Ramsay Bolton 👑 on RolePlayer.me - m.roleplayer.me/1235227 Ramsay Bolton 👑
Sadistic and Cruel. Dark themes.

33 years old
United States

Last Login:
June 15 2024

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   Contacting Ramsay Bolton 👑

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Body type:Slim / Slender
Member Since:March 08, 2017

It’s that time of the day.

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👑 Empress Cersei Lannister

Ramsay Bolton 👑's Friends Comments
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ᴸᴵᵀᵀᴸᴱ 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑

Mar 21st 2023 - 11:48 AM

"Ah, the infamous bastard of Roose."
Maxine Hunkel/Cyclone

Mar 19th 2023 - 12:04 PM

...excuse me?

Sep 7th 2021 - 9:48 PM

// Thanks for the addage, give me a shout when you have a minute to discuss getting something started. 
☆vαɴιмα ѕιlмα

Mar 31st 2020 - 3:11 PM


Hello my dear Friend.


**Make my Brother’s Birthday even more special by joining in the Fun. You are cordially invited to the Party.**

I want to take the Chance,
to invite you to Haldirs Birthday, which will be tomorrow.
A Blog is made, which will be opened later,
and I hope to see you as a Guest, with a good Mood, to celebrate that special Day, to meet new and also old Friends maybe, just having a good Time.

I hope you will find some Moments to join.
We all would be happy to welcome you.

The Page, where the Party will be, has on Autoapprove, so feel free to Request.

The Page link are:


The Blog link are:


Hope to see you.


Love Elenya Elessar

☆vαɴιмα ѕιlмα

Mar 30th 2020 - 12:10 PM

My Name is Elenya Diamond Elessar

and I will not sign it away.

Welcome into my wonderful tiny World my new Friend. How are you today? It is a pleasure for me meeting you.

Sometimes to break the Ice, something funny for sure does help,
Why shouldn't you piss off a dwarf?
Because he's got a short temper.

shhh dont tell them, I joked about them.

I think, since I am not a Friend of long Intros, I will tell you a bit about myself.

Like you already know, my Name is Elenya Diamond Elessar, and I am the Daughter of King Aragorn and Woodland Elf Tauriel. I am one of the Princesses of Gondor, and I got a little Brother, which I can call mine, means who is also a Child of Aragorn and Tauriel. My Sister Verdarianna Elessar, is the oldest of us all and the Daughter of Aragorn and Lady Arwen. I know...I know... its not that easy to get, but I can tell you more about that, whenever you should be interested one Day. Ahh..I fogot, I also got adopted Sisters... Diamond of long Gleeve Took, Serenity Boffin, which are Hobbits and Lady Isabella which is a dark Vampire, Sauron once secretly created.

I am a typical 18 Years old Girl, which slowly becomes a Woman, and there is nothing more I hate, as to act like a Princess. I want a Adventure and do some Journeys, meeting Creatures, maybe fighting them. I want to become a Hero, just like my Father and the Fellowship was, making him proud by that. I like to use my Sword and of course my Bow and I also like to ride over Fields, dreaming about to fight some last Orcs.


you think, you could be interested in going on a Adventure with me, maybe teaching me some more about Life and what it brings, I would be happy hearing about you again.

so if you are interested, after you read what I wrote, I would love to talk about a Sl with you, whenever you find a Free Minute. I also do AU Sl`s.

Until this, I wish you a magical Day, and a wonderful Time.

Love Elenya
discord: in work / Multi Para & Up & active writer / est. 2020
Divine Morality

Mar 28th 2017 - 11:52 AM

Hello! Hello!
It is a pleasure to welcome you as a friend.�
I hope that we will have the chance to enjoy one another's company both in the realm of RP and OOC chat. I am excited to get something going with you, be it a free-write or the construction of a SL.


Princess Nyree who is more commonly known as Nysa the Fair Eye of the Shadow Guard, is the main character of this profile. This particular account of mine is not Multi-chara, however the characters featured on the page are likely to appear in RP.�

�I am more than happy to answer any questions that may arise from the info provided on the profile.�

I look forward to hearing from you.�
Until then,�
Rest well under the watchful eye of the Goddess�
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