08/07/2013 06:35 PM 

Brief Background


- Brief Background; -


Born into a wealthy, prestigious, Pure Blooded Wizarding family in Cartegena, Spain, Louis was always the favourite child in his family. This was most evident with his father, who would tote him around proudly, showing him off to anyone and everyone. He never put the child down when he spent time with him. But, everything changed when Louis was about four years of age. He was in a tragic accident (revolving around an innocent game of hide and seek between himself and his older brothers), which he actually died from. It is only because a neighbor revived him that he is even alive today.

When he came to, everything seemed fine at first, but having experienced death, Louis from that day forward could see things others could not. Louis can see ghosts and spirits. Things not of this world. They give him horrible nightmares, thus causing him to refrain from sleeping. Lack of sleep makes him a little unhinged. So he's got his quirks... and these other worldly beings can see him. They torment him. And they can, at times, inflict physical harm, though they mostly just infiltrate his mind, either for their own amusement, or for him to do their bidding, causing him to grow more and more unstable. Some of them even attempt to use his body as a vessel, take it over completely.

These visions are what brought his family to disown him, sending him off to a Wizarding Hospital in Spain, who referred him to St. Mungos, who could not help him and often left him alone in a padded room, which was the ultimate pleasure for the spirits. This is the reason Louis does not like to be alone. And the only species of beings these occurrences cease completely for are demons and angels (and also very powerful vampires of a 'noble' bloodline that can control spirits or repel them).

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