Jack The Ripper on RolePlayer.me - m.roleplayer.me/1451341 Jack The Ripper
Killing is like an art,it must educaite and challange the minds of others! Historical verse/Horror/Supernatural/Open

119 years old
Whitechapel, London
United Kingdom

Last Login:
June 15 2024

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About me:

So then you think you know my story so ya? Well I am here to tell you that it is all wrong...history knows nothing of the truth and sadly it never will.

I am not goig to give you a sad story of where I was born and what my pet was because that is all behind me now really, but I will tell you everything else.

I was a doctor and a gentalman in the town of Whitechaple and I also tought Autopsy classes to my med students in the univercity. I had a lovely wife and a sweet daughter who I love even to this day.

The day my daughter was born was one of the happiest moments of my life other than marrying my lovely wife Mary of course.

We lived a good life all of us for a time and I even got our daughter a dog at one point and to see the look of joy in her eyes still makes me smile even to this very day.

One night I was walking home and a woman bumped into me trying to get me to pay her for being with me in bed and when I told her I was married she followed me still and out of anger I killed her,crashing her skull against the wall of an alley way and I left her there, the woman's name was Rachel and that kill haunted me for many nights after that, for I had not intended to do so and that is also a murder that your history books know nothing about.

I ran into my second victim when she also asked me for such things, but after killing Rachel I had a taste for it and I found that after a while it feels good to have such power over life and death,though I had other reasons for killing them all and that was mostly that they were shaming woman of sociaty with what they did and also for science of course.

Any way back to the story so I killed my second victim by getting her into the alley with money and good food and once she was there I slit her throat so that she wouldn't be able to scream out and I looked at the red blood on my hands with a smile feeling the warmth of it.

I then took out her reproduction organs and put them in a jar to be used in class the next day and I also cut her up leaving the body in a place that it would be found and leaving behind the first letter of many in the blood of the woman I killed,left on the wall by the body.

I then came back home and washed my hands in my clinic and kissed my wife going to check on my daughter and seeing her waiting up for me so I walked into her room and read her a story as if nothing ever happened.

One thing you must know about me before I go on is that I was a loving father and a good husband and my family was never the wiser of all the things I did for I never took my habit as it were to home with me.

Any way I brought what I took from the woman to class for my students to learn from and gave it to the univercity for future studies of course they had no idea where it trully came from.

when I killed Annie it was easier than the first two and I enjoyed it a lot more taking my time to watch the life leave her eyes as she took her last breath and that is when I did what I had before taking something from her and putting it in a jar and leaving yet another letter on the wall in her blood leaving her were anyone could find it.

The papers started calling me Jack the Ripper and so I decided to take it on as my new persona in a way and I liked it. When I killed my third victim is when the inspector came into the picture things got a lot more interesting for me and it became like a cat and mouse game in many ways.

There was one moment when we met at a party that my wife was throwing and I looked him in the eyes, though he had no idea I was the one he had been after and that made me have a smile on my face, of course no one noticed it but still and when we shook hands I had to stop myself from laughing at how he had no idea who I trully was and that I was the one he was after all along.

I raised my daughter well and loved my wife dearly and the last murder had been the most brutal and in the woman's home because she had been the one that came up to me the most in the streets and she had been the one to piss me off the most out of all of them and so I killed her there to make a point and also to challange those after me to find me.

One day in the year 1888 my wife had asked me to move to a smaller village outside of the city and I gave up my killing ways for her, I was no longer tempted by the woman in the streets and I became a doctor there as well living my life in peace.

All those who dare say that I killed after the year 1888 is a fool, they were nothing but cheap copycats trying to follow in my foot steps and nothing more.

The only true fact that the history has right is that I left a final letter to the one who I saw as the closest to capturing me and in my mind my true nemesis telling him everything about the murders and confessing to them all saying 'thanks for the game you were close to actually catching me, your's trully Jack The Ripper'

My wife and I watched out daughter move out and get married and eventually Mary died from a sickness that would have taken me too if the demon hadn't come to me.

He had told me that he loved my work and that he wanted to offer me eternal life. At first I said no but when he came to me a second time I agreed and from that moment I became a true immortal unable to die or be killed in any way and the terms to this are simple just keep killing like I always have and enjoy it as well.

I am now walking in the modern day and age, though I am known as John when people meet me and I am a doctor/teacher at the hospital close to my home. Of course now with the new tec I need to be careful how close I let the cops get to me, after all back in the year 1888 I had gotten away but the inspector that gained my respect came close to figuring it out.

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