Teth-Adam escaped justice and fled back to Kahndaq. He was last seen wandering the streets of Shiruta incognito, attempting to learn the new magic word that would bring his powers back.

Black Adam: The Dark Ages
The still-powerless Teth-Adam orders his remaining loyal servant to savagely beat his face in order to alter his physical appearance. Effectively disguised, he leads the group to Kahndaq to retrieve the bones of Isis, while the JSA is in Bialya searching for him. Adam and his men are attacked by unidentified soldiers (who are also searching for Teth-Adam) while leaving the tomb of Isis and Osiris. Adam's followers sacrifice their lives so that he can escape with his wife's remains. Adam then travels to the frozen Himalayas, where he eats the corpse of his last remaining henchman after running out of food. Finally reaching a secluded cave, Teth-Adam resurrects Isis using a Lazarus Pit.

Coming to realize she is no more than a decaying reanimated dead body, he is forced by the realization to kill her. He then takes her bones and goes on a pilgrimage to the Tower of Fate. Using a small piece of the Rock of Eternity, he reveals the Tower of Fate's location and enters. Expecting to find Doctor Fate so that he may get back the Amulet of Isis, he is surprised to find the doctor not in and Felix Faust has been trapped there with Neron, due to a spell cast by the deceased Ralph Dibny. Apparently, Neron found a way out and left. Faust, in order to gain freedom, joins forces with Adam and helps him cast a spell to transfer residual magic from Isis's bones to him to allow him to transform into Black Adam.

In retrieving the first part of the amulet, Teth Adam encounters Hawkman. The two have a savage battle in the sky, leading to Hawkman's serious injury. After the fight, the Justice League is notified and the team begins trying to find Black Adam. Meanwhile, while resting at a riverbank and contemplating his mission to bring back his wife, Teth Adam is shot down and badly wounded by members of the same organization that attacked him at Adrianna's tomb. He is, however, strong enough to speak the magic word "Isis" and transform into Black Adam. After promptly dispatching the assassins with extreme prejudice, he visits a veterinary hospital to have his wounds repaired.

After leaving the hospital, the doctors who save Teth Adam's life are attacked by the assassins. Teth Adam sees this happening, saves the two doctors, and kidnaps the two assassins. He kills them both, one by striking him with lightning and one by flying him up into the thermosphere, after getting information from them. The Justice League talk to the two doctors as part of their hunt for Teth Adam, and learn about his heroic act of saving them from the assassins. This further develops Teth Adam's anti-hero character, as it is one of his first acts of heroism since the events of World War III.

Black Adam arrives at Fawcett City and accidentally discovers that the new transformation word Captain Marvel is in fact "Chocolate Egg Cream". With his original power returned, he flies to Fate's Tower and confronts Faust. Faust attempts to resurrect Isis, but the resurrection fails, and Isis' bones crumble to the floor. Faust blames Black Adam for using Isis' power too much, and distraught, Black Adam flies away, ending up in the Kahndaq embassy in Gotham City. It is revealed that the bones that Faust showed to Black Adam belonged to Ralph Dibny, and Faust resurrects Isis successfully. With her under his power, he exits the tower.

NOTE: Everything beyond point will be divergent. Adam has not taken up secret residence in Gotham's abandoned Kahndaq embassy, is still a wanted man, still believes Isis is dead, did not temporarily give Mary Marvel is power, and is still active in the world, trying to rebuild Kahndaq though he has a target on his head.

NAME: Teth-Adam
NICKNAME: Black Adam
OCCUPATION: Ruler of Kahndaq
ORIENTATION: Gynephilia (attraction to femininity)
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 250 lbs.
POWERS & ABILITIES: Upon saying the magic word, Shazam, Adam can transform into a new body with powers directly granted by the Egyptian Gods.

S for the Stamina of Shu: Using Shu's endurance, Black Adam can withstand and survive most types of extreme physical assaults. Additionally, he does not need to eat or breathe and can survive unaided in space.
Self-Sustenance: The ability to survive without sleep, food, water, or air.

H for the Swiftness of Heru: By channeling Heru's speed, Black Adam can move at hypersonic speeds and steadily run at these superhuman speeds.
Flight: He can hover or soar at high speeds through an act of sheer will.
Superhuman Reflexes.

A for the Strength of Amon: Black Adam has phenomenal levels of super strength that rank him as one of the strongest beings on Earth, able to easily bend steel, punch through walls and lift massive objects with little difficulty. Black Adam's strength is enough that he can at least lift 100 tons while weakened.

Z for the Wisdom of Zehuti: Black Adam has instant access to a vast level of scholarly knowledge.
Clairvoyance: The wisdom of Zehuti also gives Black Adam clairvoyance and provides him with counsel and advice in times of need.
Eidetic Memory.
Tactics of War.

A for the Power of Aton: Aton's power, besides fueling the magic thunderbolt that transforms Black Adam, also enhances his other physical abilities and allows for inter-dimensional travel.
Magic Lightning: Black Adam can use the lightning bolt as a weapon by dodging it and allowing it to strike an opponent or target.
Teleportation: The ability to access the Rock of Eternity.

M for the Courage of Mehen: This aspect is physical and partly psychological, and gives Black Adam superhuman amounts of inner strength to draw off from, while also making him indestructible to harm like the great snake itself.
Accelerated Healing: He displayed the ability to use the transformative lightning to heal others or himself instantly from wounds inflicted on his mortal form.
Indomitable Will: An incredible amount of willpower that allows perseverance in overwhelming odds and seemingly unbeatable situations. It also grants him great resistance to telepathic intrusions or mind control.
Divine Grace: Innate luck and divine guidance that allows finesse in actions and dealings with others.
Immortality: As long as he remains in his empowered form he doesn't age.

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Atom Eve

Morgan Le Fey πŸ’š


ᵀᴴᴱ A-Bomb.



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Jun 5th 2022 - 6:47 AM

I'd love nothing more than a story and a possible connection. Once you are free (:Β 
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