04/05/2023 05:47 PM 

Untold Love Story-The Beginning
Category: Stories
Current mood:  adored

After the death of Francis II of France Mary knew she has no hope to remain at the French Quaters so she packs her things as her hand maids helps her seeing how distress Mary is from the death of Francis. Before Mary allows Catherine de Medici the news she will be leaving France there was no reason for her to remain in France since Francis has past away so now she sits at her desk writing her family a letter telling the news about Francis and how she decides to go live over at England a change of country will do her some good. The next day Mary visits Catherine Medici as she is talking to who would of been her mother in law as Catherine seeing the distress in Mary agrees that Mary can leave France and visit England thinking a change in country would do Mary good as Catherine wishes Mary well while making sure the servants helps Mary to pack up and get her on a boat to England since that is where she wanted to go as Catherine promises to send the letter to her family to let them know what Mary decided to do after the death of Francis. Now Mary is sailing to England a land she never been to before now alone Mary feels a bit nervous about going to England yet she knows it is King Henry VIII of England who is king as she hopes he will show her much kindness being new to his country. Once Mary has entered England she feels butterflies in her stomach as she becomes nervous being new to this land as Mary stayed at an Inn until she located herself a home as she pays for the small home that she could afford along with her hand maids still with Mary attending to her needs still that is how loyal her maids are to her. Now Mary is living in England as Mary sits at home with not much to do only people to talk to is her maids who helps her to clean her home while doing the cooking for her. Mary is finally on her own trying to put her life back together as she knows how to. One day a letter has arrived for Mary not sure what to make of it as she opens the seal she reads it as the letter is from the king himself asking her to join him for dinner well the news made Mary slightly smile as Mary tells the maids to get her ready for this special she will be attending to since the request is from King Henry VIII of England himself so she will want to smell and look her best. When Mary bathed while wearing her best evening gown not only looking her best along with her hair well groomed now she is ready to make her prense known as she gets inside of her carriage as she gets taken to the kings castle. Soon as she arrives the announcement her arrival as King Henry VIII of England makes his graceful appearance to welcome Mary Stuart. King Henry VIII thanks Mary for coming as requested for a dinner meal because he has so heard of the great things of Mary he longed to meet her so that was why he invited her to a meal to finally met her. Mary courtsey in front of the king thanking for his invite she feels honored to have a royal noble prince such as Henry who became king after his father while he did translate the holy bible for his people which shows noble. King Henry VIII of England takes Mary around showing her the castle as Mary is enjoying the tour of the castle as Henry is showing Mary his library he likes to come to when he wants to be alone which she couldn't blame him he does deserve to be alone from time to time so he can clear his head. During the tour Henry stopped as his handsome features staring at her she knew he has something on his mind as he tells her a secret the secret is he couldn't truly find a woman who wants to be with him and be there for him when he needs her to be that sadden Mary as he asked if someone like her could be the woman he seeks most despite as she takes his hand softly she spoke " of course Henry I can be that woman for you and all I ask is no lies Henry since Francis told me plenty and when I found out he was sleeping with another." Henry smiles hearing the news  as he says " of course Mary I will never treat you like Francis has when he was alive as I am sorry for your loss but Francis was an idiot for mistreating you that way." So Henry sees how true Mary Stuart is while also truly beautiful he asked her to court him as she smiles saying she will agree to courtship with Henry while she also she asked him to don't be afraid to quest for Mary any time he needs her for anything she wants him to feel she is there for him no matter what not to be afraid to come to her she wants to be there for him every step of the way. When the dinner came Henry made sure he dressed his best for diner now he has a real reason to for once wanting to look his best. Mary entered dining room where Henry is waiting for Mary while food being served on the table Henry takes her hand brings her hand to his lips as he kisses her hand " thank you for joining me to dinner it has been too long I had a beautiful woman at my table or in fact even had a meal with one." as he pushes her chair out for her she sits down he pushes her in as she speaks " thank you for having me since we have joined both houses in marriage I will write to my parents to allow them to know the good news." Henry takes his seat at his chair he hears Mary " of course Mary do let your parents know that we are joining both houses because we know with this union both houses will benefit that I believe and I also know you will make a fine queen since I also know you have been groomed to become queen one day." Mary smiles hearing this as the food got done being put on the table as Mary starts looking all the good food on the table as she begins helping herself along with Henry he to was helping himself. After the evening meal was over as the wine being pured into their glasses as Henry can't help stop looking at Mary as she could help it either as they drink their wine. Now Henry reaches over taking Mary by the hand  smiling " it has been to long since I felt this happy I just don't want to lose it either." Mary smiles holding his hand in return "all I ask Henry just don't push me aside or hide secrets from me will be all I could ever ask for Francis did it to me almost destroyed us in fact how could I ever trust him is the reason why I ask. I will be happy to be there for you Henry just don't hurt me like Francis has I can't take it another round of it again because if I do I rather be alone while die alone instead of feeling that pain again." she looks at him hoping he will accept her terms on this relationship because she is being honest with him.

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