12/10/2019 06:38 PM 

This was it

After finding her birthday cake left at her front door from Nik she knew it wouldn’t take him long to strike she didn’t know how and she didn’t know when but she did know it was coming so as she stood in her kitchen glass of wine in her hand it came as no surprise to her when her phone rang the number unknown she picked up the device and looked on as it rang her hand shaking her eyes misty already she didn’t have to pick the phone up she knew who was calling she placed the phone back down the screen going blank before ringing again and again and again she didn’t pick it up she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of hearing her.

Not a lot of people knew this about Candice but she was married, To a man named Jensen who was away right now for work she never meant to get married, Never meant to let it get that far. Jensen was a job and because her job was to get close once he proposed to her she agreed because she thought it would help her work, Sure she developed something for him but it nothing like what she had felt for Nik so she knew it wasn’t real and the call to end the job never came so she knew the job had come from Nik.

stumbling into her bedroom now after a night of ignoring the phone and drinking wine and vodka she fell on the bed her body exhausted from work and alcohol her mind exhausted from everything else she drank most night so she could sleep it definitely helped she sat up slightly peeling off her clothes laying on top of the covers in just her bra and some short shorts that she grabbed of the floor it didn’t take her long to sleep.

3:30 am is when it all began hearing her tv on from the family room she sat up quickly she definitely hadn’t left that on she didn’t even watch tv earlier that evening, Maybe she did and she couldn’t remember a downfall to all the alcohol she had consumed opening her bedside drawers she grabbed her gun and took the safety off sitting up she stepped off the bed her body anxious shaking from the adrenaline coursing through her opening the bedroom door as quietly as she could she creeped out the house in total darkness only the glow from the tv flashing occasionally giving of a little light as she headed into the family room she looked around nothing had been touched she sighed rubbing her face placing the safety back on the gun and slipping it down the side of her shorts her waistband holding it in place she turned the tv off and flicked the light on another drink needed as she walked into the kitchen and around the counter she heard a crack under her foot “Sh*t!” Glass sticking in the bottom of her feet she lifted her foot and to pull the glass out she placed it on the counter that’s when she heard it but it was already too late his hand was already on her gun as he pulled it free she turned pinned to the counter by his body “Hello baby, Did you miss me?” His tone mocking “Did you have a good birthday this year? No one died I hope” she felt sick he was here in her house her hand went for the glass she quickly grabbed it and stuck it in his side giving her room to get free and she ran she could hear his cries of pain “F***ing bitch” her foot bleeding making it hard to move on the wood floor a shot rang out and she felt it rip through her shoulder she dropped to the floor recovering for a moment a moment to long he looked over her now “I didn’t come here to fight baby, Why do we always have to do this?” His hand reaches down grabbing her by the throat his fingers squeezing as he dragged her up “What....do ..you ..want from.. me??” She managed to get out as she tried to breathe he had her pinned against the wall now blood seeping from her shoulder his smile was sickening “Nicky please..” hearing his pet name his hand tightening she had made a mistake thinking he was the same man “You don’t get to call me that anymore!!” He spat out at her slamming her small frame into the opposite wall now letting her go his thumb finding her wound and sticking inside it, The pain burning through her like a hot curling iron she screamed out “It’s time Candice” he told her and she thought he was going to kill her now she actually prayed he would because it would all be over she’d had enough of this life and all the shot thrown her way she was always to strong to do it herself “F***ing kill me!” She begged almost his laugh empty “Kill you? No, I am going to destroy you my love you’ll be begging for death to come I’m going to make you hate yourself as much as I loved you” he softened at his own words “The jobs ended, I'm calling it, You know what to do!” With that he pulled his thumb out of the wounded and as she was about to cry out in pain again his lips found hers taking the sound away she didn’t push him away she couldn’t she still loved the monster in front of her although she would never tell him that she couldn’t allow herself to fall so far again she wouldn’t the kiss a reminder of what once was a broken promise he moved away now walking away placing her gun on the kitchen side before he left she pulled herself up wiping him off her lips and locked the door quickly this was it the order came her husband had to die.

[ This blog post is private ]

[ This blog post is private ]

12/03/2019 10:59 PM 

“You’ll never learn”

Seething with rage his hand covered in blood, His blood the nearby wall full of dents and blood were victim to his anger the pain in his hand was nothing to the pain he felt in his chest not that anybody could ever know that he wouldn’t let them he couldn’t “AAARRRGGHH” he screamed out another hit to the wall a bone cracking in his hand this time he shook his hand hoping this would relieve the pain of the new break he was wrong. The door opened now as one of his men walked in looking from the wall to his hand “We’ve found her, She’s secured in the cell” the man nodded at Nik “Shall I send someone to fix that?” He motioned to his hand Nik used his other hand to wave away the comment “No, Leave me” and with that he did Nik was once again left to stew in his rage and now he could direct it at her “F***ing wonderful” he said out loud his voice as cold as the night outside.

The holding cells were dark, dirty and cold she was in the last one wearing next to nothing as usual this angered him more dressing like a slut for him was allowed but leaving the mansion dressed like that was quite another she would answer for that too, Why she didn’t understand that she was his and his alone was beyond him while they were alone in his room he would speak of such things like marriage and children he loved her truly but he grew tired, Tired of her games and her unwillingness to give herself to him fully she never listened and she would never learn “Candice” the cold voice only seemed colder down here he looked at her face she had a cut on her left cheek one of his men must of done that and they would pay but right now he had to be the boss not the lover “Once again you’ve failed me, All I asked was for you to kill him and yet.. what?” He watched her stand running her tongue around her mouth she gathered saliva and spat it right in his face “You f***ing bitch!” He spat out at her and got his men to unlock the door he walked in as she scurried to the back wall she knew she had f***ed up his hand grabbing her hair forcing her to look at him as his other hand the blood soak one lifted and connected with her jaw pain echoed off his bones but he clenched his teeth releasing her hair with a shove she was now on the floor “You let him live! He knows your face Candice he can take us all down” another strike to her face her lip splitting once again she spat this time it was blood and it was directed at the floor “He.. He knows nothing he didn’t deserve to die I did what was right” she told him, How dare she answer him back this time his foot raised pinning her to the wall by her chest pushing down slightly “Candice you don’t get a say in what is right and wrong you do as you are f***ing told!!” He almost shouted now as his hand collided with her face again she was beginning to bruise but rage consumed him he removed his foot and she slid on down to the floor on her back “F*** you” she whispered out barley a sound, but he heard it “You never learn!” He was over her body now his knees pinning her down as he continued his on slaughter of rage on her face her eyes closed and she wasn’t moving now the bruises forming quickly and soon she didn’t look like her anymore but still he carried on until the man from earlier stepped in to pull him off “Boss” he said and Nik snapped out of it leaving the room he had nearly killed her she didn’t even fight back he was losing her he could feel it and if he couldn’t have her no one could “get her looked at” Nik told the man before going back to him room.

Back in the confide space of his room, No their room a room they shared he totally lost it what had he just done? She would never forgive him for this and there was no going back this was it he’d have to kill her or let her leave and he just nearly did the first option the second one was never going to happen he loved her to much to watch her walk away loving Nik was a death sentence and her time had come he knew this as he picked up various objects smashing them around the room if she would have just done as she was told all of this would have been avoided but he knew she was like that and that was why he loved her it was time for Nik to move on a forget her he reached for his phone typing hard now due to his swollen hands but he managed he typed out the hit on the black market for her to be taken care of it will be live in a week she has a week to show him she loves him and only him or she’s dead.

11/10/2019 10:52 PM 

It’s been a month!

-Christmas Eve 2012-

That warm Christmas scent filled the air, Cinnamon, Ginger and of course the smell of the ‘real’ tree she made Eddie buy laugher filtered out of the living room as the wrapped the tree in a mixture of decorations she was waiting to put the star on top like she did every year, She loved this feeling of belonging of being normal there was a sudden beeping from the kitchen “Sh*t!” Candice said running into the kitchen smoke filled the space and Eddie could be heard laughing it was tradition for them to have a slightly smaller Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve as she’d usually be at Nik’s mansion on Christmas Day. As Candice wafted smoke out the window she just opened the door bell rang ‘I’ll get it’ Eddie called to her she took the let’s say totally burnt carcass out of the over and placed it on the side sighing she’d never be the domestic type but every year she tried and every year she failed “Damn it!! I can’t save anything! I’ll get the menus!” She called to him as she turned round to open the drawer and pull out the emergency Candice burnt dinner again menus her eyes lifted as she heard a soft voice ‘Nik saves you once again baby’ she looked a little taken back in his hands he had a spare turkey he placed it on the side as he took her in his arms and kissed her softly ‘Niks here’ Eddie shouted according to Eddie Nik was just a normal guy he was dating Candice and they had been on and off since any of them can remember.

Reluctantly letting her go after one more quick peck to her lips he moved to the turkey which was already half done ‘I prepared it at home I knew you’d be reaching for those menus, Not anymore babe not while I am around, I’ve got you’ he told her as he placed the half cooked turkey in the over on a much lower setting than she had it on she smiled that all she could do she was pretty speechless which was new for her. Nik set the timer and took her by the hand leading her out of the kitchen and into the living room ‘Wait here’ he told her and she glanced at Eddie who was still messing with the tree he shrugged looking back at the tree she helped Eddie again now ‘So that was romantic wasn’t it? Him bringing you another turkey’ she rolled her eyes “Shh Eddie!” She blushed just as Nik came back in with four huge bags of gifts “Holy f***ing sh*t! Nik! What did you do?” She asked looking over at him a soft genuine smile on his lips as he spoke ‘I’ve got to treat my queen haven’t I?’ He told her as he began placing them under the tree her heart swelled at him right now in this moment everything was perfect he was perfect she wished everyday was like this. After dinner was done Nik even dished it out telling Eddie and Candice to go sit at the table they made small talk until Nik served them their food the aromas filling the air made her mouth water it looked delicious with all of them sitting down now Nik spoke ‘Mind if I say grace?’ He asked Candice raised a brow he never did that before maybe just because he knew Eddie did he thought he had too “Nicky you don’t have to do that” he held up his hand to silence her ‘Dear lord, Thank you for this beautiful meal that I am sharing with the only family I will ever need, Take care of Eddie and watch over him everyday he means everything to the love of my life” with that Candice took Nik and Eddies hands in hers he continued “Give my baby girl everything she’s ever wanted she deserves the world and more and please give her the strength to say yes” Her eyes opened there was a blue small velvet box in front of her now she glanced at Nik who continued to talk ‘I know she doesn’t like surprises so tomorrow when I ask her to be my wife please give her the courage to say yes! Amen’ he finished Candice didn’t move or let go of anyone she was frozen her mouth hanging open ever so slightly as Eddie wriggled his hand free and laugh ‘I think you broke her’

-Present day one month after she proved herself to Nik-

Candice stood in the kitchen of her old home looking into that damn drawer with those damn menus in everything came flushing back the feelings she had over the silly promise about her not needing those menus anymore why that time in her life? Out of everything why did she now link the happiest she’s ever been to the saddest she’s ever felt that all familiar sting came to her eyes and boy did she let herself go she needed to she slid down the fridge as she grabbed the menus sobbing, Full heart wrenching sobs for the loss of everything she ever loved.

11/08/2019 05:14 PM 

The grand gesture

A cloud of cold air left her lips that night on the rooftop he was like a vulture circling around her as he spoke she’d let him down and he had lost trust in her her eyes closed as she sucked a shaky breath in ‘No emotion Candice’ her brain told her as a hand clasped her right shoulder he was stood behind her now his mouth close to her left ear she could feel his warm breath in her neck the stench of Brandy filled her nostrils but this smell was familiar to her, It was home.

‘Candice, You know I have to make a show of you love’ Her eyes now opened as she looked out on the horizon, Nik’s Words filling her ears he was being nice or as nice could go for Nik before bringing her up to the roof he had shown his men what happens when you don’t comply striking her with the butt of his gun it connecting with her mouth, he had to make a show of her everyone knew they were sleeping together what kinda boss would he be if he let it slide? She swallowed hard like she had just dry swallowed a pill the moisture sapped out of her mouth due to fear, Yes she feared this man. She was shaking but that was something she could blame on the cold not her fear she wasn’t allowed to show emotion ‘You have to show them baby, Show them how cold you are! Show them what I’ve created’ he said softly kissing her neck now but his mood instantly changed as he yanked her hair back forcing her body to fall back onto his his left arm snaking around her waist ‘F*** them, Show me I need a grand gesture! Show me how much you want this and maybe I’ll f***ing let you live’ he shoved her away she felt the sting in her eyes but she dared not cry, Not here not now and definitely not in front of Nik she didn’t even look at him as he walked back to the door ‘Oh and Candice? Don’t let me down it’ll be such a waste’ she nodded still facing away from him inches from the edge of the building “Yes sir!” She finally found her voice sure and steady after he had left she stayed up there freezing for what seemed an eternity before marching back down and out of the door she knew what she had to do. Arriving at her home she sighed opening the door the warmth of the home hit her and made her feel nostalgic and guilty all at once she composed herself she couldn’t feel yet otherwise she’d never do it she’d never be able to prove herself to them.. No to him, All she ever wanted was for Nik to approve ‘Candice your home!’ The warm voice of a man who had raised her from the age of five “Hey Eddie’” she smiled but it didn’t quite reach her eyes he noticed ‘What’s wrong?’ She shook her head this men meant the world to her and everyone knew it, This was the only way “Come with me? Please I need help” she pleaded and of course he complied because he trusted her.

The drive back to Nik’s Mansion was a tense one he was asking questions she couldn’t answer that she didn’t want too she pushed all emotional baggage away now she had to be strong but she needed him to know something “I wanna thank you, For everything I am sorry I didn’t turn out the way you wanted” these were her last words to the man that raised her she pulled up and stepped out of the car nodding for him to follow ‘Where are we? What are we doing here?’ She didn’t respond she just walked leading the beautiful soul to his death, All eyes turned to her as they walked in Nik with his Brandy in hand raised his brow at her ‘Candice what’s going on who are these people’ Candice stood in front of Eddie now everything went so quick but seemed so slow all at the same time as she reached around her back and pulled her gun seeing his face change from concern to absolute fear she pulled the trigger the bullet ripped right through his forehead and left out the back of his skull the few men behind covered with blood and parts of head and brain Candice seen it all she didn’t even close her eyes and she knew Nik saw that now looking at him she bowed “Grand enough for you?” She turned to leave all she could hear apart from her departing footsteps was Nik’s sadistic laugh and him clapping for her.

She was forgiven.

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