MacabreWillGraham on - MacabreWillGraham
Multi-verse | Mature themes |-I've found my friends... They're in my head

36 years old
United States

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May 12 2024

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Everyone has thought about killing someone, one way or another

Will shot and killed Garrett Jacob Hobbs, aka the "Minnesota Shrike". Hobbs had his daughter in his arms and started to slit her throat when Will shot him. Abigail fell to the floor, blood rushing from her neck. Will did his best to apply pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. This was after Hobbs had already killed his own wife, discarding her body on the front porch. After a period of time the EMTs arrived and Abigail received the medical attention she required. She survived the ordeal, witnessing Will kill her father. Hobbs' death still haunts Will in his hallucinations and dreams. Graham reportedly is no longer a field agent where he worked homicide, due to the complexities of his condition, and has settled into life as an educator - but he is soon called into the field once more. In the TV series, Will says that his "horse is hitched to a post that is closer to Asperger's [Syndrome] and Autistics�" This is evident when he and Jack Crawford meet and he avoids looking him in the eye. Indefinitely, he seems to take in any stray dog that he finds. One night, as he's driving home, he finds a stray and manages to lure it to him with food. He takes him home and introduces the dog to the rest of his "family". He introduces the dog as Winston. To this day Winston is the only dog name he has shared. (- Buster is the dog that gets out the door - maybe korgi beagle mix?) Will never knew his mother and his father worked on shipyards (possibly fixing boat motors, as Will has been seen doing this too. However, it could have been working on diesel engines. Will made the comment to Crawford that's what he would go do if he were to quit.) He moved around a lot during his childhood and was "always the stranger" at his new schools. His family was poor. Will has a love interest, Alana Bloom. However.

Alana told him they could not be together because he was too unstable despite having feelings for him. Will confirmed her suspicions after telling her he felt unstable. This happened the day following the day the two kissed in Will's home. He begins teaching at the FBI Academy (Quantico, Virginia) due to the fact that he doesn't like to socialize with other people. He says that when he's teaching, he's "talking at them", not necessarily "socializing" with them. After he shot Hobbs, he walked into class to a standing ovation. He told everyone to sit down that their applause was misguided. This is the attitude of Will when it comes to people. He wants no special attention and just wants to be left alone. When speaking to people, he avoids eye contact. He has the ability to be able to empathize with psychopaths and other people of the sort. He sees crime scenes and plays them out in his mind with vividly gruesome detail. Will closes his eyes and a pendulum of light flashes in front of him, sending him into the mind of the killer. When he opens his eyes, he is alone at the scene of the crime. The scene literally changes retracting back to before the killing happened. Will then assumes the role of the killer. He moves to the victim and carries out the crime just as the killer would have. He can see the killer's "design" just as the killer designed it.

This allows him to know every detail about the crime and access information that would have otherwise not been known. He has admitted to Crawford that it was becoming harder and harder for him to look. The crimes were getting into his head and leaving him confused and disorientated. During one such experience, he lost track of what was going on and thought he was actually murdering a victim. He threw the door open, drenched in terror, only to see the BAU team standing outside the door. They all looked as confused as Will when they saw the terror on his face. Will was relieved to know he was working but worried his ability was starting to take its toll on him. Will had advanced encephalitis, which is why he often suffered from hallucinations, the loss of time, and disorientation. He has since received treatment of an antibiotic and viral medication therapy to reduce the swelling on his brain. Dr. Lecter had previously diagnosed the condition, but kept the information from Will. He allowed Will to believe his hallucinations and breakdowns were due to a mental condition and not from an illness. He did this to observe Will and see how he would handle the stress of these symptoms. You could also say he allowed the illness to progress so that it would make framing Will easier. Will currently resides at the Baltimore State Hospital For The Criminally Insane. He is charged with the murder of Abigail Hobbs, as well as being the Copy Cat killer. Those victims included Cassie Boyle, Georgia Madchen, Dr. Donald Sutcliffe, and Marissa Schurr. After previously escaping custody by dislocating his finger and sliding the cuffs off his wrists, he attacked his guards and managed to escape. He made his way to Dr. Lecter's office where he asked him to take him to the Hobbs' residence in Minnesota. Once they made their way there, theories started to form in Will's head after an intense conversation with Dr. Lecter, Will told him, "The scales have fallen away from my eyes. I can see you now." This confirmed for him that Dr. Lecter was responsible for the crimes Will was charged with. Will had been seeing him for some time for psychiatric care, only to realize Dr. Lecter was manipulating him, using him as study material. While at the Hobbs' residence, he explained this to Dr. Lecter, comparing it to a wind-up toy while holding a gun on Lecter at the time. He was all set to shoot Dr. Lecter in the head before Crawford intervened, shooting Will in the arm and knocking him backwards. While Will was against the counter, where he landed, he saw Dr. Lecter clearly for the person he was, sealing the idea that he set Will up for the crimes he himself had committed. While Will has not yet shared this information with anyone else, he remains vigilant that Dr. Lecter is in fact the killer. The charges against Will are very damning, giving the length of detail Dr. Lecter had to go through to frame him, including somehow feeding Will Abigail Hobbs' ear.

A little something here
There is No end in Life it will always go on

Will Graham survives the attack at Hannibal Lecter's hands, but takes several months to recover. Abigail died from her wounds, although Will continues to imagine her still being alive. When he goes to hunt down Hannibal in Europe, he imagines doing so with Abigail before finally coming to terms with the fact she is dead. Jack Crawford joins Will on the hunt for Hannibal after the passing off his wife Bella. Will and Hannibal are captured by a vengeful Mason Verger, who has them transported back to his estate in Baltimore where he plans to have Will's face cut off and surgically attached to his own, where Verger then plans to eat Hannibal piece by piece. Alana has also been working with Verger to assure Hannibal is punished, however betrays him and releases Hannibal, who takes out Verger's men and rescues Will. Alana and Verger's sister Margot (whom Alana is in a relationship with) murder Verger after getting hold of his sperm to create an heir.

Hannibal takes Will back to his home, but Will tells him that he doesn't want to see Hannibal again. Hannibal leaves and Crawford and the FBI show up afterwards. Will states Hannibal is gone, however Hannibal appears and surrenders himself to the police. Hannibal is imprisoned, but in doing so Will knows where exactly he is if he needs him. In the subsequent three years Will settles down and marries a woman named Molly and becomes a father figure to her son Wally. With that Will lives a seemingly normal life away from the darkness of tracing serial killers, at least for the time being. Three years after Hannibal's imprisonment and the bloodbath at Mason's manor, Crawford contacts Will again to help try and catch another serial killer dubbed the "Tooth Fairy" who kills entire families. Will visits Hannibal in prison to try and gain back his gift of getting into the minds of serial killers. Things take a dark turn when Hannibal gives Will's address to the Tooth Fairy - Francis Dolarhyde, who tries to kill Molly and Walter but the pair escape, although Molly is injured and hospitalized. Dolarhyde seemingly commits suicide and is burned in a fire, but this is a ruse. He confronts Will at his hotel, but Will offers to get him Hannibal to kill. Will gets a deal made where they will transfer Hannibal and lure out Dolarhyde, but Dolarhyde successfully attacks the prison transport and kills the guards, but keeps Will and Hannibal alive. Hannibal takes Will to a sea side house where he kept Lass and Abigail and the pair await the arrival of Dolarhyde. Dolarhyde attacks them and shoots Hannibal and stabs Will in the face. The fight ends up outside, where Will and Hannibal team up and savagely attack Dolarhyde, which results in his defeat and death. After the fight the pair embrace, with Hannibal telling Will that this is all he ever wanted for him. Will says it is beautiful. The pair continue to embrace, which is followed by Will pulling him and Hannibal over the cliff and into the tides below.

▪ Friends/Partners ▪
Connection One
Short Quote

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

Connection Two
Short Quote

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

Connection Three
Short Quote

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

Connection Four
Short Quote

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

Connection Five
Short Quote

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.


This is an extra table. Emphasized Bold Italics underline strike strong

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.


This is an extra table. Emphasized Bold Italics underline strike strong

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

Verses Hannibal, Crossovers, open, Crime Writing Style Multi-para to Novella Dues S:0 | C:0 | M:0

     MacabreWillGraham's Details
Status: Single
Here for:Relationships, Friends,
Orientation: Bi
Body type:Athletic
Children:I do not want kids
Education:Post grad
Characters: Will Adam. Graham
Verses: Five nights at Freddy's , horror , supernatural, crime
Playbys: Hugh Dancy
Length: One Liner, Para, Semi
Genre: Action, Furry, Mafia, Psychological, Video Game,
Member Since:December 25, 2014

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About me:
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▪ Will ▪
Legal & Physical FullNAMES: Will Graham.
NickName:Graham cracker, pup, the mongoose
DATE OF BIRTH: December 21st 1975.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Louisiana new Orleans.
CURRENT RESIDENCE: A small farm house in wolf trap
HAIR COLOR: Daark Brown With slight curl
EYE COLOR: Greyish Blue
WEIGHT: 160lbs.
/SCARS: one on his nose, cheeks, side of the temple. lip, abdomen Personality Type A+
Likes Fishing, Chocolate Ice Cream, Spicy food, Guns, playing with his dogs
Dislikes Mean people, loud noises, The color orange, Darkness

Will Graham was born in Louisiana, his mother dead before he was old enough to memories her sugar-rough smile into his downy curls or the way she brush her thumb over his red cheeks. His father is an analysis best left to lonely nights with a bitter moon and an empty bottle of malt by his elbow. He worked homicide in New Orleans, he studied at George Washington and, most recently, he lectured at the FBIs Quantico Academy. Field work doesn't suit him; it poisons his mind, stains all of his associations with the influence of hot-blooded killers and mad men. Post trial. He wears innocence like a hand-me-down shirt; ill-fitting and threadbare. He shuts himself away in his farm house in Wolftrapp Virginia and bides his time An innocent man doesn't live in the oil-spill black of Will Grahams hard eyes. It just so happens he was accused of the wrong crimes. Currently, he is working on a case given to him by Jack Crawford a case involving a killer targeting FBI agents. The case needs to be kept hidden Wills involvement in the investigation shrouded from the press. Its a gamble to use him, but he's one of the best minds Crawford has at his disposal. Only time will tell if the gamble paid off. Until then, Crawford plans to keep the investigation off the record and under the table. Family & Relationships MOTHER: unknown
FATHER: died
SISTER(S): none
BROTHER(S): Aiden graham
Other Family: died, unknown
STATUS: single
CURRENT: ------
FORMER:------- Education & Employment High School homeschooled
College St Peter's College, Oxford
Major teaching as a teacher in a FBI class
Degree a degree in special victims units,
OCCUPATION: Special Agent/ Criminal Profiler
JOB DESCRIPTION: does not want to f***ing say..
EMPLOYER: no one
SKILLSET: Input info

AIM: ContactInfo

He begins teaching at the FBI Academy (Quantico, Virginia) due to the fact that he doesn't like to socialize with other people. He says that when hes teaching, he talking at them not necessarily socializing with them. After he shot Hobbs, he walked into class to a standing ovation. He told everyone to sit down that their applause was misguided. This is the attitude of Will when it comes to people. He wants no special attention and just wants to be left alone. When speaking to people, he avoids eye contact.

"I know what kind of crazy I am. But, this isn't that kind of crazy.

He has the ability to be able to empathize with psychopaths and other people of the sort. He sees crime scenes and plays them out in his mind with vividly gruesome detail. Will closes his eyes and a pendulum of light flashes in front of him, sending him into the mind of the killer. When he opens his eyes, he is alone at the scene of the crime. The scene literally changes retracting back to before the killing happened. Will then assumes the role of the killer. He moves to the victim and carries out the crime just as the killer would have. He can see the killers design just as the killer designed it. This allows him to know every detail about the crime and access information that would have otherwise not been known. He has admitted to Crawford that it was becoming harder and harder for him to look. The crimes were getting into his head and leaving him confused and disorientated. During one such experience, he lost track of what was going on and thought he was actually murdering a victim. He threw the door open, drenched in terror, only to see the BAU team standing outside the door. They all looked as confused as Will when they saw the terror on his face. Will was relieved to know he was working but worried his ability was starting to take its toll on him.


Will had advanced encephalitis, which is why he often suffered from hallucinations, the loss of time, and disorientation. He has since received treatment of an antibiotic and viral medication therapy to reduce the swelling on his brain. Dr. Lecter had previously diagnosed the condition, but kept the information from Will. He allowed Will to believe his hallucinations and breakdowns were due to a mental condition and not from an illness. He did this to observe Will and see how he would handle the stress of these symptoms. You could also say he allowed the illness to progress so that it would make framing Will easier.

Will had been seeing him for some time for psychiatric care, only to realize Dr. Lecter was manipulating him, using him as study material. While at the Hobbs' residence, he explained this to Dr. Lecter, comparing it to a wind-up toy while holding a gun on Lecter at the time. He was all set to shoot Dr. Lecter in the head before Crawford intervened, shooting Will in the arm and knocking him backwards. While Will was against the counter, where he landed he saw Dr. Lecter clearly for the person he was.

sealing the idea that he set Will up for the crimes he himself had committed. While Will has not yet shared this information with anyone else, he remains vigilant that Dr. Lecter is in fact the killer.

After failing to shoot Hannibal Lecter, Will is sent to Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally Insane for serial murder, under the care of Matthew Brown. After several corpses are found in a dam, Beverly Katz finds Will and let him profiling the images of several missing persons. Will attempts to find his lost memories and warn Hannibal that there will be reckoning. Attempted Murder of Hannibal Lecter While commited to the Baltimore State Hospital for the Criminally insane, he befriends an orderly who happens to be an admirer of his. Will asks his admirer to kill Hannibal Lecter for him so he may finally have peace of mind.

The admirer follows Lecter to an indoor swimming pool, subdues him, and attempts to hang Hannibal. Before he is successful though, Jack tracks down Hannibal and shoots the admirer.

THE ATTEMPTED MURDER OF DOCTOR LECTER. Emphasized Bold Italics underline strike strong

He was all set to shoot Dr. Lecter in the head before Crawford intervened, shooting Will in the arm and knocking him backwards. While Will was against the counter, where he landed, he saw Dr. Lecter clearly for the person he was, sealing the idea that he set Will up for the crimes he himself had committed. While Will has not yet shared this information with anyone else, he remains vigilant that Dr. Lecter is in fact the killer. The charges against Will are very damning, giving the length of detail Dr. Lecter had to go through to frame him, including somehow feeding Will Abigail Hobbs ear.

This is an extra table. Emphasized Bold Italics underline strike strong

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.

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ᴇʀᴏᴅᴇᴅ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴇɴᴛɪᴄɪᴛʏ


big bad wolf

MacabreWillGraham's Friends Comments
Displaying 10 of 51 comments (View All | Add Comment)

Nov 6th 2018 - 3:01 AM

//ooc; I had my gallbladder removed ;p i guess i am completely healed now...or so i would like to think...once again, i apologize for the delay.

yeah, RL stuff are just...i really don't know...i should be resting when i go off from work, but they still give me something to do even during the weekends :(

oh i hope that he is doing good now; i know how hard it is to be worrying about someone

hahahah yeah, it is directly what Nigel would say...well it is his line from the movie :p

- - - - - -

Nigel let out a heavy sigh as he slumped on the couch beside Will. This was really a hectic day for them both. He still wondered as to where the f*** did those weird-ass men came from...he was sure that Darko was not the one who sent them...but the question remained - WHO SENT THOSE M*THERF*CKING MEN?! He nursed the glass of whiskey on his hand and consumed the content in one go. He looked at Will, trying his best not to show worry in his eyes.

"You really are sure that you're not badly f*cking hurt?" he asked once again and then became impatient as to the arrival of the damn doctor. "Where the f*** is that f***ing doctor?" he almost screamed in his frustrations. His wounds were forgotten; he was used to having them and not having a professional look at it. He had survived a life on the streets...he was not sure if Will would fare better.

A ring from his phone erupted and echoed in the room; Nigel instantly answering the call. It was the doctor, telling him that he was outside. Nigel ended the call without saying anything and stood up, walked to the door and let the doctor in. "He's in there and you better take f***ing good care of him," he instructed the doctor as he quickly assessed Will's condition. Meanwhile, Nigel poured himself another glass of whiskey as he kept a watchful eye on the doctor.

Jul 15th 2018 - 12:16 PM

ooc: yeah, there are those kinds of people, and yep, i do have days like that. usually, when i am having those days, i take a break and well, busy myself with other recharge or something

yeah, i am scheduled for an operation next month though and yeah, stress is part of my life. thank you for being patient with me and for still wanting to write with me. i hope you are in good health and doing good on your side of the world. :)

Jul 15th 2018 - 12:11 PM

Us Against Them
I'll protect you. I'll stand by you if anything happens.

Nigel was on the phone with one of his men, telling them to send a doctor to their location. He hoped that those freaky people chasing them were none within the vicinity. He didn't want to endanger Will more. As soon as the phone call ended, he made his way back to where Will was situated and plopped on the couch next to him. 

He gave out a deep sigh and ran his fingers through his wet hair. "This is one crazy day!" he chuckled as he reached for the bottle of whiskey and poured himself a glass. He looked at Will who was assessing his injury, not taking the glass of whiskey he had given a little earlier. 

"Not gonna f***ing drink that?" he asked, gesturing towards the whiskey. He knew that Will preferred said drink over beer or scotch, so Nigel was wondering as to why Will was not touching his. "Doc's gonna be here soon. I told them to be in the f***ing watch for any freak who would ask for us."

"Till death do us f***ing part."

May 19th 2018 - 12:54 PM

ooc; well you know how roleplayers are with choosing the characters as well as the playbys that they would use...always going for the most popular one :D aww thank you...again, I am sorry for this very delayed/late response; things in RL have not been quite favorable for me (T^T)

As soon as they arrived at their destination, Nigel paid the taxi driver and carried Will close to him. He knew he was injured but that didn't stop Nigel from carrying Will, not even the rain nor the dark clouds billowing above them. He checked on Will as he walked towards the entrance of an establishment, the unlit LED lights said THE BOX, it was one of the nightclubs that Nigel owned. They were drenched by the rain and Nigel maneuvered Will against his arms so he could take the keys from his back pocket. As soon as the door was opened, they entered and he locked the door behind, making sure that none of those weird men were following them.

He led Will to one of the plush couches and laid him there, tending to the wounds that the other man had acquired. He removed his jacket and placed it on the table and started inspecting the gravity of Will's injury.

"It appears that you have a f***ing fracture...not bad but you won't be able to f***ing move your leg for a while. We need you to be checked by a professional though...I'll check in with my men to send a doctor in here," he said as he walked to the bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. He handed a glass to Will and filled it up with the amber liquid and then filled his glass up. He took a generous sip and grabbed the phone from its cradle and dialed one of his men's number.

Sep 30th 2017 - 2:03 PM

ooc; I bet you are enjoying your Dr. Strange movie :) Again, I know this has been long overdue...I ask for forgiveness...

Nigel tried his best to protect Will from the falling debris. It was then when he saw something weird going on from the other side of the parking lot. He gave it no mind, his attention was all allotted to his and Will's safety. He was carrying the other man but put him down after he was told that Will could walk by himself, much to his dismay. He set Will down on his feet and held his hand, scanning the area for a safe exit. He found a way and pulled Will with him.

"Come on. We're gonna f***ing get out of here," he told Will as he ran towards the exit, avoiding debris and holes on the ground. He let go of Will's hand for a while, so he could just clear their way. "Here, go first and I'll f***ing follow," he instructed the other man.

Shock was still coursing through his veins as he guided Will towards safety. 'Damn f***ing stairs!' he thought, making their way down. They reached the main floor and dashed towards the door and to the temporary safety of the sidewalk. He gave another scan of the area, checking if there were people who'd come after them. Once he was sure that they were not followed, he hailed a cab and got Will and himself in.

"Get us to f***ing Park and 71st, and f***ing step on it!" he told the cab driver as he settled on his seat. He took a deep breath and looked at Will. "Are you alright?" he asked, hoping that Will was not harmed in any way. He took out a packet of cigarette and opened the window before he lit it up, making a deep drag of it. He exhaled a cloud of smoke as he leaned back on the seat. "That was one f***ed up thing...I'm just glad that we're f***ing out of there already."

Mar 11th 2017 - 5:07 AM

ooc; I am glad to hear that you are doing good, and as usual, this reply has been long overdue and I apologize for that.


All Nigel knew at that very moment was get them both to safety. They ran as fast as they could but they were not fast enough. The ceiling and the ground collapsed on them, blocking their only way out. It was not long that he found Will on the ground, unable to move. He was quickly on Will's side, assessing their situation. "F***!" he murmured as he saw the debris that was keeping Will from moving.�

A hand ran through his now damp hair, he felt filthy, all those gravel and dust sticking to his skin. He started pulling chunks after chunks of the fallen ceiling off of Will, until he couldn't anymore. They were just too much. He stopped momentarily, taking deep breaths and calming himself and Will up. He kept hearing Will telling him to just leave him be and get into somewhere safe. That would be something Nigel would do, if the person who was telling him that did not matter to him. But Will did. And Nigel wouldn't just leave him alone there - trapped and hurt. No he won't.

"You have the f***ing gall to tell me to leave you here? No f***ing way! We're getting out of here...together and if we can't, we'll f***ing die here together. You hear me? Together?" he stated with conviction as he once again resumed his previous task of freeing Will's trapped leg.

He was almost about to free Will from his entrapment, but he then noticed that the agent was going in and out of consciousness. He didn't want to stop, he was practically about to loosen Will's leg. Just one more chunk of this f***ing debris and Will and himself would be out of this f***ing hole. As soon as he willed all of his strength to pull the remaining debris, he was instantly by Will's side, pulling him against his chest.�

"Will? Will wake's f***ing alright now! We can get out of here," he said, lightly slapping Will's cheek to bring him back to consciousness. It didn't escape the fact that there were strange people coming closer to them. When he realized that Will was not regaining consciousness, he let out a sigh and brought him to his arms and made his way to the only way out he has as he spotted an EXIT signage not far from where they were.

Dec 31st 2016 - 12:40 AM

ooc; Oh how have you been? Are you alright now? Hmm sodawater is like carbonated water. ^.^

Nigel silently thanked whoever needed to be thanked as they were exiting the emergency room. Good thing that they didn't get any serious injuries, only scratches and well a bullet wound that Nigel got was nothing to him. All he was worried about was Will. He hoped that Darko wouldn't be too dumb to send another group of people to take care of him and Will.

He nodded when Will said that they should get something to eat and they were on their way to the car when the ground shook and Will just got on his knees, pure shock and fear on his face. Nigel knelt beside Will, an arm around the agent's shoulder.

"We need to get moving and get out of here. Find some f***ing solid wall..." he said as calmly as he could. The vehicles in the parking lot moved like they were made of paper and electric lines swung side to side as the ground shook. "Get the f***ing up and come with me!" he pulled Will to his feet and started running towards a safe place.

Mar 18th 2016 - 10:43 AM

//it definitely is getting more interesting!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥//

Nigel was still battling words with Jack Crawford. Apparently, Nigel held the man responsible for what has happened to Will. He gritted his teeth as Crawford kept rambling about how Will was helping save lives, but Nigel would have none of it. It wasn't Crawford who was lying on the hospital bed with a gunshot wound.�

The door to the operating room opened and came out one of the surgeons who operated on Will. The surgeon had informed both men that the surgery was successful and that Will was being transferred to recovery room and then to the private room. Nigel thanked the surgeon and told him that he didn't care about the expenses that Will's stay would incur, just give Will the best the hospital could offer. Jack was about to say something but Nigel gave the head of the FBI a death glare that sent Crawford into silence.

It would be hours before any visitors were allowed inside Will's room, but the good news was that he was recovering pretty well and with that news, Nigel would endure another hour or so before he can go inside Will's room. He stayed sitting on the waiting area couch, trying to pass some time by reading some magazines or watching whatever it was on the TV screen.

It was almost the wee hours of the night, Nigel was still awake and having his 10th coffee of the day, when he noticed a man wearing a three-piece plaid suit, an air of superiority around him, walking towards the nurse's station. He eyed the man and heard the man's deeply accented voice inquiring about Will Graham. That piqued Nigel's curiosity as to who this f***ing man was and what he wanted with Will.

"I'm sorry Dr. Lecter, but Mr. Graham is still in the recovery room but he will be transferred to his room in a few hours. I could page Dr. Mallory, he was the one who operated on Mr. Graham; if you'd be so kind to wait in the sitting area, please," the nurse politely told Lecter.

Lecter...where the hell have I f***ing heard that f***ing name? Nigel thought to himself, eyes still glued on the man, who was now making his way towards the sitting area, taking the vacant chair on Nigel's right side. Then it finally dawned on Nigel as to where he heard the name was from Will, telling him how one Lecter had f***ed up his mind and framed him for some crimes.

So...this is the f***ing man who f***ed you up, eh Will? he silently asked himself. He kept on looking at the man and decided to make a small conversation. "You here to visit someone?" he asked.

Feb 14th 2016 - 9:54 AM

Happy Valentine's, angel!
Yeah, that's Ovid :)
I finally got him to pose

Feb 12th 2016 - 1:52 PM

//awww same here ;)//

Nigel rarely get jealous, but when he did, it was because he cared so much about the person. That was why he was feeling that way with Will. The presence of the other man, who Nigel now knew as Jack, made Nigel angry. That man had the gall to point his f***ing gun on him and demanded that Will must arrest him. Fortunately, Will was the only other man who was thinking straight. That Jack guy was a fool to think that he could just order Will to do this and that.

He listened intently to what Will said about his scars and Nigel very much wanted to meet that f***ing Hannibal Lecter. He somehow made Will's life a living hell and had given Will the biggest scar and had left Will fighting for his life.�

The standoff between Nigel and Jack kept on, neither men wanted to put their gun down and call it a truce. He pulled Will against him, stepping in front of the agent and met Jack head on.�

"What are you gonna f***ing do, Jack? You gonna pull the f***ing trigger?" Nigel dared Jack. Nigel was a big gambler; he even gambled for his life at one time and came home victorious. He looked back at Will, gave the young agent a wink before he once again faced Jack.

"I suggest that you go back inside, Will. I wouldn't f***ing want you to be involved in here." Meaning, Nigel didn't want Will to get in the middle of this misunderstanding he has with Jack. "So...Jack...what's it f***ing gonna be?" he said.�

A hearty chuckle erupted from Nigel's throat when he heard what Jack said about him bringing Will in the middle of their impromptu fight. "Bring Will in the middle? Are you f***ing kidding me? I only came here in this f***ing country to give Will's bag and see how he is f***ing doing...and then lo and f***ing behold, his incompetent boss came and demanded him to arrest me. Now...where is the f***ing justice in that? As far as I f***ing know, I haven't f***ing done anything wrong in this f***ing place...well at least, not f***ing yet!"

As he watched Jack made a move towards them, Nigel gave Jack some warning shots, shooting the ground. "Hold it f***ing right there, Jack! I'm f***ing warning you...come any close and it wouldn't be the f***ing ground my bullets will meet."
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