Harley Quinzel*HopelessRomanitic* on RolePlayer.me - m.roleplayer.me/harleenquinzel Harley Quinzel*HopelessRomanitic*
HIYA Puddin!

35 years old
Gotham, Maryland
United States

Last Login:
May 30 2024

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   Contacting Harley Quinzel*HopelessRomanitic*

    Harley Quinzel*HopelessRomanitic*'s Interests
GeneralCartoons, Candy, Finding Love, Out Smarting People, Dolls, Jewelry, Fun, and understandin things.
MusicLove songs, happy pop you can dance to...and so on.
MoviesOhhh funny one, action packed ones, Tragic love stories..
TelevisionLooney Tunes, Soap Operas, and Stuff with puppies and kittens.
BooksAnything on Criminal Psychology and Archie Comics.
Heroes Not sure right now.

     Harley Quinzel*HopelessRomanitic*'s Details
Status: Single
Here for:Dating, Relationships,
Orientation: Straight
Body type:Slim / Slender
Education:Grad / professional school
Occupation:Former Criminal Psychologist Online Comic Artist
Characters: Harleen Frances Quinzel
Verses: Batman, Gotham, DC Universe,
Length: Multi Para, Para
Genre: Comedy, Crossover, Heroes/Villains, Psychological, Romance, Spar/Fighting,
Member Since:May 28, 2015

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   Harley Quinzel*HopelessRomanitic*'s Blurbs
About me:
Born Harleen Quinzel, Harley's mother is a somewhat harsh, but forgiving lady, who constantly calls Harley evil and compares her to other heroes. Harley's younger brother is a dead beat with children from at least two different women and still lives in his mothers house. Harley apparently sent him several large sums of money to get his life on track, but he squandered it. Harley's father is a criminal con-man, known for swindling women out of their money with his charm. Harley states that the main reason she became a psychiatrist was so she could understand why her father did what he did to their family. Finding the son that was taken from at Arkham years before Harley was thrilled to be a mama and would do anything for her puddin jr. Harley went to study psychology, but found doing so dull. She tricked her way in to a college. She came up with a theory about being in love having similarities with being a criminal. About, how far can someone go for love and decided to use her boyfriend, Guy, as the test subject, pretending that she had committed various crimes, such as murdering a teacher, to Guy's surprise. Thinking he was looking out for Harley he shoots an innocent man believing him to be "murdered" professor who hadn't died yet. Guy thinks that he can`t live with the guilt, and wants to die, but can't bring himself to suicide and asks Harley to kill him instead. And she does, for love, disguising the murder as a suicide. Traumatized by these events, she begins to believe that universe is in a constant state of chaos, like Guy thought. She represses her feelings of sorrow, and feels connected with the Joker, who believes in some of the same things as Guy, and so finds a job at Arkham Asylum, demanding to speak to him. During the very first session, she shows the Joker her blossoming insanity, and obsession towards him. Joker finds this appealing, and Harley helps him escape various times, before eventually becoming his Girlfriend. Eventually Harley was caught by Batman and put into a cell in Arkham - she is able to escape time and time again. Skem9.com!Layout made by Dee Way�
Who I'd like to meet:
oh...Batman.....Ivy.......DeadShot..~giggles~ Oh and this Deadpool...I've been hearin' about. And Maybe just Maybe Mr J....if hes willin to apologize for being so mean.

   Harley Quinzel*HopelessRomanitic*'s Friend Space
Harley Quinzel*HopelessRomanitic* has 15 friends.

envied riches.

Harley Quinzel*HopelessRomanitic*'s Friends Comments
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Sep 16th 2023 - 8:55 PM

As they raced towards freedom, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn could feel the exhilaration of their impending escape. Ivy, with her flowing red hair, turned to her partner in crime, Harley, and flashed a content smile.

With their hearts still racing and their spirits soaring, they had broken free from the confines of their past lives, ready to embrace the world on their own terms..


Sep 3rd 2023 - 4:10 PM

"Harls, can you believe we're actually pulling this off?" Ivy said, her voice filled with excitement, they pressed on. Ivy's connection to plant life proved invaluable as she used her powers to manipulate the surrounding vegetation. Thick ivy vines shot up from the ground, intertwining and creating an impenetrable barrier, effectively blocking their pursuers. The guards stumbled and cursed, their attempts to follow the duo thwarted by the sudden onslaught of nature's defense. 

Without hesitation, they climbed aboard the colossal vine, clinging to its sturdy tendrils as it lifted them high into the air. The wind rushed past their faces, filling them with a sense of liberation they had longed for.

As they soared above the asylum, Ivy whispered, "We're almost there .. just a little farther, and we'll be free as birds!” They soared over the asylum's walls, leaving behind the captivity that had held them for far too long. The world outside opened up before them, a vast canvas waiting to be painted with their unique brand of chaos and mischief…


Aug 26th 2023 - 8:22 PM

They pressed on with their escape, and upon reaching the outskirts of the confinement, Ivy is able to further utilize her extraordinary capabilities to their benefit. With a commanding presence, she manipulated the surrounding vegetation, prompting the robust ivy to flourish rapidly, constructing a dense barrier that obstructed the path of their pursuers. This unexpected turn of events left their captors disoriented and frustrated in their wake. Finally, as they approached the perimeter of the asylum, Ivy conjured a majestic vine of towering proportions, its tendrils extending over the horizon…


Aug 24th 2023 - 4:55 PM

Through sheer perseverance and teamwork, Harley and Ivy swiftly navigated the labyrinthine network of vents, emerging on the rooftop of the facility. The night air filled their lungs, providing a brief respite from the tension that had consumed them in the confines of the building. They both knew that their further escape depended on their ability to navigate through the yard and surmount the formidable gate without raising suspicion or triggering additional alarms..

Aug 21st 2023 - 10:56 AM

With a shared understanding, the duo synchronized their movements timing their actions. Ivy swiftly reached into her utility belt, producing a small but potent vial of a specially formulated plant toxin - she flung the vial towards the approaching guards, unleashing a cloud of noxious gas. The guards, caught off guard by the sudden assault, stumbled backward, clutching their throats in a desperate attempt to breathe. Reaching the ventilation shaft - revealing the dark passageway that lay beyond. Adrenaline coursing through their veins, and the sound of distant alarms echoed through metallic tunnels, a reminder of the imminent danger they faced and fueling their escape..

Aug 14th 2023 - 7:55 PM

Ivy maintained her composure, her eyes locked on the guards as she assessed the situation .. 

As the guards drew nearer, Ivy quickly sorted their options. With a swift motion, Ivy plucked a vine from her pocket and allowed it to slither silently along the ground. The vine snaked its way towards the guard's feet, entwining itself around his ankles. In a moment of confusion, the guard stumbled, his flashlight clattering to the floor. Spotting a ventilation shaft high above them, she silently gestured towards it, conveying her intentions to Harley.


Aug 8th 2023 - 11:28 AM

Life in Arkham was undoubtedly dull, its monotony only alleviated by the occasional chaos caused by its deranged inhabitants. Ivy, a botanist with penchant for manipulating plant life had always been careful when it came to escaping the confines of the facility. Nevertheless, she understood Harley's longing for the more interesting and vibrant world..

“I know, Harls. But remember, we have to plan our escape wisely .. it’s not just about getting out, but also ensuring our safety and space. Once we're out, we can enjoy all the Tacos and whatever else we want.”

As they continued through the maze-like corridors .. Ivy and Harley moved with stealth, evading the watchful eyes of the guards who patrolled the premises. They rounded a corner, beam of light from a guard's flashlight sliced through the darkness. Ivy instinctively pulled Harley into the shadows, their bodies pressed against the cold, damp walls. The guard's footsteps drew closer, his gaze scanning the area for any signs of unauthorized movement. Ivy's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with strategies to outwit their captors ..

Aug 6th 2023 - 9:35 PM

“I was able to acquire the seeds from various sources within Arkham .. collecting them over the time, but was worth it for our escape..” Ivy’s emerald eyes gleaming mischievously in the dimly lit hallway, “Let’s try and reach the outer walls, where my plants are ready to aid us in our departure, they're always willing to lend a helping leaf."

In continuing their stealthy journey, she glanced around to ensure they were still undetected.


Aug 4th 2023 - 9:43 PM

The notorious criminals, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, found themselves confined within the secure walls of Arkham Asylum, a renowned correctional facility for the criminally insane. Renowned for their exceptional intellect and propensity for chaotic mischief, these female villains faced the formidable challenge of liberating themselves from their imprisonment and embarking on an exhilarating escapade beyond the confines of the asylum.

Leveraging her profound knowledge of botany and remarkable ability to manipulate plant life, Ivy meticulously crafted a comprehensive strategy to effectuate their escape. Under the veil of darkness, Ivy deftly harnessed her control over the surrounding foliage, employing it as a diversionary tactic to distract the vigilant guards overseeing the asylum's perimeters. Demonstrating her unparalleled affinity for nature, Ivy artfully fashioned an intricate camouflage, seamlessly concealing their movements as they ventured deeper into the labyrinthine corridors of Arkham, skillfully navigating their way towards freedom..


Jul 31st 2023 - 9:50 AM

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