08/07/2013 06:17 PM 

Everything on One Page....


- Brief Background; -


Born into a wealthy, prestigious, Pure Blooded Wizarding family in Cartegena, Spain, Louis was always the favourite child in his family. This was most evident with his father, who would tote him around proudly, showing him off to anyone and everyone. He never put the child down when he spent time with him. But, everything changed when Louis was about four years of age. He was in a tragic accident (revolving around an innocent game of hide and seek between himself and his older brothers), which he actually died from. It is only because a neighbor revived him that he is even alive today.

When he came to, everything seemed fine at first, but having experienced death, Louis from that day forward could see things others could not. Louis can see ghosts and spirits. Things not of this world. They give him horrible nightmares, thus causing him to refrain from sleeping. Lack of sleep makes him a little unhinged. So he's got his quirks... and these other worldly beings can see him. They torment him. And they can, at times, inflict physical harm, though they mostly just infiltrate his mind, either for their own amusement, or for him to do their bidding, causing him to grow more and more unstable. Some of them even attempt to use his body as a vessel, take it over completely.

These visions are what brought his family to disown him, sending him off to a Wizarding Hospital in Spain, who referred him to St. Mungos, who could not help him and often left him alone in a padded room, which was the ultimate pleasure for the spirits. This is the reason Louis does not like to be alone. And the only species of beings these occurrences cease completely for are demons and angels (and also very powerful vampires of a 'noble' bloodline that can control spirits or repel them).


- Personality; -


Louis, comes off as rather innocent. Like a loving, curious, naive little boy who needs kindness and warmth and someone who can guide him between right and wrong. And, he can be that boy. He longs for close friendships, relationships and attention in general, because he is constantly trying to fill a void that has been plaguing him since childhood, since his parents disowned him so many years ago, when he was just four years of age. This act has taken a real toll on Louis development-wise. He lacks real socialization skills, and has severe attachment issues.

He still keeps his home with toys from his childhood because he has a horrible fear of losing anything anymore, and so, he hoards his childhood items to preserve what is left of his memories. That said, the only real item from his childhood that is of absolute importance is a small, white, stuffed bunny rabbit that his maternal grandmother gave him. He literally takes it with him everywhere. At any given time, he will have it on hand. Always. He does, on occasion, lose the bunny.. usually by setting it down somewhere on accident... which only results in Kyan having to retrace every step and sniffing the stuffed animal out, even rip it out of a child's hands just to return it to Louis. (More on Kyan under Important/Significant Relationships.)

But the innocence Louis flaunts is just one of his many faces. The longer one gets to know Louis, the more his darkness comes out. And he can easily spiral deep into it around the right types of people. He has mental issues, and is considered mentally unstable. He did spend time in the mental ward of St. Mungos for a few years, after all. He likes to lurk and observe. Stalk. He is obsessive. Compulsive. A borderline sociopath. He is a bit of a masochist and can endure extreme amounts of physical pain. Because of this, he was even trained to resist the effects of both the cruciatus curse and the imperious curse.

Aside from that, he is an extremely picky eater and has issues with textures of food. His manners are almost non-existent as well, because he was never really taught any (He pretty much raised himself, remember). Most times, he will just eat with his hands, no matter what the dish (pasta, steak, mashed potatoes, etc.). The only times he uses actual utensils are when he knows he's in a public setting, being watched/judged, trying to impress someone, or when asked. This shows that he does know better than to eat with his bare hands, but is just too set in his ways at this point to change. Further, he only eats with spoons or sporks, but never forks. He has an intense fear of forks that he does not like to elaborate on. Other fears include bugs, dying/death (unless purposely inflicting it upon someone), isolation, losing people/friends, being replaced, etc.


- Powers & Supernatural Beings; -


Supernatural beings, especially demons, Seem to be attracted to him. They always find him. They're lured in by something, though, it is not exactly clear as to what they are attracted to about him. There is a lot of speculation, though, that they are attracted to him because they can just feel the level of magic he can produce and/or is capable of producing, as, he is very powerful. He is considered extremely lethal in the Wizarding community.

He is a dark wizard, and is faithful to the dark lord (Voldemort for Marauder & Trio era RPers, or whoever the dark lord is in Next Gen storylines). Sorted into Slytherin, he is quickly liked and finds comfort, companionship and warmth in his House. He becomes obsessed with his own House, and seldom speaks or associates with anyone from any other House (And never associating with mudbloods or muggles), preferring only the companionship from members of the same House (this includes love interests). Those in Slytherin he is closest to come from dark Wizarding families, who introduce him to the world of Death Eaters, and he actually becomes one before returning to school for his Seventh Year at Hogwarts.

He flies through the ranks of Death Eaters, and considers himself to be one of the most loyal servants of the Dark Lord; right up there with Bellatrix Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr. Because of his age, he is appointed to recruit and train new graduates from across the Globe, and his Militaristic tactics for training are seen as severe, but effective. Nearly everyone under his instruction is considered valuable to their cause, and those who are not considered as such, were never given the chance to disappoint the Dark Lord: killed. Death before disappointment. Death before dishonour.


- General Relationships with Others; -


Though, this is mostly dependent upon personality types, in general Louis tends to be more playful and innocent with those of the same sex/gender (males). This is because he sees most men in the same light as an older brother or father. He has some 'daddy issues', obviously, since he was his father's favourite. So male acceptance is very big with him. He forms most of his close relations (friends or lovers) with men because of this.  He will go out of his way to make the men in his life pleased with him, and get them to see him as a valuable asset to secure his post  in their life.

Women tend to bring out a more masculine side from him (Again, this depends on personality types, as well). Granted, of course, that he actually likes the female he's interacting with. This tends to be hard to accomplish since Louis considers females to be lesser than men. And, the only female he truly respects in the same manner as a man is Bellatrix Lestrange. But, once he does grow fond of a female, he protects them fiercely, and can be a real gentleman. The sort that opens the door for you every time, helps you over puddles, etc. Other times, he will see a female more as a motherly figure (This seems to be more common as of late). And, he will act more like a child needling coddling with these females.

Now, while Louis does seem like a social butterfly, there are some types of people he will never associate with, never get along with, and/or have hostile relations with, and will likely attempt to maim or kill them on a frequent to daily basis (This is because of the way he was raised, and the fact that he considers himself a Nazi). They are as follows:
  • Mudbloods
  • Half bloods
  • Half breeds
  • Muggles (exceptions do apply.)
  • Coloured People
  • Jews / Any religion that isn't Roman Catholic

  • -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    - Important/Significant Relationships; -


    Kyan [Role: Selectively Available, though someone is in mind]
    Kyan plays a vital role in Louis' life... As a child, Louis was disowned by his parents and sent to St. Mungos, and then sent to live with relatives in London, who only sent him to live by himself in the Yorkshire area because of his "getting sick" (see personality). Kyan, is a demon. He happens upon Louis while the young child is en route to his new home by himself. He does not approach Louis at first, but merely observes him. He is attracted to him for some unknown reason. Though, it is probably because Louis' dog is a demon dog. (this is unknown to Louis or anyone who is not a demon. And no one ever tells him.) The dog has been in the family since before Louis was born, and is always close by to protect him. The dog actually ran away from the family's estate and followed Louis to London and then again to Yorkshire.

    Kyan stalks him for some days, noting the nightmares, letting himself into the home while the child sleeps. And finally, one night when Louis wakes up from one of his nightmares, Kyan is at his bedside and forms a sort of contract with the child. It's not a definite contract, as Kyan merely wants to guide Louis in the direction of power. It is assumed that Louis holds great potential, and could become useful even to those from the underworld. So, The contract does not give Kyan the reward of Louis' soul, but rather his services once he's reached the level of power Kyan is looking for. Until then, Kyan acts as a sort of big brother/Butler. He cares for Louis. Makes sure no danger comes his way. But, at the same time, feeds darkness into him... Whispers into his thoughts while he sleeps, to implant ideas. Kyan is the reason Louis goes back to Spain and murders one of his brothers.

    In Louis' mind, Kyan is perfect, and is the only person in the world that understands him completely. There is a definite sexual tension between them, and Kyan will initiate sexual advances as he pleases, because they make The bond between himself and Louis stronger. He wants to keep Louis loyal to him, because he knows Louis could easily be snatched away by someone else (Love interests, friends, relationshipts, etc.). Kyan only ever shows kindness and affection to Louis, and is indifferent and/or cruel to anyone else, unless Louis orders him to treat them nicely. Most times, Louis just finds this amusing, though.. and he does try to push Kyan's buttons sometimes with this. Push him to his breaking point, which usually just results in angry sex, or something along those lines (Unless Kyan just wants him to shut up, then he just threatens the bunny).

    Side Note: Kyan is like Sebastian Michaelis from Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) and Agatsuma Soubi from Loveless. With a bit of Seimei Aoyagi from Loveless as well. When he has to fight for Louis, he does so to the death. Anyone that hurts or bothers Louis, he slaughters. No exceptions (unless Louis gives specific instructions not to kill). The way Kyan sees it, Louis is his possession. His pet. And no one touches his things.

    More coming soon...

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