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03/28/2024 11:27 PM 


Perhaps they can be described as guidelines or just information as to how I write. You might find some of these too difficult to abide, in which case I won't feel injured if you decide to leave, I understand everyone is different. With that said, I ask for respect and understanding as I endeavor to offer the same. Anything less and I ask you to bow out now. Let us get on with it.

Firstly, my health makes it so that my time on here may be phases of obsessive constance or some bouts of absence, I understand if it's too trying but I ask for patience. I do my best.

Lesley is by no means impervious, and I should hope that that is a feature, not a flaw, at least when it comes to writing a good storyline. I don't wish for anyone to seek out to obliterate my character, but I don't oppose to a good battle when the story calls for one either. On that note, I don't like God-Mode, if you're to battle with me, don't make it so that you snap your fingers and I'm gone, such a plot has little appeal to me, let us both have something to work with. I don't mind a powerful foe, but let's be reasonable. Besides, I like to seek friends that I can stand beside rather than stand against.

Either messages or comments will do for our writing, it is up to you. But be warned, I am better at keeping track of what I owe if they are through messages, so if you feel I may have lost you in the pile of parchment on my desk, I don't mind a message reminding me. But I am not one to rush, so I hope you'll be understanding.

If you've seen my headline you'll know that I am Multi-Ship/LI, this means that I don't keep to a linear storyline. Not every storyline I make will then be translated to others I am writing or have written. Good on you if you're that skilled, sadly I must work around that. This also means that I might develope more than one romantic storyline in other writings. This isn't Tinder, neither I nor my character are yours if our characters happen to become romantically connected, these are stories and I don't believe in nailing down characters as if it's a dating app. In our story Lesley is faithful unless somehow we both write it otherwise, but that is for our story. None of the others are connected to it. If you have an issue with this, please let me know ahead of time so that we might avoid misunderstanding. With that said, I'm not one to dive into a romantic attachment either, I want it to develop in the story, and I'm not eager to try for this with everyone I meet.

I am by no means a Tolkien expert (though those who have seen my living space in real life might argue otherwise), I don't know every detail, I've not seen Rings of Power (yet) and considering that Tolkien made a total of 15 languages for Middle-Earth I would dare say it will be a long time before I become close to well versed in the world. I hope you'll be patient with me and kindly correct me if I make any mistakes. Sindarin and Khuzdul are difficult languages to learn, the later especially considering it's so secret, so I appreciate any constructive help given.

I like to read, so I appreciate whatever you can give me in length when it comes to our writing. I may not ask you to describe the trees as painfully detailed as Tolkien does, but please give me something to bounce off of. I don't want you to feel too burdened by our storyline or feel that you are overwhelmed, there are times when I can't muster as many sentences as I would like, so I am understanding if you suddenly have a hard time meeting my energy, I don't expect you to. Just do your best, and I'll do the same.

Don't tell me who I can or cannot be friends with. You'd be surprised how quick people are willing to just cut someone off at the word of one person without getting the full story, but I can assure you, I am certainly not one of them. If you're concerned for my well-being and have evidence to the accusation, I can understand bringing it up, but don't be surprised if I take it with a heavy grain of salt. I'm here as an adult to write and have fun, not relive the drama of my highschool days.

I suppose that is it for the present. Please let me know if you have questions.

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Lady of Fororchel


Mar 29th 2024 - 6:57 AM

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I like these rules



Mar 28th 2024 - 2:51 PM

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Your rules are respectable and understandable as well. I am fairly new to Tolkien and I am sure I will blunder every now and than as some below may know -glances down and giggles- I look forward to getting to know more of your character as well as your writing style. I admit, I am slow to discuss stories at times. I like for a natural build to occur in streams too. But I am a long term writing partner and will support you in all you do. -hugs- Thank you once again for adding 

gσldєn rhαpsσdч


Mar 28th 2024 - 1:08 PM

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Much like Lothrandir has stated before me, we seem to all think much alike, with patience and being sporadic on here, as well as wanting a good storyline. I can certainly agree to such guidelines! And do not worry, I won't write every detail of trees, as painfully as Tolkien.  Haha. 



Mar 28th 2024 - 12:11 PM

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Your rules align with mine, so I don't think you and I will ever have a problem. Patience you will also certainly have from me, because I'm sporadic myself and give others in return of what I ask of them. Also, seeing as the world Tolkien created is so vast and filled to the brim with lore, it's more than natural to make a mistake here and there. I wouldn't worry too much on that. After all we're here first and foremost to have fun, no? Happy to have you around, and I'm certainly looking forward to what you have in store for us. Oh and your playby... -chef's kiss.- I LOVE Keira.

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