03/28/2024 12:46 PM 

[Amy's Bio]
Category: Character Info

FIRST NAME ▶ Amy. Anglicized spelling of the Old French name Amée, meaning “beloved”. It derives from the Latin name, Amata. Her mother assumed she was a boy before birth, her name was supposed to be Ames.
MIDDLE NAME ▶ Jade, a name referring to the beautiful turquoise rock. Of English origin, comes from the Spanish word (piedra de la) ijada which literally translates to “stone of the flank”. This name was homage to her great-stepgrandfather, Jack.
LAST NAME ▶ Winehouse. Of Yiddish and German origin, originally spelled as “Weinhaus”. The name’s meaning is self-explanatory. In the England and Wales census of 1891, the name was found exclusively in the London area, tied to one family.
NICKNAMES ▶ Ame, Ames, Nudge (Yiddish word for “pushing the boundaries”. Family-given nickname.) Hurricane Amy (Family-given), The Girl From London, Queen of Camden, Lioness
AGE ▶ 23
SEX ▶ Female
BIRTHDATE ▶ September 14th, 1983 (Virgo)
BIRTHPLACE ▶Southgate, London, England, United Kingdom
SETTING ▶ 2007
RACE ▶ Mediterranean-European
ETHNICITY ▶ Jewish  ✡
ANCESTRY ▶ Ashkenazi Jewish, German, Russian
NATIONALITY ▶ British-American 
RESIDENCY ▶ Currently Brooklyn Heights, NY. It’s her home second to Camden Town in London.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS ▶ Single, heartbroken
ORIENTATION ▶ Bi-curious Heterosexual
LANGUAGES SPOKEN ▶ British English, French, Hebrew
RELIGION ▶ Agnostic. As much as she wants to believe in the God of Abraham, she has had her doubts about his existence due to the long, miserable history of the Jewish people.
POLITICAL STANCE ▶ Amy has a strong dislike for politics.
CHILDREN ▶ None. As much as she adores the idea of extending her family, her recent bout with anorexia is the root cause of her infertility, which she is currently fighting an uphill battle with.
PETS ▶ None. Previously, she had a beloved childhood cat named Katy whose death was gut-wrenching.
MUSICAL INFLUENCES ▶ Frank Sinatra, Donny Hathaway, Billie Holiday, Carole King, Tony Bennett, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Salt-N-Pepa, The Roots, Aretha Franklin
OCCUPATION ▶ Performer and guitarist. Rising superstar. Amy dabbles in the blues, jazz, R&B, and sometimes rock.
SALARY ▶ Approximately $1.2 million a year.
RELATIONSHIP ROLE ▶ Assertive. But when she falls in love, she falls hard. But never again would she become so invested in whoever follows, doing her best to not become too reliant on another. If she really adores someone, she tends to be quite affectionate and clingy. She desires to have a partner who can also be her conscience. She is by no means a feminist and is more than okay with being ruled over by a man and taking the role of a traditional housewife. But that doesn’t stop her from thinking for herself.
LIBIDO ▶ Very High 
NSFW ▶ Amy can be a free-spirited woman who will try to sleep with any man she wants when not engaged in a serious relationship. Since her last man, she has settled down none. Masculinity is a trait that attracts her the most. She enjoys both submission and dominance equally and has never been one for non-vanilla sex. Her libido is strongest under the influence of alcohol. Pressure and stress can fuel it as well. She has an abundance of skills and endurance in the bedroom. But if she’s not satisfied with a partner, she will either dump or cheat on them. Or worse, screw a friend of his.

WHAT SHE SEEKS ▶ Not only a romantic male partner but also strong friendships, something she is currently lacking. Amy lacks guidance, someone in her life to tell her “no” when she steps out of line. Make her feel loved and important in the life of someone else. Emotional neglect has punched large holes in her self-esteem, going back to her childhood relationship with her parents. Since her rise to fame, her best friends have created a distance from her because of her crazy celebrity life.

- Curb her alcoholism.
- Avoid class-A drugs. The crowds she associates herself with make this difficult to avoid
- Defeat her bulimia and keep it away for good.
- Marry a man and start a family. Her self-destructive lifestyle has kept her from achieving the latter.
- Keep closely knit with her kin.
- Continue her music career.
- Get her father off her back. She's old and responsible enough to handle things on her own.

- Work on another record. Could it be another hit? After all, I swiped a handful of Grammys in one night.
- Show my borderline personality disorder who’s boss.
- Kick my eating disorders to the curb and make them stay there.
- Drop the booze. (This seems impossible.)
- Quit smoking so f***ing much.
- Seek for my future husband. Have a handful of his kids.
- Learn to drive already!
- Have a threesome with two French girls.

NATURAL HAIR COLOR✦ Warm black. Typically dyed jet black to honor her late nan, Cynthia.
EYE COLOR✦ Hazel Green. Depending on her mood and the lighting, they may appear more dark green, or brown.
COMPLEXION✦ Pale Olive (mildly tanned)
WEIGHT✦ 105 lbs. (8 stone)
HEIGHT✦ 5’ 3” (160 cm)
BODY TYPE✦ Endomorph
IMPERFECTIONS✦ Moderate facial acne, self-harm scars on her forearms, chiseled jowls, misaligned wisdom teeth
DISTINCTIVE FEATURES✦ Almond-shaped hazel eyes, sculpted cheekbones, Levantine nose, protruding facial profile, chiseled jowls, slight gap between top central incisors, sharp jawline 
PIERCINGS✦ Earlobes, Monroe ball on her upper lip 
ACCENT✦ Harsh London drawl with a distinct blend of Cockney
VOICE PITCH✦ Contralto
VOCAL RANGE✦D3 - Eb6 (As known, it’s highly likely to be much wider)
SUMMARY✦ Since the dawn of her fame from her debut album, Amy had been described by the press as “curvy”, which translated in her brain as “fat”. Her bulimia became anorexia, almost annihilating her food intake. Her long-time obsession with 1950s pinup girls also hurt Amy’s body image, creating her obsession with being thin.
SCARS ▶ Amy has dozens of permanent marks on her arms from previous acts of self-harm. Recently, she quit waxing her arms so they would be less noticeable. From Blake, Amy has a scar on her lower lip, split open from a punch. She is the most ashamed of this mark and covers it often with makeup.

“Having tattoos… it’s a way of suffering for the things that mean a lot to you.

TATTOOS ▶ In all, Amy has 14 tattoos. On her left shoulder is a cursive tattoo that reads "Daddy's Girl", below is a purple lucky horseshoe and a topless pinup girl. On her right shoulder is an ink of her late beloved paternal grandmother, Cynthia, and beside it is a geisha. She has a tattoo for her ex-boyfriend, a shirt pocket on the left side of her chest with Blake's name above it. The inside of her right forearm has a bird and flowers that reads "Never Clip My Wings". Beside it, is a lightning bolt. The opposite forearm has a Native American feather that symbolizes strength and bravery. On her lower right abdomen is a nautical anchor, around it in a cursive text reads "Hello Sailor". On her upper back is a small stars and stripes patterned Ankh bearing angel wings with a bald eagle poking its head through it; dedicated to her American mother. on the right-hand side of her lower back is a small Betty Boop she got when she was 15; the temporary tattoo seems to have faded a little since. On the third finger of her left hand is a small “A” and a heart; for her brother, Alex.

» Outspoken » Her unfiltered mouth may have gotten her into more trouble than anything else. In most instances, she will be brutally honest and may disregard the feelings of others. She hates to fib, and those who do so.
» Charismatic » Sometimes, just the right words need to be said in the correct tone to successfully persuade another or gain affinity. Amy does not have trouble making friends, but frequently her mind is in a fog from alcoholism. She can be suave to get what she wants as well. To top it off, a dark sense of humor that holds no boundaries.
» Self-sufficient » She is notorious for bottling up her emotions and troubles even to those close to her. Amy is typically not the type to confess “I need help”. Throughout her life, she has fought her own battles, more recent ones were by choice. This behavior was inherited from her mother. “Everything’s fine. Don’t worry about me.” Is a common phrase to brush others off. If she does not have some, or total control of her life, she will suffer as a result.
» Turbulent » Amy has an imperfect balance of vigor and fragility. Her self-destructive behavior has been an ongoing issue since her early teens involving herself in acts of self-harm, binging marijuana, and stocking bottles of booze. Whenever gravely upset, she will initiate a catastrophe of any objects around her; and herself.
» Hopeless Romantic » Relationships, romantic or not, matter a lot to Amy. She can be quite the flirt, often pursuing her soulmate. This side of her resulted in unrealistic visions of her relationship with Blake Fielder-Civil, who was seeing another woman when they met and dumped Amy for the same girl. But her string of bad relationships has led to her developing a fear of another heartbreak but sharpened her wisdom about such things. 
» Sex-Positive » There is no other way to explain it, but this does not mean she has no sense of modesty. If she is single and horny, she will seek out a fling or a one-night stand. When engaged in a relationship, sex is often a daily ritual. 
» Virtuoso » It may not be considered irrational to believe that singing and music in general was Amy’s natural talent. Composing songs and performing is when her confidence is at its highest. But when her insecurities become overbearing, she becomes chaotic and self-secluded.
» Humble » Money and fame do not matter that much to Amy. She has done many charitable acts with the fruits of her labor and funds her mother’s healthcare for her multiple sclerosis. Very seldom does she think of what is best for her, but those she loves.
» Self-loathing » At her worst, Amy’s number one enemy is herself. Under immense pressure, she builds the urge to indulge in self-harm whether it be cutting her forearms or partaking in a bulimic episode. She is also very self-conscious, notably of her appearance and ability.
» Dismissive » How others perceive her has little effect on Amy; however, when it comes to loved ones or her music, she will show concern about being perceived negatively. Amy never wants to be seen as a sellout, underachiever, or dull. Her live performances matter the same. Often, she undermines her talent, claiming anyone can do what she does. That, in fact, is wrong.
» Timid » Because of her untreated anxiety disorder, Amy believes she cannot engage in activities such as her shows, or things such as doctor’s appointments without a shot or three of booze. She is also a compulsive smoker of tobacco and cannabis to keep her mind at ease. Oftentimes she gets shy amongst large groups of strangers. But when under the influence of alcohol, her reclusiveness ceases.

”Yeah, I’m a dirty little Jewish girl.”

SKILLS ▶ Amy has been writing poetry since she was very young, and frequently singing and copying her favorite artists since she was a small child. She discovered her distinct sound before she turned thirteen. While she is eager to learn other musical instruments, her focus has been the guitar. Amy has little to no experience in handling finances because her management (that includes her father) handles such things. She is also quite the pro at playing pool and has been excellent at mathematics since before she started her education. Amy also has a fondness for fashion design and other forms of art. She participated in theater school and has had an interest in acting ever since. Over the years she practiced mimicking different accents, primarily New York, French, and Italian.
Amy does not have a driver’s license or knows how to drive.
INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT ▶ 156. Excelled in advanced mathematics at a young age, and was bumped up a year in secondary school. Amy is a swift learner with excellent memory. Exceptional emotional intelligence, she can read most people like a book by just looking at them.
HEALTH ▶ Overall, moderate. Recently cleaned up, Amy has a lot of grinding to do to get her body back into proper shape. She remains a chain smoker of Marlboro Reds. Her developing alcoholism is an ongoing issue she still spars with. 
MENTAL HEALTH ▶ Amy has been a long-time sufferer of undiagnosed borderline personality disorder, general anxiety disorder, bipolar depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Like many young women, she struggles with body image, and the horrid phobia of becoming obese so she is bulimic as a result. In time, she became anorexic by going on a diet of Haribo gummy bears and OXO cubes. It is also possible she has Tourette's syndrome.
HABITS ▶ Playing with the ends of her hair, patting her beehive, sticking out and biting on her tongue when deep in thought, toying with her jewelry, chain-smoking (when it’s appropriate), humming and singing when she is unoccupied

“Do you think you’re treated differently as a female artist?”
                            “Only when I’m on my period.”

FASHION ▶ While she does fancy sleeveless sheath and sun dresses; polo shirts and slim-fit capris are more Amy's style. When she's alone she's typically seen wearing sweatpants and t-shirts. Large loop earrings and her Monroe lip piercing are common combinations for jewelry. She always wears her short gold chain with a Star of David pendant, a gift she received at birth from a local synagogue in London. The beehive was a new addition; which started as a joke between her and her hairstylist when they were contemplating her look for the music video, “Back To Black”. It is both a retro fashion statement and her comfort blanket.

+ Writing poetry and music
+ Performing in front of small crowds
+ Hitting the treadmill
+ Aerobics
+ Yoga
+ Shopping (especially for clothes)
+ Being with family
+ Playing pool
+ Urban environments
+ Animals (Cats in particular)
+ Housecleaning
+ Writing personal lists
+ African-American culture
+ Partying
- Paparazzi
- The press
- Disorganization
- Filthy surroundings
- Greed
- Hurting those she loves
- Vegan food
- The outdoors

TV Series♥️ Sex In The City, Mad Men, The Sopranos
Movies♥️ The Godfather franchise, Crybaby, Grease, Scarface, Goodfellas, The Birdcage, To Wong Foo: Thanks for Everything Julie Newmar, Pulp Fiction, 8 Mile, Planet Terror, Eight-Legged Freaks
Music Artists♥️ Frank Sinatra, Billie Holliday, Michael Jackson, Aretha Franklin, Donny Hathaway, Beastie Boys, Eminem, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Salt-N-Pepa, The Specials, The Beatles, Miles Davis, Rah Digga, Jimi Hendrix, Prince
Drinks♥️ Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey, Smirnoff Vodka, Heineken Beer, Italian wine
Color♥️ Pink
Music Genres♥️ Jazz, R&B, Hip-hop, rap, soul, blues

Janis Winehouse | Mother. The two have an unbreakable bond. Born in New York City, she met her husband Mitchell when she moved across the Atlantic to England.
Mitchell “Mitch” Winehouse | Father. English. He also handles Amy’s finances. He dismisses his daughter’s emotional needs and her desperate need for a large social circle. 
Alex Winehouse | Older brother. Three years older than Amy. Very protective of her since they were children.
Cynthia Levy-Winehouse | Paternal Grandmother. Recently passed away. Amy was closer to her than any one else she knew.

Dale Davis - Amy's bassist and music director.
Troy Miller - A drummer Amy acquainted very early in her music career. He carried over to her solo project.
Salaam Semi - Close friend, hip-hop producer. He is the producer of Frank.
Mark Ronson - Friend, co-producer of Back To Black.
Andrew Morris - Bodyguard. Close friend.
Tyler James (Pictured above) - Friend since secondary school, former constant companion. They had acquainted in jazz class and have been dear friends since. Amy’s father has insisted upon her marrying Tyler, but the nature of their relationship would make it feel incestual. 
Raye Cosbert - Amy’s former concert promoter now her manager. Not necessarily a friend. Often she calls him “Raye-Raye”.

OLD FLAMES/FLINGS (In chronological order) ▶ 
|Crispin Waller| 💔Boyfriend in her later years of secondary school.
|Chris Taylor| 💔 Amy was attracted to him, but not his tender personality. After they broke up she wrote “Stronger Than Me”, followed by other tracks about him for her first record. He wasn't impressed, but enjoyed the attention from the press.

|Nick Shymansky| 💔 Also was Amy’s manager at one point. Gentleman. Truly cared about Amy as a person more than her career, and he never lingered too far away from her following their business split.

|Blake Fielder-Civil| 💔 Former video production assistant. Amy met Blake at her favorite pub in Camden. She fell deeply in love with him because of his caring personality. In need of a man who made her feel important, Blake was perfect for her. But their relationship was complicated, he was already seeing someone else when he met Amy, and went back to that same ex-girlfriend, putting an end to a romance with Amy that barely lasted a year. 

|Alex Clare|💔 Guitarist and chain-smoker of Marlboro menthols. Amy only dated him for a few months, but his jealousy of any man who dared linger around Amy and his other immature traits led to Amy breaking things off with him.

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