08/07/2016 03:26 PM 

A New Chapter (Title N/D)
Category: Stories

Tatum managed to find herself trapped inside an alternate purgatory-like dimension. Pandora described it as a prison world, created by the new generation of Gemini witches as a means to imprison anyone guilty of evil doing, be it a vampire or another witch. The date the prison world was created was February 29th, 2034, on planet earth, and from then on each day would be the same; an infinite loop, making it seem like time did not exist.

Tatum got there through a device called an ascendant, a trinket that operates like an astrological clock, only there is a mystical gem in the middle...

much like the previous ascendants that the Gemini coven used that have since all been destroyed, it required the blood of a witch and/or her bloodline and an incantation chanted to activate it and gain passage into all alternate dimensions created with it. However, also just like with the older versions, the ascendant cannot travel with the person using it. This minor detail was unbeknownst to Tatum, and the witch who gave it to her to use to travel through the 2034 prison world which is how and why she became trapped there to begin with. There is a copy of the ascendant in this alternate dimension, but as far as Tatum was concerned, she had simply lost it by supposedly dropping it just before the opened portal brought her here, and there wasn't another one.

It has been about three days, and even though each day has repeated itself, one thing that remained consistent was that Tatum was growing weaker. As far as she knew, she was the only intelligent life presently existing in this plane. There were no other people, human or otherwise, whom she could feed from. Even blood from an animal would have sufficed, but there were none to be seen either. The communication signal of her badge was cut off and neither was her PADD able to establish a transmission outside of the prison world, making it so that she couldn't call for help.

The weakening state of not being able to feed was not a pleasant experience at all for vampires, which is what Tatum is. Her veins were drying out, and with the slightest movement of her stiffening muscles, they would rub together. It felt like sandpaper was being rubbed all over her body, giving her the sensation of a rash-like burn, especially in her joints. Her entire body essentially felt like it was on burning, even though her skin would have felt cold to the touch from a lack of circulation. Her heart rate was slowly dropping to what would be considered a dangerous level for a human, and pretty soon she knew it would stop beating all together, and she would presumably die, although not permanently. The only thing Tatum could do at this point was record a message into her PADD, and hopefully if and when someone came along, they would view it and know what to do.

Tatum had found a place to rest inside a crypt, located inside a cemetery, beneath the grassy surface of what looked like ruined remnants of an old stone building. Considering these were burial grounds, she assumed it was probably a place of worship at one time.

(Hopefully you can see these pictures well, a couple of them are a bit dark as you can probably tell.


She sat down on the dirt ground, resting her back and head against the stone wall, between a metal gate and a bench. She pulled out her PADD, which was flat with a view screen.

With a trap from her finger, the view screen came on and revealed various functions, which looked like a bunch of colorful buttons but they were part of the touchscreen. With just a couple more keystrokes, she activated the video journal to record her message.

Journal Entry 1

"Hello, my name is Tatum Utara." Her voice was cracked a little bit, sounding weak and dry, as though she was severely dehydrated, which in a way she was. "This is attempt transmission message, calling out a SOS, but I'm not getting my hopes up since I've had many failed attempts of getting a signal. I'm a vampire, who is trapped inside some alternate realm, where there does not seem to be any life here other than me, human or animal. It's been at least 72 hours, which should equal to three days, but every day is repeating itself, like deja vu... except the only things that are constant is that I'm fully aware of myself and how much time has passed... and the fact I'm starting to slowly fade away, because I haven't been able to feed. Like I said, there are no other living beings here... which means, no access to blood. Not even the nearest medical facility that I've found in my wanders has any supply of it... which is very odd... My muscles are stiffening, making it more painfully difficult to move. My whole body feels like its on fire, especially in my joints, most likely from the friction of my hardening veins rubbing together. I feel very disorientated, so I know it won't be much longer before I lose consciousness. By the time somebody finds me, I'll probably look dead... Well, I am technically dead." Tatum chuckled, managing to make a light joke despite her current predicament. "Undead, being the proper and preferred word, but I mean I will look dead dead, but I'm not really."

There was a short pause where Tatum took a deep breath and moved her jaw around, trying to produce what little bit of saliva she had left. She cleared her throat before speaking again. "I.. think... I'm still down on planet earth, in a cave below the grounds of a burial site. Above the ground of the cave are some ruins of what appears to have once been an old building or house that was made out of stone. If this message should reach somebody... anybody, please send help..." 

Tatum ended the recording, and the screen of her PADD returned to its starting point with all the various colorful icons. She put the PADD away back in her tote bag, and rested herself back against the hard wall. She closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable desecration to take over.

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🎸I Bite🎸


Dec 7th 2016 - 3:49 AM

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Her eyes shot open at the sound of his voice he was trying to use to gently rouse her awareness of him back to reality.  In between the subconscious dream sequences, a little telepathic digging could communicate to Pax that her mind was attempting to relive memories from her not so distant past.  It was going into some kind of personal defense to protect her conscious mind from its current situation.  "Hheell..." The word although not finished was still detectable at the forefront of her conscious mind, until she lapsed once more into the depths of unconsciousness.  

"It's gonna be alright.." Pax attempted to comfort her when a slight tinge of awareness showed itself but she lost that awareness again before he got the words in and fell into her blissful dream state once more where her mind began clinging once again to the memories so it could maintain a hold upon her sanity as she lay there... motionless in a kind of purgatory state of being.  Unable to move from where she was but still unable to die. 

When her eyes opened again, they appeared to look right through him as if not seeing he was there... and her mind still was trapped in the memory.  She reached her arms out, launching forward at him, eyes shifting to her personal species' vampire form as she attacked on instinct.  

Grabbing a handful of her clothes, he used his grip to pin her to the wall she had slumped against in the real world.  Holding her down didn't prove a problem.  He was a great deal stronger than other vampires.  Taking a little more control over her dreams through his telepathic link now,  Pax began turning fact woven through her memories into fiction and placing himself in the reality that she was now trapped inside.   The only one she appeared to be able to access.  The memories of her past.  

In the place the wounded woodcutter had been now stood the six foot form of the vampire, a mere millisecond before Tatum was able to pounce in her dream.  He grabbed her clothes as soon as she was in reach and altered her momentum to change her trajectory out the door.   "Honey... You need ta get some self-control here."  He communicated to her. Speaking to her in her dream now.  Getting the message to her here in the confines of the deepest recesses of her mind where her conscious awareness was retreating to; was going to be easier than in the real world right now.  

He stopped in the doorway... or what was left of it, standing there Pax eyed her calmly.  "I'm gonna help you... I'm gonna give you a little of my blood.  You wont need a lot to get ya back to full strength... at least for now.  But my help comes with a warning.  Don't take more than ya need otherwise in a few days if we don't find a way out, you'll have a lot more ta worry about than ever getting out of this prison alive.." He was referring to a condition he experienced if he couldn't feed for a certain amount of time.  A condition that was known as becoming bloodlusted.  Where he would lose self control and rip apart anything, vampire or not until his thirst was sated. 

Back in the real world, Pax waited, keeping the unaware vampire pinned against the wall until he could confirm that his message had gotten through to her. 

Tatum Utara


Nov 4th 2016 - 6:18 PM

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Tatum was fleeing for her life� running and dodging past a bunch of super tall trees through a thick, misty forest on some remote world. She wasn�t taking any chances that Mikael and Libby may have known she escaped and would be coming after her�

Tatum�s running was stopped abruptly, when her foot got caught on a tree root that was covered in grass and leaves, causing her to trip and fall head over heels onto the dirt ground. She quickly got back up on her feet, but began to feel herself tire out from the heightened levels of adrenaline, so she decided to have a rest for a few minutes and crotched down near the trunk of a large, wide tree. Tatum looked down at the trail of blood down the front of her body. Most of it covered her chest, but it felt like it had come from her neck. Aside from some muscle weakness, she wasn�t in any pain and when she examined herself more closely, feeling her skin on her neck and torso with her hands, she didn�t feel any open wounds that would have indicated that she had been severely injured�

Tatum sat down on the dirt ground, rested herself back against the trunk of the tree. She closed her eyes, slowly breathing in deeply and slowly exhaling in an effort to calm her racing heart. She felt it start to slow down, but then her ears picked up a noise that caused her heart to skip a beat. It sounded like footsteps, crunching down on leaves and twigs and it sounded as though they were coming from just behind where she was. Tatum cautiously rose up to her feet again and was about to take off running, but not before glancing behind her, only to see that there was no one there�

With each step, the sounds of crunching leaves and twigs got louder and the smell of a nearby fire became more obvious, until finally she reached the curious location� an open space in the middle of the jungle, where alone stood a small cabin�

As Tatum began to approach the man and his little wooden hut, she noticed that sky was a lot brighter without all the congested trees blocking away the sun. It was so bright that for a moment she was blinded and had a slight tinge of a headache. She tried to shield her eyes from the bright U.V. rays, using her hands as best as she could, but it was still causing her vision to become blurred as everything in her surroundings looked distorted� almost liquefied. �Hellooo! Excuse me? I need help, please!� Tatum began to call out to the man. She waved to him with one hand while she was still trying to shield her eyes from the sun with her other hand so that she could see him� He didn�t say anything back to her. �I have escaped from two dangerous people�� Tatum continued to talk to the elderly man, who was still just standing there and looking at her. �� and I think that they may come looking for me. I am seeking refuge, at least until nightfall, so that I�� Tatum was suddenly overcome by a strong dizzy spell. The brightness and heat from the U.V. rays was getting to her, causing the headaches she was suffering to go from being just a tinge to pounding, which in turn caused her to feel very disorientated and nauseated. Everything started to go static as she began to feel herself lose consciousness� and then to total darkness. Tatum had fainted.


�Hey..?� Said an unfamiliar voice. Tatum eyes shot open, having been roused from what was apparently a dream� or more like a segment of her life flashing in her mind.

It�s been a number of days later since Tatum had made one last and final attempt at sending out a transmission for help via her data PADD, which her attempt had failed, not that she was getting her hopes up anyway. Her body was deteriorating quickly, but she hasn�t yet completely shut down since she still had some awareness, such as the feeling of the atmosphere elements against her skin and the unsettling sound of her own weakening heartbeat.

Tatum�s eyes shifted upwards to look into the eyes of the man in front of her, the one who had awoken her from her slumber. That was the most movement she could managed, as her neck muscles were too weak and stiff. Once Tatum�s vision came into focus, she was able to tell that he was at the very least, humanoid. He was young looking, with messy dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Whether he was actually human or not, Tatum couldn�t tell. He smelled of nothing and her enhanced hearing wasn�t picking up any heart beat� but then again, in her current condition, it was possible that much of her supernatural abilities were hindered, which would include her usually very keen senses. Pax�s attempt to search Tatum�s mind went unnoticed� Although it had been almost a year since she was turned, she was still a relatively new vampire and so while she may have had a pretty firm grasp on her basic abilities and powers like strength, speed, compulsion and having some control of her true face, there were other abilities that she knew would take some practice, such as any form of telepathy.

 Tatum began to try to move her lips in an effort to speak. �Hheell�� She tried to utter the word �help�, but her mouth and throat were so dry that the only thing that came out at first was a barely audible sigh. She closed her eyes and lips, shifting her jaw around to try to produce whatever water she may have had left in her mouth, when suddenly she was hit with another flashback.


The sound of human flesh being ripped open entered her mind before the images of a memory emerged� She was back in the forest again, but this time she was standing in the doorway of a wooden hut, looking out. She was watching a man, dark skinned and slightly past mid-age, sawing at a large chunk of wood against a tree stump with a bow saw when the jagged blade had slipped and nailed the outer side of his thumb, tearing the skin up badly enough to cause him to bleed.  The old man yelped in pain and dropped the saw instantly.

�Are you okay!?� Tatum called out to him. Her eyes were fixated on the open gash, which he was examining closely before covering it and applying pressure to it with his other hand.  He was wincing and breathing in and out rapidly from the obvious pain he caused himself. �No need to worry about me� I will be.� He answered back. �Accidents happen when you�re not being careful�� The old man began to walk hastefully towards the door of his hut, probably to go aid his wound. Tatum stepped back from the doorframe to give him room to enter, her eyes following him as he rushed over to a metal pale that was sitting on top of a tall wooden surface and began to wash his injured hand with the water that was inside the pale. Her attention then returned to the stump in the ground, and the chunk of wood that was left there along with the bow saw. There must have been a little blood that had spilled from the old man�s gashed up hand, as Tatum�s enhanced sense of smell was picking up the sweet, metallic scent. She found herself in a trance once more; her eyes were intensely focused on the tree stump as she began to take slow steps towards it. Time around her must have stopped because before she knew it, she was standing over the tree stump, looking down at the jagged blade of the bow saw which had a small bit of blood painted along the edges. Tatum reached her hand down and picked the bow saw. Turning the blade upwards, she carefully ran an index finger along the teeth, collecting the blood before setting the saw back down.

Tatum was still standing near the stump, having not stepped away or even slightly shifted as she was closely examining the blood when she had the sudden urge to taste it�

She brought her finger up to her lips, and sucked the blood up, allowing it to hit the tip of her tongue. The taste was metallic at first, as though she had just licked a copper penny, but it gave a slight tingling sensation which traveled throughout the rest of her body. Tatum wasn�t sure why, but for the first time in who knows how many hours she had been stranded on this planet, she felt alive� but it only lasted for a short second, and she wanted more. Looking back down towards the stump, her eyes searched around for more blood until she was able to see a couple more droplets on the wooden surface. She wiped the droplets of blood up with her finger and like before, brought her finger up to her lips and kissed it away.

Tatum�s eyes closed shut tightly, gasping at the tingling sensation that came over her again but more intensely than the first time she felt it. When she opened her eyes, she began to notice something very different that was a little unsettling at first, and caused to her start hyperventilating. �What is happening???� She mumbled to herself. The world around her suddenly became crystal clear and very vivid, and the range of her vision was wider and vaster. The patchy grass on the ground had rainbows dancing on top of them from the glistening sun� however much sunlight there was no ordinary human would have noticed as the sky was slowly turning to night, but as far as Tatum�s sudden and significantly enhanced senses were concerned, it was still strong enough to create a prism effect. And anything that moved, such as taller grass and leaves that were bustling around from the wind breezing through them, moved with such detail and dimension. Tatum always had perfect vision, but this was on a whole new level beyond description. It was like everything around her, in Tatum�s own perception, was in high definition. Even all the sounds were in high definition as her ears were picking up the noises of the nature and the wilderness; rustling leaves, the whistling winds and brushing sound it made over the glass� the chirping of birds and other screams and calls from various wild animals that inhabited the planet.


Just when Tatum thought she couldn�t get enough, she found herself starting feel too overwhelmed by it all and ran back towards the cabin; she hurried inside and closed the door behind her. Malkim, who was crotched down in front of the furnace, turned himself slightly to glance over at Tatum. The furnace door was open, and she could see the fire burning inside of it which the old man appeared to be tending to. Tatum could feel the heat from the flames hit her cold skin almost immediately, even though she was a good few feet away from it. �Are you alright?� The old man asked her. Tatum didn�t answer him right away, being unsure if she was or not. The hesitation lasted a full noticeable second before she finally nodded in response. �Yes� �She said with exasperation. �I�m okay.�

�Are you sure? You seem as though something had spooked you�� Malkim raised himself up from his crotched position and faced Tatum directly. She looked back at him, but was again hesitant to answer, due to being distracted by her powerfully sensitive nose picking up the smell of blood. Her eyes didn�t stay on old man�s for long as they traced the scent down to his left hand� the one he had injured with the bow saw. Although the wound had been thoroughly cleaned and bandaged tightly with a long piece of cloth wrapped around his thumb, the smell of the blood was so incredibly intense and enticing that Tatum could feel the blood vessels around her eyes begin to pulsate and become enlarged. �Uh... umm�� Her bottom lip quivered as she struggled to form any words. �Yes� Ye.. Yes� I�m sh-sh-sh� sure. Hhhow.. is� � your� hand?� She stammered while breathing heavily.

Malkim brought his injured hand up slightly, looking down at it for only a mere second and chuckled under his breath. �Oh, I�ll live� Tis but a scratch�� He chuckled under his breath, trying to make light of his moment of carelessness.

�AAAHHH!!!� Tatum yelped out in agony. An excruciating, stinging pain had come out of nowhere in her mouth, along her upper gum line, that felt as though her top jaw was reconstructing itself to make space for two little somethings that were trying to squeeze their way through. Tatum fell to her knees on the hardwood floor, and Malkim reacted instantly. �WHAT�S WRONG!?!� He yelled with a tone of urgency as he rushed towards her, dropped down to one knee in front of her. Tatum slapped a hand over her mouth and held it there firmly. Tears were forming and running down the sides of her cheeks as she was still crying, her whimpering being muffled by her own hand. Malkim pulled her into an embrace, cradling her. �Tell me what is happening!�

�I don�t know� you need to get away from me�� Tatum sobbed into his chest. The old man pulled himself away from the embrace to look down into her tear soaked face. �You�re obviously not okay� let me help you.� Examining her behavior more closely and how her hand was occupying her mouth, it was apparent to Malkim that was where she was experiencing the pain. He gently grabbed her wrist to try to pull her hand away from her mouth and what he saw caused his eyes to grow wild. Tatum�s eyes opened ever so slightly into little slits that glazed over the bandaged thumb of his injured hand which had a hold on her wrist. And then in a sudden burst of fearful anger, Tatum became abrasive, quickly yanking her hand from his grip and gave him one good shove. �I SAID GET AWAY!!!� To the human eye, the force of the shove wouldn�t have looked like it would have done anything to the tall and broad old man, but she had a strong enough punch to send him sliding on his back a few number of feet away, his head almost hitting the wall across from the door where Tatum still was, on her knees. The impact didn�t faze him too much though, as Malkim gathered himself up just enough to look back at Tatum. The old man�s eyes lit up again in fear, as he witnessed the changes that were happening to her face� She was transforming into a monster; a vampire. 

Her mouth was still gaped open, as her fingers felt around the inside and came upon two new additional teeth; Fangs, slender and sharp, located between the lateral incisors and the canines. �What� are you?� Malkim asked in a tone that was barely above a whisper. He got himself back onto his feet, standing all the way up while still staring down into Tatum�s face with wild eyes. Her own blood-shot eyes locked into his; the whites of them were turning pink and the pupils were expanding. She felt the tiny blood vessels under her eyes pulsate again as blood was forcefully being pumped through them, causing them to become enlarged and visible through the skin. The old man started to edge himself little by little towards the door, keeping his distance and trying to be careful to not move too suddenly.  �What are you?� He demanded once more.

�I don�t know.� Tatum answered in a catatonic tone. Her pupils were fully dilated now, and the whites of her eyes blood-red. She was demonic looking. �The only thing that I do know� is that I� am hungry.� She rose to her feet. �And I� am so very sorry�� She sounded like she was about to cry again, being full-heartedly remorseful for what she was about to do� what she couldn�t control herself from doing. Malkim swallowed back some air and saliva, his heart beats quickened from the panic that was overcoming him. Little beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he continued to edge himself more and more towards the door. Tatum�s demonic eyes were still locked onto his, watching his every movement like a predator� and the old man was right in her crosshairs. ��but I don�t think I can hold back anymore� I warned you to get away. GO!!!� She snarled at him, showing off her new, fully extended fangs.

Malkim tried to make a run for it, but it was too late. Tatum went into a full blown attack, moving and pouncing on him at a surprising speed��


Tatum�s true-face eyes shot open, but she wasn�t aware as her subconscious was still in the dream when she lunged up at Pax. Her arms were reached out, desperately trying to grab a hold of him, unbeknownst to the fact that she was attacking another vampire.

🎸I Bite🎸


Aug 19th 2016 - 11:45 PM

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"Security officer's log.  Stardate: 52219.3.

Pax paused for effect, faking an exhaling of breath in order to appear human.  At least to anyone who happened to review his log entry.  Although he wasn't really someone who enjoyed documenting the mundane day to day life aboard a starship, hell he wasn't even technically in Starfleet.  The rest of the crew however had no idea that his induction into the academy and later Starfleet was a lie and two, that he was anything other than human.  

"The Enterprise has returned to the Terran System to investigate what appears ta be some kind of strange temporal anomaly in the small town of Mystic Falls.    Captain Picard has ordered me ta accompany a science team down to the location of the anomaly whilst they attempt to determine what it is and if it is in fact a threat.." He pressed a button on the PADD he was using to record his log-entry and said, "End recording."  It beeped obedience and Pax tossed it almost carelessly on the desk in front of him, for the moment casting a glance out the window at planet Earth below.... 


Humanity had evolved considerably over the last five hundred years, but not their awareness of vampires. When it came to that, the human race was still overcome with childlike innocence.   The truth that they didn't realize, had failed to realize throughout the passage of time, there had been as many species of vampires as there were humanoids in the universe, several of them native to Earth.  A lot of them were brutal and as a result of their brutality are now near extinct, many by Pax's own hand...   

Although Pax could loosely be classified as a vampire in his own right.. at the very same time... he was unique.  And powerful... far more powerful than others of his kind.  The source of that power?  The vampire prodigy didn't know or remember.  What had made him different was as much of a mystery to him as it had been for other vampires.  What had allowed him to keep his soul... and turned him into a one of a kind higher vampire other than the run of the mill blood-suckers that existed, was a mystery.   He didn't remember a time when he was human.. being used as a vessel for an almighty being.  The most powerful being in existence.   Nor did he understand the changes those experiences created within him, and why he was now so different.  

He existed under humanity's nose, posing as a human.  Drinking blood, healing those humans he drank from and then making them forget all about the experience.  He didn't like bottled or pre-packaged blood, preferring to drink it directly from the human source instead.  He hadn't killed a human in centuries. 

Pax leaned against a large water fountain, in what was now a park, once a cemetery four hundred years ago.  He was dressed in a standard security officer's Starfleet uniform, a phaser and holster strapped to his hip.  Tools he didn't necessarily need but that he made it a point to use in order to not arouse their suspicions and appear human.  Over the centuries he'd become an expert in blending in to the point that appearing to be human was practically second nature to him.   He was silent, observing the science team taking readings from the anomaly that appeared as a golden ball of energy, hovering five feet above the ground, three feet in front of him.  

"Commander... I'm detecting low level fluctuations in the anomaly.  Readings indicate..." The report didn't get to beyond that point before the air around them changed, becoming charged with static energy as the ball of light expanded, encompassing everyone in its wake... When it contracted again, back to its original size, Pax was gone..  

The light faded, allowing Pax for the first time to look around and take in his new surroundings.  Blue eyes scanning the environment, he listened, the near silence was almost deafening.  One heartbeat, weak drew his attention to an old crypt and so he started to move towards the sound...  

He frowned, seeing her there.  From the scent of her blood, what little blood she still had coursing through her, he could quite easily tell she wasn't human.  He knew what she was, she wasn't the first member of her species he'd encountered... frankly.   

Pax knelt down beside her, touching her jaw gently with his own hand he spoke.. "Hey..?" Gently turning her face to his... noting how weak she was he searched her face for signs of 'life'.  His mind searched hers, trying to determine the type of person; or vampire that she was but for the time being seeing if he could rouse her at least part of the way back to awareness...

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