Zoey on RolePlayer.me - m.roleplayer.me/1941249 Zoey
Love your own skin, cherish it.

29 years old

Last Login:
May 19 2024

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     Zoey's Details
Characters: Zoey Bragg
Verses: Real life, drama.
Playbys: You know.
Length: Multi Para, Para
Genre: Any, Casual, Celebrity, Drama, Real Life, Romance,
Member Since:February 23, 2024

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   Zoey's Blurbs
About me:
Zoey's life was a canvas painted with shadows and splashes of vibrant colors. Born into a world where conformity suffocated individuality, she rebelled against the monotony with every inch of her being. Raised in the heart of a small town that whispered judgments behind closed doors, she learned early on that fitting in meant erasing the essence of who she was. Her body became a battleground, adorned with tattoos that told the story of her defiance, each inked line a silent scream against the expectations that bound her. But beneath the surface of her bravado lay a soul scarred by years of rejection and misunderstanding. She sought solace in the dimly lit corners of underground clubs, where the pounding music drowned out the echoes of her insecurities. Love was a foreign concept, a fleeting illusion that danced just out of reach. The men who came and went only saw her as a trophy to be won, their eyes lingering on her curves while ignoring the depth of her spirit. And so, she built walls around her heart, convinced that vulnerability was nothing but a weakness to be exploited. But amidst the chaos of her tumultuous existence, there flickered a fragile hope, a whisper of possibility that dared to defy the darkness. In the quiet moments between dusk and dawn, she dared to dream of a future where acceptance was not a distant fantasy, but a reality waiting to be embraced. And though the road ahead was fraught with uncertainty, Zoey refused to surrender to the shadows that threatened to consume her. For within her burned a fire that refused to be extinguished, a fierce determination to carve her own path in a world that sought to define her.
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Nocking Point.


Nathaniel Wyndham

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Stan Evans



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